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Thursday, August 25 City Business Tax works project - Plik-plok slabs of Greater Los Angeles, CA, USA.

An updating and follow-up astute job project profile, hosted on Google My Maps.

The project is supported by private corporate sponsorship “potential” (somewhat; I’d rather not disclose details). Much, or “potentially” all of the ongoing and updating job site materials are and or will be provided at’s burden of paying fair market value-basis locality (ZIP Code) use tax, which is equivalent to the sales tax rate (currently 9.50% [2022]), which I report and pay quarterly (try to, although I’ve been running behind, because of extraneous distractions). 

The project’s basis is founded upon the concept of supporting accessibility, within public spaces, and sometimes gray-area private property, when necessary - it seems to go over alright, when it’s me showing up and doing the work, on my own. 

Plik-plok slabs are an unfortunate consequence of various possible origins, sometimes they seem to arise out of public dissent and activism displays, such as uncommon traffic flows, both on streets, and on the sidewalks - showing up as fault lines, cracks, and hoisted slabs - for unknown reasons, they simply don’t all get tended to. In a .eco sense, it’s an unkind and exclusionary social ecology, where manufacturing and industrial verticals, as institutions that we all live in, and depend on - coming to a point of failure; many times, these visible markers of instability and troubled minds, perhaps, show up, disappointingly, at the outset of major work projects just within days, having been completed. 👀

In any case, for a pigeon-made man, that I am, on most days, I do a lot of pigeon-checking of the grounds, and, from recently having done cart-life, for a few weeks, or so, I can attest that these cracks are both hazardous fall risks, and the circumstances lend themselves to exclusions of disabled or otherwise burdened individuals, as well as the general public - who could deny that sometimes, even standard pedestrians fall victim to slight uneven surfaces in the pavement of the sidewalk, or for hoisted slabs, etc., causing an uneven grade to persist. 

Being that some of my internalized dramas that I receive as communications, of “some” sort (I at least perceive these things), I reasonably could stand to be the person to fix the faults within the spirit of my .eco umbrella, or within one of’s other arms of workflow concepts and formative design (really, this project could be a project, somewhat categorically proper, would that have been the case, but I can’t currently afford to run email addresses and enterprise features on each of my four websites that I currently (August 2022) manage and administer.

Have a look at some of the various job sites that I’ve caught sight of, and can attend to, and check back for news of the job sites having been satisfactorily repaired, as well as ongoing updates as to how long the repairs persist, as well as some on-the-ground corroboration and analysis as to why the repairs could have possibly failed or have had been thwarted.

For example, just “current moment,” a man with a high-pitched, tense yelling rant profile, commenting on “government” and “mother fuckers,” as red flag signals of someone having come to believe that they’re in control of something, or suitably reaching someone…

Even so, I sometimes try to step in, if I can figure out if there’s some way I could possibly stop the person, in moments like these, yet I’ve commonly fallen short, for the fact of that the person’s type of neurological disorder is conceivably beyond the sufferer’s capable mind’s resource, in accessing rationality, to calm themselves down. 

For now, I’m working on these plik-plok slab job sites - numerous that they are, as people would obviously notice, for the fact that much nicer parts of town feature better slabs, more consistent grading, and newer-looking materials on the sidewalks. I’m not suitable to fix most street-types of problems, so I’m focusing on the sidewalks, just to keep things simple, and since these things seem to have not had any update, and for the fact that I’m capable of doing this stuff. Sometimes, fun things happen along the way.

Friday, August 19

A quick sample of Cantonese Chinese culture, via BBC video.

 A lot of people have fairly much little to no reference, as to what constitutes a distinction between Cantonese Chinese from most Chinese individuals whom they would come across - the Mandarins, who constitute most of mainland China, whereas Hong Kong, where my mother had resided, in her upbringing, and in her youth, had lived. Hong Kong is a small island, not very far off of mainland China’s coast, and it is just a bit smaller than Los Angeles, CA, USA. I took a look at some news articles, this morning, and this BBC news video shows a quick view of what Hong Kong looks like, as well as that the reporter in the clip speaks with a Cantonese accent. 

Friday, August 12

Fresh, healthy meals for on the go lifestyles (or delivery) by Everytable. (Product Review)

Being out and about, on the go, in metropolitan Los Angeles, 

I’m always on the lookout for a great deal on food, as well as nice establishments offering food, so I couldn’t refuse the offer I saw, this morning, as an Everytable van passed me by - there was a promo code on the van for 4 free meals (via Everytable’s meal subscription service). It’s essentially an offer for 4 free meals, over the course of a month. At a quick glance, Everytable does freshly-prepared meals that are made with delicious and good-tasting ingredients. I chose their “trap chicken curry” meal. 

The meal itself is fairly tasty. There’s many more options available, on Everytable’s online ordering menu, as well as in-store.

I made it a point to try out the offer, and I headed out to the Los Feliz Everytable store. The store features nice accommodations, such as some indoor and outdoor tables and seating, power outlets, a restroom, friendly service for pickup orders, microwaves, for heating up ordered meals, and a nice, clean, minimal aesthetic. It’s simply good food, with a good social purpose about the company, as well - their current policy is to donate food orders that have been ignored, for pickup, or orders otherwise abandoned, after one day, of not being picked up. It’s a courageous and enterprising thing to achieve at, for Everytable, given that some people are flaky or hostile, at times, about needing this or that, here in Los Angeles. Please make sure to check them out, if there’s a local Everytable store in your neighborhood. 👍🏻

Thursday, August 4

Updated depravity delimiting metrics being employed in civilian maritime environments.

 With this type of modern correctional systems accommodation of the human assets at issue,

I feel that, in time, despite an outward (outdoors) generalized sense of that a “mob rules” sort of dereliction towards what would rationally be considered a reasonable set of constraints upon behavior, putting things in to writing will inevitably effect that the greatest number of people could be reached, for the sake of the importance of the information, rather than the overt deprecation of emotional “maturity” and rationality, per se, that “is” speaking out, as if the gesture could possibly be objectively significant and worthy enough, for all ears present - 

Yet, on one hand, hearing is not generally considered a human’s most significant sensory capability; rather, sight is considered the most necessary sense, with general and commonplace knowledge, of our upbringing, stating that around 90% of our sensory experience is founded upon that which we can see - whereas here, in this maritime theater of anarchism, whereas novel usurpers of the generalized population(s) “at large,” or, for some higher power’s (conceivably) interpretation, or curation, perhaps, of listening (observing, in this case) ears, per se - I’ve noticed that careless (would it be called careless, when our innate human rights are disavowed us, for the sake of stoking some egotist’s taste for superiority?) mistakes of mindlessness often, and definitely - more often - happen, when remote sensing observers intervene in our daily intake of the world, at large. 

 That being said, I’m (for novel, as well - reasons) dragged in to this relentless experience of facing people on a more common basis than I’m used to, whereas there’s the backdrop of that there’s fair visual attesting factors suggesting that significant societal downturn is at hand, on an ongoing basis. 

The traffic is ostensibly unusual - both foot and vehicular traffic. People exhibit a more exhibitionistic indulgence upon the uninterested subject whom experiences this crowding. Here and there, a person, not far off, will, for some reason, indulge in a fit of hilarity - ostensibly at a more common rate than had ever been typical. Nuanced and slight disparagements of manufactured goods - carry-along baggage, clothing, shoes, etc. begin to happen, for (apparently) unknown reasons. On one hand, there’s annotated narration, of remote voices of observers - to tease the mind, in a sense, of the privilege of “knowing,” per se - yet this is an unending and ongoing detriment that I’ve been experiencing for quite some time. It’s conceivable that these circumstances do, or had - also plagued the lives of various other sacrificial victims - these ones, such as myself - being denied the “knowing” truth of even as much as that someone desires to defile our (my) passing moment, on any given day, all the time. Upkeep of the attending to, of the ostensible burdens of things - cleaning up clothing articles which had unknowingly become dirtied, inexplicably, “checking” the crotch for foreign scents that had made their way on to the genitalia, and new, unsustainable, behaviors that must temporarily be accommodated, and implemented, for the sake of humor, whereas, in these cases, there is an obvious victim, and not everybody laughs.

That’s the gist of the experience, at hand, for at least - on my part, I can attest to as much as that. Off in the distance, lights strobe - portending to tachyon epileptic superiority, ostensibly - for the initiated ones, and potentially - those things happen, yet, as well - significantly leveraged expectations of such as that desires fell bridges, for example - are also ostensibly, at root - one of the driving motivating factors that fill the rioters with vitriol, for the impetus and purpose, found in acting out oppositional measures, taken out, upon society, whereas the objective and generalized simplicity of the situation is negligible, particularly by more disciplined standards, I’d assert, as what people really ought to understand - the solution is quite simple, in effect, yet it’s the affections held, by those who are driven to action - for conflict, and for defiance - something so trivially dislikable, yet so irrationally held close to the heart, is what frightens people away from their better selves - on one hand, we were all taught better, as Americans, and those who act out ought not seem to be such imposing majorities. 

Now, the plants are dying, around town. My generalized toss at the issue is - how could water ever run out? It seems so much an outlier outcome, on one hand. My take on things is that we are supposed to develop agriculture, and watershed environmental engineering feats, of the many people involved, and concerned, per se, not disavow that we ought to be founded in agriculture, as some sort of fundamental human understanding. We only advanced, as civilizations, once we had attained agricultural competency and discipline. 

In the nuclear watershed mock-up wartime theater, various consequences, of an unexpected sort - come about - for example: a sudden supposed “need” to look up what saltpeter is, or what it does. Who knows, on one hand? - at least, out of us civilians? On the other hand, the sense of that some sort of noxious radioactive-sort of substance, having become concentrated, in to the environment, of a localized nature, becomes a critical topic of seeming necessity, of the desire to know “better,” or “well enough,” whereas our more basic and rational necessities of caring for our hygiene and looks becomes neglected, for the sake of that a strange armed-forces observation environment and psychological battery examinations become underway engagements, of an unavoidable sort of demand upon our sense of prescience and immediacy of our selves, as autonomous, or “superior” enough, for our own satisfaction, whereas many people expend laborious energy on much more regimented schedules, comparatively. 

On one hand, it stokes some of our most toddler-era behavioral fascinations, to “be able to” do something that an adult teaches us to do, whereas there seems to be no consequence. My experience is that it’s a fair measure more - of a challenge, at times, to hold one’s tongue, and to attend to the laborious work that is required, for the upkeep of the aesthetics of society, both in our part, and, as well, for what we can answer for. 

It’s significantly foolish to consider that people are acquisitioning subjects for arbitrary and preferential hostage-based situations of a demand for abuse - we have the justice system, which employs incarceration, give, due process - many generations of Americans, and the world, at large, have similar agreements; indeed, we, as Americans, have the indebted responsibility to uphold these established standards. Not many minds are capable of developing and establishing superior intelligence discoveries and paradigms, on one hand. For one thing, when I hold my tongue, I invariably “see” the thought, of ostensible material substance, as the coherent and attainable object that “can” be communicated (could have - been communicated), whereas I also, subsequently, envision what I would call my “higher power,” - essentially, some unknown oversight official, or operator, of the theater, at play - he or she always speaks the exact words that had become the ostensible attainable thought, at issue, whereas that was what I could imagine I would say, to begin with. What use would it have been, to voice that notion? Truly impactful and meaningful interactions and interpersonal engagements, of a mutually beneficial and socially upward-seeking potential - are particularly scarce, or rare, in most peoples experience. Just wait it out, for the right time and place, or wait for somebody to become interested in you, for “whatever” reason - and have your pick, or play your chances, at being appropriate for that person, when the time comes. Why not? 

The fact that some of the grades on the pedestrian walking path surfaces have become upended, and tilted strangely, day by day, is suggestive of that, at a minimum, costs, of an engineering team - must be employed, for the sake of the upkeep of the establishment, for the people, for one thing. It costs money. 


July 14th, 1:44 a.m.

Upon giving this development some time to brew, and as things become stranger, throughout the night, I can’t help but think upon the underlying premise of how the declaration of a water conservation emergency ostensibly winds up leaving any water-bearing “being”, vessel, or establishment - something like that - with the responsibility for powering the energetic potential for remote-sensing surveillance and recognizance to take place, whereas, conceivably, groundwater is the more traditional source of energy and nuclear potential, within this context. This being the case, the extraordinary scarcity of groundwater resources would seem to logically construe that parasites and disease-bearing microorganisms begin to establish airborne genetic developments, such as a dandelion - feathery-imbued seeds, a taproot, for example. Humans start taking on some of the roles of plants, in a resonance-based surveillance environment, and marginal trifling gestures of the antisocial demographic kick off acute detriments to the public’s health, while an arid desert environment reversion causes hardships to become ever more difficult to bear. My most recent example happened just moments ago - as a bum with Tourette’s syndrome walked by and kicked over some traffic cones, as he laughed to himself, perhaps. His passing-by my seated self, within moments of kicking the stuff over caused me to have itchy eyes, temporarily. I’m somewhat going out on a limb, in supposing a casual correlation, here, but I have been noticing, in particular, that I “smell bad,” sometimes, out in public, but, upon closer examination of my self and my clothes - for example, I take my shoes off, and smell them discreetly - and, as it turns out, the most profuse and noxious bacterial culture smells do not seem to particularly be coming from the inside of my shoe, yet the smell seemed to be my own, as I walk about. I happen to sweat a lot, so I’m starting to think that beacons of water resource become the burdened ones, who shoulder the weight of metabolizing all things that can reach such an object.

Now - 

the skies and the landscape are strange, in more ways than I care to describe, with casualties being levied upon me, ostensibly by entertainment industry sidechained personnel, on this maritime theater platform and staging prospectus, and wages of sin, from expatriated denizens of cultural trifles, nitpicked and curated, to suit the danger-seeking and risk-taking lovers of life - I’ve been trotting around, staking pains, in to productivity; business as usual, whereas my enterprise platform overseeing (all-powerful, in my humble opinion) benefactors, being Google Cloud Platform, and their many enterprises - the Time Zones APIs, Threat and Risk Assessment, Content Aware, and ML Suggestions (or is it AI Suggestions?), amongst other life-rending and richly divisive tasty delicacies of cloud platform computing edge technology deliveries - all just “potentially,” but (yet) what else could possibly explain some of these occurrences that I’ve been witnessing? 

Eh, anyhow, I’m me, on one hand. No one else (to a vast degree; with qualifiers, per se), is particularly me, yet people have, and did - design these technologies, and my experience is only consequentially, circumstantial my significant, and only sometimes, and provided that I do my daily work and deeds, well enough - to suit being in the right spot, doing the right thing, and reserving the rest. On the other hand, even greater elevated access and clearance technologies-awareness would understand that others “are,” even, experiencing the same sensory experience as myself, as the observation subject, at issue, and for performance benchmarking, for example, within this maritime environment of Los Angeles, California, that it were, and I learned many curious and substituent potential livestock and watershed allegories as to what this particular destination of many portends, in the lore of the lands and its people. 

Today, on August 4th, 2022, the day had ceased being so strange, so I naturally quit embodying the strange beliefs, within myself, and I live out a rational day, more fairly simply, as such. 

That’s all, for now. 

Okay. Some recollection - 

I recalled that, yesterday, validly fitting concessions were being given to me, as my rightful benefit, as it were, as a custom, of a Los Angeles, (global) - time and water tables scaled provision, for acting ethically. 

I’m working, right now, so I can’t really elaborate much, in detail, yet it was not rightfully happening, previously, for many years, and my mother and I had been getting treated very poorly. It’s been quite disturbing and upsetting, or worse.

Wednesday, August 3

Justifiable inflation, and the boutique-ifying of 7-11. (Product Review[s]) updating.

Sure, … (whatever, we all get flown all over, all expenses paid, and shit, types of stuff),

but who ever thought that Snak Club would come back, in luxe form, as the flagship product line, in the iconic staple of convenience stores, in a bold new Los Angeles, where inflation is king: 2 liters are $3.99 (but they’re cold), kombucha is, like, $5.00, because Pressed Juice has to be $6.99, and people would love to excuse themselves from working, in person, forever, any more, for any organization, corporation, entity, or even just a simple person-employer, only to remake themselves and deny that it ever happened - just wait, though, and check out the local 7-11, before, even, if - just do it, because these chili-infused gummy rings aren’t nearly quite-overdone. Those were gummies of our upbringing, and for how gummy and nice and chewy these ones are - just… awrr 🐕.  

Wow, Snak Club came back like that? For $3.99 a bag? I could have done worse, but I couldn’t have much done better, on one hand. 

What, you don’t eat, or something, still? 

Saturday, July 2

Recent PubMed National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Articles Detailing the Roles that Real and Robotic Pigeons Live Out, in Burgeoning our Augmented Reality Future.


in one of’s initial and formative published purpose and mission statements, I’d estimated that the “real” iPigeon consumer product release would be decades away - from that time, just over 4 years ago, to the date (June 14th, 2018, it was, when I’d posted that article, and it’s July 2nd, 2022, today, when this article was initially published), I’d been a comparatively young and pretentious public relations fawn, of a blog publisher, with great and vast ideas, of the mind, whereas I’d hoped, somewhat, that I was on the cutting edge of the robotic pigeon / augmented reality consumer product topic and public spectacle that would arise, as a result of this phenomenon and development, in society - it turns out, however, that academic and medical literature predates my claim-staking efforts. I’m always playing catch-up, in my relentless pursuit of knowledge, within the industry of biotechnology, apparently 👀🫣.

Here are some article leads pertaining to predating and since-then research and discovery developments upon the topic and subject matter of augmented reality “real” pigeons, robotic pigeons, and “real” pigeons, as some of the fore-bearing burdening birds (or beasts, as it were) of our developing technologies of correlated subject matter, such as Brain-Computer-Interfaces and remote-controlled brain interfaces, as well as some of the historical, previously classified, documentation, of our nation’s literary and intelligence heritage, which also predates even these late-breaking developments in pigeon-assisted technology. 

Historical background:

The pigeon, as a species, has maintained an illustrious career in the annals of the U.S. and British armed forces and intelligence agencies, dating back (upon a quick-search basis) to at least World War 1. 

A manual detailing the implementation and service basis of the pigeon amongst British armed forces, dating back to World War I. (Courtesy of the British Library).

In the United States, recently declassified documents detail the pigeons’ role in developing camera and image-based surveillance and recognizance intelligence, from a more advantageous position than could have been gained through other established technology, such as airplanes. 

Such documentation lends credence to the fact of that the pigeon has long been one of our stalwart lab and combat environment animals which have helped burgeon technology developments and national security efforts. Soon, I’ll update this article with some links to journal articles that cite pigeons as research subjects and as physics and physiognomical models for establishing remote sensing recognizance intelligence, brain-computer interfaces, and wirelessly controlled augmented intelligence experiences, thus paving the way for humanity’s progress.

Thursday, June 30

The DTLA (CA, USA) police administration dog park pigeon flock, having dinner.

This flock is a somewhat special flock, for demonstrating trusting behaviors, up to this point in time, although I’ve the same behaviors, previously, in some of the other flocks in town - it’s that the flocks become subjected to inappropriate human interventions in their populations by drugging them, catching them, and apparently, intentionally torturing and abusing them by tying strings around their feet and legs. It’s a travesty that this sort of behavior, by people, is still happening, but I’m committed to seeing to it, of that the birds continue to be fed and, with time, I expect that people will refrain from victimizing the town’s birds. It’s currently unknown “just who” is factually perpetrating these crimes, and I’m hoping to raise awareness and seek community solidarity, over time, in assisting in protecting the birds from intentional abuses, for observing the birds’ natural beauty, such as I have captured on video, today, and for recognizing their intrinsic worth as a locality attraction and for the potential of birds to touch people’s lives in perhaps unexpected and transformational ways.

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