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Thursday, April 15

« New April 2021 » The Best Apps to Mine Bitcoin and Ethereum on Android

Mining Bitcoin and other top-name cryptocurrencies is an emerging, yet well-established aspiration to fulfill on mobile devices. Although Apple does not allow for mining cryptocurrency on it's mobile devices, Android provides a wide selection of possibilities to mine Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin Cash on the Google Play Store, using apps on your mobile device. 

Mining on mobile is simple: on these featured apps, which I'll review shortly, the app serves as an interface to run remote cloud mining on host computers, which the app provider has established for users. These apps do, truthfully, provide cryptocurrency mining for BTC, ETH, and BCH, which can be converted to USD. 

What are the limitations? one might question, of the platform. For one, there is a withdrawal threshold of 50,000 satoshi for Bitcoin, and 5,000,000 satoshi, for ETH. I haven't checked the threshold for Bitcoin Cash, and I'm less familiar with that cryptocurrency, off hand, so I won't get in to details about that one just now. The upside to this information, which I'm providing, here, in this article, is that I've familiarized myself with the cryptocurrency mining app ecosphere, over the past couple of months, or so, and I've found the current best contenders for your usage and implementation on to your mobile device daily regimen of things you might do, in addition to checking the news, going on social media, checking the traffic and transit times, etc. 

I've located other apps, such as CryptoTab Browser, which I'd reviewed on here, previously, and these new apps that I've found, by far, are much more compelling and competitive than CryptoTab, in terms of default, or standard and basic, user settings for running the cloud mining machine. For example, CryptoTab, on a Google Pixel 4a 5G does mining at about 1,500 H/s, whereas these new apps that I've procured and curated, which I'll list, shortly, provide basic and free cloud crypto mining at 10 GH/s, which is 10,000,000,000 H/s, which is obviously a vastly superior rate - 10 billion Hashes per second. 

Each of the apps provide paid upgrade options to your cloud mining aspirations (you'll have to check on the program in order to keep mining, every so often; it's not an endless and one-shot process to establishing that the mining rig makes money for you, quite so easily). It is a simple process, though. All that's required is to check on the mining process, which runs in the Android drop-down notifications and widgets menu, from the top of the screen:

As you can see here, I'm mining both ETH and BTC. The apps that I'm using are Multimine and Bitfunds. Although they are nearly equivalent in user interface (they essentially look the same and offer nearly the same upgrade options), I'll have to distinguish that Bitfunds, my latest find, in crypto cloud mining on mobile, is measurably much faster in earning satoshi than Multimine, although either one of them is a significant improvement over CryptoTab Browser, and both of them, at that, with the free and basic user settings, straight from downloading the apps from the Google Play Store. 

Download the apps today on your Android device, and start earning money in crypto, which can be directly transferred to a crypto wallet, Coinbase, or other cryptocurrency trading and exchange app platform.

Bitfunds user interface, mining for ETH.

Update: my Bitfunds mining had a time limit stop and it sacrificed all of my earnings in ETH. Ouch! I'll give it another go and see how things turn out. 

Monday, March 29

An updating collection of noted civic etiquette failures and proper solutions.

 I commonly encounter victim profiling encounters from the lower classes, as I'm out and about town, while I tend to my daily needs and responsibilities. 

For example, the topic at hand that I feel compelled to address is an encounter that may have otherwise turned in to what would considerably be a targeting of me, as a victim for a crime - simple or more elaborate than the superficiality of that someone from the lower classes exists on the streets, same as I do, and we happen to have ended up at a common spot in public, of where I'd choose to settle down for a moment, for needs to rest, for example, yet how common ought this sort of encounter exist, considering that I'm well-traveled, on foot, through areas in which I'm familiarized with, and of that I come to expect that common enough thresholds of tolerable existence amongst us, in physical proximity considerations, becomes at issue when social slights at establishing criminality and threats to public safety and decency are observed.

How much ought a person tolerate of an obvious criminal intent observed in trying to establish an encounter, which is largely questionable, of any sort, except for begging; homeless people, here, in consideration. My most vast experience is that people out on the streets rarely strike up casual conversations and organically diverse social encounters with strangers. What do people imagine ought be wrought up and out of exhibiting a desire and a need out of a person at rest, for example? Some guy walked by me, with a sort of face that supposed he is commonly commonly mischievous, playful, lighthearted, and petty at criminal behaviors, and perhaps below the surface, simply for the fact and commonality of how, where, when, and why of people showing up in a common area come to be considered, it becomes apparent that a much heightened degree of societal subversion and malicious intent in gathering has become established, for that others begin to show up in a like such public area, whereas on other days, similar days, otherwise, in foot traffic and stopping cars, for example, would not be observed. 

He simply had the face of a sort of guy who would come up to me, to ask me to supply him with resources, yet I find that, on considering other possibilities in how vulnerable and needful of tests for example, a person walking up towards me would suggest in that he (or she) simply would like to demean or defile my place in life, out in society, and it degrerates the broader general public's capability in appreciating and patronizing locales and communities, for fear of being similarly harassed. 

As much and as little as disturbing somebody for a needful acquisition, while false pretenses of that people's simple facet of commonality in presence suggests that stalking is what's become established, and an any sorts appropriate person would not choose to abuse socially appropriate boundaries, any more than that those sorts of occurrences would be observed, for as much as walking on the streets. It's uncommon, in experiences that are seen as sustainable, which implicates unfortunate needs to discriminate against others for the visually apparent traits, for what couldn't be other than criminal intent. 

Saturday, March 27

A cute noodling | nesting materials-preparation pigeon. (Photoblog)

 As it's springtime in Downtown Los Angeles (DTLA) | South | Central Los Angeles, and neighboring urban locales, it's time for the seasonal reawakening of life, from out of many concerns and troubles over survivability of the young, given that they are featherless, save for some scant downy fuzz feathers. Many types of birds whom have not been farmed nearly as much, to a standard, as chickens, for example, have chicks that emerge from the egg, bearing feathers. Perhaps in the future, we could work towards a project goal of seeing the birds lay babies that emerge from the egg: feathered; for being more well nourished, over generations. 

Here, I spotted a cute one; this pigeon is showing off it's interests in the things laying around, of interest. 

Friday, March 26

Adapting Virtues of Asian Heritage and Culture in to our American Concepts of Progress, in Conflict Resolution. [stub]

 Of the various Buddhist cultural heritages, in which I (off-handedly) identify three distinctions that make their way through and in to the modern day: Japanese meditative and chanting style of Buddhism, Chinese form, largely unknown to me, although the fat seated man, "full of riches of life," so to speak, as a prominent Chinese figurative symbol that makes it's way in to knick knacks of cultural commodities, say, for example, in Chinatown sorts of storefront offerings of cultural effects; the third variant being the various cultural and religious lineages of Buddhism of the South Asian Subcontinent of India and nearby Pakistan, Tibet, and perhaps Nepal (Nepal being correlated due to my encounters with the nation being associated in cuisine, not that I've identified them as a formerly Buddhist culture). 

According to Pew Forum, which is America's statistics resource in expertise, and authority, in my summation, Buddhist influences take us, as more youthful sorts, in studying religions and cultures that had existed, or do exist, outside of our nation's boundaries. 

Being that, in former generations, such as in the days of the hippies, cultural influences such as Buddhism became popular; also of that the psychedelic public relations and iconic figures from that time, such as Terrence McKenna, Alexander Shulgin, and Timothy Leary - either extensibly, tangentially, semantically, or directly - these figures and their influence contributed, largely, to a cultural facet, standing to this day, in our youth generations, as it stands, as that the influences of cultural and religious Buddhism are part of our cultural heritage which emerges from that transformational age in our society: the 60's, which I haven't studied, much, but I've had the good fortune to have had become acquainted with some of these folks, as Buddhists, themselves, in part; personally, such that I feel I can offer some anecdotal insights and first-hand accounts of what fed us, culturally, back then, and which sows seeds of influence and impact upon us, to this day, and that it should stand, as such, that other nations of our global community had been founded, in former centuries, in Buddhist cultural and religious beliefs and practices, and that we, here, in America, have inclusive virtues of our nation, in the study and assimilation of all the nations of the world, in a friendly nature, should we not be offended by the truths and cultures of other countries and their people. 

For example, (I'll make it quick, for now), I went out and lived as a homeless man, this past week, and it was many ways, shapes, and forms tough, but I did it in the name of non-aggression, which I'd been exposed to, of many various takes on the subject; various suggestions about takes on things; some of which I'd identified with, some courageous, some of it disinformation, some shortcomings in life, of my own doing, and consequence, and some ego that showed up - many things thrown at me, to suggest, of a formative self and decisiveness to come forth, from out of it. 

As it turned out, I was, here and there, simply deceived, by intelligence. I suppose that that's simply my place, in life, being a civilian, and for my shortcoming of desiring violence and it's outcomes, upon others, rather than that I was simply capable in changing a man, who I take issue with, for having been unclean. Now, just as reference, I feel that Christian virtues largely come first, in America, whereas these Buddhist virtues of non-attachment and humility (put simply), are things that we learn, after our secondary school days, when we pursue our own interests and novel influences. Given that, I have a huge set of ethical constraints upon myself, and it's challenging for me to be placed so nearby a challenging individual, of an unlearned and aggressive sort. 

People see me as that I ought to, and ought be considered to be a man; fortunate, and capable, for having been fortunate, of not finding myself deluded or judgmental over others, in any American virtue, brought forth, in to the common latest day of our times. For not having much communications with the man, I'd been fraught with dilemma and delusions over him. As it turns out, he's currently as unwell as I'd seen of what I witnessed of him, at his last stand sort, of himself; he himself, purportedly leaving, yet this quandary was lobbed at me, while I myself left home: who is he, of what I can ascertain, truthfully, and how much am I being deluded? What if he was a better person than what I'd been willing to offer him, and for not "liking" him, for who he is, and what he's good for, how faulty might I be?

Now, in general, I hold to the belief that a person is generally who they are, for their own reasons and best interests, and by and large, many people are good. About a third of us, from stats of my upbringing, are Christian, and some of them lackluster in that facet of themselves, in learning and in discipline. Many of us lead a fast life, so to speak. I'm faulty of my appearance, in being a narcissist, yet I somewhat "demand" respect, through dressing well, yet it's not all that serious, with everyone, and I do play around, at times, as an out and about transvestite. I won't go in to that, now, but these things merit some coverage. 

So it turned out that I was deluded about the young man, as I came home, and someone even more bum than himself seemed to have been shipped in, and taken his spot. As it ends up, he is still there, and still stricken with unwellness, same as I'd last observed of him, when he was purportedly leaving, for good. 

That's all I'll say, for now. But I'll leave with this offering: non-aggression méthodes, amongst us, as civilians, lead to heroic outcomes, at some times in life, and we're given many virtuous things of aesthetics from these cultures, as well as cultural virtues that we can adopt, for our own. 

Saturday, March 20

How to save on Coinbase |Pro| transaction fees - Transfer back and forth method.

 Even in the instances in which a new or novice trader is adept enough in managing transactions in day trading (quick and volatile types of trades) in Coinbase, or Coinbase Pro, there ought to be some respite from scaling in to all-out trading madness, which is sometimes inherent in doing such a thing as quick trading.

[At this point in time, a few weeks in to taking a dip in the cryptocurrency trading and investment thing], I encountered a simple little loophole that helps cut out the fees involved in converting from some transaction pairs in Coinbase Pro - as that the fiat currency pairs, which are purchased with USD, and the stablecoin markets, which are purchased (mostly) with USDC, feature familiar currency pairs, from having started out in Coinbase, as a trading platform, and therefore, we had the opportunity to familiarize ourselves with the cryptocurrencies as enterprise and organizational foundries, with some purpose and meaning behind them. This sort of thing helps build affinities, attractions, loyalties, and it brings some folklore in to starting out on these developing platforms of investment and trading. 

As you can see, my more haphazard and impetuous trading self had built up a sizable amount of fees, for doing impulsive sellouts and buy-ins in volatile market conditions. In essence, these fees fees in to what could have been some profit, potentially, but I do appreciate the Coinbase platform itself, as it offers notable perks and features for the beginner, in it’s relative simplicity. 

The workaround for saving on transaction fees, here, which, since we’re not able to convert directly between USD and USDC, to trade on the different platforms - fiat and stablecoin, and we would otherwise have to buy in on BTC or ETH in an intermediary transaction to transfer investment funding in to the different markets - 

Is to simply withdraw the money from Coinbase Pro in to Coinbase, as either USD, or USDC, with the caveat of that there are one week and two week withdrawal limitations, in time basis involved requisite for allowing us to withdraw, in the first place (something like that… or does that apply to withdrawals to a bank? Maybe not just withdrawals to a bank, but perhaps also withdrawing from Coinbase Pro to Coinbase), such as I’m describing here. 

Withdrawing is simple enough.

The thing about it is, though, is that we can convert USDC to USD, and vice-versa, for free, on Coinbase, and we are not able to do it directly, and for free, on Coinbase Pro. It’ll save you some change, but the fees add up, especially in the heat of the moment, when trying to capitalize on market volatility, and in needing to dump sunken losses, for the time being. For when it’s “like that,” so to speak. Use the “sell” option, in Coinbase, for converting the USD in to USDC, or the other way around, buying USDC with USD. Then, transfer it back in to Coinbase Pro, to purchase a new currency pair trade.

Friday, March 12

A ceiling cat pigeon pair (photo)

Although I haven't been around to check on them much, lately, since, and somewhat because there's no feeding allowed at this pigeon flock hangout (at the Union Station Gold Line Metro), I caught this pigeon being cute, up in their roost and nesting spot, by the benches. It reminded me of the old ceiling cat meme motif.

Wednesday, March 3

Patterns and Signals Trading as the Modus a Pro Priare (as such that I hear it could ought be construed).

 And then, (in fact), priare is a word, from the Latin, [ostensibly so]. Here's what some scrum and fuzz from such an obscure context being queried shows up as, in both Yahoo search and Google, when I asked them to translate or define "priare." 

Butt shuttle, though, the first piece of the mystery-resolved, already - is how I felt, in ascribing a priare, in the first place - which is okay, since I'm just writing stuff out, and publishing it on my own channel, and of that it's not simple flutz-bwopp-slade, of organic usage - it simply happened to be: [oh, well, you'll see. Just look at the search results, here.

Well, nevermind, about the first thing claim. I'm out and about, in Downtown Los Angeles, (California, USA), and it's late, and this is how the images uploaded (in order):

But, as you'd see, here, in this third image, an author on Scribd had priare covered, in it's ostensible Latin epistemology and original usage, with traditions bearing down upon Catholic religious culture and Classical Latin, as the usage and affect of the word implies. 

As such, I intend to fluff an article pertaining to signals trading, in forex, whereas it's sometimes a fluff-job, yet in some cases, rigidly wrought-out patterns and tough-guy stands-in-opposition to a new guy's fluff, whereas I'm the new guy, here, in the forex world, and I hope that I splotch a bwamm bwopp splotch-made, of on bwamm - the distasteful photograph of on bwamm splotch, which I'll refrain from referencing; yet only « perhaps, as for now [<_< ]... » - since there is some bwamm-aff bwopp mode in the local porta-potties - who would cast their eyes away, of on "this" node development, simply perusal, for reference, and or annotation to the subject at hand. I get around, and I get the images of having been there bwopp is, and it gets « coverage! » of on "just because." 

I'll update, soon. 

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A peek at my room at the Russ Hotel.

  I've been assigned to Interim Housing, through the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, since around February of this year,...’s most popular recent blog articles and posts