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Friday, October 23

Product Review: Choetech mini portable fan with mister.

 Anyone who works with tech in small spaces knows how hot it gets, sometimes. Even the smallest of fans provides some decent relief from overheating, and circulated air is better for us, in our working spaces. I recently went on a vast spending spree, online, and discovered this little gem of the internet. 

The Choetech mini portable fan, with a built-in 2,000 mAh USB-powered battery, with water vapor mister is a neat little device that packs enough air circulatory power to cool off a small personal workspace environment, and, of course, the option to add aromatherapy scents and oils is always available. As an added bonus, the device has a color-changing LED light at the bottom, to spark up some nighttime work shift ambiance. 

The fan itself is reasonably quiet, and I was big on having a 300 mL water tank for the fan’s mister, so that I could customize an ionic mineral spray and fragrance combination. 

The fan is $9.99 plus tax, and there’s a quick October discount on shipping for orders over $15 on Google Shopping. In addition to making fans, Choetech manufactures small tech accessories and devices such as power banks

Tuesday, October 20

I’d been big in to trying to get my IoT development platform up and running, lately. Lots of expenses.

 Thanks to the California Employment Development Department, 

I’d been fortunate in having been a recipient of Unemployment Insurance money and Pandemic and Disaster Award Money, for having been affected directly by the COVID-19 disaster. My latest procurement is the Apple Watch. I’m interested in its platform basis in that it’s marketed as a tool for communications, but more so compellingly, for me, at this point in time, of that it’s an Apple device that’s concerned with the users’ health and well-being. 

And then, if you’d ever been in to working aspirations in to developing on IoT devices (bare chip boards, with embedded circuitry and processing microcontrollers), then you know how the nights on end can be relentless endeavors of discovering and perusing internet literature and forums for a glimmer of hope, short of being reportedly well-dialed in and having successfully SSH’d or provisioned the hardware and accessories appropriately, attained a fully autonomous Internet of Things microcontroller project, co-processor project, Machine Learning, prototype, or embedded device. 

My current “Things” are a mix mash of trying to maintain finery, amidst the shortcomings of small enterprise, in a world of just-burgeoning documentation, coverage, and marketing of a platform-profiteering move in and on topic of the Google Coral platform, which is the current IoT | AIY platform that I’m (trying) to successfully get up and running. I’d been covering it on Twitter. It’s been a whole lot of splotch bum asides and subsequent coming-clean, of that 

okay, I fwushuthuthuthuthgghhh:

I fwopped it.

In fact, I flopped it so bwamm, that I ended up landing on the first page of Google Search for Google Fwopp:

Here’s how I’ve been getting by:

That’s pretty much that, as far as daily nutritional intake and self care. 

And then, 

I’m working on this orthogonal counter-ingress and directionality assertiveness motive of in-home aesthetics and a bit of complement to the great outdoors, of which this locality features the much of on greatness: the jet stream, which, as for the ionic mineral concentrates that I have, purportedly mills the ions and organum matter of the witting participants of such, as well as that of the gross polluters of the nearby and surrounding ecology of the area. I try to clean up some of the mess, sometimes, as per my charity arm of my enterprise in blogging, at

Just a quick check in, for keeping up with something on here, for posterity’s sake. I’ll try to check in with something more compelling and pleasant soon. 

Monday, October 5

Product Review - Elevation Terpenes - via

 I procured a hefty load of chemical raw source materials for cosmetics manufacturing, as well as some ionic minerals, which I’ll cover separately, in a recent Amazon shop-jaunt online. I had been gifted a $100 e-gift card from a recent schizophrenia phone interview, during which I was being stalked, as it was earlier on in the COVID-19 and civil unrest rallying (slight) era of DTLA. 

A full spectrum set of Terpenes from Elevation Terpenes.

Terpenes  are common, richly aromatic compounds derived from plants. They are also known as essential oils, in some cases, such as the oil from the peel of the Valencia orange, although essential oils and Terpenes are not mutually interchangeable notions of chemistry reductions, extractions, and distillations, throughout. 

Thursday, October 1

What’s in the works for the new Apple ARM devices? Microsoft already has a deployed alternative.

 There’s a bunch of uproar about Apple Computer transitioning over to their in-house designed ARM processors. There’s a lot to love about the embedded solid-state processing power of the ARM pedigree. With no moving parts to the CPU and embedded GPU co-processors, the ARM archetype is a powerful workhorse machine of lesser wattage needs and extensible flex in the turbo-boosting mode. 

For example, my MacBook Air is sweltering in my hot summer bedroom on the second floor. Comparatively, my iPad Pro, powered by Apple’s variant and subsidized technology built upon ARM technologies is powering through the heatwave, with no fans to the device, at all. It simply runs and does its job to absolution, except when I put it back in its box to do a resonance experiment, the other night, while running iSweep. It overheated and shut the process down, and I took it out of the box, and it was hot. The display parameters of the operating system went in to a dimming “recovery mode,” for a while, which the device seems to have recovered from. 

On the far-reaching outskirts of news-making tech stories, though, Microsoft has emerged as a seeded marvel of manufacturing, in terms of some quick moves, and (seemingly) largely undiscovered territory. As for myself, in discovering this gem of development produce of the tech world, I have a ceded debt to pay to Microsoft, as a former software pirate professional (on craigslist, from 2006-2012, or so). I decided that I needed a CAD | CAM workhorse machine, whereas my Mac and Apple devices would be suitably for “Apple” types of “stuff,” imaginably, of things that I commonly do and would commonly imagine are typical tasks of the Apple Computer, Inc., device world. 

So I checked out Microsoft Stores online. It turns out that they’re all closed, and their online marketplace is full of rich professionalism world of tech articles and product marketing; stuff like that. I did a night and morning of a marketing persona: Jacques Le Coctard. He embellished upon cocktardedness, in to the “essential” shitlessburger, which I was sure I was going to go out and wagon cart the shitlessburger heraldry, as the latest marketing slew of the iPigeon enterprise. That was just me, for a night. Somebody talked me down, from actually doing it, though. 

I figured, alright, their stores are closed, there’s Best Buy, and I was fairly set on purchasing the Surface book 3, a Windows complementary device to my ultra-mobility slim-and-latest model “thing” I have going on, right now, with my MacBook Air, iPad Pro duo, of the moment. I wanted a workhorse equivalent machine that was fair in considering my former transgressions against Microsoft, the organization and company. 

While deliberating between various options offered on the Microsoft website, I discovered that their Surface Pro X device has, in fact, ARM-powered processors, produced in partnership with Qualcomm, which are dubbed the Microsoft SQ1 and SQ2 processors. As it turns out, the processing power of these embedded chips are quite good, clocking in at 3.0 GHz (I believe, off-hand), with graphics processors built in, as well, with record benchmarks to their credit. 

Keeping up with news releases and marketing emails from Microsoft, they’re working diligently to iron out the virtualization and just-in-time (JIT) processor coding side-load bloat of instruction sets and all else of what-not goes in to porting over from a completely separate and distinctive CPU development pedigree, which was an issue in determining just which Surface device I was going to purchase (perhaps?… I wonder?). Maybe not perhaps. Maybe the production and development pros will work out a solution that works with the onslaught of techie-unemployment beneficiaries set out for a series of technology mobility device purchases, of a can’t wait, can-haz, and it’s covered, in full, by the Employment Development Department, and Los Angeles is where we grew up (or ended up), and there’s like, millions of us, (or something). Maybe not all techie mobility types, but if you’re not purchasing a device, then man... that embolism fart bubble up in the neck thing. It gets rough, sometimes. 

Tuesday, September 1

The 90071 | 90017 [U.S. ZIP Code] watershed fly (video blog).

The watershed area and surrounding sloping and terraced locales, architectural developments, and ins-and-outroads of the ZIP code locations 90071 and 90017 feature a rare flying insect critter; the watershed fly. This creature is borne out from luxury, with a silver spoon, in the mouth; so to speak. It's a much gentler « feeling » fly creature when it lands on bare skin, and it's notably self-aware of its non-offense to the observer and discoverer of this emerging unicorn of genetic modification. I've witnessed this special fly, in various formative selves; and previous ones had been more attractive than this one, for certain. This one is somewhat a tropical beach-faring sun-bather, and the creature came and said hello, up at the top of the U.S. Bank Tower's terraced enclaves, across from the DTLA Central Library. Undoubtedly, the ionization and resonance created by the nearby Maguire Gardens and boring drill machinery from the Metro development project provide significant influence over the genetics of some of these fly insect pompadours, given ideal conditions. 

Have a look at the video clip!

Saturday, August 15

A marketing flyer for the need for linguistics inferencing Edge TPU models to be implemented in remote work auditing versus field work assessments and productivity.

Affect of subjects linguistic and speaking array. The casual slights of an acquaintance, be it that there may be; of an individual’s subconscious or nervous slips, compared to their forefront of attention and intent in communicating their wellbeing are, over the course of organic conversational exposition and development, an undeniable cause for examining the merits in the person’s forensic profile. An honest person, on the other hand, is commonly significantly rare to encounter, of a face to face nature. Yet, no one ought be left out from receiving proper services and benefits. aspires, on one hand, to establish rapport with all willing and capable casual requisitions, with an imperative of same-gender instructors assigned to poll and query assuming acquaintances, for the establishment of timely and confident documentation of conversational interactions and developments of spoken and behavioral abnormalities that would suggest common anti-social personality disorder sub-types, such as avoidant-aggressive, locale-based persona deficiencies, anti-social | racist | gender-based relational deficiencies | discrimination profiles, embedded chronic psychotic cyclical patterning, and fear-based trauma attachments to novel experiences and change. Catching individuals at the moment at which they are called upon, or feel compelled, to become sociable is an important one for inferencing. Proximity | Edge TPU Audio Monitoring for Statistics is Intrusive Individuals typically become casually aware (or informed) of surveillance or monitoring-type recording and observation. It places a social barrier between a potential instructor and a needs-based subject, out in the urban and civic landscape, of a standard distribution. The inferencing models inform at the edge of sensory computing models that are developed out of intelligent and socially considerate real-world experiences. Proximity-based Inferencing Many people would like to work in a professional field, for the sake of promoting social benefits, yet finding effective and honest impactful delegates requires a several-merits based tally of organic background history development and some sort of novel daily purpose. Linguistics Inferencing Edge TPU Models Who is an appropriate delegate of social services frontline work and caretaker positioning for the sake of repairing and nurturing social structures? 

Product Review - CCR Specialty Chemicals, LLC - 6-Methyl Coumarin | Benzyl Benzoate - via Who would have thought that the retail giant would emerge as a men's hair product and cosmetics source material chemicals supplier, at an appetizing scale, and with unexpectedly obscure reaches in to esoteric substances?

On one hand, news of Wal-Mart becoming a broad-economy merchant host of eCommerce had reached me, of some formerly dismissed news article publication sorts; or, perhaps, that I'd come across them in a web search while looking up product prices on Google.

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A peek at my room at the Russ Hotel.

  I've been assigned to Interim Housing, through the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, since around February of this year,...’s most popular recent blog articles and posts