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Monday, June 8

Apple's au jour banner offering of a COVID-19 infection check up self-service.

Here's my results.

COVID-19 Screening Results 6/8/20, 1:07 AM

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You Should Self-Isolate

Based on your answers, you should stay home and away from others including those in your household.

Your Next Steps Isolate From Others

You should limit your contact with others including those in your home. If you can, have a room and bathroom that’s just for you.

You should stay away from others for at least 7 days from when your symptoms first appeared. Your isolation can end if your symptoms improve significantly and if you have had no fever for at least 72 hours without the use of medicine.

This can be hard when you’re not feeling well, but it will protect those around you.

Rest and Take Care

You should eat well, drink fluids, and get plenty of rest.

Monitor Symptoms

Monitor your symptoms. If they get significantly worse, contact a doctor or a medical professional.

You May be Eligible for Testing

Check your state’s guidelines to see if you should get tested for COVID-19.

Your Responses

You are between 18 and 64 years old
You are experiencing symptoms
You do not have relevant conditions
You have not traveled internationally
You’re not sure if you’ve been exposed to others who have COVID-19 You do not live in a long-term care facility

You do not work or plan to work in a medical facility
State selected: California
Your anonymous answers will be used to improve this tool and better understand the spread of COVID-19

Completed June 8, 2020, 1:07 AM

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Sunday, June 7

Clouds on \Tilt: the mysteries of « beneath the jetstream » [photoblog]

This is clouds on tilt.

These are clouds on tilt.

This is standard marine layer, with the morning summer sun, overhead, to the east, of the off-shore South Bay inland and San Gabriel Valley regions. 

The mysteries of the shortwave radio frequency bandlengths of government-issued private bands, proprietary bands, and public bands of the broadcasting and radio wavelengths bandwidths sometimes feature what seems to be unnaturally-developed cloudSphere, in the day and age of that the surveillance state is long bygone of the marvels and wonderment of the youth culture, here in America. 

Conceivably, under a high-energetic ionosphere sector of sky space, such as the jetstream of landing-staging of planes that are headed for Los Angeles International Airport, otherwise known as LAX, amidst what establishes itself over Air Traffic Control messaging, of the usable radio frequency broadcast bandwidths, the crisis response apparatus, of the remote-sensing and emergency broadcast systems are relentless features of human perceptual experience, devices present, for augmenting the transmitted signals, or not. 

A sober-minded person, here, of a generally organic basis of placement in society, being conceivably generally "good" and law-abiding in nature, is perhaps commonly privy to establishments of outlier identities having been driven to psychosis, whether autonomously, or by design, given the signal-to-noise ratio of becoming cognizant of that actual intervention measures, of the atténding law enforcement and surveillance intelligence partiments, of dispatch measures, have taken to estabishing recognizance and awareness on the ground, in whatever delineation of quadrants of shortwave frequency bandwidth, of the locales, given that the budget and personnel constraints are suitably met. 

Here, I was recalling, and personally attending to: some antisocial personality flare-ups of some unfriendly developments, both at home, and that which may have been seeking to follow me home; parallel by the vile parasitic onslaught that is apparently clothing-scabies; of which I've been largely staying on top of, in dominating the invasive species. (I thought that they were originally ticks, but a doctor suggested that they are, in fact, scabies. 

Saturday, June 6

iPigeon Games that I Play. [development, self-expression, inner child]. Update: I can play spinner.

As I'm out, in our region's civic centers, and pedestrian districts, [or at home, nestling in, for a content publish push and post, on the Internet], in between newsfeed intake, social media rapport and upkeep, and checkin' my face - today, I had sooo embarrassing boogers in my nose, which I discovered after talking to people; and I have to live this life out somehow, still - I play little iPigeon games, as an aside. 

These iPigeon games are cute, darling, and endearing standing attestments to what's commonly otherwise referred to, ‹ in our upbringing › [or, in the former generation], as attending to the figurative context of the "inner child." Everybody can relate to the inner child, I'd say. As we grow and adapt in to adulting, we're, in intervals, fraught with abuse of what's otherwise "not know|in'| well enough, to twang it into context, whereas, as iPigeons-officinalus, of appropriate husbandry and heritage of heraldry, we're brought up as our best-selves, that we [rather, as underlings], are lacking of, given that our ‹ inner-child › had been inured:

A Black Lives Matter Rally. (June 6th, 2020). here, in

I took the trip from Ralph's in DTLA for groceries on foot, rather than via Metro, because I wanted to be sure that I'd catch any errant  and scattered birds that I had feared [had, perhaps] had not gotten a meal for several days, since I'd been here, at the bottom of Grand Park.

Saturday, May 30

Tryin' to do JSON API | REST calls, cURL commands as an iPigeon amateur - I found the solution for you. [web link].

I know how compelling it seems. The life of a true and fully of on fwappStack developer, 

This is a mushStack, of pigeon mush food, for their daily feedings. Not quite curry, but I can haz, tho ;-p 

who can afford the finest in curry accommodations for a daily meal, and still pull off the blue collar professional look; these types are rare, and lean, perhaps, of the imagination, out in Silicon Beach, Los Angeles, California, of the United States of America. Perhaps they suit themselves more sustainably, up in The City (San Francisco, California, USA). Yet, every now and then, a fanboy passes by, in a fwoppCar, cruisin', and fwammin' the Hyderabad modal scale flop-house four-on-the-floor, and for a moment, the notions of what became of the Asian Subcontinent immigrants, their children; the outsourcing community, Bollywood, etc. - largely still a silent, but pervasive and compelling community, of their coteries, fragrances, religious symbolism and moralistic virtues - which have their facet niche specialty store, here, in Santa Monica, at Thunderbolt Bookstore. If you haven't been there, I highly recommend it, for delving in to the world of aesthetics of the ‹‹ somewhat ›› unfamiliar, although the attraction to investigating first-hand: the cultures of the Hindu and Buddhist people is surely an enjoyable study of the virtues and intelligences of the people - a much more richly developed array of linguistic varietals than we, in the Western Hemisphere, had originally supposed.

A methodology of choice in movement patterns within the context of collecting recyclables.

A simple photo-aided workflow of how I « most effectively » "could" establish a search inquiry in to the trash cans around a formative establishment of a recycler's good fortune: a well-traveled and well-patronized gas station establishment, such as the Shell station at Olympic at Grand, in downtown Los Angeles. 

The gas station is placed at an impeccable location - right up the street from the Staples Center, where sporting and entertainment events are common. I'd commonly discover rich caches of discarded recyclables in the trash, for example. Sometimes food. On a couple of occasions, a patron of the gas station would offer me charity. A man, who called himself Baba, had chatted me up, one time. He told me that I seemed like a good person, as I dug through the trash at the gas station. He offered me some change. The Indian Subcontinent people can be endearing, at times, as this man was, in his persona about me. He related to me in a spiritually enlightened sense. 

Here, I had left the gas station, and I set out to do a full survey of the « recyclables » area, as I was intent on seeking out, and discovering - all the recyclables that I might find, and collect, on my outing, for the night. Perhaps I had an endeavor to pursue; a bill to pay, an aspiration for the coming morning, perhaps. 

The next block over is Olive, I believe. This slight locale features an up-and-coming corporate identity and persona establishment, with the Oakwood corporate housing complex seated next to a Starbucks. The height of developing adults' expression of self-esteem in the confidence of their burgeoning professionalism careers. Here, in this trash can, I'd typically discover nearly-to-wholly-eaten meal packaging, drinks from Starbucks, and hard Seltzer's, which are common recyclables to encounter in the trash, for the fact that drinking alcohol in public is illegal. Do the patrons of the trash can |slight| locality conscientiously disburse of their cans, after drinking them inside? [the car? ... perhaps?]. 

Maybe. I, as a recyclables collector, would hope so. On one hand, for my own benefit, but also to engender the notion that such recycling jaunts are a venture establishment of the overseers of the Grand-Central-|ing| of the schedule rotation of who the up-and-coming aspirational homeless ones are, of the recyclables-collecting sort. It's a semaphore development locality, in this neighborhood; somewhat bordering South Park, and just up the street, on this one, some eclectic and clichey small cottage establishments that made it out of the garage, or apartment complex - in to the relatively walking-distance-capable campus identity that a dedicated walker could suit, for the sake of establishing a local guides locality and persona marketing identity suitable for accommodating some leisure time, of the tech and lifestyle establishment afforded by the Google Maps and Contribute arms of the Google umbrella of companies and entities afforded by Google. Doing local guide "stuff" around town will definitely work the walking muscle, for the square mileage that DTLA is; although I say that it's all walking distance. I figure that I can check this trash can out, on some nights, and in the interim, establish some publishing merit towards a « perhaps » readership and participatory contingency of "people who talk to the Cloud Platform identities - the overseers and administrators of the City Quadrants: in a civic center where 1 or 2 streets "over" could be a completely different vibe, it's important to timely acknowledge and homestead the locale that one lives in, in a place like DTLA. I feel that the USC-large presence that's been establishing itself, through the Keck Medical Center, and the USC-labeled former AT&T highrise, is a demographic that's largely included in the Cloud Platform civic and governmental development prospectuses of the overseeing city controllers, whom a fond former acquaintance had related to me as a significantly impressive technological operation, behind the office doors, somewhere. 

Then, across the street, there's another trash can. This place, next to it, is a kitschy dive bar, or something. It's kind of a dog-poop trash can, but I checked it, on this night, and I was duly rewarded, for my efforts, even in spite of the fact that it's typically a dump and poop trash can. 

There's four trash cans at this intersection. One on each corner. The one at the corner outside this [seeming] city administrative building is largely likely the same story as the last trash can, as far as poop goes. I checked it, and I believe that I found some more riches of recyclables here. 

This is the last trash can, seen for the conquering of the intersection, by the recycling bum, [also a mobility-lifestyle techie-trekker]. This trash can had some wealth of some discarded stuff in it, for sure. 

The point is, is that, in Grand-Central-|ing| the semaphore of the slight locale, here; somewhat subdued, within the context of the recycling bum persona; yet rich, behind the scenes, of the stories of the people who patronize the trash cans of the intersection here - which is a fortunate one to « hotspot » for recycling's sake, in that it's conceivably trying and difficult to search out every trash can of all of DTLA for recyclables, yet it's a reasonably good jump off point of an outset and basis of a recycling bum identity, which reaps the rewards as such, miniscule in fiduciary scale ad it might be - it endows the partaker in a more rugged and well-heeled, more sustainable and pervasive identity of homesteading one's way in to appearing to be a valid local, which is an enviable pursuit to succeed in, in the high-threshold rental basis of the apartment lofts and condos of South Park, DTLA, as well as the furnished corporate housing establishment that is Oakwood (I believe that they are the primary corporate housing establishment, nationwide, last I heard). They do furnished and short-term leasing, on a more choicey budget scale than a well-situated budget, of establishing locale identity in a persona of young-life professionalism, as I'd formerly discovered, and lived out, as a renter of the Marina Del Rey Oakwood apartment complex branch of the company's several offerings throughout the greater Los Angeles area. 

Maid service, too. 

The point is that, in proper methodology, in data-scrumming; here, recyclables from the trash cans, context, basis, intent, and Grand Central semaphore development contingencies, such as seen in more refined establishments, such as cloud computing, are portrayed, in the scope of the trash cans, for the recyclables - for what it's worth, the seeker who goes the distance: here, it's only four corners of an intersection - gets the rewards, at least sometimes. 

In executive and administrative functioning, it's important to viably monetize every moment and movement about and around completing a task. The developers of civic establishment and zoning do the ground work, and corporate enterprise provides the visionary paths through which people live out the meaningful pursuit and outlook of their lives, meanwhile also having the potential to affect others within the locale. 

Neglecting suitable and viable monetizable facets of an archetypal city quadrant, or data set, of a subject-contingency, is sure to suit all of the unlikable facets of neglect, in the first place. 

The recyclables aren't going to collect themselves, after all. 

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