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Friday, December 13

iPigeon nutrition moment: eating food from the Eternal Ark of Covenant Parish Food Bank: Buffalo steaks au Françaíse-flambeaux (rare) avéc l'huille de cócó,

At the local food bank, here in 90003, on Broadway, Saturday mornings, there is an overabundant plethora of meats available for distribution to the needy. 

I'm clearing out my freezer and fridge, and I'd been putting off trying out the buffalo. (Now my gas stove isn't working); 

I've decided to go French on this meal, while keeping in tradition with some of the historic methods of preparation of this sort of meat:

I've determined I should coconut-oil spray-flambeaux the round-tipped steaks to a rare-to-medium-rare, which is suitable, according to Yankee Farmer's Market's tips for cooking buffalo meat.

 ... along with a modern-day take on how buffalo has been incorporated (popularly) in our diets, (at least, here on the west coast: as chicken is commonly prepared): with sauce flavorings; perhaps a glaze. I decided to go with a honey-mustard curry glaze, to use the cooking materials I have, at the moment.

How hot is a coconut oil spray flambeaux? I'd consult Wikipedia. 

The Google OmniBox Search Bar in Safari.

Turns out that The Globe and Mail blog has the top hit for this investigation in to Smoke point. I'm going to skip researching smoke point and see what it has to do with flambé.

Coconut oilSmoke point: 350 degrees F. Use for sautéeing and baking. It's high in saturated fat (86 per cent). The saturated fat in coconut oil raises LDL (bad) blood cholesterol, but not nearly to the same extent as butter.Sep 28, 2015

People also ask

Web results

Template:Smoke point of cooking oils ... Coconut oil, Refined, dry, 232°C, 450°F. Coconut oil, Unrefined, dry expeller pressed, virgin, 177°C, 350°F. Corn oil ...
The smoke point, also referred to as the burning point, is the temperature at which an oil or fat ... Castor oil, Refined, 200°C, 392°F. Coconut oil, Refined, dry, 232°C, 450°F. Coconut oil, Unrefined, dry expeller pressed, virgin, 177°C, 350°F.


Cooking Tips for Buffalo

Buffalo meat is naturally tender and extremely flavorful. However, the taste and tenderness of the meat is directly related to how the meat is cooked.

The buffalo meat should be cooked slowly at low to medium temperatures. Buffalo meat cooks faster than beef. As there is no fat to act as an insulator to the meat, the meat is cooked directly.

Recommended cooking range is rare to medium and internal temperatures should be 135 degrees - 155 degrees Fahrenheit.


Buffalo steaks come in a wide variety of cuts, all comparable with beef. Most butchers and/or meat producers will cut steaks to customer specifications (1”-1 1/4” are preferred).

Methods of cooking steaks include: grilling (outdoor or on top of stove), pan sautéing, broiling, and stir frying. Do not overcook; readjust thinking as well as the heat source.

Grilling time will vary depending on the temperature of the coals and whether the meat is placed on or off the rack. An instant read thermometer comes in handy for outdoor grilling. Remember to pull the steak off or out of the heat when it is slightly rarer than you like. The steaks will continue to cook when it is out of direct heat.

Steaks do not need additional liquid, sauces or marinades unless desired. Frequent turning of the meat is recommended. 

I decided that my method of preparation would end up as that I'd need to figure out the amount of minutes I'd need to flambeaux the steaks.

Place the steaks on the grill and cook until golden brown and slightly charred, 4 to 5 minutes. Turn the steaks over and continue to grill 3 to 5 minutes for medium-rare(an internal temperature of 135 degrees F), 5 to 7 minutes for medium (140 degrees F) or 8 to 10 minutes for medium-well (150 degrees F).



now I've determined that this actually is a fish, since it did look like a salmon steak, to begin with.

Bigmouth buffalo

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Bigmouth buffalo
Bigmouth Buffalo.jpg
Bigmouth buffalo male
Scientific classificationedit
I. cyprinellus
Binomial name
Ictiobus cyprinellus
(Valenciennes, 1844)
  • Sclerognathus cyprinellaValenciennes, 1844
The bigmouth buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus) is a fish native to North America. It is the largest North American species in the Catostomidae or "sucker" family, and is one of the longest-lived freshwater fishes, capable of living beyond 110 years.[2] It is commonly called the gourd headredmouth buffalobuffalofishbernard buffaloroundhead, or brown buffalo,. Despite the superficial similarity, the bigmouth buffalo is not a carp, nor is any other catostomid.

The bigmouth's native distribution is confined to the countries of Canada and the United States of America. In Canada, they inhabit the Milk River which flows through Alberta, and the Qu'Appelle River which flows through Saskatchewan and Manitoba into Lake Winnipeg. Beginning in the northern United States, they are native to Iowa, South Dakota and, Minnesota, more southern states include eastern Texas and Oklahoma. The major drainages where they are found in include Lake Erie, the Ohio River, and Mississippi River drainages. From these drainages, they are found into Arkansas, the Gulf region of Louisiana, and down the Tennessee River into Alabama. The introduction of bigmouth has been largely done for commercial purposes. Regions of reintroductions include some reservoirs along the Missouri River drainage of North Dakota and Montana. Regions of introduction include some reservoirs in Arizona, and within California, they have also been introduced to the aqueduct system of Los Angeles.[7]

Monday, December 9

Trekking out to Santa Monica on a craigslist hardware barter.

A photo of DTLA at dusk, down Figueroa Blvd.
Leaving Los Angeles on the Metro Expo E Live towards Santa Monica,  from off the 550 to Exposition Park from Manchester at Harbor Freeway (110).

I found a great deal while browsing craigslist on the notion that I'd been hitting a wall with my iPad (iPigeonPad) development efforts under my annual term I'd purchased with the Apple Developer Program.  Only $150.

In order to do some essential tasks, render services,  issue certificates; that sort of thing,  for my mock-up conceptual Apple iPadOS,  iOS,  tvOS,  and watchOS, I'd need a dedicated Xcode Apple development machine. I found a great deal on a 2010 21-inch iMac i3 with a 2TB upgraded hard drive,  and 12 GB of RAM. I figure I could get in to some serious repository local serve development aspirations and Android NDK and SDK for my Google and Android developments,  as well. 
The seller, upon working out some details on my own end,  as to how I could find this transaction, was very accommodating of my ostensible needs for this machine (in that I could OK longer return the iPad to Target, and he agreed to take up my offer of an even trade for his iMac, with my iPad). 

A craigslist post; desktop view
The craigslist post for my new iMac. 

I decided to jump the gun and settle for a trade,  for a well-equipped and upgraded older device,  in this instance,  for the fact that I figured that people were pushing for Christmas deals, and Christmas devices,  this month, moreso than they might be next month. 

Thursday, December 5

iPigeon Design Tips - using Adobe’s iPadOS apps to recreate a lifelike art-come-to-life encounter.

For those of my readers who had been following along (or, for those who had read and skimmed through my older posts), a classic and cute, humorous article from January 2019 comes to mind, as the year ends, and that progress ought to be made on the development aspirations that had come to light, as I traversed about Downtown Los Angeles, keeping with the spirit of that I could help keep the pigeons well fed, throughout the seasons.

Here’s the gist of the article, which was a photo blog.

This morning, within the space of about an hour or so, I was able to finish off a rendition of a logo I’d been recently tasked with, as for my Google Developer’s aspirations (here, in the workload laid in front of me of needing to create a logo for Google Pay Passes - a splash screen that the user would encounter that would include some terms and conditions, a privacy policy, as well as information of my company,, for the sake of the purchaser, or for the sender of finances for my company, or, in the case that I’d been planning on, a recipient of a QR code that would enable the user to gain special access to retail or gift card | loyalty goods, or rewards, for happening upon my marketing material in the form of the IoT object: the QR code [which needs to be decoded, that it must properly trace back to the website that I’d like the client to discover, through Google Lens]).

Here are some of the objects that I rendered out for the compositional logo 

My final and first rendition of a feasible mockup of a nicely-composed logo, based on guidelines with well-written instructions (thanks to Google), and it came out nicely! - I’d say, for a first run. I’ll update later on as I fine-tune the logo and it’s coloring and detail features.

Creating a logo of appropriate technical considerations becomes a tantamount priority for the conscientious developer. End users could ostensibly be quite picky about the sort of aesthetics they allow in to their device and user interactions. I created this guide for my scratch first copy logo based on the Branding Guidelines page for Google Pay Passes Application Programming Interface Developers-in-the-making (documentation).

Some of the composite elements that went in to the logo.

Adobe provides fine tools and licensed ( - for particular use case scenarios) fonts that can be integrated in to a new creation in their fonts for developers site. Here, I used Adobe Caslon, designed by Carol Twombly. Thanks, Carol! A finely rendered classically-styled font.

The impetus for creating this design comes from Google’s Pay Passes standards, which lay out the guidelines for brands creating a pay portal for payments, loyalty cards, and barcode redeemables.

Since yesterday morning, here’s the progress I made in developing for this proportion and frame size composition. I decided to make it a Christmas 🎄theme, in the spirit of the holidays, and to set myself about a goal of attaining a Pay Passes API QR | barcode-scanned redeemable marketing effort outreach and engagement with my blog’s content and purpose. 

Some more imagination towards the design of the logo imagery, after a day spent researching and establishing other project metric gains in creating Google Pay Passes.

Here’s a clip of the design development process, as I implemented it, based on Google’s Logo colorings, posted on YouTube.

pidginKit offers logo

I’ve set out in requesting that the OAuth user consent screen process works out alright and can be approved. I’ll update as I learn what the outcome is.

Wednesday, December 4

A man from South Africa told me I had good energy about me, as I was bangin’ Taylor Swift in DTLA.

Then he began talking about how I seemed spiritually well, which I would concede, after I gave a momentous talk on Scientological virtues in this day and age, where many young people have taken on significant ego arbitrariness in their disposition, in the throes of youthful angst and existential crisis, amidst criticism.

The point was that there’s always someone in charge of this technology, at hand, in which we are acquisitioned in (or, in that some ‘choose’ to) speaking out to make our point in this world of magnanimous proportions; although, at times, the proportions might seem to have bent, and in that, we become momentarily larger and more significant than we typically are, as physiognomical entities, as individuals.

All of this had played out over my Herculean task of making it out to mid-Wilshire, where I attempted to head out over to my former childhood credit union branch to open a new account. That didn’t pan out, so I sat out in a lovely nook park, where the locals frequent, for taking their children out, etc. it’s a truly lovely park.

By the way, check out my current view | perspective! A lovely post-rainy day spot to blog it out on a bench in Grand Park, 90012, next to the Children’s Playground.

A vista of beauty, here in the civic center of Downtown Los Angeles, CA.

Anyhow, this whole Taylor Swift - hits - driven good mood has truly done me well. I definitely recommend grabbing an Apple Music subscription and checking out her latest. These songs nearly move me to tears, with their great compositional nuance, performance, and orchestration.


The man who had spoken to me, earlier this afternoon (although it’s now dusk), had wrangled me in to a slight debacle of holiday cheer and charitability, which I’d been careful to try to be fair and even-handed in, in coming out to distribute clothing and food to the needy, in addition to my daily pursuit of blogging and making sure that the pigeons stay fed out here. The difficulty that he had posed unto me was that he was a spiritually-riven man, as well, and he was seeking some financial kindness, perhaps (and that he perhaps saw me as dressed as luxuriant, such that I had portrayed good spiritual energy). He was trying to make it out to San Diego, with no money, with diabetes, no money for a meal, etc. 

Then he asked me what I thought about Donald Trump. He had said, earlier on in our acquaintanceship, that he fancied that I was a better man than Donald Trump. I told him that I felt like Donald Trump is a good man, from what I know about him. (I am, admittedly, a fan of our current President of the United States of America). He commonly gets a hard time about his position and disposition in life, from locals I come across on social media. It was a bit worrisome at this point, that I had encountered this man, as an off-handed opposer of one of my affinities for our public and popular culture | elected political figures. President Trump was simply, at the outset, a well-known and well-trusted and established man in the consideration of our Hollywood | Los Angeles, CA television screen output and upbringing, if it may, such that it be so - that many of us were brought up on some of his network television programming, in former years. 

And then,

He asked me what I had though about Adolf Hitler. A contentious topic. My take on the man is a very personal one, although I had never ventured to study his life and writings, at this point in my life. As a corollary, this theme of contentious figures happen(s[-ed]) to also correspond to Taylor Swift, who is colloquially fashioned as a contemporaneous Lady Hitler. I told him that I had a perhaps strange and uncommon disposition on the figurative Hitler that I could have, perhaps commented on. Perhaps not, though; I feel. (I was an MKULTRA ad hoc acquisition of a couple of weeks, or so, of that I was made to conceive, and live out - the existential corpus of a dictataphone-derived mad man of, in that he was commonly conceived, and derived, of our millennial upbringing, to be a histrionic and narcissistic dictator, in and of himself; although [short story], I ended up coming to see him as an internally and solitarily divergent victim, in that he was, as well, a subject of targeting of programs and intelligence technology that had preceded MKULTRA mind control. 

Although the man was fair enough, in asking me for generosity, I failed him, apologetically. I told him that I’m quite poor, myself. I do truly feel poorly about letting him down, since I do have $5. 

Hmmph 😳. I suppose that that’s what I can say about the situation. I’ll try to make it up in my coming outings to civic center DTLA.

I don’t quite feel as somber and sadly serious as this current photo might portray of me. Here’s a mirror shot.

My Taylor Swift positivity outfit look.

Sunday, December 1

Implementing Google Code Repository and Android Open Source libjpeg-turbo Aztec QR crypto barcodes in to a withGoogle SmallBusiness Physical IoT marketing campaign. (Production phase)

Google's Gerrit Code Repository libraries and build-kits are truly rich in resources that suit the needs of a modern ad hoc cloud development engineer | superadmin.

A word cloud based on one of my recent blog posts.

Similarly to how this word cloud is a design-edly deterministic creation, the libjpeg-turbo .webp format is also a transliterative implementation of some of the ICU standards of the "behind-the-scenes" stuff that slides in well with the latest standards still in place in modern day (cusp-of) 2019 - 2020 3rd quar-ternariannum rainy day post-Thanksgiving Day development-in-marketing efforts. 

Today's calling card and contact or directory information could resemble some sort of combination of effects (or artifacts) such as these. One, a fully encoded image, and the other, a more complex artifact; of a textual and addressing sort, along with some semantic imagery in the favicon inclusion in the center of the QR code; here, stylized in more ornate form by a different barcode maker app than one that I would typically have used. Many artisinal-breakout etymologies have sprung forth and made place on the internet for their various salient features, which are suggested by the Google Photo app's "Lens" feature, which is a graphical implementation of the Tensor flow machine learning code sets and mathematical instructions focused on deciphering and presenting research tables of anaologues developed out of backend research and analysis technical data that lies behind the coding for the user interface of the simple "Lens" feature in the Google Photos app, which resembles a square camera lens, in and of itself. 

The (unofficial) current Google Lens icon.

That being said, aside from stuff I did on the stuff mentioned in this blog over on my code uniformity and localization repository blog over at earlier, Google also (quite intelligently) had a great marketing slant at me on their plans development tool in their suggestions today; with the peanut butter and jelly artifacts in the photo, and the 🍞 bread slices stacked so haphazardly, I had thought that they had somehow mined a similar ploy of semiotic relevance-perchance, at having a fascinating resource of seemingly autonomous machine intelligence behind their curatorship and care and affections placed in to their small business operator-engineers working to create the next generation of apps, services, and content for their users and marketing outreach.

The UI layout on this piece was so compelling that I thought it wasn't my photo, in the first place, to begin with 🚬🥤⚡🎯.

Tuesday, November 26

Finding a date on Thanksgiving weekend in Los Angeles, CA.

Everybody goes through it.

Well, okay. Maybe not everyone, but it seems like it's a commonly recurrent theme, whereas the chances of actually finding a workable spot or locale to find a date in from amidst the various street scenes, here in Los Angeles, are many, while it's become woefully obvious to me that many people I know, personally, have let their dating game wither at the cusp of middle-young adulthood - (It seems to me, that this age-era in life features several sorts of people who are still latching on to their youth, in terms of relating to people; that's why I'd still include the disclaimer of youthfulness here).

A person ought to know, by Thanksgiving's Eve, of what they intend to do and where to go, out here in Silicon City (Los Angeles). So what are the major options? Let me run through my memories, as a homeless person, of Thanksgiving holidays past. 


First of all, don't go to the beach. That would be the equivalent of having a Wikipedia romp on a topic subject of something of viable academic merit. It's going to be raining, and people at the beach are typically formed of cliques and groups of people. Being a loner amongst such vast amounts of people walking by leaves little room or opportunity for sparking a conversation through some organic and viable means. I've spent several to many Thanksgiving holidays out in Venice, as a beach bum, and the older I get, the less tolerant I am for hanging out with random bums; many of them had turned homosexual, at this age, and with me commonly dressing myself like a woman, I find that here and there, I'd simply have opened up an uncomfortable can of worms, in regards to discovering that some guy is now interested in me for unexpected reasons. I really do intend not to be cast-typed and set off for another year as an HIV risk, for the sake of a night of shameless pleasure and lingering regrets. As if. 

       Second of all,

Don't start checking craigslist for a date. It's lost the Long Term Relationships section, as far as personals, while the remaining one dating section, out of the formerly four sections dating lists is Missed Connections, which has turned succinctly in to a vast trawl of guys in search of someone to smoke meth with and become sexually active, without much long-standing potential to boost one's public status persona. I've known these kinds of people. They do the most inordinate sorts of things to a person, post-date night, as far as aftershocks. There's no... none at all, to little, (just some) chance of securing any type of viable romance on a chance encounter over craigslist. 


Downtown LA will likely be banging, except that it's going to rain on Thanksgiving Day,

Update location
Los Angeles, CA 90003
Precip: 90%
Humidity: 79%
Wind: 7 mph
2 AM
7 AM
12 PM
5 PM
10 PM
Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny
Mostly Cloudy
Scattered Showers
Scattered Showers

 and the street scene  / bum population out there is largely guys who are leaning some-to-big-lots creepy. Whereas I wouldn't just outright disrespect a person's hard-life circumstances, it ends up amounting to that I myself become targeted and mobbed (sometimes) by some strange and unsociable demographic of people out in downtown LA. Regardless, the most common scenario is to not find a date on an outing in DTLA, at least for a guy like myself, who doesn't go and hit the bar scene. I'm covering the {actual} streets and sidewalks "street scenes" localities of Los Angeles where somebody with a budget as lean as mine could viably find something fun and worthwhile to do, considering that scraping up a date off the street could conceivably happen here, although with vastly short-term prospects.


Echo Park is one of the richest cultural nightlife hot spots, running along Sunset Boulevard, near Chinatown. The streets are vibrant with bar and restaurant patrons spilling out in to the streets, a fair amount of homeless people, and miles of this sort of thing, at that. 

I'll keep this blog updated with what becomes of my Thanksgiving Holiday weekend, hopefully with some positive news! 

Latest post.

A peek at my room at the Russ Hotel.

  I've been assigned to Interim Housing, through the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, since around February of this year,...’s most popular recent blog articles and posts