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Thursday, August 22

A Nordstrom Pigeon-[perhaps] - beautiful iconic hen design.

This iconic design-by-primitives and ornamentals caught me by the pigeon's tail the other day as I was perusing through the Downtown LA garbage receptacles, so I thought I'd share it. 

This is one side of Nordstrom's current shopping purchase bag for retail customers. 

This lovely (imaginably-) hen bird-pigeon form reminds me of one of the ostensible pigeons of my Lé Lyceé Françoise trifles of formative  pigeon sorts that might be seen, in the case of the preening pigeon; one which I have not caught well on camera, by the time I've posted this blog (August 22nd, 2019). 

In any case, I found this shopping bag from Nordstroms gorgeous, so I felt like I ought to share it with my readers. 


Tuesday, August 20

The Shopify LA event spotlight - Kirsty Godso

I'm attending the Shopify LA event spotlight series' first meeting (this year); this one hosted by Kirsty Godso.

Shopify LA event spotlight. Come meet and network with successful Shopify Masters and hear their stories on how to launch successful brands.
AUGUST 20, 2019, 6:30 youPM

Merchant Mentor Session: Kirsty Godso

In this edition of our Merchant Mentor Session series, Nike Master Trainer, Kirsty Godso, will be here to chat about the commerce of cardio and what it means to be in the 'business of bodies".
The event space itself is gorgeous - a modern E-commerce brick and mortar retail and services shop aimed at helping aspiring and established Internet entrepreneurs establish a Shopify presence; set amongst the significant new development for entrepreneurial enterprises in Row DTLA, located where the old American Apparel factory was located during it's heyday.

The Broadway at Manchester District Development Initiative has some momentum.

At the Los Angeles 9th District neighborhood council site, known as, it appears that the area in which I live is due to see a major revamping in transportation and housing initiatives.

The initiative adds pedestrian and bicycle lanes, housing, mixed-use lots, and retail locations. 

The initiative provides $24 million in funding and spans an area of 2.8 miles, according to

A particularly exciting note on the project (for me) is the declaration of a mixed use hydroponic farm lot at the corner of 94th at Broadway - just several streets down from where I live now. It seems like the notions I had floating about in my mind about these developments had turned out to be true. It's great to see that these initiatives are coming through, in reality.

Wednesday, August 14

The pigeons of Wilshire at Normandie are developing near-tumbler flight.

What is a tumbler pigeon? 

A tumbler pigeon is a skills-developed pigeon; ostensibly in a well-established flock such as is the flock here at Wilshire at Normandie.  

There is a row of restaurants here on Wilshire, and the flock's main roost is on the south side of Wilshire on Normandie.

The difference between a tumbler and a regular pigeon is that the tumbler has a greater capability over its flight strength and hovering (which I've not seen established well in other flocks in the nearby area. Ostensibly, in later years and generations, the pigeon tumbling will take a more significant form in literal flight tumbling. 

More to come, in the future. :)

I found a discarded box of donuts in the alley behind the nearby Catholic church .

In future years, I estimate that the pigeons here will learn to do in-flight tricks like tumbling. 

Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf DTLA got a new(-ish) out-front recycling dumpster. (A photoblog).

Tuesday, August 13

The DTLA Central Branch Los Angeles Public Library birds got a special treat this morning.

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with milk. 

A crosswalk perspective of the pigeons vulturing outside the LAPL Central Library at the corner of 5th at Grand; a favorite pigeon haunt, as it features one of the busiest intersections in DTLA foot traffic.

The birds at the park-side (west-end) of the library got a huge midsummer belly's-full of nearly a whole loaf of bread's worth of PB & J sandwiches today. 

I've been cleared for another year at my apartment.

The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles cleared my apartment at inspection time, this time around. 

It's been a controversial issue, as it had roiled on since late last year, when [something] came of issue, although the housing inspection is supposed to be an annual thing. I had some adversarial moments pop up, which I outed on social media.

You can imagine... <_ td="">

It's been a central focal point of many of my recent meetings with my social workers, and with such difficulties as I've been having with endless bouts of schizophrenia, I've largely been stuck at meek apologies for not performing better, in terms of cleaning up the place,

Thankfully, the HACLA inspector cleared my place; this view is actually significantly improved over how messy the floor had been, previously. I graciously received help from Alexis and Lionel from Telecare as far as cleaning my place, a week or two ago. :)

and, as well, for the broken windows, which I had done while being stalked and prodded by "people I used to know."

A sorry story, but likely the burden of many of us who came of age at this place in time that it had been: the DSM-IV standard textbook diagnostics of the schizophrenic prognosis of onset at age 30, most typically. 

As an aside, I've since then come to realize and understand that [now <_ -="" also="" and="" as="" at="" been="" case="" childhood="" crisis.="" div="" epochs="" had="" in="" individuals="" it="" lifetime="" mid-life="" nbsp="" of="" onsets="" or="" other="" perhaps="" potential="" previously="" schizophrenia="" such="" teen="" that="" the="" touch="" well="" years="">

What is the correlation here, and why does it matter? 

The significant issue at had is the volumarity of distance according to proximity in place in time; a common [or not <_ a="" abuse="" all="" and="" are="" as="" belief="" better="" both="" by="" comes="" common="" communicatory="" due="" each="" employed="" facet="" fallacy="" for="" from="" given="" graces="" greater="" higher="" i="" in="" individuals.="" internet="" is="" language="" learned="" logical="" modes="" more="" my="" natural="" nbsp="" never="" of="" oftentimes="" or="" our="" own="" p="" powers="" prognoses="" received="" science.="" signals="" stalkers="" statistics="" strong="" subject="" term="" than="" that="" the="" their="" to="" understood="" universally="" upon="" us="" virtues="" we="" what="" which="" would="">
Likewise, a group is only as strong as it's weakest link. 

What matters is that, and such that I oftentimes (tiredly) compose over again, as is this time; such that I'm « supposedly » known for, in the first place.

By now.

What matters to me is the simple objective artifact of truth or in representation thereof. Beyond that, it's come down to forensics and Scientology, letting slip (some-and-at-times) mis-and-un-fortunate slips, which I and others happen to acknowledge.

How does a Christian individual resolve such types of issues? 

This type of thing is quite obvious to obviously Christian individuals. I won't prod any further than that.

Aside from all of this, I'd fancy this article done. Blehh. 

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  I've been assigned to Interim Housing, through the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, since around February of this year,...’s most popular recent blog articles and posts