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Tuesday, May 7

A great day for charity for pigeons and people alike.

 With pigeons being noted, yesterday, as "the homeless person's pet, a good and many people showed out in downtown Los Angeles, CA, USA in and around the civic center areas, as well as Pasadena. 

These birds were a hungry bunch, as the day started early, and, as people know of the lovable birds, they are a fat bird, at that. 

There was everything from sandwiches, to sushi, to noodles, and birthday cake!

Friday, May 3

Is KISS playing tonight in DTLA?

Someone supposed of as Gene Silmons asked who the "social worker of the year was,"

It seemed to have developed in to an unsober lashing out at the law; I suppose with untold amounts of lives disparaged - here; it would be mine (perhapd others are offended as well).

The man did notably sing about pidgy bwipp this and that... For a long refrain. 

He spoke about the fires in Downtown Los Angeles yedterday morning. About many depraved things on account of me not doung even more than I podsibly could have done about anything; whereas I tried to be q bit sociable, regardless og my solitude. 

Saturday, April 27

Transitioning off in to partitioning the pieces of Developer Enterprise in to separate (yet still Westside) linguistics and avian-centric blogging form, sorted out, at this point

The Broadway District's Food Banks 

are several and plentiful, from here to Downtown LA, 

for as much as I've traveled from here to there.  

I spent some time on my Google Calendar app today.
Try it on Enterprise!

It takes a hefty box, cart, or a heaping bag-full to carry all of the food back home, make sure to pack accordingly.

Tuesday, April 23

A lifestyle lesson via a second-wind DTLA Valentine's do-over - [a Ralph's thing].

By now, everyone who shops at DTLA Ralph's anytime lately must know about the Lindt's chocolates boxes super deal thing they have. Compared to the boxed (packeted and package-sack'ed) versions, the deal is amazing, at, like - $5.99 a pound of something.

DTLA Ralph's - thanks for the second Valentine's Day treats!

I've been indulging in these adieux-to-autumn-fall weather's changes into springtime here in Los Angeles chocolate deals as a temp-debit-card purchaser, as obviously a welfare-status (General Relief) recycling-bum [recipient] Google app-enterprise domain webmaster would chomp on as to attest to life's sugar-cravings and constant battles with mood disparities as a trawled and stalked Section 8 housing recipient -

Where it is:

To some, it matters.

"Isn't that place a shithole of trawled-AFFminorities n' shit?" [sic]

Well, 😵

To be sincere, who could possibly live that one down? Trawled-AFF minorities identity? That somewhat bodes of the simplistic Wikipedia trawl-AF common weblurker identity needs-to "have-had; has-happened," n' such, so that people could find one a rational-minded literal 'one' to inverse with in a TMZ DTLA of our fine nation, of nonesuch ado as-towards like-minded discrimination, in order to finely attune oneself to the vast sprawl as-reality that it finds itself - the greater Los Angeles area.

Better spoken men have more liberty in their resources of mind. This blog is the actual place to find the freedom, although many (it seems) strive long, strong, and hard at hard-fought battles that had already been determined - at this point, years ago, as far as the general headliner news and edia outlets have been concerned, as accountable.

That being said, there's some things I just won't much tolerate about blatantly un-Christian morals-proliferation [asides ≤_≤ that] some people find aught of themselves - some post (***##@$$) whatever it might be called - we ought to be able to [as literal bums, pigeon'ing] (check-its)... <_<

Checking...sidewalk scrum bwitsies... sometimes. Though commonly.

Sometimes, lately, though, there's been diamonds sitting out on the sidewalk. Thus, the long-time pigeon'ing bum's (though vastly literate and sociable) [...*]℅

I found this, and several other diamonds on the ground recently.
It's been a diamonds kitsch thing lately, for the sidewalks trawler.

A long time coming, perhaps, for many a ground-trawling recycling bum('s) one that we are.

Some people don't buy it though. The trawl, the sprawl, the speed-induced psychosis Wikipedia slight-sociably BWAP of a reality BWAP.

Usually, beyond interrent Catholicism subjective invested egotism and sleights of post-grandeur European-imperial-and Golden-Age fancies - Wikipedia will have been annotated richly (well-enough);

Such that many children [I'd suppose] simply don't really need to go to school all the time anymore, especially with trawled-AFF minorities bwappin' AFF around certain parts of town... <_<

[Sarcastic, obviously. But here, for the iteration, for the literate Founding of knowledge-base casual-discoursing nuclear watershed-localization identity formative-sort self] - it gets that fart bubble co-location trawling stalker identity familiarity sort a more distinct sort-self discrete-lines of delineated domain-app-space developer Enterprise entity Google developer autonomy's discretionary logicelles of partiment, to keep things au français, of locality. A bit.

That being said, to continue on like that produces (I've say - something at minimum [ ... 'distanced' ...] , a bit, from a vast blatant sex-offendee identity, although many of small scope and trawl small of means of men, of other sorts of men -

Considering that were all different. Let's face it. We're different. Unless it's fantasy fetishizable mindset time masturbatory inductive-self of internet radiant source of trawled-AFF convo-salient topic-at-point:

Try as I'd not,

How bout it?


Okay. Just imagine that some people see through the vast fetishization trawled-AFF, and some


Everyone is different.

Let's face it. Imagine, perhaps, that a onversation partner is more into alternate 50% internet (supposed) activities at a different score and threshold attainment aptitude lesser sex offender type than supposed, par convar-say-shitsicles b

Something like that. Just not looking for such outright sociable offense offhandedness. It's supposed to be funny enough, but ...

Eh- I dunno. Whatever. I did the same thing.

[ Of all things... ]

But then the {some shit}...

Just no way. I just never really got off like that, [by far...] Kinds of stuff.

Trawled-AFF minorities Master race shit, I stopped at that point. I couldn't muster the madness about it.

The thing that I've figured is that everybody fancies themselves, or fancies a narcissist - as a certain percentile personality type - only perhaps 1-4% [actual, by stats] of supposed commonality sorts of encountered in life personality types. That's your indulgent sly quip chance at flirtatiousness, yet delving into that somebody (over a spread of time) will appreciate the baby-aff shit, perhaps not. That could be a different alternate discrete logicelle self of the other, the conversational aspirant partner.

Multiply the likely hood that somebody of a 1-4% identity will understand likeness in society (f2f) reality type reality BWAP, and past age 30, the validly schizoohrenic ones have been bwapped schizophrenic to bwapp them into valid adulthood. The ones who BWAPP-AFF bwammmm... A real one...

That's a different type and sort that end up as one of the trite bwipps of sociability - as I'd put it - the interrent vastly improprietous intermittent laugher upon a completely inappropriate moment of serious linear formative sort discourse.

Try that in a stats bwapp-aff machine Deus machina and I'd suppose that you'd probably look like a jokestable sex-offender enough off-handed sort to just have been bwapped-AFF of the 12 steps recovery program, and you could just admit it( (the rhetorical self).

Obviously, it's uncommon to be encountered by that, but I'm the guy who does that 'kinda' thing to people. It's my formative discourse analytical critical mind-self-interrent ad hoc suitable professional ethical mid-senior-post-Csuite-gigjob-daynight-youngmid-professional-aside-academia identity thing just somewhat plays out as. It's objectively good for you (the rhetorical self, as it comes out, doled "...*" as grammatically as by stats that would have of it, on AZERTY, of all things. I fancy AZERTY.

Done. I figure that's good enough for now. Better than I found (encountered) you.

Sunday, April 21

The transliterative word intensive is likened to hearing the sprighteningly sparrow's squabble at morning, or at shop.

It is considerate of recombinate features that sincile a due-to-forth unferstanding of the imperative-ness-aietivity unsecle-supposed, ... Ahem... Of the at-hand.

Its, ...

To attest to -

The at-hand :

- of feeding the sparrows, at minimum, as a stated expectation,

- typically; would follow :


Some pigeons as well.

Some mentioning of the[space] undersranding of what it means to be properly pidgin, in English. (With plenty of emphasis on feeding the birds, as well).

Saturday, April 20 « Made with Google » PidginKit TalkBox Actions Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. User Privacy Policy

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