iPigeon.institute blog

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Thursday, July 19

Homesteading pigeon guano as fertilizer for an upcoming cigar tobacco planting and curing cottage industry enterprise for the .institute

I picked up some reading material at the Los Angeles Public Library Central Library Branch; (Google Maps)

Regarding tobacco:

Most of the books there on tobacco cultivation and curing (few in number, yet undoubtedly rich in information), are labeled "R" in the call number, for "Reference," [meaning that they are somewhat valuable and rare titles meant for study and 'reference' explicitly at the library branch where the book is found].

That being said, I had limited spree in diving into my latest iPigeon research and homesteading project: growing a baby pigeon'ed vintage tobacco crop and curing au petít vintägé: a fine cigar tobacco, perhaps years in the making.

There are some lots nearby with empty land, and one of them is definitely a community garden lot. There's a spot on my side of the street that's as of yet gone to weeds and dry hay in between a large home and a church that seems a reasonable aspiration if I talk up the neighbors about it and see what they think. I have a shovel that's been left outside my place here, perhaps it's a serendipitous sign.

I've got to work on homesteading my seller's positioning to pitch the idea to the relevant parties, and I've just yesterday finally fixed my General Relief social welfare benefit money of $221 per month that I receive. I'm planning on making a trip out to a
<<[somewhere]; (a place around greater Los Angeles that retails a fine strain of cigar-leaf tobacco)>> 

  1. gardening shop so I can purchase seeds. 
  2. Whole Foods [undecided, as to "about which one... (?)]. Does the implicit worth of the general periphery and locality of the source of stocked retail ionic minerals play into the as-purchased consumer's worth and value commodity's gain in ionic mineral content?
I've got some celebrant commodity and some dilemma in my homesteading and self-initiative civic care of the local pigeon flock: I've located the roosting de facto (Google Maps) of the local sitting herd pride of pigeons: localized to my couple-of-blocks-proximity. 
  •  I've spotted several dead pigeons recently around the local area. I tried to take some in to preserve them; I found that doing so invites a bevy of unheralded concerns and heaps of responsibility: properly caring for the deceased, and preserving a specimen for taxidermic interest. It's a novel and interest-aside pursuit of where-energies-investigative-research and development claims-investments ought currently be attributable, best practices of a .institute homesteading ad hoc development arc in mind. Perhaps some other time. ([Future link to:] expand on the subject).
  • I hopped the fence onto state property (mea culpa [attr.]) and gathered 4 plastic grocery bags of pigeon guano and shallow underlying dirt. Subsequently, I underwent an acute onslaught of parasitic interest in me, perhaps of significance in delimiting the bounds and extents for within [maintaining par relevance: bounds-pigeons-pertains]: perhaps an insight into how and why so many pigeons are turning up dead locally, so commonly, recently. 
  • I surmised that the pigeon guano (droppings) were a multi-foray crisis to the birds, and to the local area, in general (in human toll). It turns out that pigeon guano has some special considerations, as might any raw material resource / fertilizer-from-scratch. Hordes of mosquitos hounded me for days, and the pestilence definitely put me under as goes for an as-if-anything: so au jour and about town take on conquering the day for several days this past week. Luckily I had my cache of pharma-curative products and luxe accoutrements of toiletries, etc. from the post-year-end USC student apartment dumpster dive foray of a week or two ago (link). The crux of the situation is that the droppings were plentiful, they're rich in mineral raw materials-resource, and it's a science-bounds-it-is <<it-all>> such that the material merits realized and implemented safe handling and storage procedures. ([Link: recipe - home project try-out of an {aromatics: electrolytics-sugars: oxalic acid: plant-and-animal fats: balsamic (wine alcohol, grape must) vinegar: pigeon guano: and salts} slight au jour quant aux données à prendre d'hommes parisienne bonnes des oeuvríer sur les faut cuisinaire provençale:
From Google Translate:
- as to the data to be taken from Parisian men good to work on the needs of Provençal cooking

I'll work on fleshing out the unpublished article-blog content shortly.

  • More on the uses and cautions involved in working with pigeon guano, at homesteadingtoday.com forums. 

Monday, July 9

Regalgalafickenechneyapalum -tous -tous; coming to terms with...

[okay] standard-train adulting into a new standard age demographic (18-35) -post mid-level "tas-tastic" era lively ones on shuttle iffy-jaunt post pop-star party "street kids"


still: we do ours - Taylor Swift on Rolling Stone 

but wait...

I was raised on the Bible. So much becomes so proxi-auf-neuf-bits-emotionally subjectively promethazine on a lean (bad one) - 

switch to objective puh-fuff-svstication - talking bout sex was not on the menu.

The English Standard Version New Testament {learn about the disparities in proper 



as towards a distinction Brexit American English: via boredpanda.com}

English Standard Version random opening verse and a read: a vast scurvy tide's pull-in of the Atlantic's finest:fish and shrimp, battered in hen's eggs and rolled grains - but you? Shit you're talking? This is a break out stance demographic adulting control subject standard deviation sober coffee talk analyst's divergence persona by standard's expectance rate: pretty typical, in contrast. A forensics of psych-crime GFYS standard assessment trivial novelty-trite dickens-scratch Libya autonomy fluff-roosters:contend. [for the 3rd degree, (disambiguation) lack thereof pro - auth - subjective take on:at task].

Anecdote of MFT truthing of drugs and truth of drug abuse; accuracy thereof.
  1. stub thought

  • standard basis of my adulting persona 
  • what type of people, why?
  • standards of statistics - relationships
  • fluff of auld-sated: standards of neuf - elf; nouvelle
transliterative semiotic - semantic breakout ans-lation] Le Lycee Francais
cette par vous frait donnez-mes, il'est top conderamazement, we use etiquette, standard fluff

  • nous - novel nous v'elle we to her -- we (new) to her
  • : presenting a standard mockup one-off guy for practical considerations: I just got thrown in jail for a week, and I have 100 hours community service to do, also.
Jeanne d'arc - constititularuent prototypical French sainted figure: break down and out semantics and folklore to fluff demographics deviance

- park folklore, part trieste, part fluff - when did it happen?
- off - hand, not sure, but France, as it stands, is autiguinomously farced with living down its such-tosuppose peasantry finery aux-d'estates that it were; being a center of enlightenment and colonialism, did, at times, find the French establishment lacking in resources with which to fend off notable jaunts as towards a new, more flex recontre coup d'etait il coutrements that France had been reputable for, in neighboring imperial and sociopolitical upheavals. In essence, in being the progenitor of many an early modern period cultural heritage namesake t uphold, various geographical considerations of jaunting same old pigeons-feeding territory would come to laid-waste-to, and a Frenchman, many a pigeon fletch scrum jaunteded-AF buntiglios searching the nooks and the sidewalks or corners, inevitably pursued the next, most bold-AF jaunt: somewhere else.


Saturday, July 7

A truly iPigeon Favorite: caramelized candied French Onion Soup

I've made it a common destination for my new apartment home cooking nights to do the classic French dish: French Onion Soup, to the nines. It's simple enough for the making; and it suits practically all conceivable tastebuds to come.

The general context is that making French onion soup is somewhat similar to making burnt onion soup, but you'll be disappointed if you don't baby the process and look over the creation of this luxe delicacy.

The ingredients:

Red Onions
Balsamic Vinegar

White Pepper (ground)

Mozzarella Cheese

First skin and chop the onions into perhaps 1 inch or so squares. The onions are going to be the meat of the meal, so they shouldn't be chopped too small. Given that the dish is squarely onions, and therefore a vegetarian dish, it's slightly deceptive in how rich and filling the soup actually turns out to be, once it's done. The caramelization process puts a lot of heat through the onions, and the process of cooking them properly is a labor of love. You'll need to steam the onions, saute them, stir them, and lightly burnish them with the caramelized balsamic vinegar, all things at once. Don't leave the pot or pan sitting by itself for very long, and you can vary the temperature within reason; we're cooking with butter, so remember, don't turn the heat up to high at all, or for very long, if at all.

You'll definitely know when you've got caramelized French onions for soup in your pot. Feel free to taste the onions as you go so as to see just how candied and caramelized they are; surely the rich aromas of the cooking utensils have aroused your taste buds and stirred your belly into hungry mode. It will take perhaps 45 minutes to an hour to properly caramelize onions. It's worthwhile to use perhaps 5 onions to start, and to have several bowls of French onion soup at your disposal. The onions do well, also, in chili and beans. I like them by  themselves, somewhat as candy, as well. They're a versatile treat.

Traditional French onion soup is served with bread, butter, and cheese atop the bowl of soup; it's a rich and flavorful treat that delights the senses. I used bread and butter with cheese, aside, by the slice, for dipping, in this instance. Just as well. Don't forget the seasonings! Throw them in in the last minutes of cooking so that they're not used up by the time the dish gets served.

Thursday, June 21

An argument as towards Traditional American Lifestyle Values in - as of - Pigeon Carnival 'Scrum-up' to-speak-of semiotics-and-semantically tomography nomenclature: TITLE: Of a Pipe-Organ / Calliope tonality model's tomographical significance at [personal, (1 person; alone, at that)] scale: ~An Anecdote~

Significant Concepts to develop:
Scalar Pigeon March-Style Whistling in the Modern Tech Lifestyle Nuclear Self;
an anecdote via an early a.m. walk,
The Greatest Kicks of Futbol,
Juvenile's Slow Motion radio hit (early 2000s),
and Zero Gravity Dancing.
A revelation, a deconstruction, a retrospective on coming to a common middle America post-Silicon Valley Tech Lifestyle Blogger's American iGenerational C-Suite differential identity divergence, in an emergent young adult victim-profiler's pidgy-chicken - as pet - persona, in the anecdotal experience of a young Jay Ammon on a morning's walk;
post-traumatic incidence:correlates to:Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:Abnormal Psychology Research Reports:Variance in Anti-Social Neurological Physiognomy Diagnostic Statistical Variance in a Subject, refs. and long-detail report.

A stub of an abstract blog e-pub publication, as for today; I'll update it tomorrow (Friday) after court. Thanks, viewers, for 52 views today; my best day since I started this blog in April.

On this one [blog, to be ttp;precise(usage)], I'll have got my mind and wits about me; this one's apt to be a personal yet non-indulgent delicacy of Francoise as of pigeons Christian middle American tomography folklorical canonical psychiatric coffee-talk scrum.

*ttp: to the point

Please, consider not solely-simply idle-clicking on my advertising patron's ad marketing efforts, but following through with some novel interest support (kitsch-slant realism, I'm sorry), yet I would hope that the intelligence baseline establishment of the truly-calibrated-curated threshold of valid relevance "tech and lifestyle" blog would inspire a belief, in others, as I would aspire to believe, for myself: that the content value and distinction therein of the qualitative and development-driven inspiration for producing such output would lend itself valuations-payoffs in genuinely purchasable ad marketing click-through buyer persona par-relevance mock-up, well enough. 😍

*VARIANCE; as a significant basis STRF#cker name-drop to triple-flush [because it's eating-day] ...

dump butt... 

it's that day of the week, for me. I bought a gallon of milk, and I have no fridge. I rarely fail on that end...

... [the thing that ought to be most commonly visually-self-internally-apparent;] (for me), it was that I first notion would presume that others would have the same image in their head as me, as par-commonality relevance-par-audiahhnce, (francoise) [audience, yet visual-mind apparitionally-becoming, grammatically significant as per past two seconds as towards a truthful coming-to-terms]: I find it is aught to be oftentimes considered to be poor form; the written word, as I publish a particularity discourse,


I do find an audience, well enough, to parfait my Fontucky Chicken Waffles pigeon waffles-feeding pigeons efforts; to some, "tech and lifestyle blog" is why they arrive on my iPigeon.institute brand-marketing valuation startup blogtastic enterprise on validity variance valid alpha-scrum-up semantical vestiges of what could aught-wise be seenably un-scene-pass-ass-gas as-tastic blog contenting provisions, for a tech-dieting snobby-snot-nosed personae-read-iriae-audibly:hear; visually listenable and, in my opinion, emotionally compelling... stuff,... to be presciocious. (urban dictionary input).


The Blog:

One of my significant goals in tech'ing out this stated-pigeon carnival au jour al fresco pioneering homestead of urban-and-surrounding Los Angeles, California, is the emphasis on a comprehensive look at what pigeons signify in several merits of validity in terms of this blog.

First of all, [most visibly] the pigeon is a social bird, with our modern days' envisioning of the bird itself as though oft-maligned, yet an austerity symbol of prior civilizations' man-and-bird dependence and reliance upon each other as friend of intelligent design; as the times were [probably] concomitant with Darwin's ideas coming in to the foray, (read more about the British armed forces use of the pigeon at the British Library Blog Online) as is in the case of the use of the pigeon as curated pet and compatriot to days of armed forces' past:today, folklore of racing pigeons in larger established cosmopolitan cities seem, to me, to be common enough to conjecture upon. On that note, the iPigeon domain name brand marketing heraldry, following the original and heretofore pre-established overarching thematic semiotics-relationally correspondent relevance-keeping architecture of this context in the .institute top-level-domain namesake keeping (me, not being one to forsake pre-iterated establishment heraldries of the had-been-established brand name: iPigeon [as concept], in thematic semantical semiotics-contextual-as-par-relevance to the .com of iPigeon (brand name) as established before I came up with the concept [organically], through my own impassioned pursuits and for the sake of the love of the bird.

I hope to not ruffle any feathers. My personal development aims recently, in social media and in my personal recreation and leisure time do feature pigeons as a valid daily destination, yet the context in use here, in this blog, seeks to go beyond the dailies and doings of pigeons about town, and to delve deeper into the relevant scrum of what the pigeon-as-symbol means, from several valence conceptual underpinnings in the greater semiotic contextual bases that might come up in the articles and content I produce on this blog:

This third concept being of variable themes, as conjectural common folklore (at least locally, as such), is that the pigeon is a widely disreputable bird, in that in it's clumsy and oftentimes disorderly pursuit to maintain a stable flock homestead-by-locality - the pigeon, [commonly paired with the much larger and more aggressive scavenger: the seagull] (by contrast) is commonly taken and perceived as a nuisance on account of the ad hoc and likewise commonly ill-fated (as received) social encounter [in the instance] of youth, [perhaps] marveling at the uproar of birds in flight overhead, and the risk of them defecating carelessly from above.

Taken in a more [step-back; austerity] mature view on the topic is the spectacle of the iconic bird-man-feeder-bum: particularly of pigeons (I recall, from a trip from my childhood; up north in California, undoubtedly) and it was a fond memory of family travel and bonding, perhaps an iconic homesteading moment for me, in hearkening a bird-lover-to-be, as I grew up in teenage years, to raise lost-and-rescued lovebirds and other birds such as sparrows, a blue jay; later, a pigeon who was crippled and could not fly. I commemorate this pigeon in my home exhibition as the baby pigeon. He was so cute and affectionate!

That being said, a lover of bird-domesticating husbandry-rescue pursuits would validly attest - there's something particularly to attest-to as towards the innate human spirit in a pursuit that's fulfilled by the loving care for a needful creature.  Call it what you will, yet the love of a baby creature that's been raised by one's own hand: hours, dedication of days upon weeks over years establishes a fulfillment of spiritual life that even a popular saint is recognizable by: there, and for - the love of the small creatures of domestic gardens dating back to monastic establishments in the figure of Saint Francis of Assisi, notable in art history most commonly by the characteristic communal oneness amongst nature - the squirrels and the birds. The pigeon has deep roots in the close-knit society of man's inner peace to the point of religious symbology that's been overseen by the highest authorities on Christian religious decrees and remembrances. We remember Saint Francis of Assisi commonly in Western Art history. I recall seeing his statuary at MacArthur Park, nearby, and at the DTLA hospital off of Grand Ave, by the 10 Freeway.  He is a symbol of the spiritual need to commune with nature, as humans, and he fulfills a quiet austere position in claiming stakes upon the medical field. 

Caring affectionately for a loved one stimulates oxytocin, a natural mood enhancer.  The pigeon is an intrinsic sociable call to interpret literally, aficionados would have it - in establishing true aficionado scene claimstaking thereof: hearking the pigeon in finery pursuit and in excellence of husbandry in the racing pigeon brand marketing schema - that being the iPigeon name.

Wednesday, June 20

Abverbserial Status-Bearing claimstaking qualitativeness pretext: linguistic ad marketing « tech and lifestyle » (dieting) blog - by meta and headers article basis contextual writing sample for hypothetical coffee-talk mockup craigslist LTR section date night basis, socio-anthropological - for humanities majors-basis convo topic persona splotch whiteboard DIY project: for Frappuccino and App Store mobile client basis of lean client profiling title abstract blog article basis-attainment, to th praise of Apple Accessibility Development efforts; A scrum diagnostics accessibility stub.

Basis of Blogtastic Nomadic Nordic

Guamanian, Virgin Islamds, Puerto Rico - U.S.-occupied territories.

Intro basis - Apple’s text-to-speech and symbiotic discretionary development attainments in devices A7 Processor legacy onwards, we see significant semiotically semantically virtuous heraldry that would make the pioneers of Apple’s Steve Jobs heraldry homesteading era proud.

  1. - Microsoft Soundscape.

- Verbs of Being.
- Stats common usage of words.
- State hypothetical basis of startup valuation Top Level Domain branding significance


  1. At scale
  2. Organically
  3. Sustainable
  4. Intra-extra-sclusovity is only somewhat relatable context as basis.
  5. Qualitative valuation enterprise model of a TLd valuation statistical valence risk profile model viability - violabikity - valid pre-contextual Development relevance par-idioohile regionally non-kink-stink about topic convo socioeconomic thereof - the whitepaper breakdown; this is why they do emojis and socioeconomic development as the « antithical they » for as towards economics.
  6. An abstract Google Wikipedia valid client basis search - how bout Bing?
  7. I am trying to brand-marketing homesteading-efforts grammatically arrête properly adverb and noun, two birds in one stone, post-veganism « tryna » node-based relationally June is as towards apparently; I would say - divergent it semiotician’s semantic scrum basis contiguous progression from the Julian calendar; Pigeons, de facto, pertain towards Francis if Assisi ad hoc S.F. « San Francisco »: one further (geographically speaking « somewhat ») Big Tech’s Google and Cupertino; « San Jose » - I believe Adobe has headquarters up there, as well, in the same town - and Intelligence boundaries in layperson’s client basis mockup of coffee talk banter for date-night - offhand, establish a basis of valid drug-abstinent stability in adulting-basis: a reality show pitch to perhaps an as-unto drug-abstinent - stimulant-basis recursion one-off, demographic Freudian Slip alternate niche as for as-of-yet unspoken homosexual folklore homesteading - they do emojis for this - as for stats, the X86 era was a distinctly first off, prior to high school, some kids did music. 86 is scrum nomenclature of deconstruction semiotics of uncharted blog homesteading as of yet - bold - vast new engineering in one-off mockup date night craigslist dating, folklore to the disreputable quandary demographic of as-stated, not-straight demographic.
  8. Spout off common layperson Pew stats - look up homosexuality - socioeconomic relevance (80%:20%, off-hand). « Lookup required »
  9. Discourse virtues of tricyclic antidepressant action in actionable discourse stub title abstract reality show bold marketing war chest relatable context - the big trucks « Toyota Tundra, the GMC Yukon Denali,  - for App Store par relevánce French-Anglo-ophiles, Big Tech’s #2 global-context new frontiersmen are the Russian Federation peers of today - for the regression thematically arrête beyond « funny stuff » reality show basis, I do whitepaper mockups, okay. That was, in some circles, yet ... leta -exit état a homesteading par cute rie écoutre mes exigencies - okay, first of all, some things are left better unspoken, some people think they ought blog without persona Francophile-actuel-itizemént, as for International Phonetics ... (I dunno, off-hand, but as per App Store offhand, oh: okay: Association, yet significantly International phonetics to a 2:3 spread 66.6% - 33.3% world class status basis is on par relevánce anthropologically-linguistically-probably « ... »
GTD: This is a blog. I Conditionally Google AdSense relevant blog brand marketing-context-basis content of search headers-as-stated one-off « tech and lifestyle » blog, according to an established belief.
- I am an organic methods, yet crystal meth "okay" yet admittedly faulty non-indiscriminate one-off basis-status aficionado.
- Speakably, you get it as a collection on iPigeon.institute, and as it stands, it is a Google blogger informational arrete qualitative stance, dialectically subjectively speaking; i did show up to court yesterday, as my Twitter @ would suffice, if i didn't think that over time, I ought to show up to court; I am a considerate auteur, and I do mockup pigeons of waffles-fed husbandry like Belgian France does Eggos - ... (perhaps even, as yet, France likewise does English).

  1. but a validly Rosetta Stone scrum dialectical? For that Google Babel Translate, Apple Accessibility, and modern marvels of engineering are an aspiration ally contextual 7 short-mid term goal as for mediating this stub article. (on a parenthetical-not pro-gay stance; validly heterogenic compositionally arrete, yet contituently considerate dynamics of Scientology-speaking, there is, perhaps, a scientific method basis to validly-acceptable discourse - for the discerning constitutionally arrete considerations, considerable blogtastic crowd demographic in mt whimsical mind, I fancy them quotable "French." They did 1066, there's a millennial binary-squyare anthropomorphic all sorts of considerable tech development that's gone on since then; Patricia kirk is overlooking this past referentially significant persona mockup development stub valid basis; since i only include valid supports of my cause via whimsical notions conjectural basis - on an intelligence scalable tech and lifestyle blog context; I do blogging in 2018. i was cleared for Google's AdSense program yesterday! ... It's good enough to develop blogs still, rather than a bold oppositional take on stating imperatives GTD stuff; I do blog content well-enough for as per-domains, notwithstanding TLD valuation development, I'm not the first or only one and I got a .institute. The .pharmacy was evaluated as a startup discourse (perhaps white paper) at $1695, or very close to that number. It's a startup valuation of as for me, I paid $20 for my .institute TLD. It's supposed to be an austerity homesteading self-take-it upon-as-towards modern frontiers of what's supposedly, yet probably, as an arrete, constitutionally valid inclusive one-off like it's dawn and for some, it's white paper mockup iscourse; for some - for the search engine robots (okay); first of all, I use a valid process composition one-off as-if ... ? ADHD diversion
  2. no. (I would say). it's a variable scrum-up as-per-valuation, and versus pharmacy, I paid a squares of quarternary and quincintinille - percentage basis of, in data-scrubbing stats-people arrete, perhaps contingently-consiquentlt boring stats to scrub over, as far as numerological deconstruction Derrida as perhaps i'd better aught not speak on the topic of Derrida, because I didn't ever validly read his discourse, as grad-school material assigned to me. but it was assigned to me, and the professor did get paid. Anything beyond that, and I don't do logical fallacies as a basis. i'm operant on an as per AA conditionally arrete; and as-used, in this instance, second-of-all basis more consecrated in being residual compositionally 

a nods-of the hat compositional process that vets the valid prowess of a gentle giant of Apple Developer Team at Corporate: the Accessibility iOS, lately.

- For a musician, sometimes I simply take down dictation, sometimes at accessible scale.
- For a stub - 2 out of 7 disabled - accessible tech highlights will do, and perhaps 20 to 70 would be a vast depravity.

Thursday, June 14

New Have-at: top cute iOS apps from [cross out] for an iPad-Photographer's-to-Illustration-Analog-to-Digital-Aficionado's Dream-Workflow-Status Array

  1. imaengine
  2. SVG Unlimited
  3. Adobe Draw
  4. Creative Cloud
  5. iColorama
  6. Adobe Concept
  7. Google Drive
  8. Hydra
  9. Facebook
  10. Twitter
  11. Tumblr
  12. AUM
  13. AudioCopy
  14. SoundCloud
  15. Apple iOS Photos
  16. iOS Accessibility
  17. TweetRoot
  18. Acoustic Picture Transmit
  19. Virtual ANS
  20. Euclid's Book of the Elements I + III
  21. Pret a Template
  22. Logotastic
  23. Molecule Design
  24. Fractals
  25. Kaleidoscopic
  26. Hyperspektiv
  27. Virtual Room 3D AU Audio Unit
  28. Domainr
  29. Google Maps
  30. Apple Maps
  31. Ads and Analytics - YES! On! All of them okay!
  32. Significant Locations
  33. Adobe Captivate
  34. Qleedo
  35. Agile Tortoise - Phraseology
  36. Meme-maker for iconic memes
  37. Wells Fargo Bank
  38. Wikipedia
  39. Map Area Calculator
  40. Arc-GIS
  41. Ibru
  42. Squeak!
  43. Concentric
  44. Gradient
  45. Meta + Exif photos
  46. Pro Shot + Perspective Fix
  47. Cross DJ Pro
  48. Licensed iTunes singles of your favicon songs! Perhaps futurebass mix 2 * and chill trap - YouTube for beats.

iPigeon.institute Mission Statement have-ats: new.

The official Apple iPigeon concept release is perhaps decades away, at this point. For now, racing pigeons husbandry fans and tech's dreamers and doers of the modern day have srsly right-now-and age way-Bold-as-the-Yukon .developer scrum tactics of multiple task-bearing loads to thereof Herculean repute; regression TD for the GTD iOS standard corporation buyer's model fits-in post-yet-as-of hoc therapy (* back) multiple-attention what's it nomenclature of cutting-edge development of the iOS iTunes App Store Standardized model needs-to of GTD iPad: Bold as the Yukon.


For now, tech's dreamers and doers of the GTD iGeneration .developer recursive...

For now, the dreamers and doers of the Apple iGeneration have web app .developer core Apple Design technologies iPad modern tech diet breadcrumbs... breadcrumbs... wings, wings, beak! beak! beak! on the al fresco [yet intelligentsia] for the iDoIt aesthetics-arrete class status elite...

For now, tech's dreamers and doers of the iGeneration .developer @ aesthetics arrete new words

For now, tech's dreamers and doers and .developer @ design aficionados can take solace in .institute of iPigeon, to speak of.

For now, the STRF#cker jot niche generation can haz sh!tburgers blog called iPigeon.institute pop magically delicious Taschen boutique aesthetics arrete.

For now, the .do it iCan haz pop-magic restitute Taschen boutique et cie finery aesthetics arrete have srsly GTD needs-to ADHD multi-tasking regressive therapy iPigeon.institute blog.

For now, the iGeneration's aesthetics-arrete have a visionary tech lifestyle blog

For now, the tech lifestyle blog slash pigeon-racing heartfelt affections-as-towards 12-steps meetings

For now, the tech lifestyle blog iGeneration's

For now, the tech lifestyle blog of the as-of to speak of, as if *quotation marks regression recursive post hoc .developer scrum slight niche status-bearing have an internet 1.0 can haz blog

For now, the ambitious one-stop

For the aesthetics arrete of the...


- Several individuals, some of them serious, some of them not; the theme, throughout, though, was that it was a keynote speech-to-speak-of coffee-table banter-type stuff.

Latest post.

The iPigeon.institute Sticker Time art, illustrative, and photography miniatures collection, with annotations.

Welcome to the iPigeon.institute online slight exhibition and annotations for the Sticker Time sticker collection. The "Friends" T...

iPigeon.institute’s most popular recent blog articles and posts