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Tuesday, March 31

The "Look" of Encountering Me, on a Today of Standard Notions.

Being an « admittedly » bum "tryna'" admittedly is a persona marketing enclave of questionable sort, as we all know. 

This being the case, as that there are few options for persona marketing of the PR self-image sort of slant on things, there are sorts of bums that seem to care worse, even to the point of common fare identity of as much of as that they find themselves, that they present of themselves a fair-enough Christian unclean. 

I try to imagine a fair standard American identity, and, doing justice to my upbringing; things that I've been nurtured with, things that I lacked, things that people would have wanted to see of me, and I take on the vulnerable and contentious (to some) identity of what some people would consider to be needless and equally worthy of rebuke, as of any other shit at an iteration of persona marketing identity that I've been, of myself - here and there, an "admittedly" sort, of a more depraved of misfortune nature, yet I receive, on this day, as well as commonly standard, of that my appearance is such that it does fair justice to the backdrop of my life, in deeds that come to have been seen of me, or "witnessed," and proclaimed as the truth - here, I opt to proclaim, as a standard threshold of expectation upon myself, of that I do works of charitable, selfless, thoughtful, and needful consideration of others, such that I might simply be good, and seen as a good person; seen with affections of good enough sight-unseen peers of willingly Christian identity in life - for the fact that it's "not bad," - a most simple derivation of a problem task force issue at hand;

Are people making life out to be "simply" a basis of that it were « bad versus good »? 

On one hand, I shrug it off. Who cares about people who make decisions? For me, I care about standards of established bespoken acceptability of administration, somewhat of an expectation that all behavioral matters and issues of life had occured, and have had standardized administrative insight and action taken upon it, such that runs the totality of society. 

There are people who "can't" do well, for any measure of conceivably acquaintanceship standard of timescale. 

(What can one man really do - take on unfortunate men, as disciples, of that I am Chrstian?).

There are people who "won't," who had (subconsciously) decided that they outperform society, within the hermetic isolation of their aloof, lofty selves, of a borderline personality disorderly nature. I used to be if this type. 

There is the one who accepts life, at it's takings and becomings - of things that God provides into man, for that we have a common agreement, in American society, of that our standard and "official," of religion, at issue: being that we are Christians, in identity. 

Being out on the street, something as simple as that trash is not always spitefully "trashed," and the worth of the food destroyed; yet as such, being that I come across food, that it had been a considerate sacrifice, for a person of such nature as is expected of man, and adult, of that food is a primary needful resource in life, of a constantly seeking and striving nature, which we are bound by, whereas some people would simply shrug off the necessity of food, and of appearing to be rational. People take issue with the identity who presents of themselves as that they do not care for food; as beggars, as the destitute, yet, as well, of an uncommon act to come into manifest life, as it were - for all intents and purposes, (as distributively, as is seen to be the case; of that a charitable deed is an uncommon one, and to be rebuked, of an expectation of commonality is violated, the token issue of an honesty-driven identity at-hand: all the much more essential, and productively sustainable, in that people find things commonly "good, or bad," dating back to when we were children). A decision to act poorly is obviously a violable identity to portray of ones self - not all unfortunates, as victims of abuse, were raised with a Christian forgiveness - of as much as they will stand (of a circumstantial situation; of there being risky behavior and consequences at stake). 

That being said, here's my list common up-to-date look and appearance. 

The personal tote cart is an affectionately nurtured persona-taggable affect, in and of itself - capable of being constitutable banter of formative sociability context. It does « ... ». It hauls « ... ». It portrays « ... ». 

That being said, I'm wearing camouflage tights, as well. It might come to be seen, by common usage in our generation's perceptions in life, that a one who rebukes a Christian Missionary sort, with affections to the armed forces, and towards law enforcement, a decidedly courtesan "hopeful" appearance, as that it'd be taken as such, is as much as a bum, (I) can do, of myself. 

Others do similarly, more, or less; others do worse. 

People who "won't" seek subconsciously for affections, of a resource that exists, in society, for everyone, as we'd stake as our claim, as Americans. The decision to waste administrative time with "unresolvable" problems is an interrent duplicity of identity in society, whereas we are all human, and we have basic  human and civil rights, that we form our expectations of behavior and achievement upon. We are disappointed when people fail to meet good natured expectations. Deciding other than to behave one's self in a Christian manner is a promise to act with subversion to society, to betray what people expect of each other, and to make things as simple of that we were taught "good and and" when we were children. 

As adults, we expect more. To be unprepared for the moment of status upheaval for the betterment of ourselves is an unfortunate one - like the time a more attractive person of the opposite sex greets us, as individuals, with more than common affections, or attention - a time where we were too high, not sociably charismatic of a mock-up of Grace, poise, and professionalism, such as to Garner us the affections and continued interaction with the one of our affections, free from the troubles of the world, as it had been, in the past, without our loved one. 

It's a common shortcoming, for me, of that I miss out on such occasions, because I'm "too high." 

People who cause me problems are also of issue. 

I suppose that that's all I might have about a subject, for the moment. 

Sunday, March 29

I see some scattered white bread pieces in the Terminal Metro station;

Then I wonder, what if... they don't all end up being carnival pigeons? 

I suppose that many pigeons will be witnessed on an off day, or venturing out from the flock, but that would be part of the inquisitive nature of the urban pigeons lifestyle. Pigeons land in front of human observers and passersby in order to enact the time-worn ritual of evincing some food. 

Of course, not every creature could possibly be up to a finery carnival performance Fletch, at all times. The organic nature of the crowd and the audience is that of an ebb and flow, around the unfolding of the event, as it happens. 

Then, the sociable behaviors of the post-excitement engagement (for now, it's simply a feeding, but today, it was special food - horchata cream cheese mini sandwich bites). Some of them flutter away, in a flurry of wind, as the unknown signal becomes triggered amongst the birds, in agreement of that they should flee.

I wonder how the Manchester flock is faring. I was tearful at the notion of abandoning them, in to adulting - that they would be. 

I swore I was being ray-tracked by an Osprey the other day; I'm sure I mentioned it.

It's a rare sighting, to catch it within low hovering, here, pictured under the clouds. 
The Osprey is a mysterious machine. I don't know much about it, but I do recall instances in which I had spotted this dual-engine helicopter, and similarly, within a developing paranoia context, I felt what seemed like rays of the sun, yet much more harsh. 

I'd have to read up on this machine to speak well on it, aside from that. 

Wednesday night - an iPigeon « peeped out » wandering about DTLA; an uncommon demographic to appear in the area; inevitably, I have to sleep, at some point.

Wednesday night, in downtown Los Angeles, California, was a hum-drum paltry showing, mostly, of the typically lively and vibrant social life that feeds the bar and restaurant scene in the area. On this night, it seemed, the locals of the DTLA area were mostly suitably dissatisfied with the offerings of what could be had, « despite all things » of that we were on lockdown, by order of the various higher-level government institutions (actually, all levels of government, I suppose), and the streets were, in turn, filled with a much different, and definitely seedier demographic, of which, I might surmise, was not unfamiliar to me, given some consideration; yet, to have witnessed the Los Angeles County Sheriff's busses entering the Justice Administration building, and the narratives that had spun off, from that, (from that morning) - the linearity of the sinister contexts that unfolded were that of a most "of on homie" « named » gang, of which some of my former peers had strong affiliations with | for, and, as well, strong affections towards. 

I remember the imagery of the persona | man who had stalked me in Santa Monica, detailing, from the time at the crosswalk stop light, throughout the crossing of the street - of that he had pinned me as a targeted subject of study, prior to meeting me; yet here, thankfully, the man presented himself as a woe-stricken, conciliatory, and repentant individual, having been in incarceration, (conceivably), with our interaction leading him there, whereupon we parted ways - the police officer succinctly had told me to "go that way," which was the opposite of where the suspect had been scooched over, on to the sidewalk; the police cruiser separating myself and him. I went to the Santa Monica Police Headquarters, as I had originally been directed to do, when I called 911. (The man continued to follow me, as I was on my way there. He spoke of things, such as "how about we commit some crimes together?" - which I felt was overly seedy and seditious in nature; in addition, he seemed to be aggressively in disavowal of a common space between us, from the moment I observed him - staring at me, wearing sunglasses, whereas he spoke of and at me with familiarity, and he seemed set on acquiring some trinket or token of my person, with this as the outset, of what might have been a different sort of acquaintanceship, otherwise.

Yet, here, in his desperate recants of his behavior, and of the people who had enticed his vulnerable-state self with notions of some notions of that "of on homie," for it's seditious and capricious nature; for it's formative declarations of sedition and caprice - novel, to some; mindlessly irresolute, though, I'd say. Yet seemingly (and easily) hundreds, if not thousands, of same such-wise formative individuals seemed out in staunch force, in Downtown Los Angeles, as I attempted to sleep through the night next to a Metro rail station by Staples Center, and the Convention Center, in a parking lot. A drunken man, otherwise sociable, flaunted features of that I could not help but not sleep, for his ministrations, of a decidedly Latino etymology - his pidgins, which were threatening and ominous in nature, as well as [perhaps] grandiose, in that he seemed to believe, (or have tactical awareness of my positioning, and travails, leading up to "parking it," at the parking lot, where I imagined that others (losers, perhaps, like myself, I might similarly have seemed), yet - 

Even the children we're fraught with problematic behavioral conditions - on one hand, they were older, for that age that they obviously were, audibly, as youthful teenagers, or was it that they had simply been of the age to receive oppositional-defiant personality disorder, their forebears, as well, and that none of them, of the conditional of, of the affiliation to "of on homie," the gang, whereas it's simply a bit troubling, in that some of them present themselves as kind, charitable, and sociably well-to-do, and just earlier that day, with me, in fact. 

The problem is, is that these "of on homie" behaviors and mannerisms are imbued in to subjects wittingly, and with effort; whereas the man who had stalked me was one to recant, and rebuke: the affiliation, the lies, the impropriety of the flimsy institutional underpinnings of the organization, whereas many others were | are treated with caution, for showing up, in the general public, on a Wednesday night, me, being one known, and self-aware individual-as-targeted-victim, some various other errata of things that perceivably went on, during the course of such an influx of revelers, of the Wednesday night, that it was, whereas there must | ought to be some compromise, in solution to the obviated problems, of that they were, many of them: disheveled, not well-assertively-bespoken, of the words that they would say, some of them gay, or seditiously so. Had I posted my other blog on "some guy" on the morning of this Wednesday? I believe so. He pulled some sorry drunken gay guy stuff on me; it made me think on Covid-19 social distancing demands, that (supposedly) everyone would have caught wind of, or at least have noticed, out in society, of that « something » was amiss. 

In any case, that was this passing Wednesday, March 25th, on my end. 

Who pays the toll of the confounding [f]actor's role in a role-weary incompetent or insane subject?

Somewhat - 

Alright, « okay » like, I really needed that (most times), or, like, people really [don't] bother to conceal their formants, and self-such character-isms of speech and poise, but I don't really get the lack of sociable attainment, the thing about "just getting it done," 


There's this vast contingency of avoidant (I'd forgotten about that one [of abnormal psychology]; the avoidant, the passive-aggressive, the decades gone on, in lacking sobriety and 12 Steps fundamentals, as life. People really do live their lives off of the 12 Steps, when they're in the supportive arms of truly good-meaning sober individuals - I've always self-managed my drug abstinence, because I have a hard time speaking with strangers, and some aspects along those lines. 

For that matter, it feels like you guys are abusing the child of my life-in-suspension - I used to pull Tarot cards for this type of thing. But that was years ago.

Then, I became a person who simply never does the thing that is so characteristically immature, and short-sighted. I did the most menial of digital life-styling reputational upkeep, in cases where I had done others wrong (undoubtedly while in the midst of a manic spree on life; by all means, un-sober): I went back and apologized to the person - digitally, at that, since it was my digital Life up for self-criticism, and for matters of integrity of my self.

The point being, is that, all-in-all, I did do those things, and I could move forth in life flinching with the sour memory of those things lingering - nonewhatsoever. 

Okay, there is this guy, and one other guy, I owe them each about $40-$45. Eek. That's literal money I owe, to leverage my business ethics statistical "perfect," otherwise.

But some of you guys (and ladies) - sheez, ... I guess maybe you guys (and ladies) perhaps never made it out past suburbia; whereas [I seem to have recognized destitute and laboring] {some guys} I've seemed to recognize, out in the open wild, while I'd been "trekking," and how natural the interactions were - just in passing; just maybe, it was "them."

Those kinds of guys don't have this passive-avoidant histrionic persona that pops in to my mind, and acquisitions some arbitration or leverage about my wherewithal and my going-for-show-pigeons better pedigreed self.

On one hand, there's the notion of replicable personae-identities, yet who would be comfortable knowing that I simply « believe » these horrible things about people? Some people.

Some people who don't really do Facebook « well, or properly ». And then, there's this whole thing about speaking in to the phone's speaker {thing} and the expectation that the audio clip-bytes reach me?

 On one hand, I can concede that this is about as "crazy" as I'd come off, given my willingness to « once again » relate the long-windedness and intricacies of a schizotypal personality disorder, such that I have; whereas most people claim that they don't hear voices, whatsoever. 

That's it, though. That's the limit of how « actually » crazy I look; it costs me a blog of relevant content, somewhat, to digress, again, in to abnormal psychology, once again, yet here it be, plain and simple - I'm 38 years old now, so's most people involved, or better (or lesser of consequence, for being third-person removed) - most perhaps-so. The opposing face-to-face second person disposition is truly a rare one, but I do sometimes speak at long-winded lengths about formative aspects of all expected contextual realities and foundational underpinnings, which lead to critical analysis of the "other" person, at hand, but that's not to say that many people who encounter me don't actually mean me harm, given a turn-of-my-back to them. They do, and I realize these things, even as they trouble me.


Then, I inevitably get some web-crawler "bot" hits, after publishing the post to social media, and oftentimes, a colloquy ensues. But I'm moreso that I'd just rather be done, and done with the issue. I could do coffee, at a coffee shop, and forget about it, over a sweet one.

My blog stats - minutes after posting the blog and sharing it to social media.

It could even be a home-spun drink, in a recyclable bottle - but these types of sociable accommodations just fail to get done.

What im im see, here, though, is an imminent troll-of-all-web internet activity, for lack of a better term, in the all-hours readiness to check out my latest blog, type of thing - which could only be « somewhat » okay. The thing of the internet of all hours "thing" is a tired subject - I'm commonly neurotically fraught with the consequences of having done a night of the internet of all hours "thing," and the cost of repairing that deed, with ionic minerals, with medications, with attending personnel and professionals about my mental health patient status, not to mention my social worker - these are all tolls of being improprietuous of what ends up being "for my sake," in which case I have to answer for my [obvious] shortcomings.

The desire to shield one's identity behind remote sensing technology is a dark, loaded vehicle, carrying the impetus of the person's wherewithal that could have been - for having jaunted a fresh, new, identity through stimulant abuse that many find so compelling; yet many also fail to remit a sustainable [or any some-such] contribution to society, whether it be digital or real-life. For that matter, I find that my schuzotypal self commonly lends it's nature to a more familiar term, in that I perceive it as an augmented reality - one where a person's reputation could « precede » their physical presence. Sometimes the voice {conscience} hanging over the shoulder of the guilty is a partner-in-arms, with the self of such person. 

Saturday, March 28

Thankfully, people are keeping the birds fed during this public health crisis.

I stopped over in DTLA, after returning an unexpectedly fortunate haul of recyclables to the tune of $7.70 at GP Recycling

A passing bike rider observes the Los Angeles Public Library flock of pigeons after they enjoy a meal for the afternoon.
Largely, aside from some scant touristy and locals type of population being outdoors in downtown Los Angeles, there is an obvious larger demographic of homeless individuaos, as well as individuals trekking about, after being released from Los Angeles County Jail. The other night, the depravity population was out in large numbers, many of them looking for trouble. I was fortunate to have some overseer protective status, as a victim of crime asset, of which, there was a vast underpinning allegory being portrayed to my front-of-mind, as the remote theatre of operations of a tactical nature, which had escalated in to Army Corps of Engineers being called out to make sure that the ground water was suffice to manage the ongoing enumeration of Civic individuals, and as well, as a courtesy resource management Target accommodation, in that the ambient temperature of DTLA is sometimes artificially warm, or unseemingly cold, and windy, to help preserve the safety of displaced victims, and to calm the seeking slight criminal nature of the otherwise also displaced, or perhaps gang-affiliate group injunction status of the street-walking demographic, which was rife, out on the streets on Thursday. 

Wednesday, March 25

Enabling Talk-as-you-type accessibility functioning on Android devices.

This is perhaps a useful set of features to discover, if [perhaps, to reiterate], it might seem as if brute Force disturbances are affecting your Android device, and, as well - functions as a suitable intelligence feedback partnering mechanism as text is typed out, delivering interactive feedback. 

At the outset of initiating the feature, there seems to be an intermittent barrage of claims of "Alternatives are dismissed," "Alternatives are available." Perhaps the device will learn intelligently to not do this, over time. On further inspection, it appears to lay out a backlog of enumerated menu options. Hmm. I'll get back to this blog, at some point, after shutting down. I'm going to have a bologna sandwich with cheese. 

Some quaint iPigeon (miniatures) of rustic notions [found at Garfield Park, in South Pasadena].

Here are some scratch raw images of imaginative ad hoc composition, for the mind's eye to decipher, of what I consider to be suggestive of rustic life, of centuries past, or, perhaps, of non-industrialized small locales, of a largely idyllic (or mythic) nature-bound setting. 

What do these images, in their obscurity of definition, suggest, of their subjects and composition? I'll let the readers' minds discover it's own slight fantasy world, for themselves.

Friday, March 13

The impact of coronavirus has left it's mark upon the casual downtown Los Angeles and surrounding areas.

What's one to do about this impending and ominous, though obscure, threat of contracting a potentially very deadly virus?

On one hand, we can embody some rational common sense about the means and scope of the impact of this vast news-story topic drop, and see it for what it truly is, to a large degree. First of all, for a pandemic to have reached so many nations, to such a degree of repute, such that the disease itself could be identified as having stricken a victim, tagged and classified as such, is somewhat murky, I'd say, within the scope of understanding that it came out of a Chinese fish market, to begin with. 

People who are unfamiliar with Chinese meat markets would ostensibly view such a foreign and unfamiliar cultural facet as strange; the Chinese, being an unattainable cultural divide to bridge, in their more traditional manifestations, of older generations who have never learned English, (and vice versa; many Americans would never learn Chinese) - this phenomenon creates a clear opportunity for the exploitation of an insider's pedigree about a looming generalization of cultural malady and over-production at the steed of what largely seems to center around what ended up being a bum Valentine's Day weekend, imaginably, for many people involved. 

Let's face it. People are destitute, and over spending on their budgets and credit accounts, to a large degree. These things happen in cyclical fashion, yet there hadn't been a clear cut demographic of identifying these individuals, as my generation had, in the iconography of the metro-sexual. On one hand, that archetype still lives on in popular culture - simply (perhaps) different people, all being wrought through the engineering of consumer psychology in to well-targeted patrons of online retail and persona-based advertisements.

The subliminal impact of the ad-bearing mechanism is a tender subject to have breached, for many consumers, in that their visual identity and assimilating personas and outward portrayals of themselves, leveraged upon "fitting in," is at stake. People long to be admired and adored, as a universal nurturing need, of our primitive limbic mind selves, which operates underneath the surface.

To be succinct, I can admit that I'd overworked myself, quite commonly, over the past several months, or so, and it had become a chronic condition. Back pain, inflammation - that sort of thing. But the exploitation of the intrigue and mystique of the unfamiliar is an obvious concession within the scope of this coronavirus news topic drop, if one were to dig just beneath the most superficial of things.

Am I that uncommon, and so far out of reach, that an objective deconstruction of personal experience, given outgoing, pro-sociable inclusion and observation should go unheeded? I feel that the things I find and imagine to be common of myself, given others, to be, historically, a fairly level-gauge playing field and perspective, since I traverse through many cultural populations, and I interact indiscriminately with individuals and intelligence personnel, with relevant imagery, on a very consistent and regular basis, which I'd offer, is a reasonable agreement that my objectivity is a fairly well-grounded one. Hopefully I communicate to the literate population with little to hinder the boundaries between written words and capable understanding.

Moving ahead, pushing forth on productivity, given our human constraints of our physical selves, and also, given that our subliminal egos are perhaps bruised, for the sake of that Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning models, being deployed and delegated, over humanly capable endeavor, is bound to be one of the humbling and intrinsic facets of that we are limited by human frailty, and everyone could use a break, at some point, and coronavirus offers that contingency a common layperson's chance at duly failing to fulfill responsibilities, whereas (to be redundant), we all needed a break from work, for how much productivity we had produced, and for what that wrought of our exertions, and exhaustion.

Thursday, March 5

Fleeing the iPigeon nest of home, once again.

One of my inherited and inlaid tenets of a sound psychology in the context of a home as nurturing environment hinges upon the simple assertion of that individuals deserve to be treated with kindness,  understanding, and respect towards their internal stability and trust capacity for themselves to thrive,  as internalized beings of their own volition and personal fortitude, as well as for the trust to rely well upon others, given the grace of a kind and gentle home nurturing environment. 

I'm of the belief that there is, typically,  no argumentative basis,  upon being formed and expressed,  out of anger,  that could have not been resolved better through simple patience, communication, and kindness.  I recently fled home,  after being significantly berated and yelled at by my sober living home / transitional housing manager. He pulled out significantly faulty and self-righteous claims over me,  and what had been going on with what he saw as faults of myself,  for not cleaning my bed,  and for letting my room and living space come slightly disorganized. 

He made claims of impossibility,  as I had received them - such as that he accused me of not having bought groceries for the place,  whatsoever.  Patently and simply not true.  This stance of a claim over what the truth of the matter was, given that I had been purchasing groceries for the place - left me with the disappointments I'd experienced as a child,  growing up,  and knowing well enough,  what appropriate treatment would look like,  but rather that anger and violence would, instead,  ensue out of the conflict that had developed,  of a child and caretaker (parent) dynamic, which I felt was a sorely wrought wound to uncover,  on the part of the housing manager,  with me as a client.  

That being said,  I went out in to the world, and failed at understanding the dangers that ensued,  as a result of expressing my life,  through my mobile devices,  whereas that my iPad Mini had become an object of targeted desire,  and I discovered it lost,  after finally sleeping,  for having been up for a week.

I woke up,  the next morning - fraught with the trauma of a dramatic complexity of one of Dante's infernal layers of Hell,  yet uniquely my own,  in the context of my own secret and subliminal fears.  

For some reason, beyond conceivable means of understanding,  I could not intuit where I ought to set out,  upon waking - for the sake of finding my way home.  I'd been imbued with the sense that I lived at Apple Computer headquarters,  of which there was a local establishment,  thereof,  in the South Park, DTLA area.  Somehow,  the context and reality of home had been significantly at issue, with the looming architecture,  and reflective glass doors seeming to suggest that there was an identity unknown, and exclusive,  perhaps,  of the institutional use of said architectural design.  

A Trojan Horse cryptic riddle had fully embedded itself,  of my vulnerable station in life,  having been woken up,  of the daylight,  whereas I desperately required significantly more sleep,  and I had been awake in to the early morning hours, posed with matters of ethics and loving-kindness towards others at issue,  for me,  as a challenge to follow up on,  in order of that I maintain my best,  most proper, and respectable self-image within the context of critical analysis of my Scientological worth,  as that fate and my fortunes would recall,  throughout life. More than that,  the micro-climates and gravitational harmonic suspension of stable barometer had been notably upset,  even during the daytime,  leading up to this night, finally ended with sleep. Many automotive vehicles had been notably put to their last legs,  for showing up in my walking vicinities,  that I noticed of them. The integrity of the tires and body suspension, grinding, and squealing, of the weight collapsing upon itself.  It happened to be the Ides of March. The moon, high overhead,  as that it were visible; and hot on this day, that of the weather.  

My personal shopping cart also fell subject to detriment,  as it broke upon itself,  the spokes,  and the axles.  I carried a heavy load of recyclable materials,  as I traveled to and from the recycling center, although I did make it back in to town,  and safe,  well enough,  to purchase another cart. 

I took the loss of my iPad Mini with grace,  having been much of the constitution of speaking on positive reinforcement psychology and well-being,  as well as of Christian virtues and tribulations, and of faith, in deeds,  words, and acts.  The stages of loss were contexts in my mind - very familiar.  

Thankfully, although posed with the context of coming to terms with my loss of material goods,  I had good graces,  aside from the superficiality of being attached,  and emotionally volatile,  as an alternative perspective that could have, I'd have taken on,  otherwise,  given a less stable foundation of support and expectations on me,  being that I'd been linearly conscious and attentive to the higher powers of authority and oversight, over the span of an entire week - my station in life,  one of consequence to live out,  for obviously best circumstances that could conceivably be offered me,  given that my attitudes and personal statements,  and the soundness, thereof,  not impinge upon common expectations and establishments of decency,  of which there was, thankfully, richly well supported,  and hours to come,  and had passed,  of the support of higher intelligence,  and of the rebuke of depravities; we were strong,  together.  

The iPad Mini,  all in all,  would be seen to have been ephemeral,  and a childish thing to publicly bereave. I packed up,  and moved on,  and slept for the days that ensued, until now. 


Saturday, February 29

Some predating corroboration that others had found their iDevice, given pigeons, comparatively a fond marriage of affections. (a reblog from Digiday)


Given that I happened upon (was well-paired, of personal traits, in affinities, thereof [of]), the branding establishment of “iPigeon” that was effected, of my personal happenstance, in seeking a blog publishing domain, for the sake of various developments to be worked out, and worked at, over the formative underlying basis of that the ideas would have website domain statistics and analytics to be measured, of viable popular themes of imaginative endeavor, or of intellectual foundations of new research, through public offering of these ideas and aspirations in article form, I was confronted, upon enthusiasm for happening upon custom domains under the oversight entity of Google’s stability in reputable product delivery of their commonly used applications and services - with coming to terms of that there was a first-off, prior establishment of such similarly organic originality in conceptual branding that had been established of the .com of the iPigeon brand company title; yet the variant flexibility in marketable branding persona was still rich, for the sake of many dozens of viable enterprise pursuits of a disparity contrast of respectable space, such that these contexts would not conceivably violate common ground, and enterprise, given expectations of soundness in decency and competitive ethics. 

Given that, I stalked my branding identity, the other night, and I happened upon another predating occurrence of the origin sightings of the digital iPigeon creature having sprung into existence, on some other Apple mobile device aficionado’s contingently particular quirk of that the individual was obviously fond of birds, on a personal level, as well.

Friday, February 28

Pretty pigeon, fluffy feathers.

I would term this “kitsch;” (perhaps, - :/ .. ) yet charming: I’d say, for its playful, candid, yet charming and affectionate [that it were, for the sake of the fact that the bird had distinguished itself before me, ahead of the boundaries stayed at by the rest of the flock, as though it were wittingly posing as the pretty bird, and that he’d been brought up of virtuous establishments and charms of his plumage, that he ought demonstrate and appeal upon me, as the morning’s caretaker of the animal’s daily necessity of, and significant life’s formative pursuit [of a pigeon, and it’s companions in the flock] - of discovering food, that he is also a good bird; for me, a personally touching moment, in that I had regularly frequented the Grand Park grounds, in years past, as a homeless person who was, then, and now, and from the time therein, between when I had taken upon myself the promise to nurture the local flocks of sparrows and pigeons, such that were found at the park, and as well, in other areas in DTLA, and outlying localities where I’d come across flocks and establishments of  [somewhat] “homed,” (I estimate, colloquially an amateur of the richer and obvious context of a more well-domesticated and intentionally localized, through nurturing, over years, of effecting a lofted (perhaps) establishment of pigeons), that might be more imaginably relevant, within a personal context, given urban society, of that we acknowledge that people in other urban metropolises have established trained flocks of pigeons, for racing, for show, for messaging, etc. 

In all of the richer context of what might be understood of the charm of the photographic composition, and of the story of that the bird might be seen to have been intelligently attempting to “woo“ me of a more consistent affections and cares to be offered to them, it’s fairly deeply much more tenderly sentimental, in that I’d, at times, have become ineffectual, forgetful, neglectful, detracted from, or thwarted in - various claims, all amounting to that I had neglected to return to the common establishments of the various flocks, around town, that I could regularly and capably fulfill my commitments to them, and that the purpose of such things were that I would expect that the birds would perform slight miracles of animal behavior for people to admire, of them, for having been cared for, and nurtured, of my participatory influence and small acts of attesting to the virtues of perseverance in seeing the promises carried out, on a gradual, and measured basis - attesting to the religious connotation of establishing a serenity amongst the surroundings of nature among us, and of God’s creatures, that the figure of Saint Francis of Assisi is carried forth, in our common societal mind, as classically relevant and emblematic of an unending foundation of what goes to be carried forth, in life, and society, of that we accept Christ and his teachings, and his notable followers, throughout time, as constantly needful identities in and of ourselves, to discover, and praise, for the natural and spiritual truths that the hold in our lives, that we might, in that Saint Francis is a popularly celebrated saint of our nation’s embrace, and understanding. 
as one significant context. The other, I imagine (having become distracted, for touching upon the more important context of religious significance in our commonly spiritually destitute lives, in urban society - [and doing it long-winded, at that] {hopefully within grasp of comprehension, though} - that this bird was, indeed, one of my ones that I’d cared for, in previous years, and how personally at detriment I’d become, of battling through irreverent and seditious human affairs, to the failure of loving kindness and nurturing, of which the (aside <_ -="" a="" addressing="" all="" and="" as="" asunder="" at="" attesting="" been="" bird="" bitterly="" but="" care="" carrying="" cast="" center="" contexts="" decree="" demand="" diet="" disavowed="" effecting="" end="" environment="" ethical="" fearfully="" field="" finest="" font="" for="" forth="" friends="" go="" gone="" grounds="" had="" have="" i="" in="" is="" issue="" it="" knowledge="" lack="" locales.="" many="" me="" minds="" mouths="" native="" needful="" needs="" not="" nurturing="" obviously="" of="" on="" other="" our="" performance="" perhaps="" pigeons="" positive="" psychology="" reinforcement="" s="" sake="" sciences="" so="" social="" sparrows="" support="" surrounding="" sustainability="" that="" the="" their="" there="" these="" things="" to="" understanding="" unfed="" upon="" urban="" was="" we="" weeks="" well="" would="">

In summary, the bird seemed to intelligently attempt, in a common bird’s psychologically natural manner, in preening himself, in evincing affections upon me, for the promise of returning more regularly for a feeding, of his formerly more consistent expectations that I would have been seen to have fulfilled for them, when I lived amongst them, on a day-to-day basis, as that I lived outdoors, nearby and within the same park, itself, which they’d since have had established some community and charm, of that the sparrows accompany the pigeons, as well - and that they have their own amusing and individual species’ manner of eating the bread, or tucking it away, for collecting, as the little ones do. 

Thursday, February 27

Remembering and fulfilling my promise to feed the birds in DTLA, I reconnect with my grounded self.

Personal public relations matters have been a huge and consistent mess, in my personal and private life lately, ever since the approach and passing of Valentine’s Day Weekend this year. 

I’d been coming under personal attacks on a regular basis, within the confines of my personal space and home life; a significant intrusion and invasion of the serenity and stability of my wellbeing and of the development of establishing meaningful relationships to come, based on my outreach efforts I’ve made online, in my social media accounts. 

Even so, with this being the case, there are some glimmers of light that have shown through, in promising ways that I’m looking forward to following through on. It’s been truly a long time since I’ve connected with someone on a deeper personal basis, and I feel like the time is becoming ripe for me to find that sort of opportunity once again. 

As my readers and followers over the years would attest to, my commitment to feeding the local pigeons and sparrows has been one of my long-standing and richly-defining traits that have pervaded the content I publish. Being that my personal life had become a significant detraction from my current life’s aspirations and pursuits, I’d recently been letting the various flocks of pigeons and sparrows down, in that I’d become so significantly exhausted and forlorn, both emotionally and physically. They’d been on my mind, and dearly so, yet I struggled, and failed, thereof, in getting myself up and out for the sake of feeding them their daily bread and other treats that I’d typically regularly have for them. I’d become worried that nobody else in the community had been concerned with their feeding, and that their spirits would be let down, in the scope of a someday promise of that they’d become tame, and more friendly, in years to come, for the sake of this sort of personal nurturing, and for expectations fulfilled; for the rewards that are to be reaped of acts of loving kindness that all sentient and intelligent creatures long for and appreciate. 

That being said, I’ve since rested up significantly, over the past weeks, following Valentine’s Day weekend, and the birds were eagerly hungry and enthusiastic to receive some care, in the form of bread and baked goods that I’d had for them. It feels truly fulfilling, in a spiritual sense, remembering that I had happened upon the Santa Monica hand-tame flock of pigeons one afternoon, next to the Santa Monica Pier.

Today I fed the Manchester at Harbor Freeway underpass pigeon flock, and the Grand Park flocks, as well. Here’s some photos from Grand Park today. 

Friday, February 21

A rough and tumble Valentine’s Day Weekend.

This had been, undoubtedly, a Valentine’s Day Weekend of much-peaceful rest-seeking to follow that would have been seen. 

That being said, I won’t gloat over the highlights and enumerations; I guess that we all came out of it bruised and sore, like it were an erstwhile trip to Holland, and we were ill-fated of our southern California dress clothing, such that we found ourselves out in the cold. I’m not sure what anyone else, of my peers, did, for the holiday, but I’ll divulge that I was much up for the celebratory part in participation, be it what it may or could be, such that I could make of it, although I ended up not going out in my unicorn cosplay outfit, and I ended up talking our heads off, ending up trying to salvage what I could of some spirit of grounding sensibilities that we could all relate to; that we’d all have had about ourselves, yet the spirit of romanticism, amidst this modern day dirge of materialism, and social status stakes of one-upmanship were highly touted distraction events, and I suppose that, of any of us involved, we were all slight to lose our proper and appropriate selves, in the flurry, and the cold. 

Hopefully the spirit of what transpired is not lost in what carries forth, from here on out. In essence, we all desire significantly similar things in life, given a common ground aptitude and shared lineage of upbringing that we had. In that, I managed to bring up, for consideration, some moments which I found to be compelling, in their plainness and simplicity. We were not so much of a quarrelsome and disagreeing basis of identity, and genuine authenticity in character, back in our early years, when we were all children, and we found ourselves fraught with a traumatic separation from each other. 

The weekend, for me, ended up being a labor of dedication and wonderment, as I spoke on voluminous various contexts, trying to manage the scope and coherence of maintaining a public face, and composing a linear contextually relevant basis; a common understanding, for all of those observing, while addressing much-neglected and needful aspects of ourselves, within a limited and containerized context, which seemed to be the overarching story that brought us together, over the course of the days and nights of the weekend, forget the commercial and traditional context of Valentine’s Day, or any truthful establishment that had been violated - we were all in a similar boat, without any uncertainty - all single men, this time around. 

I ended up sleeping outside, and waiting an entire day to recoup my belongings, and start off towards home - a disheveled and obvious failure, though I took pains to win some for the common ground participants and observers at hand. All in all, I couldn’t complain, and I didn’t ravage my living stability status, or reputation, all that much. Hopefully we all got through it well enough. 

Here’s to spring! To new beginnings, through the warmth of the seasons, bringing us some simple satisfaction as through natural cycles of the year. Let it bring us the simple promise of renewal, and rebirth. Thanks for being here along with me, all along. 

Thursday, February 13

Where to go for the best breads in Los Angeles.

Anyone who follows along with my daily outings to feed the pigeons would know that I’m a huge fan of bread. Check out these tasty breakfast bread baking-restaurant retail locations from the Los Angeles Times. It’s hard to go wrong on good bread.

The best breakfast breads in Los Angeles

Friday, February 7

The iPad Mini (5th Generation) from Target proves to be a speedy [11.1] model iPad versus the [7.5] 7th Generation 10.2 iPad. (2019)

Those of you who follow me here, from my Twitter feed, would know that I was in need of replacing my iPigeon (iPad) status with a new one; thankfully Target Circle came through with a most timely email notice that, once again, the online and national chain store retailer would be offering its iPad stock up for sale. I returned to the trough like a boarish hog; this, my third one this side of summer. (It's winter). 

Regardless, I got (always) some good and well-wrought developlent, of a best-so-far blogging month or January (hits-wise), and in general, I've been able to manage the [otherwise] debilitating stalking (in-my-head) sort of oppositional slake on what I ought to reasonably be thinking about, and commenting on. 

炊口 剪水 欲死問成今刀代慢咋,玩鹽層卜— 剪水序禮间中 兆閑序土 對覆萊嚟句食成次弓 剪水 iPad— mini(5剪Generation)( 句食梁玩, 玩分靚廣友口剪門戈嚟錯片禮, 今剪水7剪Generation鹽門柏哋iPad。  

Monday, February 3

The pigeons at Santa Monica Beach showed out as a huge, yet tame (some of them) flock.

I'm very tired,  after staying out in the cold, and attending to many things out at the beach (including exercise). I'm hoping that the efforts I've been making, in jogging, and starting (hopefully) an upper-body workout regimen, will afford me a sturdier line of progress in stabilizing my outlook; I've become disturbed, once again, by identities from my past bothering me through remote broadcast means. 

Here, in addition to Dennis Bachmann,  the enterprise manager, as I'd known of him,  however - Christian high school pastor, David Yang, Anna Nguyen, and others, perhaps as an installment at the beach,  as well - participated willfully in harassing and interrogating me.  The authorities currently have little will, or perhaps resource in serving justice for the abuses lodged at me. Birth identity, drug abuse,  sexual identity,  and racial heritage were largely the explanation and stated purpose of the stalking I've been experiencing. They were attempting to woo adherents to the enterprise by flaunting promises of drugs and Supplemental Security Income government benefits - causally tied in to the Full Service Partnership mental health program allotted to me though the judicial system,  back in 2016. Some partnerings and romances, and as well,  infiltration of my private contacts had been stated as deception and mockery tactics used to denigrate and psychologically demean perhaps otherwise good,  better,  or worse demographics of women, who were significantly at issue,  of partnering with men amongst the group, as with dating as the basis, and crystal methamphetamine, somewhat as the decree. 

Aside from that,  there exists a large hand tame flock of pigeons that I  fed some pie and sandwiches to.

Thursday, January 30

Puff Bars are my favs in e-cig flavors.

Just Puff Bars, for Pinterest.

Check out my more fully-featured product comparison article here.

The Suorin Drop flavored nicotine salts and juices inhaler. Versus [comparison] Fuchai 200W | Puff Bar e-cigarettes.

The Suorin Drop nicotine inhaler is an attractive rechargeable nicotine inhaler.

The Suorin Drop Nicotine juice inhaler by Shenzen Bluemark Technology comes with a USB cable, package inserts, quality certification, and, of course, the Suorin Drop 2-piece body: one piece is the battery, USB port, and I/O juice charger; the other is the juice receptacle with a wick for the juices, an airhole, and the other end of the I/O charge pins 
The Suorin Drop hits pretty smoothly with a puff-puff sort of suction intake. I went to several stores around the DTLA area after I became fascinated, once again, with nicotine inhalers after I had found and lost one over the previous several days at the beginning of the month; and, as well, while undergoing midsummer shopping-haul shipping mania; whereas I think that shops had been doing an alternate Black Friday set of deals for faithful customers. 

I also (luckily) received an in-line (while checking out; that is), of a genuine Apple iPad Smart Cover from a very nice lady who noticed that I was having some trouble with getting my PIN number to work during the transaction. 

The lady who offered (and succeeded in offering), to extend a helping hand in my Target purchase paid only $11.00 plus tax for this iPad Smart Cover case. It was $39.99 originally.

I stayed the night in Pasadena (ostensibly probably Blogging, as well), and the next morning I came across a Targus tough shell iPad case, as well.

It was going down, at Target, on this Sunday night (July 26th, 2019), as far as spectacular sales prices on Apple products. The deals weren't listed online, and they weren't taking rain checks. 

That being said, I've still to unravel the debacle of not having my ID to pick up the next weeks' deal, which was an iPad for $249.99; down from $329.99 MSRP. 

Short of that, I don't quite look too young to purchase a nicotine inhaler; the Suorin Drop, which I had found, previously, around the USC area during some of my trash dive hauls in fortunate times of luck, or by considerate design, [as, it turns out, oftentimes, it seems], in that it feels like people leave out considerate trash dive "hauls" of cool stuff, such as a trial previous Suorin Drop and juice container (separately, though). Persistence and perseverance had paid off in finding a new favorite nicotine inhaler solution. 

I got juices and the Suorin Drop for $50 in Skid Row's tobacco and smoke shop specialty district around 3rd at San Pedro. I'll have to find the name of the store. The man was nice enough to accommodate my budget.

Cirque du Salt Strawberry-flavored nicotine salts juice.

Updates: regarding trash-dove’n gained nicotine (e-cigarette) inhalers. [It's about time]. 

The latest craze around the University of Southern California | discarded e-cigarette | trash-diving context is the über-stylish and compact Puff Bar, which is obviously any one of the four rectangular e-cigs pictured above. These nicotine inhalers really haven't been beat, in my experience, as far as flavor. Their "ice" flavored varieties, such as Banana Ice, Peach Ice, and the Cool Mint one, for that matter, are truly icy-cold puffs of flavored nicotine. My favorite, so far, has been Lychee Ice. 

 The big-hitting Fuchai-200W variable wattage nicotine inhaler. Many people have seen them. The guys who effortly blow massive clouds of nicotine juice vape outside, while non-partakers figure that they could blow a cloud that big, if they only but tried. 

I found this one on a trash dive today, out in Silverlake. It was perhaps intentionally discarded, as I checked out the internals and I/Os about it, and it's a non-recharchagable, special battery-powered unit. I was determined to find some batteries for it, the same night, and see it working, despite the fact that it had been dropped in water, and the batteries inside it had become rusted (not corroded, though). I trekked out to Hollywood Blvd., since the stores around Skid Row are 9-5 type shops, wholesale, that kind of thing, for the most part. Thankfully, I happen to look like a guy who can finagle a mark-down, just on account of my apparent visual poverty. The first guy who had the batteries was trying to do them for $15 a piece - an unfair attempt at markup, based on the prices I'd seen online for the batteries. I managed to wrangle the second vendor in on the notion that I was making him a sale, of perhaps "just sitting there" inventory. He had a lower starting price to begin with, - $20 for two (the thing requires two batteries), and I had $14. It was a done deal. He told me not to push the button and try it, before I got any juice in it, but when I got home and tried the thing out, it was a blessed power-hitting, cloud-blowing massive one, just like imaginably. A person could probably be gross and stick alternative choice materials in the juice container, but I'd think that that would become objectively distasteful. I'll stick with the nicotine juice. 

Tuesday, January 28

The iPadOS 13.3 top 224 cute app crushes.

Updating regularly, to get this post up to the original aspirations of that which it was created upon - listing and [slight] reviewing my top picks for iPadOS front-page desktop space on my 2019 7th Generation iPad - which is an iPad of several other iPads and iOS devices that I've previously owned, thanks to iCloud backups, and an iPadOS of much aspirations and expertise in several fields, as well as many nights of invested App Store browsings. 

Alright, so I’ve got my iPad 7th Generation 128 GB iCloud-restored, everything fine and exciting for me, having been away from my fond iPigeonPad workstation and development tool since I traded it for an iMac several weeks ago. As a token of my happiness for having a new-model iPad, I’m offering a quick review of hundreds of apps that I have on my device, which I’ve found to be indispensable (or useful, at a minimum). These apps will fit on as small as 32 GB on an iPadOS device.

I’m hopeful that my particular screen layout is a beneficial set of organizing folders that you might find highly useful, as a creative professional (or, in the making).
If you’ll notice, my app groups are pretty tight woven. I’ve got, perhaps, 200 or so, apps on this first page, alone. The rest of the pages are a few app items that I hadn’t gotten around to organizing yet. 
  • Communication
  • I kept Calendar second, and at the top, because of the frequency of usage, and for the sake of that this, and the other familiar Apple logos are comforting features, to me, of the iPadOS interface, and I like to use them, despite other options. 
  • Photography 
  • Internet Various
  • Web Develop
  • Phys 
  • Wavelength Gen
  • AudioUnits
  • AudioKit
  • Art Design iC
  • Google
  • Maps GIS
  • Writing
  • MIDI
  • Daily Stuff
  • Weird Music, etc. 
  • Bleeding Edge
  • Video Post
  • Adobe

Okay, now. Here I go with the breakdown of what’s in each folder / group, why I chose it, and why it fits here [my app groups are several revisions in, at this point in time]


  • This one has 4 apps. I’m a bit of a solitary enterprise, at the moment, and I don’t keep too close to a lot of people, through my direct contact, on my device. 
  • FaceTime. I’d obviously like to be able to know where my FaceTime is, for showing face amongst my contacts and clients. A very useful tool for keeping in touch, giving lessons or consultation, etc.
  • AirCall. I click on this one, and it’s a fair mystery to me. I don’t know what it does. Then I looked it up, and apparently it’s a call center and CRM (customer relations manager). Perhaps I’ll get to it.
  • Google Voice. A beautiful tool for choosing and managing a second phone line on your iOS device, (or other mobile device). In the case of the iPad, it’s a first phone line, since the iPad doesn’t officially do phone stuff, of talking and speaking to others while held to the ear. (Okay, ... somewhat like that).
  • Home (by Apple). Apple’s HomePod and iPad-as-a-Home Hub are great interfaces to launch the newest upcoming communications technologies of our IoT, proximity, communicatory, switch, and sensor-based devices, founded on the Apple mFi technology, as it’s known. In addition, the HomePod has a host of familiar home and work assistant-environment features such as incorporating Siri in to it. The Home app is a central location to manage HomePods and iPads used as Home Hubs, as well as scripting and automated actions that can be programmed for these devices to be triggered by.


  • Here, I have apps that are for capturing photos and for photography effects.
  • C4LA2+. Camera for Line Art 2 is a camera app which breaks down the edges, light and dark of the visual space before it, and makes them in to lines, such that cartoons might be founded upon, as well as works of illustrative line art aside from cartooning. A good app for tracing lines, visualizing vector art(-esque, not actual SVG here [scalable vector graphic]). Another app that does this effect quite nicely (better) is imagenomic.
  • Hydra. A high-definition and HDR camera photo-and-video capture app. This app does successive clicks of the shutter to capture higher definition photos, up to 32 megapixels, high-quality HDR photos, and it also captures video in HDR at 1080p. If you’re not on a higher-end photography camera-equipped newer model iPhone or iPad, the higher definition comes in handy, at times. 
  • Enlight. An all-around handy and helpful quite of common and some special (rarer) effects that extend beyond the Apple built-in effects suite. Highly recommended.
  • ProShot. A manual-settings camera. Adjust the shutter-speed, the ISO, aperture, frame size, mode of photography, etc. I was originally very taken by the light-painting feature of this app. I believe that’s what led me to purchase it. The other modes are time-lapse, video, and slo-motion. The modus of vanishing point and perspective is a bit different than the Apple camera app, and you will notice that structural features of a photo differ when using this app.
  • iMeta and Exif Photos. Two birds of a feather which allow users to have access to richer details in their photo library in a rich content | forms setting. View location data, edit rights and copyrights, descriptions, software used, commentary, etc. about photos, for high-quality indexing and exhibiting of individual photographs. Good for when the photos taken require additional merits about them because of their importance.
  • Pixlromatic. Made by Autodesk; aficionados and software legacy veterans alike would recognize that Autodesk is a long-standing fixture of fine offerings of software for architects, engineers, pre-visualization and digital imagery performance and projection. Here, we have what is somewhat standard to see, upon first opening the app; a carousel of presets for photos, as well as an in-app camera capture, to begin with, yet the presets are just a lot more special, it seems, in quality and in uniqueness of the looks available, on account of Autodesk’s technology and software engineers behind the photo-alteration programming that went in to the app. A true gem.
  • DFT. (Digital Film Tools) by Tiffany is also a long-standing offering, simulating effects and techniques from the days of analog photography, before digital came out, such as lenses, color grading, standard lighting, temperature, and other slider effects of photo editing, all with expert presets of classic photo and film lab settings.
  • HDR Merge. A simple yet elegant High Dynamic Range photo camera capture, multi-shot compositing, and post effects on the composite photos. 

Internet Various

  • Here, a mixed bag of apps that correspond to various internet-related tasks.
  • Acoustigram. This app features sound clips from various contributing creators, each with their own story to tell. At the moment, the app is not running at full mast, as far as being burgeoned with content. There are but several recordings on the app. The format is somewhat similar to a location-based news delivery service.
  • Reality Composer. Apple’s iOS Augmented Reality creation developer app features several handfuls of functions for placing and creating content, amidst a visual backdrop of the world around (camera-facing) the user. 
  • Indoor Survey. An Apple Business Program app, based on hyperlocalization data gathering of a working environment. I believe that this app allows the user to delineate not only the latitude and longitudinal confines and expanse of a space, but also the elevation.
  • Transocks. A speedy SOCKS VPN server, based in China, most likely, so there’s possibly some concern over data privacy, for privacy buffs; I’m like, “whatever” on that note. They can see my traffic, use my camera, get my location, if they want to. The automatically-set-up one-button push process of establishing the VPN was simple enough, and the increased speeds of the server-sideloading have gotten me some good graces of surfing the internet and downloading needed files when time and location was in a crunch (not to mention that I’d run out of tethering for my iPad, at that point in time.
  • Inspect. This app allows the user to inspect SSL certificates, as well as Certificate Authorities, as a listed item in contextual uses in web-browsing applications such as Apple’s Safari or Google Chrome.
  • Ads Calculator. An advertising revenue calculator that allows the user to set goals and percentages in growth, over periods of time. The calculator returns various integrals of time, with the projected revenue attached to it.
  • AirPort Utility. A scanner of the user device’s WiFi neighbors, as well as for internet connectivity through AirPort routers and the presence of AirPort routers themselves.
  • AdSense. Google’s content me,Giza Timon program for content creators is AdSense. The app allows the user to monitor daily, weekly, week-over-week, etc. earnings reports that pertain to the major analytics stats involved in Pay Per Click advertising. The app also returns the biggest performing ads, location data, revenue per 1,000 impressions, etc. 
  • Cloud Search. Search (potentially) all of Google’s user cloud resources, including mail, drive, sites, groups, and calendar for user files and keywords found within entries or documents.
  • Beacon Tools. Provision a device as a beacon, with a unique device identifier ID.
  • Creative Preview. Members of Google’s Marketing Platform can preview ad creatives.

Web Develop

  • Rest-O-Matic. An interface for making REST gets, calls, and more (such as headers and device user identity). 
  • iSource. A standard simple browser that allows the user to also see the html source code of the page, Whois information, console, headers; that sort of thing. 
  • TRUSTe. A long-established and familiar name in the scope of the internet; this app provides the user with a set of options in opting out and naming interests, for the sake of ads that would be served during internet browsing and app usage. 
  • DNS Override. Establishing a Virtual Private Network setting on your home or business local “intranet,” out to and throughout the internet, as you browse, is somewhat like a mid-side plug-in, for those of us who do live audio microphone monitoring, in the public relations and ad marketing business. A powerful kick in the jaunt, for the right setting. (I’ll get to the audio section soon enough, if you’re not familiar).
  • iCurlHTTP. A web-crawler and console feedback app for pinging webpages for HTTP responses.
  • Manual. (bash #) “man” pages of so, so many bash commands for the Bourne Again SHell, one of the most formative Terminal command line interfaces. Here you’ll find rich and overflowing resources of documentation to take with you when you go to pwn in your own Terminal UNIX system administration (on Mac or Linux). [Doing Terminal stuff in iPadOS is <_ ...="" i="" just="" not="" okay.="">really all that fruitful.
  • Discovery. Simple. A Bonjour (local area network, local devices) browser, based on Apple’s Bonjour protocol.
  • VNC Viewer. An essential, since there’s a lot of choices in the realm of remote viewing of other computers or devices you own, or are servicing. This one does a remote viewing client well, to the counterpart of the VNC Server being established and running on the remote device, whether it be an Arduino project, Raspberry Pi, or if you want to control your desktop or laptop, for example, with your iPad, it’s possible, through using this app.
  • iDatabase. A simple interface to catalog and create index entries of DB’able stuff, such as records of items and events. Several presets are offered, as well as customization options.
  • TestFlight. Apple’s beta software intermediary app. Installing any beta version of a software offering, whether it be an Apple Developer beta or a third party developer, will have to go through TestFlight, rather than the App Store, for the download of the beta app.
  • CocoaAssist. This app seemed to have a much more illustrious purpose, based on its App Store listing, as far as the CocoaPods package management system is concerned, and the app’s claims to that matter being documented in the App Store listing. I wasn’t able to figure it out, but there were not many other similar apps available that could claim to do what this app claims it will do. Web and app design isn’t my most particular premier skill set, at this point in time; hopefully the developer has some good documentation I can peruse, at some later point.
  • Developer. The Apple official app for the annual Worldwide Developer Conference, headed by Apple. Here, you can watch videos from all of the topics covered in the conference; there’s 2019 material up on there, at the moment.
  • Domainr. This one is a custom domain (website) broker and cute search engine. They list their available Top Level Domains and General gTLDs, country-specific ccTLDs, etc. in this app, which is featurably largely its search engine and results of the TLDs that are available for purchase, through the Domainr company.
  • Playgrounds. Although, ostensibly, one ought to know some fair amounts of coding, in order to “get into” coding, this app < somewhat > has a good grasp on establishing a lower nexus learning curve threshold, in that options for “what to type” in to the coding text editor are listed as options, and per stylistic and proper usage; say, for example, in between parentheses, [], or {} - which is helpful. Proper syntax and placement tips, updating live, as the user loves about the textual spaces and contexts of coding that is the Swift language. Aside from that, the app can compile and execute programs that are created here, in Playgrounds. I haven’t much gotten in to the meat and potatoes of all of that, quite just yet, personally.
  • Shortcuts. Similar to “Automator,” of the Mac OS X and macOS offerings, this is similarly a place where one could devise, structure, and implement automated triggers, when something happens, system-wide, or within apps, or contextually, such as when the sharing button is pushed. A potentially significantly powerful tool for making shortcake of the interface and the user’s need to do quite everything themselves, which would otherwise be more intricate and, as well, common enough to be a blockage in the workflow, at least somewhat (as a minimum).  


  • Investigations of the physical properties of the world around us.
  • WebMO. Allows the user to create 3-dimensional models of molecules and investigate more nuanced features, such as investigating what the molecule is known as, in external database looking at orbitals and electrostatic potentials.
  • Electronic Lab. This app simulates many fundamental forms and components of electronics and associated devices, generators, meters, etc.
  • Science Journal. Google’s Science Journal app utilizes the on-device sensors to gather and document raw sensor data, with specialized readings of the app pertaining to each sensor, such as lumens, for light sensing, and amplitude, for audio.
  • Vibrometer. As simple as it sounds - a vibrometer. Similar, somewhat, I suppose, to a seismometer, this app measures X, Y, and Z values of the iOS or iPadOS device being moved around, in real time.
  • LissaLab. This Lissajous curve generator simulates a device that would otherwise be known as an oscilloscope. Useful for visualizing various harmonic forms and geometries created with subtle modulations of the wavelength frequencies and associated parameters.
  • Harmonograph. A simulation of the mechanical devices known as harmonographs, which use pendulums to create geometric images known as Lissajous curves, or perhaps more complicated drawings. There are various setup controls for the drawings, which are essentially options within the X | Y fields, such as amplitude, frequency, phase shift, dampening factor, diagonals, rotary movements, etc. Similar to a spirograph. This app could conceivably have gone under the next category, Wavelength Gen.
  • PrismScope. An endlessly beautiful interactive canvas on your iOS / iPadOS device screen, in the form of a Prism-based camera, allowing users to capture prismatic images generated through user selection. A simple yet lovely app.
  • Hydrogen! This app is apparently not available on the App Store, anymore, but hopefully that will change. Hydrogen! creates beautiful visualizations of the hydrogen molecule, in its various electromagnetic and orbital phases.
  • MMDS. The Mobile Molecular DataSheet app provides chemical structure and reaction drawings, access to web services, generation of graphics, data sheet management, and more, pertaining to molecules.
  • TRACE. This app documents a list of the nuclear radioactive materials that are found in your vicinity. 
  • Atomify. Presents simulations of various physical phenomena in atomic form.
  • Molecule. Draw molecular structures.
  • CompTox. Search molecules by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, monoisotopic mass, and plain old name.
  • Neuronify. A tool to investigate how neurons and neural networks behave. 

Wavelength Gen

  • A niche in the audio and shortwave radio wavelength frequency generation category wavelength generators are essential for audio, visual, and radio wavelength researchers and scientists. iPadOS and iOS provide a rich platform for developing and researching wavelengths of many various forms.
  • RF-Gen. A wavelength frequency generator (apparently) in the MHz range, which is inaudible.
  • iSweep. This app is a true gem. It does what many users would love a wavelength generator to do, in offering multiple wavelength frequencies (2, to be precise), but it has several other functions that make this app an indispensable “kit” app for shaking things up, in terms of neat audio effects. This app includes both linear and logarithmic waveform functions, as well as a reverse function. The app gets some truly amazing and rare wavelength audio functions out of it.
  • A-E-2DF. An electron-trajectory 2D space mapping app.


  • BandShift
  • djay Pro
  • VoxSyn
  • ReSlice
  • iVoxel
  • GarageBand. An Apple-branded classic. Although GarageBand is the low-end audio app of the macOS (X) world, here, on iPadOS, Apple’s offerings of software instruments, features, and sound libraries truly shines with this app, which is a many-ways winner for multi-track audio.
  • shape synth
  • Soundbeam
  • Music Memos. Music Memos will create a great harmonic-progression audio wavelength memo of a recording.


  • VirtualRoom. Move left and right channels around in relation to a movable first person perspective, pictured in various-sized rooms, with the left and right channels also being pictured as movable objects within the stereo field.
  • Concertina. I had become interested in isomorphic musical instruments through working with digital virtual instruments, so I decided to look in to historical isomorphically-apportioned instruments. 
  • Wilsonic. A great app for modified instruments and microtonal scales. 
  • AudioCopy. AudioCopy provides some functionality within the iPadOS file management and contextual menu / sharing options that are not found natively. An essential app for working with audio files.
  • AudioShare. AudioShare provides some much-needed iPadOS and iOS features, in terms of working with audio files inside of the iPadOS and iOS operating systems. 
  • Audiobus 3
  • M/S Processor. This app really powers vocal audio monitoring well, with a lot more potential punch and really gain-y presence. This app works as an AudioUnit plugin.
  • AUM. A nicely done audio input and output with effects chain and access to all of the audio-related components of your device, MIDI, and network channels. AUM is one of the truly indispensable audio recording chain apps; here, in a lean version presentation.
  • Rooms!. An impulse response reverb recording and implementation app, with some fully digital convolution reverb settings also available. 
  • OttOrgan
  • StrandOrgan
  • Brusfri. Simple and effective noise elimination and reduction standalone app and AudioUnits plugin for a digital audio device chain. Select a noise sample from your existing physical surroundings, set a threshold for noise elimination, and press the processing button. Much of the noise of the background is effectively gone from the audio monitor and from subsequent recordings. 

Art Design iC

  • iC Colors. This one is apparently not currently working on my iPadOS device, so I can't offer a review of it, but it should have been a good and useful app. Hopefully it'll be updated to work with the newer operating systems.
  • AITaglio 2. Edit light, color, selective colors, or gamut (range) of colors in an image. 
  • MetaBrush. MetaBrush does a PhotoShop-esque job of managing brushes, based on image sources.
  • iC Brushes.  Allows for the importing and management of .abr Photoshop format brush files.
  • iC Painter. A beautifully done painting app and Image compositing app.
  • Iconik Studio. A low-poly image creation app.
  • iColorama. Katerina Alieksieienko does so many beautifully well done photo and video image editing and tool apps. iColorama is one of her flagship apps, as a full-featured photo editor and brush painting app on iOS and iPadOS.
  • Carbo. An Object and Character Recognition app; also does translation of detected text, and allows the user to skew and manage the image frame captures. Offers save functioning. 
  • ImageConverter. Whereas the macOS operating system (and legacy Mac OS X) is a powerhouse of functionality in supporting ad how file name changes in native app support, the iPadOS file management system is much more finicky. ImageConverter does an ‘official’ image file type conversion so that the next app in your workflow will accept the file, as changed and as named.
  • FondFont. 
  • CircularText
  • Tree Fractal
  • ShellTRI. A neat app for doing low-poly triangular image creation, done point-by-point. 
  • WheelMasks
  • Prêt-à-Template. A fashion drawing app, with many templates within the app itself. 
  • logotacular


  • Google Photos. Google’s photo management app sorts your images and videos in to albums automatically, and it incorporates Artificial Intelligence to create special stylized images, as well as decode QR codes and other photographic image data using Google Lens. 
  • Drive. Google Drive is an app with extensible features, and Drive Enterprise is a lean and elegant additional set of features atop the familiar free Google Drive app. Drive Enterprise includes workspaces for arranging files while working on a more permanent place for things to go.
  • Google. The Google app is the de facto in Google searching, featuring the latest build of Google Search. The app provides specialized faceted and richly-featured results.
  • Cloud Console. The Cloud Console app gives limited viewing and access to Google’s Cloud Platform, which you must have a subscription to, whether it be one of their free-pricing or trial models, or whether you pay for the service. The app also allows you to access the Cloud Console Command Line Terminal, which gives the user access to virtual machine resources, code repositories and libraries, and Application Programming Interfaces of the Google Cloud Platform.
  • Chrome. Google’s omnibox-based web browser.
  • Docs. Docs is Google’s answer to the Microsoft Word app, and it is fairly full-featured.
  • Sheets. Google’s Sheets app is more than a spreadsheet app. It is also a tool for dynamic app creation within Google’s developer sites and app-creation models. 
  • My Business. The Google My Business app allows business owners to manage their business presence on the web, in a neat and tidy quick app and web interface known as My Business. Here, business owners can register and verify their business, set the location and hours, add products offered, and create a free website, on top of it all, to showcase the information displayed on Google’s search results in a web page.
  • Allo. This is Google’s discontinued Artificial Intelligence assistant, based on a Russian model. The responses offered by Allo are sometimes quirky and humorously sly.
  • Assistant. The Google Assistant is an Artificial Intelligence assistant that is triggered by saying ‘Hey Google!’ The Google Assistant has many features, such as games, trivia, recommendations, and more.
  • Google I/O 19. 
  • GoogleDeviceManagement

Maps GIS

  • Street View 
  • m|traffic
  • Map Measure
  • MapMyPlaces
  • Batphone
  • Find My 
  • Maps


  • Phraseology
  • LiquidText
  • Documents
  • Notes
  • Books


  • Lemur
  • MF Keyboard
  • MF Splitter
  • MF Limiter
  • MF Randomizer
  • MF Scales
  • MF Motion
  • Rozeta
  • MIDI Converter 
  • Knob Lab
  • Web MIDI
  • Ringtone
  • Clean OSC

Daily Stuff

  • Coffivity. A great app to use when external noises become too invasive and an autonomous control over the conversational and ambiance noise threshold becomes desirable to have control over. Coffivity offers three environments - for morning, day, and evening. Have a random environment fill your earbuds with a completely remote café’s conversations. At times, it even seems like the other clients of the place chime in to the user’s own environment.
  • Qleedo+. An orthodox Christianity daily Bible meditation and verse.
  • HourlyChime-... For keeping track of the hours.
  • Objectality Biz. 
  • Facebook Page
  • Creator
  • Reminders
  • Pinterest
  • Target

Weird Music, etc.

An eclectic collection of music-making apps, as well as some random apps that felt like they fit here.
  • s t r n g
  • elsa 
  • MIDI Scope
  • Sketch 3D
  • Lirum info. Full device hardware specifications and capabilities. Check everything, from CPU speed, RAM, storage space, network connectivity speed, sensor information, battery life, and much more. 
  • nils
  • vBot
  • TextMusic
  • Virtual ANS. 
  • mPING. mPING allows users to submit timely weather reports to the National Weather Service.
  • frekvens
  • ström 
  • PhonoPaper
  • Night Camera
  • Nature-Oscillator

Bleeding Edge

  • BlueFeed
  • Clean Text
  • Analytics. Google’s Analytics app for websites that the user owns, or has rights of administrative access to. Metrics are provided for ad revenue, e-commerce, end-users, growth and change over time.
  • Mirror
  • WhatToWear. This app checks the weather based on your location and makes a suggestion for how many layers to wear, or whether or not to wear shorts, for example.
  • SVGmUnlimited
  • GNSS Status
  • Wear OS
  • Knuff
  • Network Tools
  • Pockethernet
  • md5generator 
  • HomeHub
  • AmpliFi Teleport
  • mFi
  • Admin. Google’s 

Video Post 

  • Pixel Nodes. This app is somewhat a throwback to old post-production visual effects apps such as Shake, by Apple, and some other workflows that some of the Autodesk apps had about them, in having a node-based processing manner of applying effects to visual content and to the motion graphics involved in the editor’s determination.
  • ColorTime. A simple and effective video grading app. Apply filters such that you would find in a standard photo editor, like brightness, contrast, temperature, etc. 


  • Lightroom. This app features highly nuanced controls over photo color and grade.
  • Adobe Scan. Adobe’s document scanning app features integration with Adobe’s Document Cloud online sync and workspace feature set. Some of the great features of this app are skew-image realignment and OCR text recognition of documents. Scan turns documents in to PDF form, from images. 
  • Adobe Capture. Capture is a unique and elegant app which uses the device’s camera in novel ways. You can create prismatic patterns, light | darkness vector images, color palettes, create material objects with various textural features, create brushes from images, and more.
  • Creative Cloud. This is one of the anchor apps of the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite, which is Adobe’s offering of various creative apps, spanning both mobile (iPadOS) and desktop apps. Creative Cloud offers free storage for projects across all of their creative app product offerings, and it is one of my most relied-upon go-to apps for quick workflow processing and automated sync and save features of past and current projects alike.
  • Behance. This app is used for creative professionals and aspiring artists to feature their works done with Adobe apps, and it features user feedback from the community.
  • Adobe Draw. A simple app in its elegance, Adobe Draw is a vector illustration app with various brush and pen-type tools that are best implemented by pairing the app with the Apple Pencil. You can create multiple transparent or opaque layers, import shapes to trace within, and export directly to the desktop companion apps Photoshop and Illustrator. One of the great effects of this app is that it creates a frame-by-frame record of the brushstrokes, and at the end of creating you illustration image, you can opt to have the app render the workflow as a video, which it does in short order. 
  • Adobe Comp. This app is a composite image layer app, good for doing quick mockups and as an intermediary app for creating professional-looking memes.

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