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Thursday, May 3

A stub abstract; moving, no, taking a step back, Early modern period Europe, so everything and they can fart right now too? Step back for the scrape up other Europeans of not to be even thought of as fart-plausible: the Scotsmen and Celtics. They raise a pigeon whistling notion as far as I make of it, as needs Wikipedia et al resource scraping, and aficionados to dedicate a tête-à-tête carnival juggling whistles etc.

Scottish / Celtic Culture


Every 5 years, we make one Scottish girl, and we support her for all lifetime’s constraints, all things considerably. How much of that we support beyond 5 years is up to what the world will have of her.

Cardinal ordinances of Celtic Scottish bagpipe music, and of the courses of music contained therein.

The rote, relentless driving force of the fundamental influences and rational basis for such iPigeon aficionado institute wherewithal., as if anything were so ostensibly suitably adjourned as such to be obtained, beyond speaking of such, a notable institute of dot something foray, not dick me around about trans-literary-international-discourse of phonetics, hopefully translations will have no to-do about breaking it even, Geiger squaring it away, and in process, learning, of all things, the latest couture of knowledge-base for the most tech-ostensible fletch of 2018, reasonable as it might be, somebody took a note of it, dot institute, iPigeon, of all things, preamble, dot blog, and at that, how bout you?

Smells like a dog.

Trace back to French school:

Look, you eat like a dog! 

How novel it is that you eat like a dog!

  • of pigeons, notably. 
  • Soundex genealogy breakout discourse on lexicography diction ostensible resource of language ought to considerably be a nomenclature of cardinal means about what iPigeon portends as to such, adjourned as alphanumerical ought bring: hard as squares cubed

I don’t like that, at all, how that ended. 

Then I smoked some cigar.

You are such a pregnant woman, Jay, of all things, you better not smoke. For acting like nobody could possibly tell that you smoke, it’s despicable. Stop smoking.

If you can’t act like a pregnant woman ought to, you don’t deserve a girlfriend. 

Okay. For what reasons had I started to smoke again?

For that I went out today, and that I found cigarettes and tobacco to smoke. I was hungry. I bought food. Chocolate milk, a gallon, not whole milk, not my typical buy. 

Whatever it is, stop purchasing stuff you don’t need. You don’t need to architect the whole internet.

(That’s Patricia Kirk)

I do need to, though, GTD:

Get out and feed pigeons
Do so by jogging
Yogurt is a daily thing

Go from there.

Remember to pray and be thankful

Everybody you know smokes, but they don’t tell you. Everybody you don’t know doesn’t smoke. Whenever you smoke, you make people you know smoke. When people find out that you smoke, they avoid you. People act like my son doesn’t know anything about women, and this is how women act. Women act like men do, that’s how some people think. That’s not the way the world works, women are different from men.

Take a look at pigeons, for example. If you notice the fluff pigeons who chase the subordinate ones, it’s ostensibly suitable rote that the dominant ones are the males. The care-taking ones are the mothers in the nest, although the claim-staking fluff pigeons have something to say, as well. They’re trying to get something across to the littler ones, and show them the way of the world. The females try to nurture a warm and caring environment from the nest. The males speak to the little ones of harm’s way of other creatures about them.

(That’s my mother)

This is the reasonable extent of all knowledge. The reasonable extent of all knowledge is what your parents provide for you, then society provides a baseline existence that you live up and into. You pay into an intelligence aesthetic of your choosing, then you have children with a partner. 

Why Pigeons?

Why pigeons?

Pigeons are the ostensible accessible, by seasonal means, within reasonable reach of even the most common foray wildcrafted adventurer of from full spectrum of civic environmentalism, from rural to metropolitan bird lover’s take. 

In short, pigeons are conceivably accessible to any and all civic environments. That being said, seeing reasonable gains being made in developing an admirable outdoors daily visiting bird flock, within months, can be reached, within any reasonable locality around; just find out where the pigeons flock, on a day to day basis. All sorts of lifestyle behaviors will come to light for having paid attention to the pigeons life and society, as is notably be aught to discover in discourse, is ostensibly such suitable conversation to have on any notable means, in all sorts of capacities, perhaps gone unnoticed by many, in all sorts of conversational foray, come to considerably forthright aught concomitant foray of negligible commiserate sayings of French fortitude, then check the transnational literate dictionary usage du jour asseoir, and find it ostensibly usage enough to come to determine that you’ve just learned French, well enough, by osmosis.

Something like that. It hearkens back to the old country, and for that matter, why not bring usage of French into the French school américain, le lycée français?

Some take on the notable real aficionados moments notions of a real pigeon aficionado (jogging, - feeder; bum type, with reasonable religiously austere concessions of discipleship) entry 4/30/18

With a mind like yours, son, you should be leading a society.

Thanks, dad. One day at a time. At least, for tonight, I’ve got a big belly. 

I’ll think about that; a bit. See where it could fit. I’ve got no mind for outthinking such as have with at it.

Sleepless nights. That’s what this young man has at it, for what he’s with came to for. For endless pages of thoughts out on paper, this man has sleepless night at about him. That’s what I see. For endless thoughts out on paper ought be, sleepless nights are before him on iPigeon tablet dot institute discourse was integral foray of the night’s afternoon forthwith aught forthright coming today’s earlier on, and with that, it was a discussion of dot com disambiguation from notable internet search term foray of dot pigeon dot com not excluding the i pigeon dot something not com since that’s taken for racing pigeons internet site, so it was decidedly for all discussion’s sake. Stupidity aside, it was discourse enough to not verge on how bout it tryna fuck’s sake, for interest’s worth, that’s what’s left, been unsaid. 

That being said, it was better than the basest of conversation’s sake. Obviously necessary, given that I don’t likely think better of most guys. 

HTML 5 https blogger google domains $20 dot institute currently, at $60 .io you’d be better get your worm’s worth dot institute for a dot anything, without swearing, that’s the goal. Using all sorts of language utility without verging on swearing or sex, that’s a serious problem that I encounter all the time that can definitely overcome, in and of itself, from what’s its aught to be made of: pigeon fluff and good things, to considerably do, for pigeons: Taylor Swift pigeons of young America, late night pizza Pulitzer Prize pigeons biopic, waffles and syrup pigeons of continental breakfast America pigeons, all sorts of standard life pigeons ostensible, it’s the stuff that love is made of. 

Try it, but not without feeding the pigeons from out of the garbage one day, they’ll love you for it, for finding them food.

If all else fails, get them real butter and bread, they’ll not unthankful be aught for forthcoming efforts, for food’s sake, real butter and bread is what they’re good for, no doubts about it. Definitely warmed butter, all sorts of butter and bread. All sorts? Yet butter, component. Check. Bread? Is it edible? Check it, no mold on the edible, it’s good. Don’t feed pigeons unthinkable food, that’s just gross.

I have to go out and feed the pigeons reasonable food. Smelling a cozy nest bird is reason enough to let them aught poop on a person, and let it fly. It’s not that gross, if they’re fed well, and some say it’s good luck, if a bird happens to poop and perhaps if they’re perched, it was definitely meant to be. For bird lovers, it’s definitely within bounds. I might venture to state that people opposed to it would not make good parents, obviously. 

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Pigeon-watching hotspots to see around town #7: Universal City / Studio city Metro Station and Bus Hub.

  The Universal City / Studio City Metro Station flock of pigeons is an extra-special flock to see, along the Metro Red Line (B Line). Wow, ...’s most popular recent blog articles and posts