iPigeon.institute blog: walk-through

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Showing posts with label walk-through. Show all posts
Showing posts with label walk-through. Show all posts

Friday, January 31

Walking and Metro Ride Tours of the DTLA Pigeon Flocks.

 Are you a local or visiting nature lover? Curious about getting to know the town’s pigeon flocks? Care for a unique and unforgettable wildlife sensory experience? Now, you can book walking and L.A. Metro ride tours of Downtown Los Angeles’ pigeon flocks, and get a chance to get close up with the birds, and perhaps you’ll get to hand feed them and handle some of them in the process. Tours cover several flocks spanning much of DTLA, over the course of a late morning or early afternoon, with opportunities to photograph, feed, and, potentially handle (some of) the birds in the process. I’ll show you my personal methods for feeding the birds, and it’s the perfect day trip excursion for bird and wildlife lovers, or for the wildlife-curious, at that. Tours take around 2 hours (recommended), and the buyer names the price (you’d have to book online, however, unless you somehow catch me in person for this deal). Tours include local and recent historic insights and lore regarding the flocks, and the town’s relationship with each flock, uniquely so.

Here’s your chance to see the pigeons up close and personal, alongside their primary handler (some of them).

Saturday, June 6

iPigeon Games that I Play. [development, self-expression, inner child]. Update: I can play spinner.

As I'm out, in our region's civic centers, and pedestrian districts, [or at home, nestling in, for a content publish push and post, on the Internet], in between newsfeed intake, social media rapport and upkeep, and checkin' my face - today, I had sooo embarrassing boogers in my nose, which I discovered after talking to people; and I have to live this life out somehow, still - I play little iPigeon games, as an aside. 

These iPigeon games are cute, darling, and endearing standing attestments to what's commonly otherwise referred to, ‹ in our upbringing › [or, in the former generation], as attending to the figurative context of the "inner child." Everybody can relate to the inner child, I'd say. As we grow and adapt in to adulting, we're, in intervals, fraught with abuse of what's otherwise "not know|in'| well enough, to twang it into context, whereas, as iPigeons-officinalus, of appropriate husbandry and heritage of heraldry, we're brought up as our best-selves, that we [rather, as underlings], are lacking of, given that our ‹ inner-child › had been inured:

Friday, January 24

Top cute romantic (and 🐣 ‘cheep!’ iPigeon Valentine’s Day outings.

For those who are date-able for this Valentine’s Day’s wringing-out of the wheat from the chaff, we look upon notions of romance and ‘what-if?’ from the outside. It’s seething content. It ought be addressed.

A cutesy heartsy-bwippsies Valentine’s Day ‘Becture,’ if I might say so.

Being that I cover lifestyle and tech in this blog, I figure I’d carve my place out, as a stated romantic, in that such notions just [fwiff] get passed along to me, since I travail some of the cool pedestrian locales, see some talk-worthy spots, get some good golden hour (or less-than) photos of such some spots that I feel like we’re great moments, back when I travailed these spots and found them worthy of flopping down, perhaps, and enjoying the scenery and locale, rather than that I continued on, the unending-athleisure-trek for resources and food, as a [real] bum of the Los Angeles [CA, USA] and surrounding areas. 

Here’s one spot that I 

. . . okay. 

The concept...

would be that this is some sort of romantic walk, through some pedestrian districts, and I’ll update this blog, leading up to the big ol’ Valentine’s Day 2020, just in case - people who read this are [some of them] concurrently [/< _ < \] (despite...) yet, also, why not? [for reals] - date-able and matched lovebirds (or something like that). My thing is that I’m hopelessly literate and publishing blogs, and women might [somewhat] find me attractive, but then I’d be such a topic of contention, imaginably, to some notion of people who do contentious topic life. 

Like this ⬆️ staircase, somewhat by the border of where Sunset Boulevard of Echo Park becomes Silverlake. It’s across from the Micheltorena Street School, (I believe), and I haven’t been up the stairs, to venture and see where it goes to, although it’s obviously a beautifully romantic spot, nice and private, and it’s a perfect segway into adventure, on a date. 

Note that I only advocate heterosexual dating, under the strictest of terms. I’m a bit more mature, in some ‘growing up’ aspects, as I’d consider things, but I also have to contend with un-wieldly bold new engagement guys who think that they have to check me out, something like they’re bold and new, some sort of profession, non-official, no-regalia, they like my outfit, [kinda thing]. 

anyways, 💁  

I’ll work that out at some point...

But then, you go somewhere romantic, like Sunset Nursery.

This is a perfect spot to show a date your romantic side, like you’re developing a memento token item of your affection, fondness, and sustainability, as a date-worthy person.

Continuing onwards, and presuming you started the date in the late morning, or early afternoon-ish (otherwise, it won’t work. This plan), continue up Sunset Blvd. You’ll pass by the Scientology Media Productions Center, where you can display your worldliness to your date, and suggest a future outing to the Scientology Center, for a dual personality reading, or something. 

Then, I’d suggest making your way up Sunset, even further, to the Metro Station, on Vermont. There’s fast food, and a Vons, along the way. 

From here, you have variable choices, for picturesque outings. One would be to stop at the Beverly | Vermont Station and trek down Vermont. My suggestion is to frame yourself as a backpacking vagabond persona, and pack yourselves a sit-down park life thing, over (and after making a slight detour, back down Beverly, towards DTLA, to Temple, at the junction of Silverlake at Virgil (I do this one for the Recycling Center there,, right when I take the junction to Temple - you can say that your old buddy who does recycling showed you this route, absent of actually admitting that you read my blog). 

Down several blocks, maybe a couple of miles, or so, of picturesque boulevard surroundings, you’ll come across the edge of Echo Park, again, (down Temple), where there are featured: some tennis courts. There will almost certainly be people playing tennis, there, amidst a nice, nearly dusk-y (almost golden hour - for photography) backdrop, featuring a beautiful skyline of high-rise buildings of DTLA.

My recommendation is to check out the lawn by the freeway - I camped out here, for a few days, once, and it proved to be a peaceful and serene setting. No drama or flex, whatsoever. There’s a nice scenery walkway, behind the tennis ball courts, where it gets a bit narrow, (a bit scary, perhaps), and a guy could secure his place as the bold adventurer / caretaker of the topic issue at hand, by nudging up close to his loved one. Up at the top of the walkway, there are (used-to-be) open restrooms, [theres one bum there, but no harm, I’m sure - he has a palm-frond encampment, and he might not be present]. But the view, at the appropriate timing, is illustrious and beautiful. The tennis players offer a nice, human novelty of distraction and inertia that throws some variety into the day’s end. 

Up at the top of the walkway. Not far - just past the tennis ball courts.

 Spend as long as you care to, here at the park. But for the sake of timing (and it might be cold, make sure you pack multiple layers of sweaters), you’ll want to make it back over to the bustling districts of the civic center, in DTLA. Perhaps you’ll stop by the Music Center and the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, by night, where there are several lighted fountains to check out and gloss over. 

Grand Park will be featuring an event on Valentine’s Day, as well.

Well, that’s the end of this journey’s option. Check back on this post for more future outings, leading up to Valentine’s Day, 2020. 

Monday, January 6

Update - In order to [now, working... <-<] install Homebrew package manager on macOS,

the user would first have to install the Homebrew-core repo:

🍻 Default formulae for the missing package manager for macOS
BSD-2-Clause license
Updated 1 hour ago
1 issue needs help

as such. 

I can rescind my former qualms about the authors' claims that a ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null

would not have been sufficient. 

Steps that I took - 
  1. Create a public git key. 

    Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent ...

    After you've checked for existing SSH keys, you can generate a new SSH key to use for authentication, then add it to the ssh-agent.

    as I did for myself, as this: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "jay.ammon@gmail.com"

    you'll need to change the email address to your own, and add your own password.

    trivia - here's my generated ascii art image, which came with the key generation. I think it's cute.

    +---[RSA 4096]----+
    |    .o*oo        |
    |     =.=         |
    |  . o + .        |
    |   +   +    .    |
    |  ..+...S  o     |
    | ..+o=o...+ .    |
    |  =oo.E .o.= o   |
    |.=..o+  .o  =    |
    |++*=o. .o        |

  2. Clone the gitHub repository of Homebrew-core somewhat like this: git clone jay.ammon@gmail.com:Homebrew/homebrew-core.git

  3. After installing those libraries, you'll surely, by now, want to play around with the original link for installing the "brew" command ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" < /dev/null 2> /dev/null
In order to get the "brew" command fully working, you'll need to
check out the one with the Red / Yellow / Green Tags. 
5. Put the "brew" command in to the /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/bin/ folder. Use, (and get used to): the "shift + command + G" command [it lets you type, or copy and paste the folders you'd want to cd (change directory) in to.
from your /Users/(iMac - your name)/Downloads/homebrew-core-master/cmd/brew
(black exec {Terminal Executable} file)

to /usr/local/Library/Homebrew/bin/
as this photo shows.

pluuuUUppe. and dropped in there. it's done.
6. Next, you'll need to install glib. It's a general set of commands and libraries that you probably already have somewhere in your macOS, somewhere [<_ i="">but I figure that we might as well get it in from "brew" command.  

now you'll really see your Terminal start working.  

Just type in  

brew install glib 

into the Terminal. 

Check your /Cellar folder at 

( shift + command + G )

Now, you are pwn'ing of on: bwapp, with the directory changing command and your folders in columns view.
translated - cool stuff is happening in the Terminal, right?

7. Look at all the interesting stuff that's transpiring after brew install glib happens:

8. Pretty cool stuff. 


you can go in to the Homebrew Formulae website at https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/ and check out the thousands of repositories you might want to install (certainly not all of them, all on your own and by yourself; but some - that appeal to your strengths and interests).
ace6.5.7ADAPTIVE Communication Environment: OO network programming in C++
aces_container1.0.2Reference implementation of SMPTE ST2065-4
ack3.2.0Search tool like grep, but optimized for programmers
acme0.96.4Crossassembler for multiple environments
acmetool0.0.67Automatic certificate acquisition tool for ACME (Let's Encrypt)
acpica20191018OS-independent implementation of the ACPI specification
activemq5.15.11Apache ActiveMQ: powerful open source messaging server
activemq-cpp3.9.5C++ API for message brokers such as Apache ActiveMQ
adios22.5.0Next generation of ADIOS developed in the Exascale Computing Program
admesh0.98.4Processes triangulated solid meshes
adns1.5.1C/C++ resolver library and DNS resolver utilities

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