iPigeon.institute blog: trekking

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Showing posts with label trekking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trekking. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 27

Virtual Narcotics Anonymous Meeting: Confronting Asymmetrical

It’s an inevitable outcome, for the person who had lived a finery lifestyle, of some sort, as far as eating good food, and exercising regularly goes. I would consider those two things to be primary traits of fine living, even at its most bare, all else considered - finding the pleasure pursuit, and seeking pleasures, instead, to characterize the persona mocked up as of that finery would be considered upon this basis, rather than a more sustainable and natural lifestyle set of traits be extolled. 

Isn’t it inevitable? At least, in Los Angeles, it would seem so. We’re told that we have the capability to live out all of geography’s wonders, within driving distance of less than a day, out here. The larger picture we’re given, is that we live in the finest nation in the world. But how many people end up subsumed by the glamour lifestyle, at some point, or get swept up in the out-do-doo scandal rags of publication literature and media? At some point, people will demand that these scoundrels pull their own weight, in athleticism, for the fact that … well, I don’t know what. I happened to be personally, thankfully, graced with a fitness mentor of the unexpectedly degree of distinction, in my life. The man’s workouts would challenge a dormant heartbeat into a near-faint, within seconds, no doubt. To have not been attending to these things would become apparent, within minutes. Yet, the man is made of these things, perhaps not forever, though, in the land where people start to believe that life lives on, forever. The land of fables, as it were, that we do, here, by tradition, in this town. 

Monday, January 4

Gaining Competitive and Bargain Deals at Amazon: Forging your Cookies for an Ecology for Success.

A lot of people in journalism and in the major press circuits 

have been expressing regrets over how 2020 played out. Well, perhaps it's not all that common, given the expanse of topics that have been making news, but it seems that it sticks out, for me, as a guy who is fraught with all sorts of problematic issues at hand. 

2020 was a good year, I say, however. 

I do some speculative fashion jaunts at stylization takes on imaginative persona, of a marketing sort. Persona marketing came in to my world, as a one-time (or sometimes) Facebook aficionado for the cultural offerings that, for me, the design, pop culture, and fashion world had been, for commiting my likes for the pages of topics, people, companies, etc., that I'd been fond of during my teen years, and throughout college (I'm 38 years old, now). My first, and memorable takeaway experience with persona marketing came from an article that I had "saved," rather than simply standard "liked" on Facebook. (It says that it was put out about a week ago, but I know that I had it saved, going on years, now. I'm sure that it was at some point during my multiple personality crisis, of early stages of schizophrenia, in which I'd set this article aside, for the sake of searching for some answers to what had been going on, and for trying to establish some likeness in others, from sources that were discoverable for me. 

Anyways, have a look at the article. Perhaps it's the same, or similar enough context that would remain true to how I had discovered it, on first reading. I found it very compelling and relatable. Before I move on, though, I ought to divulge that the schizophrenia issue has not appreciably subsided, for the most part, since that time, <_< supposing that it had been at some point between now and back up til' 2012, or so, when it had begun (I was a DSM-IV textbook standard onset of schizophrenia, at age 30). 

Persona has had, historically, a rich grounding in classical arts, and literature, dating back to the day's of ancient Rome, where the Greeks had pre-dated the Romans' mythology and systems of deities and many cultural facets, such as in their dramatic form.

Friday, February 21

A rough and tumble Valentine’s Day Weekend.

This had been, undoubtedly, a Valentine’s Day Weekend of much-peaceful rest-seeking to follow that would have been seen. 

That being said, I won’t gloat over the highlights and enumerations; I guess that we all came out of it bruised and sore, like it were an erstwhile trip to Holland, and we were ill-fated of our southern California dress clothing, such that we found ourselves out in the cold. I’m not sure what anyone else, of my peers, did, for the holiday, but I’ll divulge that I was much up for the celebratory part in participation, be it what it may or could be, such that I could make of it, although I ended up not going out in my unicorn cosplay outfit, and I ended up talking our heads off, ending up trying to salvage what I could of some spirit of grounding sensibilities that we could all relate to; that we’d all have had about ourselves, yet the spirit of romanticism, amidst this modern day dirge of materialism, and social status stakes of one-upmanship were highly touted distraction events, and I suppose that, of any of us involved, we were all slight to lose our proper and appropriate selves, in the flurry, and the cold. 

Hopefully the spirit of what transpired is not lost in what carries forth, from here on out. In essence, we all desire significantly similar things in life, given a common ground aptitude and shared lineage of upbringing that we had. In that, I managed to bring up, for consideration, some moments which I found to be compelling, in their plainness and simplicity. We were not so much of a quarrelsome and disagreeing basis of identity, and genuine authenticity in character, back in our early years, when we were all children, and we found ourselves fraught with a traumatic separation from each other. 

The weekend, for me, ended up being a labor of dedication and wonderment, as I spoke on voluminous various contexts, trying to manage the scope and coherence of maintaining a public face, and composing a linear contextually relevant basis; a common understanding, for all of those observing, while addressing much-neglected and needful aspects of ourselves, within a limited and containerized context, which seemed to be the overarching story that brought us together, over the course of the days and nights of the weekend, forget the commercial and traditional context of Valentine’s Day, or any truthful establishment that had been violated - we were all in a similar boat, without any uncertainty - all single men, this time around. 

I ended up sleeping outside, and waiting an entire day to recoup my belongings, and start off towards home - a disheveled and obvious failure, though I took pains to win some for the common ground participants and observers at hand. All in all, I couldn’t complain, and I didn’t ravage my living stability status, or reputation, all that much. Hopefully we all got through it well enough. 

Here’s to spring! To new beginnings, through the warmth of the seasons, bringing us some simple satisfaction as through natural cycles of the year. Let it bring us the simple promise of renewal, and rebirth. Thanks for being here along with me, all along. 

Monday, September 24

Back at the empty apartment, looking forward to new projects with ionic liquid minerals in agricultural experiments, and a classic iOS User Access debacle from an iPod Touch I purchased [ostensibly I could be less jauntedAF]. {Such way weird AF chanting and trifle about stuff I discoursed about on Twitter@jay_ammonlast night.

Having gotten back home, I've emptied out my bags of collectables and small projects to work on. My main inquiry is how a pine tree sapling would come about to sprout from a pine cone. I found several, yet one green one is of interest; I would guess, above any other notion, that some Concentrace ® from Whole Foods Market
<p>Get it on </p><p>Google Play</p>
[the app]

A small set of photos 

I feel like I've got not much other purpose beyond blogtastastic girly bum persona trifles around DTLA: done. I did it all beyond most achievers in trekking from 90th to Pasadena, and then I got home and there was some debacle about proper boundaries and attributions going on since it was local newspaper stuff, and there was an event about it. 

I suppose I ought to just check out a different store source of the liquid ionic minerals on a basis of hearing broadcasts about depravities gone down in some rebuke about me developing on agricultural aspirations in miniature in-home composting efforts with liquid ionic minerals and coconut shells. I'll check out a different Whole Foods to see how the quality of their ConcenTrace is, comparatively, and for reports on blog or social media.

Ostensibly, I ought to follow up on this article on some research about what it actually takes to sprout a pine tree from a pine cone.


After doing some research on Bing search:

I discovered various suggestions that suppose that a pine tree might be capably grown from dried-out pine cones, which are common; yet most interestingly, and to my inspiration for the sake of hopes of this particular green pine cone being something special beyond an old and dry common pine cone, I found this public domain photo of a larch pine cone on Wikipedia.org which shows that a branch had grown from a similar one cone of said species:

Given that, I've made some efforts to see if I might be able to somehow sprout this pine cone by keeping it in some mud that I found; hopefully with some sunlight, it'll see a sprout come out of it and I'll have achieved sprouting a pine tree from out of it.

Thursday, June 14

New Have-at: top cute iOS apps from [cross out] for an iPad-Photographer's-to-Illustration-Analog-to-Digital-Aficionado's Dream-Workflow-Status Array

  1. imaengine
  2. SVG Unlimited
  3. Adobe Draw
  4. Creative Cloud
  5. iColorama
  6. Adobe Concept
  7. Google Drive
  8. Hydra
  9. Facebook
  10. Twitter
  11. Tumblr
  12. AUM
  13. AudioCopy
  14. SoundCloud
  15. Apple iOS Photos
  16. iOS Accessibility
  17. TweetRoot
  18. Acoustic Picture Transmit
  19. Virtual ANS
  20. Euclid's Book of the Elements I + III
  21. Pret a Template
  22. Logotastic
  23. Molecule Design
  24. Fractals
  25. Kaleidoscopic
  26. Hyperspektiv
  27. Virtual Room 3D AU Audio Unit
  28. Domainr
  29. Google Maps
  30. Apple Maps
  31. Ads and Analytics - YES! On! All of them okay!
  32. Significant Locations
  33. Adobe Captivate
  34. Qleedo
  35. Agile Tortoise - Phraseology
  36. Meme-maker for iconic memes
  37. Wells Fargo Bank
  38. Wikipedia
  39. Map Area Calculator
  40. Arc-GIS
  41. Ibru
  42. Squeak!
  43. Concentric
  44. Gradient
  45. Meta + Exif photos
  46. Pro Shot + Perspective Fix
  47. Cross DJ Pro
  48. Licensed iTunes singles of your favicon songs! Perhaps futurebass mix 2 * and chill trap - YouTube for beats.

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