iPigeon.institute blog: tobacco

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Showing posts with label tobacco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tobacco. Show all posts

Friday, September 27

Recipe: chocolate clove (mint) flavored cigarettes.

 With the battering that the flavored tobacco industry took, in California, it's prudent to begin flavoring cigarettes on your own.

On one hand, the industry was very youthful, with hundreds of flavor startups vying for a market share in the smokeless tobacco industry.

Cigarettes just "feel" better (when smoked), with natural and organic flavors added to them.

Vaporizers, while nice, just have a bit of something lacking to them, compared to the enjoyment found in a nice cigarette, especially a flavored one.

USP nicotine is a strongly toxic chemical to wield around, and to entrust someone else, in a youthful industry, to manage appropriately, in vaporizer solutions.

Chocolate clove (mint) flavored cigarettes have a mild, relaxing hit to them, with a pleasurable flavor and experience, throughout. Simply order some simple ingredients online, and prepare your tobacco, upon settling in, for the night, after purchasing a pack - this project does take some foresight. 

Flavor concentrates versus fragrance components:

- some flavor concentrates are dissolved in a solution of propylene glycol, which is favorable for adding to both nicotine salts solution concentrate (vaporizer) mixtures and directly on to cigarettes, alike, although, when working with tobacco, in this case, the residues from the unevaporated propylene glycol, which is a food grade antifreeze, and which imparts the effect of "smoke," when used in a vaporizer, just might be additional fluff, so to speak; unnecessary, in other words, in a tobacco smoking setting. Fragrance ingredients are nearly all mostly volatile compounds - their volatility is actually intertwined with their worth, hence, the fleeting and transient nature of fine fragrance, whereas a lingering scent becomes a headache, in many cases. 

- fragrance ingredient extractions are time-worn and standardized procedures, with some manufacturers and supply chains practicing stringent, internationally and historically recognized, traditional chemistry procedures. Not that this isn't the case with flavor ingredients, as well, it's just that we don't "smoke" inhale our food; food is eaten, drinks are drunk, and tasted, whereas there is a fragrant aspect to smoking which could come in to consideration, in this context.

The Cocoa absolute, being a somewhat scarcely found product, is well-to-do, to be ordered from Liberty Natural. Their ¼ oz. size comes in a good, deep-well container, to which solvent may be added, to make concentrations varying from 50% to 10%, depending on the virginity of the solvent solution. I chose isopropyl myristate for my solvent, which is, essentially (or nearly) a fragrance-free version of isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol. In addition, IPM is fully volatile, and it will evaporate completely, while also dissolving a good portion of the fragrant and flavorful components of this Cocoa absolute. Just note that the solution is a fully liquid thing, so dampening your cigarettes, with some slaked-on droplets of solution will make the cigarettes fragile. I recommend doing this project when you're calm and settled down, for some long stretch of time, given a day or more, of productivity, by comparison.

The clove bud oil, which I like, as a throwback to Djarum "cigarettes," (they're actually labeled as cigars), gives a nice, mild and satisfying smoke, when directly applied to a cigarette (white paper portion).

A pack of Djarums.

The oil does not need to dry, before lighting up, but if you add the Cocoa absolute with IPM, I would strongly recommend fully drying out the cigarettes, in front of a fan, or under gentle heat, as inhaling isopropanol-type compounds, acutely, can cause temporary blindness, an unpleasant and hazardous condition to bear. For my choice of supplier: in this case, I went with Whole Foods' Aura Cacia Organic Clove Bud Oil, which came out to around $8.50 or $9.00, or so, after a 28% Amazon Prime member sale discount, from around $11.00-$12.00, or so. Just one or two droplets will do - no need to overdo it, and try to make a saucy, soaking cigarette, here. The flavor and fragrance components, here, are well concentrated, on their own merits.

That's it! As far as a mint flavoring - it would be nice, but I just haven't implemented it, in my flavoring outsets, just yet, so I won't jump the gun and write on it, for now. 

Update: some time had passed, and there was some discussion on the topic of mint, such as:

"I know you know what the best mint is, ... what is it?"

It took a while for me to recall the name of this special mint oil, but I knew that it was something good. Rich, fresh, smooth, and cooling. Then, I remembered that I was particularly fond of cornmint, which I had ordered from Perfumer's World, a couple of years back, or so. I believe that Liberty Natural stocks cornmint oil. Yet, even so, someone had commented that an oil of mint isn't all that agreeable, and that menthol crystals themselves ought to be used. This brought up the discussion of flavoring tobacco to a more primary sense, and someone mentioned cigarette filter crush balls, which are akin to the formerly stocked crush cigarettes, which, in southern California, were mainly Marlboro NXT and Camel Crush. I've tried this configuration, recently, in a cigarette butt that i picked up, to smoke, and it came out tasting just like the original crush ball cigarettes. I don't quite recall where I saw the crush ball flavoring pods online, maybe it was Amazon or eBay, or something, but I'm also not sure if the pods can be ordered and sent to a California address, due to the legislation that banned flavored tobacco products such as crush cigarettes.

Update: I traced back my previous browsing find, regarding end-user, DIY cigarette filter flavor pods. I found this machine on eBay for $10, that will insert the flavor capsules in to the cigarette filter, so that the cigarette can be flavored. There is also a link for 2,000 flavor pod capsules, priced at $40.00. I'll definitely try out this product solution, at some point soon, and I'll keep people updated as to how it works out.

The eBay listing page for the cigarette filter flavor pod / capsules installer machine, which has a link to another listing for the flavor pods themselves, as well.


Some lightly dampened Cocoa and clove cigarettes, drying out, in front of a portable waist fan - an essential step, especially if you're in a hurry.

Thursday, July 30

Product Review: the Suorin Vagon Nicotine Inhaler (Vape | Vaporiser). [DTLA Smoke Shop - $40 | 223 1/2 W 6th St, Los Angeles, CA]

Your review

 Photo of Jay Ammon
This smoke shop is pretty cool. I came in looking for a refillable cartridge piece for a push-button THC oil vaporizer that I found in the trash, and the clerk directed me, instead, to a device such as the "Suorin." Having been a Suorin device purchaser and user, in the past, and given that it was within my budget, I took him up on his offer, and purchased the device for $40, and some 55mg/mL nicotine juice for $18.99. Not a bad deal, all-in-all. The nicotine juice is very strong.

Sunday, May 3

A resourceful homeless person's « desperately in need » smoker's cure - the aluminum can.

A good and decent old-time friend of mine, named Anthony, back in high school, taught me an often-forgotten tobacco smoker's small artisan craft: the aluminum can, slight crush, with a pocket for packing tobacco, poked through with safety pins. 

It's a much more preferable life to see through, during rough financial times, and in areas where cigarette butts are uncommon - having some tobacco to smoke, for having picked up some discarded tobacco; perhaps of a former marijuana blunt roll session, in which the wrapper of a cigarillo is opened up, or cut open, for the sake of hand rolling the blunt. 

In locales where I frequent, I oftentimes come across discarded cigarillo tobacco, enough to get me by, as far as smoking tobacco. Thanks, local Los Angeles, CA, USA smokers, for slightly littering. 

Wednesday, December 18

How to casually jaunt-AF bwa-bwaio your jaunt in to the holidays (if you've been stuck out of luck).

Call it bold-AF of on of bwa-bwaio bold as the tundra, but some people like it simple when it comes to making casual acquaintances.

Such is the early morning rush-hour atmosphere at 5th at Maple, where locals and visitors alike congregate for a daily hosting to suit the most dire production and development schedules. These guys (and ladies) don't joke around much, and for the price of a Starbucks Frappucino, you can dump your year-end charitable contributions on a sponsorship of a young person, out on the streets, trying to make ends meet.

Although it may seem strange, I feel that this is the place where so many of us, struggling (holiday season or not) to find our place in life, are destined to end up - finding comradeship and brotherhood through helping out the less fortunate. 

Some tips for the locale - 
  • Make it a suitable DTLA outing, and do as the locals do - get out on foot and make your way through the various locales, (if desired), of the area - the Toy District has great deals on Winston (just one street over) of mobile device cables. You can find cheap device protectors, new lightning-USB cables, iPhone cases, iPad glass covers, and more, for a fraction of the price you'd get from retail store shopping at places such as Target. The Flower District is also a great morning go-to of DTLA. I recommend curly willow cuttings in water pots with smooth river stones, underneath a well-lit office-desk space environment - for an easy greenery setting in-home or at your workplace. 
  • If it seems a bit hectic at this intersection - don't worry. There are 5 porte-potties at San Julian Park, (just up at the heading of the photo), as well as a civic installation proper toilet at 5th at Los Angeles. It's good civic disposition to greet the street-dwellers, here. Many of them are regulars, and sometimes they put on small acts for the other patrons of the area, and for pedestrians. The park is also a nice cultural civic installation to check out. A lot of the times, they'll be passing out food and playing music.
  • (Try not to) use the restroom on the streets. People have to live here.
  • Bring some PB+J sandwiches for the pigeons! I don't get out here every day, but when I do, I always make sure to have some bread and fixings for the birds.

Monday, February 4

As I sit down for a quick abstract on a more efficacious tobacco smoking method, a received broadcast of that my mother is screaming about her body burning in pain.

Peter Ehrlich, David Yang, and « homies » « bro » « dog » « fool ("foo") »

« [these police officers] » were offhandedly implicated; (contextually, not seemingly so much in deed of fault,

It's supposed as that my parents are being held up as hostage victims within their home. My parents had brought me up in the age of the internet as a believer in the inherent overarching goodness of people in society. 

Resonant harmonic frequency tobacco smoking, which was a sympathetic context to my aims in life, in that I aspire to produce the au jour pigeons carnival of some historic and cultural reputed austerity in life;

It's imaginably a purpose that's been fulfilled in other cultures throughout history, such as that had been achieved in the pipe-organ cathedrals of Europe. 
Given that pipe organs have a cousin in the Calliope, who, referentially, is the muse of Greek mythological lore, a traveling and compact version of the great pipe organs, which were produced most notably (according to my learning, at this point in time) - in the early-mid through late-mid centuries of the second millennium of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Resonant harmonies, which, in a simpler sense, are easily portrayed as though steel drums might be thought of, as that they are metal cylindrical devices shaped in to various resonant shape-areas of the hammered top surface.

Likewise, various and curious notable pleasurable tobacco smoking experiences might; conceivably, due to the radioactive nature of the tar, smoke, and chemical components of smoke passing through an aluminum can (here, I used a Red Bull 8.4 fluid ounce can) - produce novel and slightly variant smoking experiences (here, I had been graced with discovering a pouch of Backwoods tobacco, which is a well dried and cured cigarillo tobacco with a bright and rich character about it) -

Through aesthetically and mathematically organic, natural forms, representationally; be fashioned on to the aluminum can in some consideration of harmonic resonances which can be produced through poking holes in the can with a regular large (1-1/2 inch, or so);
Perhaps in tetrachordal or isomorphic imaginative form. Various poking-centers in logistically, complementaritively, or through ingenuity - will create various suction-based slight high-frequency harmonics to suit the purpose of creating conceivably-resource for technical analysis or for aesthetic enjoyment. 

Wednesday, August 29

Yesterday's quick roundup of tried-and-true tobacco curing tips and as-of-yet [I've not tried them] notable suggestions for a finer cured tobacco (post-retail, loose leaf, etc.)

Pictured is the tiny batch Gucci container I used to make an aside special try about for my first quick minutes oven aromatics oxalic acids fibrous juicer leftovers: confīte, atop hand-mashed [a bit] grapefruit quarters, reasonably well-medium fine balsamic vinegar in glass; there was cheese, perhaps, in a wetted sock (dirty, worn), some fragrant lip balm, better than petrolatum-based (on the organic side), a noteworthy tone-bearing plastic trinket (beacon, for slight transmission of a theoretical slight amplification of sound and particle wavelengths within a bellows box iOS device box confīte, topped with some slight brown sugar, plain brown sugar.

The Gucci box selection was wrapped with Farmer John's standard 8 pack breakfast sausage wrapper, unwashed. It was an attractive confīte box with my small box AirPods trash find containing the main tobacco store to be infused with the aromatics vinegar oxalic acids sugar confīte, and I had a fine cigar, smoked well enough to be rich, by this time, included in the box. I believe I put some allergy medicine in there; Claritin, for some unknown and fanciful belief of that it would impart a hypoallergenic or perhaps something somewhat useful chemistry BAM! about the reaction. There was pigein guano either inside or outside the box, perhaps in a custard dish ceramic thing, probably moist, or maybe not.

I closed the confīte box and turned the oven on, about 300 degrees Fahrenheit, and I used the restroom, or something like that.

[Did I blow meth smoke into it?] This would have been long into the time in which I had swore off smoking meth, but it may have been that literal bit of a set of days for a week, and then no more again, and I broke the glass pipe. I suppose that event happened twice, perhaps over a couple of weeks. Relevant? Hopefully not, I don't encourage smoking meth:definitely, and in general, it's a problem presentable as for a person who uses, of any sort.

Try it without any meth invokved, but for features' sake, it may have happened like that, for this batch. It was enjoyable consumed tobacco.

Within that somewhat reading span of length of time, the oven had a notable presence into the main living room where I was, and it would be so weird if it ventured through the walls and the neighbors could feel it also, so I rushed over and removed the box, placed it under and within a cashmere sweater, [is the cashmere thing truly radiation ionic blam! Insulating the blam! instead? I would say yes, but I have a thing for cashmere sweaters and sweating it out, or staying warm, and it does have a particular sort of insular characteristic. Perhaps ... I dunno. Maybe wool would work, but definitely cashmere.

It looked nice enough to eat: the grapefruit balsamic sweet beets confīte array, but I was [for sure] definitely on meth, to speak of, at all, at the time, and the near blam! expansiveness was an exciting moment. I felt like the tobacco must be infused with so much pigeon trinket sidewalk searching finesse, and some Françoise considerable distinction about it. It didn't disappoint, and the Gucci box portion was particularly resinous and rich, with a slight bit of pork sausage flavor about it.

I had, aside from this, also [prior to everything, first of all], had a popped open coconut of some sort, perhaps something, but it definitely was somewhat going to vinegar-alcohol-ish fermentation at this point, in the same kitchen. Were the coconut electrolytes of the coconut water and fat fermentation thing something... Like I had done something with it prior to that? I dunno. Maybe I just opened it and left it out, and it started going to vinegar.

I cooked French onion soup some time recently prior to this, maybe the night before. There was rotting food in the kitchen.

The suggestions for moving forward, beyond whats been established:

Milk chocolate somewhat characteristic impart to the tobacco, for a less fiery burn.

There was something else, perhaps...

Aside from that, I have less experimental and eccentric air-cured process ionic mineral arrête sort of transhydraulysis stuff, maybe the chocolate concept would be okay cooked in, or sprayed on, or something, and stuff with extracted oils and toying with the adsorbent nature of doing something [somehow], but I'll read up on it at that time. I've been collecting cardboard long tube "flues," and I definitely can't run a smoke house in here, it's a studio apartment, plus I don't smoke inside [nearly always].

People along my walking path have been generous with leaving out tobacco of cigarillo packets, and I tend to desire cigarettes less.

The main concept of the post-retail confīte oven curing thing:

Was that the fine cigar, once smoked down, would impart, and perhaps ad hoc fluff up, and via the aromatics confīte:given the vacuum bellows box concept: suck in the mineral solids of the pigeon guano aside and fluff up a quick oven up fluff of some concept of a tobacco bale curing ammonia somewhat concept, at least just maybe somewhat ammonia something, and then something about the arrangement and suction or moistness, and the tone bearing trinket thing was supposed to easily enough, end up perhaps [maybe not easily, but I thought it might] simply bam up some unscraped nicotine out of what was of the confīte box and tobacco in it, well enough to make it better tobacco.

It was really good tobacco, actually :)

Some development of the coconut shell pigeon guano air-curing project: soil mites!

One of my hard shell brown coconut guano cultures has developed what seem to be either maggots or mites; actually, it seemed that maggots were crawling around on the top of the guano after I left the coconuts out since last update, perhaps a few weeks or less, at this point.

I decided that perhaps I might see if some of the tobacco seeds would sprout in the mix, as early on in a decomposition stage as it might be; though I gave it ionic minerals and various pharmaceuticals, and perhaps some interesting micro-evolutionary epochs had transpired in the meantime, creating an advanced and or adapted form of 8 legged creature (perhaps), which could likely be of various origins, based on the bug life observed: I saw a scattering parasitic tick (just one) when I was gathering the freeway underpass guano [although that's not this particular batch; this one is dried grassland next-to-freeway guano and dirt. I'm assuming that there was somewhat dried out and starved for moisture insect and predatory parasite life waiting for moisture for them to be born; ostensibly of various modes of evolution, if the circumstances permit, as I had noted in my previous experiment in feeding a gutter mosquito birthing larval stage puddle with Humineral Zeolite Humic and Fulvic minerals, and the soon-afterwards appearance of the friendly mosquito (yet still itchy as it bit me).

I'll update this post with photos and more links soon.

Some links on soil mites:




Sunday, August 12

A short summer walk's recyclables jaunt pulls in some impressive guano aside and discarded tobacco. [Photos]

I came across a freeway underpass with a particularly rich abundance of pigeon guano,

So I collected it, upon considering that I might otherwise neglect it and it could possibly be cleaned up before I come back to it.

I found several dumps of cheap cigar tobacco and a bone-dry pigeon corpse. I found the corpse compelling for creating and developing towards a future Kunstkamera Museum, perhaps, of pigeon-lore.

I also found a nice 4-tier stacker table to later organize my coconut guano air-curing receptacles with the aim of establishing a special variety Nicotiana tabacum varietal, later on this year, or next planting season.

The guano haul weighs about 10-15 pounds. It's a particularly biologically active, vile mess of guano and fluff, right from underneath a freeway overpass, and I would swear that the disease organisms are ready to infest any living creatures nearby. I'm fortifying with ionic minerals and antibiotics; me and the pigeons. I'm considering perhaps putting the materials through a slow roast right away to kill any living creatures and their eggs.

Thursday, July 19

Homesteading pigeon guano as fertilizer for an upcoming cigar tobacco planting and curing cottage industry enterprise for the .institute

I picked up some reading material at the Los Angeles Public Library Central Library Branch; (Google Maps)

Regarding tobacco:

Most of the books there on tobacco cultivation and curing (few in number, yet undoubtedly rich in information), are labeled "R" in the call number, for "Reference," [meaning that they are somewhat valuable and rare titles meant for study and 'reference' explicitly at the library branch where the book is found].

That being said, I had limited spree in diving into my latest iPigeon research and homesteading project: growing a baby pigeon'ed vintage tobacco crop and curing au petít vintägé: a fine cigar tobacco, perhaps years in the making.

There are some lots nearby with empty land, and one of them is definitely a community garden lot. There's a spot on my side of the street that's as of yet gone to weeds and dry hay in between a large home and a church that seems a reasonable aspiration if I talk up the neighbors about it and see what they think. I have a shovel that's been left outside my place here, perhaps it's a serendipitous sign.

I've got to work on homesteading my seller's positioning to pitch the idea to the relevant parties, and I've just yesterday finally fixed my General Relief social welfare benefit money of $221 per month that I receive. I'm planning on making a trip out to a
<<[somewhere]; (a place around greater Los Angeles that retails a fine strain of cigar-leaf tobacco)>> 

  1. gardening shop so I can purchase seeds. 
  2. Whole Foods [undecided, as to "about which one... (?)]. Does the implicit worth of the general periphery and locality of the source of stocked retail ionic minerals play into the as-purchased consumer's worth and value commodity's gain in ionic mineral content?
I've got some celebrant commodity and some dilemma in my homesteading and self-initiative civic care of the local pigeon flock: I've located the roosting de facto (Google Maps) of the local sitting herd pride of pigeons: localized to my couple-of-blocks-proximity. 
  •  I've spotted several dead pigeons recently around the local area. I tried to take some in to preserve them; I found that doing so invites a bevy of unheralded concerns and heaps of responsibility: properly caring for the deceased, and preserving a specimen for taxidermic interest. It's a novel and interest-aside pursuit of where-energies-investigative-research and development claims-investments ought currently be attributable, best practices of a .institute homesteading ad hoc development arc in mind. Perhaps some other time. ([Future link to:] expand on the subject).
  • I hopped the fence onto state property (mea culpa [attr.]) and gathered 4 plastic grocery bags of pigeon guano and shallow underlying dirt. Subsequently, I underwent an acute onslaught of parasitic interest in me, perhaps of significance in delimiting the bounds and extents for within [maintaining par relevance: bounds-pigeons-pertains]: perhaps an insight into how and why so many pigeons are turning up dead locally, so commonly, recently. 
  • I surmised that the pigeon guano (droppings) were a multi-foray crisis to the birds, and to the local area, in general (in human toll). It turns out that pigeon guano has some special considerations, as might any raw material resource / fertilizer-from-scratch. Hordes of mosquitos hounded me for days, and the pestilence definitely put me under as goes for an as-if-anything: so au jour and about town take on conquering the day for several days this past week. Luckily I had my cache of pharma-curative products and luxe accoutrements of toiletries, etc. from the post-year-end USC student apartment dumpster dive foray of a week or two ago (link). The crux of the situation is that the droppings were plentiful, they're rich in mineral raw materials-resource, and it's a science-bounds-it-is <<it-all>> such that the material merits realized and implemented safe handling and storage procedures. ([Link: recipe - home project try-out of an {aromatics: electrolytics-sugars: oxalic acid: plant-and-animal fats: balsamic (wine alcohol, grape must) vinegar: pigeon guano: and salts} slight au jour quant aux données à prendre d'hommes parisienne bonnes des oeuvríer sur les faut cuisinaire provençale:
From Google Translate:
- as to the data to be taken from Parisian men good to work on the needs of Provençal cooking

I'll work on fleshing out the unpublished article-blog content shortly.

  • More on the uses and cautions involved in working with pigeon guano, at homesteadingtoday.com forums. 

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