iPigeon.institute blog: south Los Angeles

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Showing posts with label south Los Angeles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label south Los Angeles. Show all posts

Monday, February 27

iPigeon.institute 2023 classroom and activity ideas.

  • Musicianship and Introductory Piano - learning to sing, and rhythmic training. Learning to sight read music.
  • Illustration - Ink brush coloring and illustrations. Color theory, rudimentary figure (animals, nature) drawings.
  • Track and Field - Running / jogging exercises. Stretching techniques. Physical health routines.
  • Nutrition - Demonstrate how to barbecue. How to cook rice and egg. Nutrition lessons - 4 food groups, nutrition theory. Alternative diets (raw). 
  • Journaling - Scrapbooking, Typography / handwriting - choosing a font. Bullet Journaling. Page layout and Design.
  • Botany - Learning to plant seeds in pots. Plant identification. (Fruit or Flower tree planting?) / community garden. Preserving flowers and leaves (press-method).
  • Agriculture lessons - Chicken egg incubator. Animal care - livestock feeding techniques. Genealogy of Poultry and Game Birds.
  • Computer Skills - Hand / eye coordination and identification / discernment training. Keyboard navigation on desktop / laptop computer. 
  • Sustainability - Compost heap. Community service (leadership) and the ecology. Accessibility - pedestrian safety. Noise and light pollution.

Christmas lights wire art, powered by USB, for example. Available on Amazon. An unexpectedly “way” to dry clothes up, a bit, wow! - USB wired Christmas lights. Who would have thought?

Saturday, December 4

A vehicle gets pwn’ed in South Los Angeles.

Talk about road rage: this vehicle showed up just around the corner from my home. Man, oh, man. The things that must be going on while I’m out feeding the pigeons, I can’t imagine.

Tuesday, October 5

LA Metro subterranean blasting causes plurisubharmonic seismic vibrations, shaking South LA and West Hollywood.

 Being that I stay up for a long time; days, even (still, at this point in life), I have a keen sense of when things seem to go awry, of slight motions and activities of people around me. 

Today was a particularly strange day, nearly gone by, at this hour - of the “latest” waking period, as I call it, colloquially, in my own estimations. There were significant thunderstorms and rainy activity 😗 umm… yesterday, that is… since I’d not slept last night, as it turns out. <_<…? In any case, there were significant thunderstorms yesterday, and leading up to it, I felt that some sort of barometric pressure was pushing through the locality around me, even affecting me inside of my bedroom. Sometimes I wonder if it’s my ionic mineral supplementation intake, being subsumed by the planes flying overhead, in the jet stream line-of-sight, leading up to LAX Airport’s landing runway. During the day, there’s typically even shadows cast, commonly, over my head, or “in the way” of the sunlight, with the shadows of the planes flickering the light, shining through my window, or sometimes I go out for a cigarette, and I get flashed by the plane’s shadow. It’s enough to cook up some viable paranoia, right? 

So, the barometric pressure is one thing, the storms are another, and the reputation of the area, this being South Los Angeles, makes for a suggestible fable to be run by me, such as that “terrorists” are flexing their might, in opposition to the authorities, and they’re going around, blowing up the water mains, underground. On top of that, the story had gotten so detailed, such as to suggest that much of South Los Angeles was going to be host to a massive sinkhole, like the ones that we hear or read about, sometimes, happening in South America. 

But this evening, as I went out to West Hollywood to do some gig work, I felt a distinct blast; I heard it, as well, and some shockwaves followed the blast, so I reasoned that the blasting must be for the sake of Metro’s subterranean station and terminal outlets, for the private spaces and expanse required to keep the train lines running smoothly, which they do. I must say that hold-ups and delays of the trains are typically trivial in the Los Angeles Metro Train system, and they only last a few minutes, at most. There are two lines being developed, one of them the Crenshaw Line, which would reasonably assume that my area, running parallel to Crenshaw Blvd., would see some shaking, over in my area, of this sort. The other line being developed and worked on, at this point in time, is the expansion of the Purple Line, in to the Westside localities of Beverly Hills and Century City, going up Wilshire. 

So that was it, as far as terrorist plot explosions theories, broken water mains, and sinkholes becoming established. It’s all part of the workweek, in other words. 

The sun sets over rush hour traffic, somewhere in Los Angeles.

Tuesday, September 21

It’s nesting time, for the pigeons.

 It’s the end of a balmy summer, out here in South Los Angeles, and the Harbor Freeway (Highway 110) underpasses are a favorite nesting spot for the flocks of pigeons. 

The Manchester underpass of the Harbor Freeway features a stoop for pigeons. I’ve been visiting this brood since 2018. 

Nearby, as I got out of a medical appointment earlier today, I came across a darling pigeon parent moment: the nest-making ritual. Here, the babies had already been born, and they’re growing up, fully feathered, and soon, they’ll be ready to fly. The parents make the nest, over and over, to teach the young some pertinent bird mannerisms, such as the use of the bill, for feeding, and for general use in procuring things that they need. Around town, the birds have the habit of asking for food by pecking around on the sidewalk, and the street. It’s what they know how to do, as a sociable gesture towards their caretakers - us, as humans. 

This busy pigeon parent was witnessed remaking the nest for baby pigeon. It’s exciting to see the pigeons pairing up and having success in breeding. The pigeons had been seen through a faithful series of seasons of regular feedings, and they’d been well supplemented this year, on top of that, so they’re taking care of themselves, and their young, particularly well. 

Tuesday, October 20

I’d been big in to trying to get my IoT development platform up and running, lately. Lots of expenses.

 Thanks to the California Employment Development Department, 

I’d been fortunate in having been a recipient of Unemployment Insurance money and Pandemic and Disaster Award Money, for having been affected directly by the COVID-19 disaster. My latest procurement is the Apple Watch. I’m interested in its platform basis in that it’s marketed as a tool for communications, but more so compellingly, for me, at this point in time, of that it’s an Apple device that’s concerned with the users’ health and well-being. 

And then, if you’d ever been in to working aspirations in to developing on IoT devices (bare chip boards, with embedded circuitry and processing microcontrollers), then you know how the nights on end can be relentless endeavors of discovering and perusing internet literature and forums for a glimmer of hope, short of being reportedly well-dialed in and having successfully SSH’d or provisioned the hardware and accessories appropriately, attained a fully autonomous Internet of Things microcontroller project, co-processor project, Machine Learning, prototype, or embedded device. 

My current “Things” are a mix mash of trying to maintain finery, amidst the shortcomings of small enterprise, in a world of just-burgeoning documentation, coverage, and marketing of a platform-profiteering move in and on topic of the Google Coral platform, which is the current IoT | AIY platform that I’m (trying) to successfully get up and running. I’d been covering it on Twitter. It’s been a whole lot of splotch bum asides and subsequent coming-clean, of that 

okay, I fwushuthuthuthuthgghhh:

I fwopped it.

In fact, I flopped it so bwamm, that I ended up landing on the first page of Google Search for Google Fwopp:

Here’s how I’ve been getting by:

That’s pretty much that, as far as daily nutritional intake and self care. 

And then, 

I’m working on this orthogonal counter-ingress and directionality assertiveness motive of in-home aesthetics and a bit of complement to the great outdoors, of which this locality features the much of on greatness: the jet stream, which, as for the ionic mineral concentrates that I have, purportedly mills the ions and organum matter of the witting participants of such, as well as that of the gross polluters of the nearby and surrounding ecology of the area. I try to clean up some of the mess, sometimes, as per my charity arm of my enterprise in blogging, at scrumbwitsies.us

Just a quick check in, for keeping up with something on here, for posterity’s sake. I’ll try to check in with something more compelling and pleasant soon. 

Tuesday, December 31

A blowout great year for my Google Domains Blogger page, and a quick look forward to the new year.

December 31, 2019

A quick overview of my year, here on iPigeon.institute, on Google Blogger, and looking forward, as it's New Year's Eve, today, in sunny Los Angeles, CA, USA.
It's been a graciously fortunate year,  and a growth-driven looking forward to future readership interactions and perhaps monetization of my Google Blogger and Google Domains sites,  with iPigeon.institute being the main publication site.  

This month has shown itself to have been my strongest month yet,  readership-wise. I feel like I've perhaps broken in to a new demographic for having placed a calculated marketing effort on craigslist, one week.  craigslist still proves to be a powerful medium for establishing localizable and targeted marketing promotions efforts. 

A look at the yearly readership stats.  I'm excited to see readership showing strong upward momentum on my publishing efforts.  Thank you,  everyone who's read,  commented,  and contributed in one way or another, to my blogging!

    What will I be doing for this New Year's? Probably nothing much,  aside from collecting recyclables,  heading through Echo Park,  maybe look at the light installment at Grand Park,  DTLA (there is a well-attended New Year's Eve party at Grand Park, traditionally).

    ... 🤔 say hi to familiar faces (hopefully). I did come across one of my Facebook friends earlier,  on Skid Row. He'd been wanting to hang out. A fortunate sign; this serendipitous chance interaction.  

    I'm excited for this upcoming month's expense budget and devices list update of a new 2019 iPad,

    Indianapolis. Current location of my 128 GB Gold iPad (7th Generation) 2019 version. Slated to arrive in-store on the 8th of January. Hooray! Design| work in style,  with plenty of storage. [I couldn't quite afford the iPad Air 3, latest model,  with my credit card program fees,  with First Premier Bank] ($49 program fee and $125 annual card fee for the first year). (They are offering me a total of $500 credit,  though,  and it's nice to have a credit card).

    a couple of small credit accounts, and a new home at a place just up and around the corner from my apartment and first site of iPigeon.institute (that location is hereby closed).

    The new place offers food - a much welcome and appreciated amenity.  I've established some good face-to-face friends with the local RV  (recreational vehicle) parkers, nearby the local "pit."

    Here's some photos of the local pit - for locals. 

    Tuesday, October 15

    An ad hoc public social work service providership offering for establishing and verifying homelessness identity and basis for future housing placements.

    It struck me, as an imposition of a potential problem (that people might have about me - here, and there; and continuing on in to the future, if I failed to address it): that some individuals whom I come across, or whom I envision in my “envisagé” mind, yet rarely speak to - might (or do) have an existential crisis about them, imposed on to me, as that I am housed in my Section 8 apartment, while they are not currently receiving services. 

    I’ve addressed these, and various surrounding exigent circumstances, and calls-to-action, in an offering of an ad hoc public social work and housing / homelessness status identity verification and needs-validation endpoint communications entity, as it had not gone stated in words, on my part, any time recently; so I made a Google My Business post on it, for individuals who might come across my Google My Business listing on Google, via Google Maps, or by Search discovery.

    Saturday, April 27

    Transitioning off in to partitioning the pieces of Developer Enterprise in to separate (yet still Westside) linguistics and avian-centric blogging form, sorted out, at this point

    The Broadway District's Food Banks 

    are several and plentiful, from here to Downtown LA, 

    for as much as I've traveled from here to there.  

    I spent some time on my Google Calendar app today.
    Try it on Enterprise!

    It takes a hefty box, cart, or a heaping bag-full to carry all of the food back home, make sure to pack accordingly.

    Sunday, April 21

    The transliterative word intensive is likened to hearing the sprighteningly sparrow's squabble at morning, or at shop.

    It is considerate of recombinate features that sincile a due-to-forth unferstanding of the imperative-ness-aietivity unsecle-supposed, ... Ahem... Of the at-hand.

    Its, ...

    To attest to -

    The at-hand :

    - of feeding the sparrows, at minimum, as a stated expectation,

    - typically; would follow :


    Some pigeons as well.

    Some mentioning of the pidginHub.app[space] undersranding of what it means to be properly pidgin, in English. (With plenty of emphasis on feeding the birds, as well).

    Sunday, September 30

    Quick update on the green pine cone development effort: an ad hoc cottage industry occupation, at minimum.

     I've had the pine cone sunken into a handful of mud I collected from beneath a leaking fire hydrant, and prior to finding the mud, I determined that the pine cone might do well if it was given some blessings and offerings of Texas Cedarwood essential oil from Aura Cacia as well as some ConcenTrace liquid ionic minerals. In addition, I supposed that I could, perhaps, inspire some sort of ionic burgeoning of bringing the cone's still-living ostensible self to sprout a sapling branch out of it, if I made a reaction of the ionic mineral and oil coating of it along with some tobacco smoke and heat from the fire of the rolled cigarillo tobacco from underneath and around the pine cone; it seemed to attract some gravity unto itself with the combination.

    After a few days of traveling around with me while coated with the mud and being brought out into the sun for some intervals in time, I brought it out of the mud bag upon arriving back at my place, and I washed the cone off with warm water.

    The particularly special thing that was notable about the pine cone, despite the fact that it had browned a bit, and that the tips of the spikes of the cone had seemed to develop nodes at the tip; one had broken off, and I've yet to identify just what these nodes entail in the scope of the lifespan and development of the pine cone as it expends it's life energy into something. Perhaps it's not been a proper induction into sprouting into a sapling, yet I'm still hopeful for it. What I did nitice, though, which was of promise, was that the oil, mineral liquids, and tobacco smoke ash combination left a thick, resinous smooth and shiny black tar with a beautiful spicy scent.

    I decided to keep on in developing the incense-like resin basis of what the cone might merit, and I'm working on covering it with a new and more dedicated purpose towards establishing an incense resin development cycle for a purpose that I might apply to green pine cones; perhaps I'll make it an outing basis out to the mountains nearby, locally, to establish a collection of similar young pine cones to establish one of the cottage industry aspirations that would inevitably arise from doing these various treks around town, and establish various takes on incense products from scratch and by hand that obviously herald from such cultures as northern French African infusions of trade and society from which the Morrocan variety of Texas Cedarwood essential oil, particularly fine, as it's offered by Aura Cacia, for the disparity in price of the bulk-sized alternate offering of Texas Cedarwood oil by Whole Foods Market brand, which is taken from the a Juniper or Spruce of a Mexican varietal.

    Ostensibly, with so much nuclear disparagement of the soils and atmosphere of the regionally localized environment; this being Los Angeles of southern California; it makes for a notably less fine and distinctive array of aromatics of the tree's specieal or acute conditioning produce capacity at this time, in addition to being diluted with a carrier oil, (I belidve), in the Whole Foods Brand offering. In some cases, not particularly much to disparage the much more actual aromatics and volatile oils in what's offered, by weight; yet I'm interested in developing products and distinction in end product in line with ethical and sustainable offerings, as my first-outset in doing things of product-related manufacturing and finery considerations at hand, in the same vein as the iPigeon branding heraldry of racing pigeons trade convention and social economy basis of meeting and establishing well-wrought and considerate relations where such distinctions are trusted from the source, as I'm responsible for in my own .institute output and for sustainable work developments that may arise from having the extra time, care, budgeting, and conscientious discernment of having had ostensibly finer pigeons, someday: to show for such slight, yet significant (in terms of my single-handedly retail purchase at Whole Foods in that I have a choice between two bottles, both of them seemingly slight in their purpose, in some consideration); I'd obviously make it the finest available as ad hoc development findings, and perhaps develop from there, based on aesthetics and merit that make the difference in making sustainable and secure establishments in relationships to come.

    [Sorry, long-winded; I'm being regionally trifled by localized and regional playback of competitive minds and Disavowal of all sorts of reasonable basis in showing face in the development cycle].

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