iPigeon.institute blog: serious fluff

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Showing posts with label serious fluff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label serious fluff. Show all posts

Sunday, October 17

Another Downtown LA (Though Slight) Occupation and Riot - October 2021 DTLA Folklore.

 Who could deny it, for either living here or ending up here, any time over the past several weeks or so?

The evidence is present for the daytime locals and locality regulars, (such as myself) to come to understand. As pictured here, at the [… insert apartment complex name], property damage is being threatened and waged, lately, by roving waves of seemingly random, yet quite common casually psychotic individuals. It’s a burgeoning mental health crisis, out here. Much of the dissent and “acting out” is based upon some demographic crisis, of which the truth of the matter could ostensibly be difficult, even for professionals, social workers, and mental health outreach teams to effectively understand, in terms of some means of civil service being put in to effect, which could quell the ongoing drama and settle the unease of the citizens who reside here. 

Being on the ground level, out on the streets, here, myself, in particular - for being one of the dedicated bird flocks’ caretakers in the locality, as well as that I happen to patronize Skid Row drug dealers, I get, at a minimum, at least some conjectural intelligence and informed status, in regards to what seems to be going on, within the campus that precludes downtown Los Angeles. 

The mental health system is failing abuse victims, as the prevailing disposition that I’m presented with, for example. I do my best to accommodate my otherwise poor emotional support mechanism, in life, through aesthetic means, whether it be situational, environmental, artistic, and sometimes, I seek the pleasurable. Long days of persecution, of my schizotypal mind, by personas that fall by the wind, during the majority of my life - who truly is in my life, to any appreciable degree? 

My apologies, for making this a personal note, on my blog. It got neglected, of my earlier ambition to cover the greater mental health victims demographic, and I got swept in to a several-hours long remote sensing debacle, largely of forgettable and transient things, lacking in accountability, and yet seething with sadism about it. Apparently, one person cares to see me incarcerated, rather than that I take, for myself, an amount of crystal methamphetamine that drug dealers care to allocate and provide, of my purchasing from them.

Update: 10/17/2021: As it turns out, today would perhaps stand as one in which infamy reigned over personal freedoms and the autonomous mind. I made a report, last night, to the FBI (or tried to; there was an impassable form input error message). Would that have happened to have hijacked my attention span? All in all, I made some off-color jokes last night, and people are in an uproar about this and that, still; people from my past, who harbor a distaste for me, for my penchant for honesty. Today was a day of descent, so to speak, in to the recesses of the prelimbic mind, (which happens to be under review, or subject to < rescind >, “apparently,” as far as autocorrect goes). Yikes. Watch out, there. In any case, I founded this .institute aspiration and enterprise based upon much of what an intelligence and development enterprise ought hold as sacred knowledge; things that must be kept, throughout disaster and peril. 

The disavowal of pre-limbic mind. Mind control. I’m just, at this point in time, (acutely), being offered dissent, in regards to my freedom. It appears to be a home town row and hazing of me; I can tell: the type of demographic is telling, at times. People speaking so freely, and without care, or consideration towards me, and as I’d mentioned, I’m simply largely alone, in life, at this point in time. I suppose that I’ve upset some people. Not everyone, by any means, but quite apparently - some people. 

Monday, May 14

Extended-beyond common wherewithal of commonly held beliefs-given-autonomy

An obscure underpinning of the somehow sure-as towards yet as-of looked-up-as-GTD check done ✅ task management wherewithal, given the valid moment of curiosity check via Google search lookup - beyond being sure, as for myself, that I should trust the sure-as-had-been established through obscure means of commit-stated belief, in and of my own discernment, for whatever as-of-yet unknown significance of such surety; 

« On some night » of weeks leading up to this date, I made it a point to simply look up my self-held belief that I live in zip code 90033, as opposed to the mailing address assertion, (somewhat paranoia battery challenge diagnostic trifle) of where, how and why 90033 would be a more significantly established belief, rather than the written and viable commonly-held belief that the mailing address zip code is the more suitably unquestionable; for all to consider; things, as such as had been brought up to answer for, as towards a need to discern: why I would choose the obscure etiology zip code as held established belief « 90033 » versus the mailing address zip code.

The search led to a various curiosities pursuit and discovery of international standards numerical coding as cardinal concomitant recursive-self recombinant internationally held institutional standards as constituently special, as towards the place-time-means-purpose as-reduction-of-needs-to-explain beyond common logic decryption and all valid psychological fortitude of individualistic means to consider; apparently 💁🏻‍♂️. 

Apparently this was the hidden universe of such things as unique per item bar codes that are particular to the unique identifier and operational expected delivery of autonomous international standards and measures. A fair parable of the forensic profiling mock-up trifle nomenclature aficionado water-cooler morning débriefing beyond coffee organizational fanboy imagination talk-up routine, of people who show up to work as an anything valid demographic, as the recent vast assertions crowd would assert themselves. Serious fluff was trite, to consider: as valid meaty burger to a fuckboy tech-xecutive c-suite stated-as Los Angeles native standard aficionado stereotypical lifestyle fuckboytas-tastic straight faced suitably professional-assertive prior-to-DSM-IV as carbon-dated prescription « supposedly validly; as unspeakable unthought-of stuff to discuss, for concomitant demographic constituents - apparently; particularly on account of drug abuse, of all things - given a dishonest and at minimum: disingenuous disposition « how could you » slight seething resort to constituent « unheard of trifles, unimaginable by identities-as demographically slight as to consider as such » real fluff, serious fluff; but not unslight trifling unsuch strange forays into heretofore discourse, of any as such I’d been accustomed to, for all the valid ways in and of around it; the French did the Canadien Quebec territory a valid abute reputation, what could possibly be worse or better than that take on life? -from a Los Angeles native concessions fanboy cla cla cla Classic LA fanboy stereotypes to live down aficionado personas trifle constituent mock-up coffee-table leisure discourse of post-mornings, past days-on-end, novel calendar mockups talkup job fuck stances all new, bold as the Yukon, and all in between, says a Los Angeles fuckboy t’as tastic cla cla cla cla Classic fresh one, guy or girl, « perhaps ». Valid for blog publication garbage minds endless fuckjob find-had-you joyful aficionados establishment of an assertive American finery, this being the furthest coast of the textbook next-frontiersmen: now, what have you left to conquer?  Coffee shop writer identity text-stated broadcast of a fresh roast bold offering of some considerable horse-racing aficionado husbandry breed? They say, « we tell every coffee shop bum power-squat athleisure jaunted beyond coffee walk up that every bum from all over has the same story abute themselves, at some point in life, but that’s obv. unlikely an emphatically concessions-receivables dépt. email-to: « now, considerably: some Top Level Domains further aficionado developer enterprise discourse, for a real shitty burger meat-made ordeal, now coffee-shops as leisure status identity fuckjobs proliferate identity-valid destinations; that’s supposedly via Seattle’s take on stuff. The LA valid native fuckboy tastastic identity, though, is a serious national had-to support group demographic, untrifling slight aficionados establishment on steam tap like a valid cultured aesthetic food alternative, for even as-yet liquids-consumption considerably beverage and food establishment show-up: its the Norman Rockwell valid-stance standing long-lasting fuck fuckbiytastastic cla cla cla cla Classic: olde English 800 malt liquor discourse: from an outsider’s imagination, perhaps, ... ‘whatever.’ This one’s for coffee-shop writer valid mock-up how-bout-you « bute », as French Canadian Quebec locality trifle seething romantic trifle personality concession, for dating potential, « perhaps ». 

The jibs fidgeting concession to personality sleights shows that the offhanded mock-up jibs, considerably trite personality concession sleight screen-recording, after aesthetics scrum check, second glance; could it be... ?


Photo-worthy scrum codification aesthetics jibs of personality « maintain » status composure - for a concessions-identity lived-down supposedly lifetime attainment status: beyond jaunted bum demographic; give or take grammatical dash hyphen astute etsy precision, but wait, they say every bum does it this finery? Obviously needs to distinction status male contest destination of valid pursuit. 

But a pigeons-finery-feeding establishment institute-task-GTD check status check waffles establishment? That surely beats out any waffles and poultry establishment slight recent mass shooting something missed-it news fakery fluff job of dendrites-post-serious fluff maidenhead arc-narrative-director’s seat: fuckboy tastastic: cla cla cla cla Classic: looks; you, bams. Valid iconic fluff job pursuits, all everyone did that but this one, the next one. That sort of Los Angeles all-France-to-consider: et cie finery by serious fluff as-yet; unexpected: all variants fuckboy-tastastic, common trifle. 

But holding the validly prepped iPigeon iPad:

A pretty serious jaunted aficionado self-sustainable civic-by-graces obstinate blessed identity: the as-stated publicly available bum depravities-standard-asserted validity to jaunt trifling aesthetic scrum fletch aficionado gutter check search deep foray into checking outdoors corners for precious discarded things: such a trifling Freudian identity fulfillment, how cirque du soleil: iPigeons on Broadway « abute town » - maybe... that was the third knocker concomitant stand-off trifling French, at last, finally - third round such trifling jaunted breadcrumbs breadcrumbs wings wings beak beak beak animal-trained visualizations-ostensible meat eaters, early morning appetite shown-up type: to feed the pigeons, again, finally. That’s serious fluff, non-valid grammatical disputes-to discover, undoubtedly. This one comes with a jibs-fidgeting data-coding scrum-fletch aficionado vast gamma-radians manifold UI obstinate iOS system-wide standards attainment- with accessibility standards athleisure constraints, on tryna act actually had have to discuss as originally olde 800 English 1066 malt liquor, but this one: validly allergic to alcohol. What could only be done? Only post-childhood traumatic émergent identity Freud psychologies I’d be placed best to validly suit me; it’s all sorts of awkward identities to fluff pigeons abute, like a Frenchman, imaginably; suiting up for a millennial ancillary imaginable outpost of establishing sister-city post-location azimuth wherewithal, and notably: Los Angeles at Temple, an ordinance 00-100 cross perpendicular X-Y meeting place of the civic center, as I’d taken a fancy as towards in my Instagram profile @jay.ammon, as one of my first ventures into social media marketing web audience establishment, as a post-incarceration new-hopeful inductee, back into the free-society lifestyle, committed as a dedicated Christian man and a creative professional job path outlook that I had taken on; it’s obviously a tragic loss of celebration mood, to consider that all of that valid intention, for a stated criminal profile type, and mental health demographic, to be in my position, short-handed, and some people: stopped caring about drug-abstinent minds to portray of themselves, of anything else, for definite out of boundaries psychologie

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