iPigeon.institute blog: physics

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Showing posts with label physics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label physics. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 22

Catching up with neat-o fancy apps of web | app UI design, with universal or hybrid platform code bas

For first-time web | app (website-derived apps, or even in-page call stack coding “miniatures,” if you will) - somebody (like, myself), who is a “basically” amateur open-book sort of web app developer | aspirational type of approach to coding (except for Linux stuff, which has only limited-scope usefulness and portability, in this consideration of a use case scenario):

  • Many people, I imagine, simply draw a blank, as to what to do, in a case like this, since it was all just some imaginable “great” internet-borne experience.
  • Consequently, the urge to come up with something ingenious and worthwhile (worth talking about, perhaps) comes to mind.
  • The mind comes to consider that somebody else had already come up with this great idea.
  • A search on the Google Play Store or Apple’s App Store commences / newbies might, alternately, opt to try to break in to / subvert their devices security measures, and pursue some sort of disassembly of their device and or it’s operating system, for the sake of coming upon something “better.”

  • Ugh.
  • Personally, I stopped doing the self-hacking of the device and the disassembly thing, several years ago, since I was always at odds with coming up with something innovative, or productive. 

     To be certain, 

    most decent development ideas have already been derived and established, of an organic nature, independently - just as an offhand fleeting assertion; the notion could extend to as much as that we are always, it may seem, and from here on out - aside from the expectation of that novelty, as a general premise in development, and in discovery; perhaps, innovation, per se, we now have some recent seminal works on the limitations of novelty, given some development task. For example, in the recent years, leading up to this point in time, we have some of the formative rhetoric and ideological and logistical backdrop established, as to what can be attained and wrought, from out of an intersection between novelty and the influence of creative works, from the study:

    Park, D., Nam, J. & Park, J. Novelty and influence of creative works, and quantifying patterns of advances based on probabilistic references networks. EPJ Data Sci. 9, 2 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1140/epjds/s13688-019-0214-8

    “Also, there are implications for the psychological study of novelty as well. It has been known in optimal theory of novelty that the positive acceptance (also called the “hedonic value”) of novelty follows the so-called Wundt curve that increases initially but decreases after a peak, indicating that too much novelty can be off-putting to humans…”

    which includes references to information derived from yet other works:

    Berlyne, D. E. (1969). Arousal, reward and learning. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences159(3), 1059-1070.

    Berlyne, D. E. (1970). Novelty, complexity, and hedonic value. Perception & psychophysics8(5), 279-286.

    Both, simply for a quick flash of the context’s potential subject areas, which could, or ought to be considered, in this case. 

    Essentially, the topic, in and of itself, supposes that novel ideas are limited, in their usefulness and in their longevity, yet, as we may observe, from the initially-cited article, 

Tuesday, March 22

The Psychological Criminality in Unstructured Remote Communications Intents.

Being that I was not formally brought up with any nurturing environment instructions upon, nor mention of beliefs associated with remote communications and remote electronic psychological abuses (as they commonly presented to me as), I constantly falter in life, of failing in properly accommodating circumstances tantamount to attended to a “perceived” crisis, that it were; that it commonly is, as a topic portrayed to my senses. 

In my upbringing, the sanctity of the human body was educated upon Christian morals, beliefs, and values. 

1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?

While the technology upon which remote communications and remote sensing is founded upon had existed for perhaps around 80 years, or so, at this point in time (2022 A.D.), the adoption of such technologies had been fed through various nations’ intelligence programs, and I commonly observe fervid nationalists of a foreign intelligence (non-traditional - within the context of an American upbringing of this generation, our cultural heritage, as Protestants, and as standardized in United States of America’s public school teaching). Remnants of first-generation immigrant parents’ cultural disparities and arrogance are diagnostic criteria seen in schizotypal and narcissistic behavioral and personality disorder-symptomatic individuals who (believably) present positive symptoms of schizophrenia, and of the general will, belief, and volition to perpetuate the psychological faux pas of asserting superiority, dominance, aggression, and persecution upon a targeted victim.

The laws of entropy are correlative, within this type of personality disorder, in understanding a formative and fundamental basis in establishing a behavioral conditioning methodology and engagement protocol in reprimanding the psychopath at issue, whereas, in my case, as an observer and victim alike, in remote communications disputes and targeting, I persist through the crisis and trauma, generally as a patient and perseverance individual, whereas I also, over extended periods of experiencing such a criminal sort and extent of improper attention and sociability, oftentimes find myself defaming people publicly, in hopes that the threat of social shame, in consequences, would eventually condition the perpetrator suitably, once I had come to establish a generalized belief that anti-social characteristics and personality traits could reasonably and historically have had been established - formal and commonplace methods of communications having failed in eliciting a response from the individual.

Tuesday, July 24

On: the thrust that would power a colony moving to outer space. From Twitter.com/jay_ammon

Substituently:upon coming across Volatility in any commerce of situation, a crouch, wings-to-the-hind-being backwards thrust, to flying muscles-development aesthetic Grecian urn lifter athleticism is a multivariate grounding and considerate act to invoke. I came upon this notion while trying to archive for usage:attenuation of convolution reverb impulse responses (IRs; audio engineering) on an early morning and I witnessed, of continuous South LA Jet Stream aeroplane engine vast chaos of granular noise; the thrust that was slow-moving, compared to a jet-engine, but this thrust was a thrust that didn't have an arc to it, and it would likely power the jaunt-enterprise-extra-terrestrial into outer space, with how thrust it was moving. That would be a lot of Grecian urn lifts. The scalar-offset-dynamic thrusts of the torso and limbs is a particularly challenging and virtuous movement exercise; essentially forming the body's inertial momentum into what might aught be instability or par-stituęvaitre energetic arrête for the surrounding environment. It's very obvious when the movement fails to balance itself and fit, physiognomically within a 1:1 or similar ratio of just and slight variance; what kind of battery would the thrust exercise movement power of the individual? Then I heard, allegorically ad hoc, that all massive industrial enterprise apparatus are run entirely upon human power, in order to be properly sustainable energy and valid worth in a competitive world power economy. I was so intent on blogtastic'ing about [something...] I can't entirely relate, after the days-spent awake in crisis amongst people around me, based on auf of such fluff sociopathic small-enterprise sociopath per-donnez-vraít, just seething "how white/Chinese/faggot he is; Jay." That was the gist of the long story blog entry; it hasn't gone up yet, in favor of more valid Pigeon-TasTasTic content arrete into molecular dynamics of storage devices, alphanumerical I/O fluffboy Au Ff new boy triste pwn psycho-autonomy practices, for serious professional takes as the stenographer's dicta tech psy-tripedenienne aux les valid passable dendrites of non-constituency demographic of unh-uhh... the stenographer...? Someone's on it wtf panshitsicles triste tri-state murderer au psychopathic acute axis 1 crisis demography, etc. Somebody is delimiting the ratio:to:faggot AF triste dendritis-tristecles gallon of milk/per day dieting, no romantic consideration about shitsicles AF trifle-poof-AF shit out the ass, and the ionic gaseous internals to deal with proximity jaunt - for athleisure bums Lifestyle And then, ... gallon of milk / per day and then walking through skid row? That's some valid proximity fluffboy tastastic new shit of a materials/trash/recyclables jaunt tech-and-lifestyle blogtastic array of considerable molecular and all sorts of arretic substituent organisme although most people are okay with a fashionable bum athleisure technical institute jaunt, for all-purpose fuckboytastastic class class class class classic AF jaunt, ... like a real one. The significant takeaway on the topic is that thrill-seekers are constantly fraught with a debt of resource misallocation and thievery of the Nuclear molecular energy {STEM} materials of raw periphery significant means of fletching the innards and worth of the localities:we exist. The vast bold Yukon divergent sociopath is simply a typically "can't help this person well and properly enough" to make the individual fit into society and communicate the forensic dendritic fluff past Freudian imperative cautionary stance, beyond the stats-rated fluff personae of the fluffboy-tastastic Los Angeles classically national historical heritage establishment au triste compatriot ... So much fluff AF considerable college years to discourse validity about, this is civilian life, to be real. But in compete:for nutritional intake, I do fluff off vast yukons of data science periphery and valid nepotism of executive's fluff of so many coteries of fluffboy-tastastic meaty burgers - of course I could do a jack in the box receipt survey jaunt on top of a jumbo jack jaunt: for a bum laid out on the streets, Pigeon-TasTasTic fluff demographic, for burgers? It's a fashionable bum-charity-lifestyle destination that exceeds distributing edible validated garbage au garbage: retail bisték-grilled meat: for a bum. That's how Freudian it gets. {Me}

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