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Showing posts with label linguistics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label linguistics. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 3

Patterns and Signals Trading as the Modus a Pro Priare (as such that I hear it could ought be construed).

 And then, (in fact), priare is a word, from the Latin, [ostensibly so]. Here's what some scrum and fuzz from such an obscure context being queried shows up as, in both Yahoo search and Google, when I asked them to translate or define "priare." 

Butt shuttle, though, the first piece of the mystery-resolved, already - is how I felt, in ascribing a priare, in the first place - which is okay, since I'm just writing stuff out, and publishing it on my own channel, and of that it's not simple flutz-bwopp-slade, of organic usage - it simply happened to be: [oh, well, you'll see. Just look at the search results, here.

Well, nevermind, about the first thing claim. I'm out and about, in Downtown Los Angeles, (California, USA), and it's late, and this is how the images uploaded (in order):

But, as you'd see, here, in this third image, an author on Scribd had priare covered, in it's ostensible Latin epistemology and original usage, with traditions bearing down upon Catholic religious culture and Classical Latin, as the usage and affect of the word implies. 

As such, I intend to fluff an article pertaining to signals trading, in forex, whereas it's sometimes a fluff-job, yet in some cases, rigidly wrought-out patterns and tough-guy stands-in-opposition to a new guy's fluff, whereas I'm the new guy, here, in the forex world, and I hope that I splotch a bwamm bwopp splotch-made, of on bwamm - the distasteful photograph of on bwamm splotch, which I'll refrain from referencing; yet only « perhaps, as for now [<_< ]... » - since there is some bwamm-aff bwopp mode in the local porta-potties - who would cast their eyes away, of on "this" node development, simply perusal, for reference, and or annotation to the subject at hand. I get around, and I get the images of having been there bwopp is, and it gets « coverage! » of on "just because." 

I'll update, soon. 

Monday, July 9

Regalgalafickenechneyapalum -tous -tous; coming to terms with...

[okay] standard-train adulting into a new standard age demographic (18-35) -post mid-level "tas-tastic" era lively ones on shuttle iffy-jaunt post pop-star party "street kids"


still: we do ours - Taylor Swift on Rolling Stone 

but wait...

I was raised on the Bible. So much becomes so proxi-auf-neuf-bits-emotionally subjectively promethazine on a lean (bad one) - 

switch to objective puh-fuff-svstication - talking bout sex was not on the menu.

The English Standard Version New Testament {learn about the disparities in proper 



as towards a distinction Brexit American English: via boredpanda.com}

English Standard Version random opening verse and a read: a vast scurvy tide's pull-in of the Atlantic's finest:fish and shrimp, battered in hen's eggs and rolled grains - but you? Shit you're talking? This is a break out stance demographic adulting control subject standard deviation sober coffee talk analyst's divergence persona by standard's expectance rate: pretty typical, in contrast. A forensics of psych-crime GFYS standard assessment trivial novelty-trite dickens-scratch Libya autonomy fluff-roosters:contend. [for the 3rd degree, (disambiguation) lack thereof pro - auth - subjective take on:at task].

Anecdote of MFT truthing of drugs and truth of drug abuse; accuracy thereof.
  1. stub thought

  • standard basis of my adulting persona 
  • what type of people, why?
  • standards of statistics - relationships
  • fluff of auld-sated: standards of neuf - elf; nouvelle
transliterative semiotic - semantic breakout ans-lation] Le Lycee Francais
cette par vous frait donnez-mes, il'est top conderamazement, we use etiquette, standard fluff

  • nous - novel nous v'elle we to her -- we (new) to her
  • : presenting a standard mockup one-off guy for practical considerations: I just got thrown in jail for a week, and I have 100 hours community service to do, also.
Jeanne d'arc - constititularuent prototypical French sainted figure: break down and out semantics and folklore to fluff demographics deviance

- park folklore, part trieste, part fluff - when did it happen?
- off - hand, not sure, but France, as it stands, is autiguinomously farced with living down its such-tosuppose peasantry finery aux-d'estates that it were; being a center of enlightenment and colonialism, did, at times, find the French establishment lacking in resources with which to fend off notable jaunts as towards a new, more flex recontre coup d'etait il coutrements that France had been reputable for, in neighboring imperial and sociopolitical upheavals. In essence, in being the progenitor of many an early modern period cultural heritage namesake t uphold, various geographical considerations of jaunting same old pigeons-feeding territory would come to laid-waste-to, and a Frenchman, many a pigeon fletch scrum jaunteded-AF buntiglios searching the nooks and the sidewalks or corners, inevitably pursued the next, most bold-AF jaunt: somewhere else.


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