iPigeon.institute blog: ionic minerals

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Showing posts with label ionic minerals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ionic minerals. Show all posts

Thursday, April 15

Product Review: Trace Minerals Research Ionic Zinc.

 Ionic minerals, which I frequently tout, here, on Blogger, and on my social media accounts, are personally known, going on several years now, to be some of the most easily accessible and acutely potent detoxifying agents and physiognomically-improvements-catalyzing products available, at least here, in the United States. Some of the company’s products are sourced from other countries, such as their Zechstein Magnesium spray (which works great for acute inflammation and slight radiation overdoses). 

That being said, my encounter with Ionic Zinc, which had been purported to be correlative with hormonal corrections in the body, off-handedly, was a painful and nauseating experience, for that I’d 4x-6.5x increased the suggested dosage, without much dilution of the ionic liquid mineral concentrate. It was my own doing, obviously, but in my personal profile circumstances, of being a long-time stimulants abuser and tobacco smoker, I had been unprepared, and otherwise unaffected by other products in the Trace Minerals Research, line, of which I’d tried out a large expanse of their other offerings. I simply decided to give Zinc a chance, since I hadn’t, up to this point, and I’d filled out my sampling and regimens of their other mineral concentrates and isolated nutrient offerings to a satisfactory and successful outcome. All in all, after continuing use with the Ionic Zinc product, at a more reasonable dose, and more diluted, in water, I’ve come to encounter it as a powerful healing product for the digestive system organs, and perhaps that it had been the missing link in much of my personal and self-induced (mostly) toxicity trauma of my drug abuse history and the cohort mental health traumas, of their psychosomatic symptoms, such as tension, caused by neurosis and debilitating crises of non-self inflicted sufferings, such as schizophrenic episodes, and the isolating and socially-averse mechanisms that come with being psychologically unwell, or unusual, at a minimum; perhaps simply uncommon, or scarce, for that matter, as that I’d been left with no nearby human partner or companion who could compassionately support me, and that mechanism had been enforced through psychological cruelties, by even lesser psychiatric subjects and models “sorts” of people, or persons. 

A complex set of debacles, and not many people well-equipped to seem to care well enough for me, in my vicinity. I’d become condescending and elitist, in my attitudes, and my dealings with people. That being said, however, my problems are my problems, and my detox regimen is my self-enforcing mechanism, in place, such that I expect that I get better, over time, and that I am better, for proactively detoxifying my body. That’s the sort of supportive foundation to what amounts to perhaps “narcissism,” of which I receive a hefty well supply thereof, in favor of that means to an end, in life, however faulty, yet compelling that it is, that it might be. I recognize  that it lends itself to baser behaviors and affinities, and it obviously shows, and it’s a gross method of a support system. 

Not that looking unwell, or unattractive, is a superior solution; nay, narcissism is a complicated step in a multi-fold psychological unwellness complex, of a potentially “dark traits” sort of identity life to live down, with the paranoid schizophrenic as the end-point of the far end spectrum being the unfortunately singled out and misfortunately isolated sort, with technological establishments in place for a lesser-mindful and lesser cares society to mete out consequences of lesser circumstance and import, yet with greater volume and scale, as it were, I’d come to commonly encounter in life, since 2012; at this point, it’s 2021, and I’m 39 years old. I’m trying to rehash my young-mid adult career professional life, of various tries-at embodying, for different takes on what I could potentially become, and portray myself as, with psychology, seeming to me, to be a well-heeled and well-established form of superiority I could reasonably wield as my unexpected trick up my sleeve, of which people typically simply turn quiet, consequently, or they retreat, at regather their forces and stances against me, whereas the problem just simply never quite was me; it was psychology that was at issue, the entire time. Each unto their own, and I’m a widely well-read (for myself; reading material read, that is) individual, when it comes to psychology, and it commonly turns out that psychology ends up being my unexpected misfortune upon others, that I make out of them, for whatever they attempt to make out of me - a douchebag, even, as it were, as ionic mineral detoxification regimens are quite aught known to be. 

A complex problem for a digestive, immune support, and growth and development-touted liquid ionic mineral concentrate solution to enforce some sort of rational healing regimen, to arise from up out of it’s use, simply put, and as much as that, at all, for that matter, yet holistic and diverse strands of wellness, and attending to problem areas, of which the physiognomical would obviously be at issue, with the appetite and follow-through of expected eating and meals scheduling being largely at stake, and I’m focused on a “gainer” portrayal of myself, in intentional and measured amounts, but then again, not everything has to be so primal as such that physical attractiveness need be so subjective or juvenile, and at issue, in the needs fulfillment arena of that we all would appreciate a good and well life partner, of “some sort,” at least, and of our preference, if things could be more bright and shiny for us. Who would deny it? That’s not the purpose of my place in life, on this blog, right now, for show and for whatever else might be at issue. I just took the ionic minerals, and they have a powerful effect upon healing and detoxification; in this case, uniquely potent, of detoxifying catalyst for me, of an extent such that I’d described. 

Thursday, December 10

From my materials research findings: pigeonite. (from Wikipedia).

This notion reminds me of my "ceiling pigeons" motif, of when I left the door open, and left to camp out, for court, at my old Section 8 apartment off of Broadway (the original iPigeon.institute slight home exhibition).

The ceiling in my bathroom had caved in and crumbled, due to significant dampness that had built up, undoubtedly from some transient who had occupied my place for a good time, in the bathroom. I could see the rafters, and there were pigeon-ish crumbles and pigeon icon "bamms" of the drywall pieces, and I spotted some nuclear echo pigeon interlopers, up there, in the ceiling, peeking down at me. I caught it on video, as well, but this is the line art ink brush version.

Saturday, October 6

An unexpected turn of events in green pine cone burgeoning sapling ad hoc research: an ad hoc burgeoning of instantaneous sproutling and mineral growth upon Del Mar Park puddle un-mud-covering wash-off of the green pine cone.

I didn't have batteries to video tape it, and it would have been particularly sight beyond belief, as I spun the pine cone around in the early morning gutter puddles of Del Mar Park, in Pasadena. The green pine cone, being covered in mud, as I had it, to preserve the progress I'd made of last time: using it as an incense resin development tool; here, the life energy of the pine cone was brought forth as an experiment of the localization I found myself in, being squaftph'ed of my strength in csrryinv recyclables further, through the park: one day, and I ended up babbling to a supposed oppositional force, being the drinking alcohol sort, which happens to be a common (delusional) belief that I have of the nearby watering hole, by the train station.

As I spent the night out there, perhaps later I'll expand upon it; I spotted, just prior to watering time for the lawn: some notions of ionically empowered creatures of parasitical sort, along with what appeared to just as well be their empirical needs fodder for survival, appearing completely ad hoc upon my blanket: dark creatures of diseases past, of civilization, and material mineral salts, all ad hoc, surprisingly; if anything imaginably ad hoc could be envisioned. Seemingly comically out of nowhere, as it may have been otherwise; a blanket search (silly) of ad hoc crystal meth, out of nowhere; yet I'd notably long-been over that habit, bar none. If was silly that it was happening to me, yet I found myself taken by it, as perhaps by tribulation upon my hours upon end of ranting to an invisible someone, or something.

That being said, and having had happened, I curiously searched around the nearby gutters, as would be iPigeon sort commonplace of me, in downtown LA. Yet, this being Pasadena, and the strange nature of things that had established themselves; I figured that strange inquiries of the gutter might just as well suffice, particularly since I had been ousted by the morning sprinklers, and I felt that, from the common passers-by of late night and early morning, it wouldn't be particularly unseemly if I pigeon'ed around as a gutter-curious one.

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That being said, many wonders of gutter ad hoc life-burgeoning activ-ization of reality and development "ad hoc;" for how much ionic mineral worth and cigar ritualization investment had been given to my pine cone, covered in mud, I truly got to witness a wonder of nature, with my green pine cone, covered in mud: as anything it might end up as, for growth is considered - it definitely created ad hoc rocks, moving sightly sprouts, of gutter tall tree root growth extent, and some roots seemed to grow out of the pine cone itself, yet it was covered in mud; I've just now removed the mud to investigate, and the cone seems a volatile object of needing (at such escalated ionic mineral and human-intervened growth potential) constant care in order to see this thing through to sprouting a sapling.

Another development query at hand, is if it was the pine cone itself, which burgeoned instantaneous growth in the gutter root puddles of cement and root mixture, or if it was the ionic minerals themselves? Obviously, the pine cone had much in the way of ionic mineral resource, yet I wonder if by dipping the pine cone into the gutter puddles, if it also took some of the life of the pine cone away from it; and if this method might also see forth an agricultural process homesteading in using rich resource of large seeds of trees as ad hoc burgeoning of sprout growth in root structures or other young (or old) plant life. A topic for investigation.

Monday, September 24

Back at the empty apartment, looking forward to new projects with ionic liquid minerals in agricultural experiments, and a classic iOS User Access debacle from an iPod Touch I purchased [ostensibly I could be less jauntedAF]. {Such way weird AF chanting and trifle about stuff I discoursed about on Twitter@jay_ammonlast night.

Having gotten back home, I've emptied out my bags of collectables and small projects to work on. My main inquiry is how a pine tree sapling would come about to sprout from a pine cone. I found several, yet one green one is of interest; I would guess, above any other notion, that some Concentrace ® from Whole Foods Market
<p>Get it on </p><p>Google Play</p>
[the app]

A small set of photos 

I feel like I've got not much other purpose beyond blogtastastic girly bum persona trifles around DTLA: done. I did it all beyond most achievers in trekking from 90th to Pasadena, and then I got home and there was some debacle about proper boundaries and attributions going on since it was local newspaper stuff, and there was an event about it. 

I suppose I ought to just check out a different store source of the liquid ionic minerals on a basis of hearing broadcasts about depravities gone down in some rebuke about me developing on agricultural aspirations in miniature in-home composting efforts with liquid ionic minerals and coconut shells. I'll check out a different Whole Foods to see how the quality of their ConcenTrace is, comparatively, and for reports on blog or social media.

Ostensibly, I ought to follow up on this article on some research about what it actually takes to sprout a pine tree from a pine cone.


After doing some research on Bing search:

I discovered various suggestions that suppose that a pine tree might be capably grown from dried-out pine cones, which are common; yet most interestingly, and to my inspiration for the sake of hopes of this particular green pine cone being something special beyond an old and dry common pine cone, I found this public domain photo of a larch pine cone on Wikipedia.org which shows that a branch had grown from a similar one cone of said species:

Given that, I've made some efforts to see if I might be able to somehow sprout this pine cone by keeping it in some mud that I found; hopefully with some sunlight, it'll see a sprout come out of it and I'll have achieved sprouting a pine tree from out of it.

Wednesday, August 29

Some development of the coconut shell pigeon guano air-curing project: soil mites!

One of my hard shell brown coconut guano cultures has developed what seem to be either maggots or mites; actually, it seemed that maggots were crawling around on the top of the guano after I left the coconuts out since last update, perhaps a few weeks or less, at this point.

I decided that perhaps I might see if some of the tobacco seeds would sprout in the mix, as early on in a decomposition stage as it might be; though I gave it ionic minerals and various pharmaceuticals, and perhaps some interesting micro-evolutionary epochs had transpired in the meantime, creating an advanced and or adapted form of 8 legged creature (perhaps), which could likely be of various origins, based on the bug life observed: I saw a scattering parasitic tick (just one) when I was gathering the freeway underpass guano [although that's not this particular batch; this one is dried grassland next-to-freeway guano and dirt. I'm assuming that there was somewhat dried out and starved for moisture insect and predatory parasite life waiting for moisture for them to be born; ostensibly of various modes of evolution, if the circumstances permit, as I had noted in my previous experiment in feeding a gutter mosquito birthing larval stage puddle with Humineral Zeolite Humic and Fulvic minerals, and the soon-afterwards appearance of the friendly mosquito (yet still itchy as it bit me).

I'll update this post with photos and more links soon.

Some links on soil mites:




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