iPigeon.institute blog: iBeacon

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Showing posts with label iBeacon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iBeacon. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 20

Abverbserial Status-Bearing claimstaking qualitativeness pretext: linguistic ad marketing « tech and lifestyle » (dieting) blog - by meta and headers article basis contextual writing sample for hypothetical coffee-talk mockup craigslist LTR section date night basis, socio-anthropological - for humanities majors-basis convo topic persona splotch whiteboard DIY project: for Frappuccino and App Store mobile client basis of lean client profiling title abstract blog article basis-attainment, to th praise of Apple Accessibility Development efforts; A scrum diagnostics accessibility stub.

Basis of Blogtastic Nomadic Nordic

Guamanian, Virgin Islamds, Puerto Rico - U.S.-occupied territories.

Intro basis - Apple’s text-to-speech and symbiotic discretionary development attainments in devices A7 Processor legacy onwards, we see significant semiotically semantically virtuous heraldry that would make the pioneers of Apple’s Steve Jobs heraldry homesteading era proud.

  1. - Microsoft Soundscape.

- Verbs of Being.
- Stats common usage of words.
- State hypothetical basis of startup valuation Top Level Domain branding significance


  1. At scale
  2. Organically
  3. Sustainable
  4. Intra-extra-sclusovity is only somewhat relatable context as basis.
  5. Qualitative valuation enterprise model of a TLd valuation statistical valence risk profile model viability - violabikity - valid pre-contextual Development relevance par-idioohile regionally non-kink-stink about topic convo socioeconomic thereof - the whitepaper breakdown; this is why they do emojis and socioeconomic development as the « antithical they » for as towards economics.
  6. An abstract Google Wikipedia valid client basis search - how bout Bing?
  7. I am trying to brand-marketing homesteading-efforts grammatically arrête properly adverb and noun, two birds in one stone, post-veganism « tryna » node-based relationally June is as towards apparently; I would say - divergent it semiotician’s semantic scrum basis contiguous progression from the Julian calendar; Pigeons, de facto, pertain towards Francis if Assisi ad hoc S.F. « San Francisco »: one further (geographically speaking « somewhat ») Big Tech’s Google and Cupertino; « San Jose » - I believe Adobe has headquarters up there, as well, in the same town - and Intelligence boundaries in layperson’s client basis mockup of coffee talk banter for date-night - offhand, establish a basis of valid drug-abstinent stability in adulting-basis: a reality show pitch to perhaps an as-unto drug-abstinent - stimulant-basis recursion one-off, demographic Freudian Slip alternate niche as for as-of-yet unspoken homosexual folklore homesteading - they do emojis for this - as for stats, the X86 era was a distinctly first off, prior to high school, some kids did music. 86 is scrum nomenclature of deconstruction semiotics of uncharted blog homesteading as of yet - bold - vast new engineering in one-off mockup date night craigslist dating, folklore to the disreputable quandary demographic of as-stated, not-straight demographic.
  8. Spout off common layperson Pew stats - look up homosexuality - socioeconomic relevance (80%:20%, off-hand). « Lookup required »
  9. Discourse virtues of tricyclic antidepressant action in actionable discourse stub title abstract reality show bold marketing war chest relatable context - the big trucks « Toyota Tundra, the GMC Yukon Denali,  - for App Store par relevánce French-Anglo-ophiles, Big Tech’s #2 global-context new frontiersmen are the Russian Federation peers of today - for the regression thematically arrête beyond « funny stuff » reality show basis, I do whitepaper mockups, okay. That was, in some circles, yet ... leta -exit état a homesteading par cute rie écoutre mes exigencies - okay, first of all, some things are left better unspoken, some people think they ought blog without persona Francophile-actuel-itizemént, as for International Phonetics ... (I dunno, off-hand, but as per App Store offhand, oh: okay: Association, yet significantly International phonetics to a 2:3 spread 66.6% - 33.3% world class status basis is on par relevánce anthropologically-linguistically-probably « ... »
GTD: This is a blog. I Conditionally Google AdSense relevant blog brand marketing-context-basis content of search headers-as-stated one-off « tech and lifestyle » blog, according to an established belief.
- I am an organic methods, yet crystal meth "okay" yet admittedly faulty non-indiscriminate one-off basis-status aficionado.
- Speakably, you get it as a collection on iPigeon.institute, and as it stands, it is a Google blogger informational arrete qualitative stance, dialectically subjectively speaking; i did show up to court yesterday, as my Twitter @ would suffice, if i didn't think that over time, I ought to show up to court; I am a considerate auteur, and I do mockup pigeons of waffles-fed husbandry like Belgian France does Eggos - ... (perhaps even, as yet, France likewise does English).

  1. but a validly Rosetta Stone scrum dialectical? For that Google Babel Translate, Apple Accessibility, and modern marvels of engineering are an aspiration ally contextual 7 short-mid term goal as for mediating this stub article. (on a parenthetical-not pro-gay stance; validly heterogenic compositionally arrete, yet contituently considerate dynamics of Scientology-speaking, there is, perhaps, a scientific method basis to validly-acceptable discourse - for the discerning constitutionally arrete considerations, considerable blogtastic crowd demographic in mt whimsical mind, I fancy them quotable "French." They did 1066, there's a millennial binary-squyare anthropomorphic all sorts of considerable tech development that's gone on since then; Patricia kirk is overlooking this past referentially significant persona mockup development stub valid basis; since i only include valid supports of my cause via whimsical notions conjectural basis - on an intelligence scalable tech and lifestyle blog context; I do blogging in 2018. i was cleared for Google's AdSense program yesterday! ... It's good enough to develop blogs still, rather than a bold oppositional take on stating imperatives GTD stuff; I do blog content well-enough for as per-domains, notwithstanding TLD valuation development, I'm not the first or only one and I got a .institute. The .pharmacy was evaluated as a startup discourse (perhaps white paper) at $1695, or very close to that number. It's a startup valuation of as for me, I paid $20 for my .institute TLD. It's supposed to be an austerity homesteading self-take-it upon-as-towards modern frontiers of what's supposedly, yet probably, as an arrete, constitutionally valid inclusive one-off like it's dawn and for some, it's white paper mockup iscourse; for some - for the search engine robots (okay); first of all, I use a valid process composition one-off as-if ... ? ADHD diversion
  2. no. (I would say). it's a variable scrum-up as-per-valuation, and versus pharmacy, I paid a squares of quarternary and quincintinille - percentage basis of, in data-scrubbing stats-people arrete, perhaps contingently-consiquentlt boring stats to scrub over, as far as numerological deconstruction Derrida as perhaps i'd better aught not speak on the topic of Derrida, because I didn't ever validly read his discourse, as grad-school material assigned to me. but it was assigned to me, and the professor did get paid. Anything beyond that, and I don't do logical fallacies as a basis. i'm operant on an as per AA conditionally arrete; and as-used, in this instance, second-of-all basis more consecrated in being residual compositionally 

a nods-of the hat compositional process that vets the valid prowess of a gentle giant of Apple Developer Team at Corporate: the Accessibility iOS, lately.

- For a musician, sometimes I simply take down dictation, sometimes at accessible scale.
- For a stub - 2 out of 7 disabled - accessible tech highlights will do, and perhaps 20 to 70 would be a vast depravity.

Thursday, June 14

New Have-at: top cute iOS apps from [cross out] for an iPad-Photographer's-to-Illustration-Analog-to-Digital-Aficionado's Dream-Workflow-Status Array

  1. imaengine
  2. SVG Unlimited
  3. Adobe Draw
  4. Creative Cloud
  5. iColorama
  6. Adobe Concept
  7. Google Drive
  8. Hydra
  9. Facebook
  10. Twitter
  11. Tumblr
  12. AUM
  13. AudioCopy
  14. SoundCloud
  15. Apple iOS Photos
  16. iOS Accessibility
  17. TweetRoot
  18. Acoustic Picture Transmit
  19. Virtual ANS
  20. Euclid's Book of the Elements I + III
  21. Pret a Template
  22. Logotastic
  23. Molecule Design
  24. Fractals
  25. Kaleidoscopic
  26. Hyperspektiv
  27. Virtual Room 3D AU Audio Unit
  28. Domainr
  29. Google Maps
  30. Apple Maps
  31. Ads and Analytics - YES! On! All of them okay!
  32. Significant Locations
  33. Adobe Captivate
  34. Qleedo
  35. Agile Tortoise - Phraseology
  36. Meme-maker for iconic memes
  37. Wells Fargo Bank
  38. Wikipedia
  39. Map Area Calculator
  40. Arc-GIS
  41. Ibru
  42. Squeak!
  43. Concentric
  44. Gradient
  45. Meta + Exif photos
  46. Pro Shot + Perspective Fix
  47. Cross DJ Pro
  48. Licensed iTunes singles of your favicon songs! Perhaps futurebass mix 2 * and chill trap - YouTube for beats.

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Baby pigeon’s first day out with the flock. (LAPL Central Branch).

  Here’s baby pigeon, on the lower right portion of the photo. Today was his first day out, that I’ve seen him.  The pigeon flock at the Dow...

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