iPigeon.institute blog: homesteading

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Showing posts with label homesteading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homesteading. Show all posts

Friday, May 15

A super-cute look at the famíly behavior of sparrows at feeding time. (Updated)

I'm still out at the Spring Street end of the Grand Park lawn, although earlier, I had gone out for groceries and cigarettes, both for myself, as well as that I had considered others, of the micro-locale of the tent-city thing|s| going on, around the corner, and on blocks nearby, down by the 101 freeway overpass. 

A male sparrow hopped up, out at me, from the edge of my bags, beside me, and he chirped, assertively. It was super cute how he greeted me. It turned out that I had a half-burrito from outside of Atelier.

Friday, May 1

The iPigeon.institute folklore of сдит Бебе рубеои

сдит Бебе рубеои was a memorable facet of the original iPigeon.institute slight home museum exhibition.

Here, we see сдит Бебе рубеои's original sketch in tattered fade, due to discoloration from the museum's flooding. 

сдит Бебе рубеои was founded by works of technical analysis and rendering on wool canvas (missing photo). The bird itself was a lame bird; it fell from a nest underneath 18th St. bridge, underneath the 10 freeway, just outside of DTLA. He was very tame, and I was sad to see him go, although he surely got a good home at the Pasadena Humane Society. 

I do pigeons du jour.

Thursday, May 9

I'm being thrown out of my apartment for problems.

Given that I've been commonly late on rent, and some windows had been broken,

I'm being thrown out of my apartment. [ Apparently ]

I feel like it's going to be difficult times to come, but I'll avoid an eviction on my record.

Update: - I'm seeing that the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles « something; » yet they dominate the SEO for at in to monopolization (*update), and I've got to be a one to rebuke this in:order; perhaps through complaining or by fixing the problem, whatever it might be.

The backdrop was that the notice seemed to have differing import of suggestibility in my mind - which is to say that the letters in the mail seemed to not matter, or that the topics « could not matter » in my mind, as I can portray it.

This would be in addition to a notion of that I might not want to live here anymore; somewhat as well; which becomes a confusing thing. They claim various things, since the apartment had been reported as a complete disaster once the sink flooded over. My mental prioritization to that matter had been a backdrop of [abused] as a poorly-cared for ad-hoc drunken episodes banter « guys stuff <_ alcohol.="" allergic="" font="" i="" m="" to="" whereas="">
Perhaps, though, I'll sign ply have to drop the situation. I'm not sure of which ulterior story plot I might attach to, from day to day, but I can be a bum.  

The Section 8 Housing and Urban Developments initiative is one that is backed by the Federal Government of the United States of America, and; 

It agrees to reasonably accommodate individuals with disabilities. 

Given that I hear voices, and these dictactiphoneurs' trifles had been playing out on social media, as I've recorded them, I would believe, somewhat, that I have a case of discrimination that might need to be examined; as I am a mental health services recipient. 

* Of typing in site:hacla.org in the search bar. 

Some aspects of what I'd written could ostensibly shift meaning; given that I'm not one who works on this housing matters stuff.

Wednesday, August 1

I got some real pigeons; a fantail and an Arabian.

They're a breeding pair,

I walked them most of the way home, to ensure their stability and safety during rush hour traffic. I was notably stalked by at least some individual, who keeps pulling over on the street and talking to me, and meanwhile, the presence of police activity as they showed up, was significantly up and down my specific beat, the windy corridor.

They did fairly well, coming home. I think that they are going to be faced with a significant burden on their stability, being that there's a local roost of pigeons nearby and I've collected their dry poop as guano, which has been curing here, and it has a significant attractive of molecular energies quality to it, as the wild pigeon roost poop is raw materials and wild birds don't notably have a source of water to drink, that I know about, around here; I believe that there will be some significant strain on domestic pigeons such that I've purchased, for the fact that perhaps simple osmosis of energies will take place between this pair and the wild population, outside.

Aside from that, I hope that the birds will herald an opportunity for creating a nice home here, and many pigeon homesteading adventures as a process of learning.

Sunday, July 22

My yesterday-early morning geocache localization development efforts - Mark Twain Branch LA Public Library Review, [stalkers showed up during the day, substituently, regardless]

The Mark Twain Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library is a branch in it's youthful stage in life; it is clean and new, on one hand. The book selection is probably mostly dependent on reasonable accommodations for any branch or local offerings, although it seems like they shuffle through some up-and-coming book titles here [although I typically seem to like it better when I do a quick flip-through of the (then) interesting stuff.

Without this "place" in the area, serious criminal autonomy over some rare victims of profiling-for-stalking and pwn jaunt athleisure dominance games of young folks, some of whom are simply incapable of being honest...

I go here to reconvene on my social media outlets when I've been somehow deprived of my mobile device. It's super close to my new move-in section 8 lifestyle thing going on, and some people jaunt on stuff like that, for buntiglios crowd-stalking efforts, and for (commonly) Freudian oh FML! wtf fluff demographics, but the locals are nice. Locals are always nice.

If I had to pick between this branch, as an outing, compared to the central library, the stalking-group violent-threat demographic commonly keeps me home-bound, so I stay home and jaunt. Now I have a mobile phone, but it's not quite like a resourceful impactful research jaunt at the central library on a gallon of milk diet (per day) for the AF fluff gastronomical novelty when I pass by non-eating types on that day. [I fart...].

Aside from that, people take pretty standard poops in the bathroom, comparatively; 95% of the homeless around here are transients, so a non-local triste fluff demographic is notably strange, I'd believe people would think, as well as myself. Even the people who aren't stalking people might agree that some people show up as stalkers, and it's weird. Sometimes they try to pull the most ostensible racial disparagement au jour, strangely.

That being said, most people simply don't stalk people, so it's noticeable when non-local fluff moves in to hold people hostage and the Nuclear Regulatory Committee gets micro-bots peepin' in on the slight Holocaust long-standing identity stuff [people of stuff].

On the other hand, I get talked up a srsly get some timing together to handle the stalking threat at an inconvenienced discrepancy of WGAF, they're stalkers? I know I'm being watched, and being a sociopath on top of that is so stopping my central library researching jaunts, and I'm being held up for:stalking him:purposes, can't clean my home type of thing.

I think that schools around here don't really fill up, and I read in the Economist that people are halting on having babies, statistically. People make stark decisions to simply die off around considering a life to be disparaged for any reason, to be honest. To some people, it's just obvious that people look and act as they will, and for racial disparities in South Los Angeles, simple as that. (also for stalking for sex trafficking, as if life couldn't be better, to mention on broadcast).

I try to fill my mind with book-like thoughts, instead of stuff like that. 🤔

Thursday, July 19

Homesteading pigeon guano as fertilizer for an upcoming cigar tobacco planting and curing cottage industry enterprise for the .institute

I picked up some reading material at the Los Angeles Public Library Central Library Branch; (Google Maps)

Regarding tobacco:

Most of the books there on tobacco cultivation and curing (few in number, yet undoubtedly rich in information), are labeled "R" in the call number, for "Reference," [meaning that they are somewhat valuable and rare titles meant for study and 'reference' explicitly at the library branch where the book is found].

That being said, I had limited spree in diving into my latest iPigeon research and homesteading project: growing a baby pigeon'ed vintage tobacco crop and curing au petít vintägé: a fine cigar tobacco, perhaps years in the making.

There are some lots nearby with empty land, and one of them is definitely a community garden lot. There's a spot on my side of the street that's as of yet gone to weeds and dry hay in between a large home and a church that seems a reasonable aspiration if I talk up the neighbors about it and see what they think. I have a shovel that's been left outside my place here, perhaps it's a serendipitous sign.

I've got to work on homesteading my seller's positioning to pitch the idea to the relevant parties, and I've just yesterday finally fixed my General Relief social welfare benefit money of $221 per month that I receive. I'm planning on making a trip out to a
<<[somewhere]; (a place around greater Los Angeles that retails a fine strain of cigar-leaf tobacco)>> 

  1. gardening shop so I can purchase seeds. 
  2. Whole Foods [undecided, as to "about which one... (?)]. Does the implicit worth of the general periphery and locality of the source of stocked retail ionic minerals play into the as-purchased consumer's worth and value commodity's gain in ionic mineral content?
I've got some celebrant commodity and some dilemma in my homesteading and self-initiative civic care of the local pigeon flock: I've located the roosting de facto (Google Maps) of the local sitting herd pride of pigeons: localized to my couple-of-blocks-proximity. 
  •  I've spotted several dead pigeons recently around the local area. I tried to take some in to preserve them; I found that doing so invites a bevy of unheralded concerns and heaps of responsibility: properly caring for the deceased, and preserving a specimen for taxidermic interest. It's a novel and interest-aside pursuit of where-energies-investigative-research and development claims-investments ought currently be attributable, best practices of a .institute homesteading ad hoc development arc in mind. Perhaps some other time. ([Future link to:] expand on the subject).
  • I hopped the fence onto state property (mea culpa [attr.]) and gathered 4 plastic grocery bags of pigeon guano and shallow underlying dirt. Subsequently, I underwent an acute onslaught of parasitic interest in me, perhaps of significance in delimiting the bounds and extents for within [maintaining par relevance: bounds-pigeons-pertains]: perhaps an insight into how and why so many pigeons are turning up dead locally, so commonly, recently. 
  • I surmised that the pigeon guano (droppings) were a multi-foray crisis to the birds, and to the local area, in general (in human toll). It turns out that pigeon guano has some special considerations, as might any raw material resource / fertilizer-from-scratch. Hordes of mosquitos hounded me for days, and the pestilence definitely put me under as goes for an as-if-anything: so au jour and about town take on conquering the day for several days this past week. Luckily I had my cache of pharma-curative products and luxe accoutrements of toiletries, etc. from the post-year-end USC student apartment dumpster dive foray of a week or two ago (link). The crux of the situation is that the droppings were plentiful, they're rich in mineral raw materials-resource, and it's a science-bounds-it-is <<it-all>> such that the material merits realized and implemented safe handling and storage procedures. ([Link: recipe - home project try-out of an {aromatics: electrolytics-sugars: oxalic acid: plant-and-animal fats: balsamic (wine alcohol, grape must) vinegar: pigeon guano: and salts} slight au jour quant aux données à prendre d'hommes parisienne bonnes des oeuvríer sur les faut cuisinaire provençale:
From Google Translate:
- as to the data to be taken from Parisian men good to work on the needs of Provençal cooking

I'll work on fleshing out the unpublished article-blog content shortly.

  • More on the uses and cautions involved in working with pigeon guano, at homesteadingtoday.com forums. 

Wednesday, June 20

Abverbserial Status-Bearing claimstaking qualitativeness pretext: linguistic ad marketing « tech and lifestyle » (dieting) blog - by meta and headers article basis contextual writing sample for hypothetical coffee-talk mockup craigslist LTR section date night basis, socio-anthropological - for humanities majors-basis convo topic persona splotch whiteboard DIY project: for Frappuccino and App Store mobile client basis of lean client profiling title abstract blog article basis-attainment, to th praise of Apple Accessibility Development efforts; A scrum diagnostics accessibility stub.

Basis of Blogtastic Nomadic Nordic

Guamanian, Virgin Islamds, Puerto Rico - U.S.-occupied territories.

Intro basis - Apple’s text-to-speech and symbiotic discretionary development attainments in devices A7 Processor legacy onwards, we see significant semiotically semantically virtuous heraldry that would make the pioneers of Apple’s Steve Jobs heraldry homesteading era proud.

  1. - Microsoft Soundscape.

- Verbs of Being.
- Stats common usage of words.
- State hypothetical basis of startup valuation Top Level Domain branding significance


  1. At scale
  2. Organically
  3. Sustainable
  4. Intra-extra-sclusovity is only somewhat relatable context as basis.
  5. Qualitative valuation enterprise model of a TLd valuation statistical valence risk profile model viability - violabikity - valid pre-contextual Development relevance par-idioohile regionally non-kink-stink about topic convo socioeconomic thereof - the whitepaper breakdown; this is why they do emojis and socioeconomic development as the « antithical they » for as towards economics.
  6. An abstract Google Wikipedia valid client basis search - how bout Bing?
  7. I am trying to brand-marketing homesteading-efforts grammatically arrête properly adverb and noun, two birds in one stone, post-veganism « tryna » node-based relationally June is as towards apparently; I would say - divergent it semiotician’s semantic scrum basis contiguous progression from the Julian calendar; Pigeons, de facto, pertain towards Francis if Assisi ad hoc S.F. « San Francisco »: one further (geographically speaking « somewhat ») Big Tech’s Google and Cupertino; « San Jose » - I believe Adobe has headquarters up there, as well, in the same town - and Intelligence boundaries in layperson’s client basis mockup of coffee talk banter for date-night - offhand, establish a basis of valid drug-abstinent stability in adulting-basis: a reality show pitch to perhaps an as-unto drug-abstinent - stimulant-basis recursion one-off, demographic Freudian Slip alternate niche as for as-of-yet unspoken homosexual folklore homesteading - they do emojis for this - as for stats, the X86 era was a distinctly first off, prior to high school, some kids did music. 86 is scrum nomenclature of deconstruction semiotics of uncharted blog homesteading as of yet - bold - vast new engineering in one-off mockup date night craigslist dating, folklore to the disreputable quandary demographic of as-stated, not-straight demographic.
  8. Spout off common layperson Pew stats - look up homosexuality - socioeconomic relevance (80%:20%, off-hand). « Lookup required »
  9. Discourse virtues of tricyclic antidepressant action in actionable discourse stub title abstract reality show bold marketing war chest relatable context - the big trucks « Toyota Tundra, the GMC Yukon Denali,  - for App Store par relevánce French-Anglo-ophiles, Big Tech’s #2 global-context new frontiersmen are the Russian Federation peers of today - for the regression thematically arrête beyond « funny stuff » reality show basis, I do whitepaper mockups, okay. That was, in some circles, yet ... leta -exit état a homesteading par cute rie écoutre mes exigencies - okay, first of all, some things are left better unspoken, some people think they ought blog without persona Francophile-actuel-itizemént, as for International Phonetics ... (I dunno, off-hand, but as per App Store offhand, oh: okay: Association, yet significantly International phonetics to a 2:3 spread 66.6% - 33.3% world class status basis is on par relevánce anthropologically-linguistically-probably « ... »
GTD: This is a blog. I Conditionally Google AdSense relevant blog brand marketing-context-basis content of search headers-as-stated one-off « tech and lifestyle » blog, according to an established belief.
- I am an organic methods, yet crystal meth "okay" yet admittedly faulty non-indiscriminate one-off basis-status aficionado.
- Speakably, you get it as a collection on iPigeon.institute, and as it stands, it is a Google blogger informational arrete qualitative stance, dialectically subjectively speaking; i did show up to court yesterday, as my Twitter @ would suffice, if i didn't think that over time, I ought to show up to court; I am a considerate auteur, and I do mockup pigeons of waffles-fed husbandry like Belgian France does Eggos - ... (perhaps even, as yet, France likewise does English).

  1. but a validly Rosetta Stone scrum dialectical? For that Google Babel Translate, Apple Accessibility, and modern marvels of engineering are an aspiration ally contextual 7 short-mid term goal as for mediating this stub article. (on a parenthetical-not pro-gay stance; validly heterogenic compositionally arrete, yet contituently considerate dynamics of Scientology-speaking, there is, perhaps, a scientific method basis to validly-acceptable discourse - for the discerning constitutionally arrete considerations, considerable blogtastic crowd demographic in mt whimsical mind, I fancy them quotable "French." They did 1066, there's a millennial binary-squyare anthropomorphic all sorts of considerable tech development that's gone on since then; Patricia kirk is overlooking this past referentially significant persona mockup development stub valid basis; since i only include valid supports of my cause via whimsical notions conjectural basis - on an intelligence scalable tech and lifestyle blog context; I do blogging in 2018. i was cleared for Google's AdSense program yesterday! ... It's good enough to develop blogs still, rather than a bold oppositional take on stating imperatives GTD stuff; I do blog content well-enough for as per-domains, notwithstanding TLD valuation development, I'm not the first or only one and I got a .institute. The .pharmacy was evaluated as a startup discourse (perhaps white paper) at $1695, or very close to that number. It's a startup valuation of as for me, I paid $20 for my .institute TLD. It's supposed to be an austerity homesteading self-take-it upon-as-towards modern frontiers of what's supposedly, yet probably, as an arrete, constitutionally valid inclusive one-off like it's dawn and for some, it's white paper mockup iscourse; for some - for the search engine robots (okay); first of all, I use a valid process composition one-off as-if ... ? ADHD diversion
  2. no. (I would say). it's a variable scrum-up as-per-valuation, and versus pharmacy, I paid a squares of quarternary and quincintinille - percentage basis of, in data-scrubbing stats-people arrete, perhaps contingently-consiquentlt boring stats to scrub over, as far as numerological deconstruction Derrida as perhaps i'd better aught not speak on the topic of Derrida, because I didn't ever validly read his discourse, as grad-school material assigned to me. but it was assigned to me, and the professor did get paid. Anything beyond that, and I don't do logical fallacies as a basis. i'm operant on an as per AA conditionally arrete; and as-used, in this instance, second-of-all basis more consecrated in being residual compositionally 

a nods-of the hat compositional process that vets the valid prowess of a gentle giant of Apple Developer Team at Corporate: the Accessibility iOS, lately.

- For a musician, sometimes I simply take down dictation, sometimes at accessible scale.
- For a stub - 2 out of 7 disabled - accessible tech highlights will do, and perhaps 20 to 70 would be a vast depravity.

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