iPigeon.institute blog: health practices

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Showing posts with label health practices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health practices. Show all posts

Saturday, October 30

Stub: The Impending Crisis for Mental Health Patients - Neck Cancer.

 Neck cancer is a relatively new topic for me. I hadn’t heard of it, prior to a couple or so months ago (it’s now mid-October, 2021, at the time of this writing).

Cancer of the neck? I’ve had esophageal tuberculosis (I think it was; the doctors said that it was something else, or … I dunno. They kind of just disregarded it. Anyways, I lost my voice for perhaps a few months. It turns out that there were hard gobs of mucous stuck inside of my vocal cords, and I could get them out with a Q-tip. I surmise that I had contracted the disease through a tuberculosis test which I had been administered while hospitalized for an acute psychiatric emergency, for a month, or so. They denied that the TB test would cause tuberculosis, though. Some doctor had disavowed it, later on, in history. 

Here’s some of the knowledge base on neck cancer, from cancer.gov:

My red mark-up indicator brings to light a corollary topic which pertains to mental health, and remote sensing, as well as persona marketing, counter-intelligence, mind control, and gang stalking contexts. I’ll only get in to it stub, here, for brevity’s sake, and I’ll keep it simple, such as to let the reader’s mind ponder. 

Now, as well, with the advent of the cytokine storm of COVID-19 infections, which is an inflammatory disease, we see some notion of the otherwise common person, pushed too far, perhaps in their digital life, where life seems more compelling to indulge, for some, as that the constraints of the physical become the pains in the neck, whereas some of our hormones are regulated in the thyroids, which are situated right next to our major neck arteries. 

Some quick tips, as for harm reduction:

  • Don’t smoke scuzzbwies and drywall. Just… just [fuck…] already. 
  • Smoking is for tobacco, as far as lawful behavior is concerned. Becoming casual about “smoking” of other sorts lends itself to increased risk for total recall (full body scans, and transmutability unto others, aka Scientology “gods,” or idols of some sort, out of the subject.
  • Remember the lessons of childhood. Don’t speak unless you’re spoken to. Respect your elders. Don’t use the Lord’s name in vain. 
  • I’ve got an “advanced neck cracking” instructional video up on YouTube. Check it out. It might be revolutionary for you. Sure, it looks bad, but hey, this is the neck at issue. What kind of donor could offer a suitable adjunct parcel of body form and what kind of treatment protocol could be supposed, in such a situation?
  • Just watch the video. I’m shooting for organic hits, here, and I know, it’s significantly niche, but if I do something on camera, and leave it posted, I’d hope that it at least helps some people out of their otherwise misery that they’re living through.
How does neck cancer become removed from the body? 

Neck cancer which is experienced concurrent with chronic inflammatory disease could be a condition which is simply symptomatic of the inflammation condition itself, in conjunction with pre-existing cancerous, or pre-cancerous cells in the body, attempting to release themselves from the body; a condition which could correlate with an ionic mineral cleanse and detoxification regimen, for example. I would estimate that this is the process that I am going through. 

In essence, I felt that my experience of this problem became apparent, after I had some bouts of mild “chomping” down, at the jaws, at which point I incurred a fracture of my premolar tooth, on my upper jaw. I realized that this fracture indicated that it was an opportune and resonantly consistent ulceration that had been opened up, of a seamless opening that bridged my bloodstream in to the outside world, of my mouth. I noticed that I had let out a blood clot; for example, and it was a blackened opening, similar to a cavity, yet a bit uncommon, since it was not at my gum line; rather, it was in the middle of the tooth, as though the tooth had been drilled open. I had various exigent sources of need, in detoxification: for one, I had broken my fist against the wall, a couple of months prior, and my bone marrow had an opportunity to leak out, in to my blood stream. In this case, I felt that I was regulating, and renewing, the bone marrow that had been leaking out, giving my overall bone marrow composition a new signature trait to it, whereas it was locked inside of the bones, prior to my hand break. Aside from this, I am a long-time tobacco smoker, and I have ostensible tar and plaque buildup in my bloodstream; but my broken hand’s scar tissue would probably have been one of the acutely critical things to get out of my bloodstream. At the moment, it’s popping up, in my life, as a deep vein thrombosis, at the back of my knee. I’m working it out, through vigorous exercise, mixed in with intervals of rest, and I suppose that some of it is aerated out of my system through this fractured cavity in my tooth, which will eventually be treated and sealed back up, with a renewed regimen of ionic calcium intake, which I will manage for myself, and perhaps I’ll follow up with a dentist, to have him check on it, and perhaps seal it with a filler, as had been done for me, on my molars, back in my school days. 

The large cavity fracture on my premolar is evident, here, in this image. 

Take a look at how large my teeth had grown out, and expanded, with ionic mineral calcium supplementation! Perhaps I can grow in to a larger frame, some day, with continued supplementation. 

Friday, August 20

A New Era in Designer Fragrance Aesthetics - Trading Luxury for Good Health.

 On the surface, a hobby involving fragrance ingredients, for the purpose of creating cologne, perfume, or room sprays, might seem superficially indulgent. 

Plants at Grand Park, in Downtown Los Angeles, CA, 90012, USA.

My take on the subject, being a fragrance-making enthusiast, myself, is that the hobby, itself, embodies some of the finest things we have, in society, as far as considering things from the botanical perspective. Perfumery is a vast and diverse field, whereas, the common person could not conceivably rise to the achievement of well-established and well-educated fine perfumers who come up with fragrances for designer labels. It's a pursuit that is steeped in industry standards of intellectual property and secrets, necessary to maintain integrity and sustainability for their enterprise. 

Fair enough. So what can the modern day and typical layperson enthusiast of fragrance manufacturing, as a hobby, aspire to, of a respectable and redeemable outcome of having this hobby? 

A look in to the subject, with some insight in to the field, going on my third month, now, in which I had been occupied with fulfilling an ingredients collection, is that the products themselves, simple, or complex, that they might be - « could » lend themselves well enough, for the layperson, in establishing a wellness and therapeutic practice, of a sort, along the lines of a homeopathic and natural products, designed for healing - as a primary goal, of what the fragrance hobby has, of something of meaning, and merit, as for a justification for what might otherwise be considered indulgent and foolish about having a hobby based in aesthetics, such that a fragrance ingredients hobby could be, whereas a sound and grounded mind ought to win out, for the enthusiast. 

Indeed, fragrance components, of the natural end of the spectrum, given the expanse of choices, from essential oils, absolutes, and extracts, on one hand, to synthetic ingredients on the other side of the spectrum, which are used to reconstitute and imitate naturally-derived fragrance components, or extracts, using chemistry techniques, to mimic the originally-desired substance, as closely as possible. Attaining mastery over such a premise is largely out of the reach of the layperson. The good news is that natural ingredients are, by no means, inferior to synthetic ingredients; rather, they are typically easier to work with; the disposition of that lab-made ingredients ought be used, in perfumery, is based on a demand which arises from cost considerations, rather than technique and aesthetic of the composition of fragrances, in general, being at stake. 

Fine fragrance extracts are of primary importance, as the central subject at hand, first of all. In this day and age, in homeopathic medicines that are produced, in my experience, simply contain plant matter, with perhaps a menial extraction that had been done on the product, whereas fragrance absolutes and essential oils are far more powerful and superior; in many cases, the simple act of spraying the fragrance composition on to the body is enough to provide therapeutic relief, to the wearer. It is important to not overdo things, though, and to not sacrifice organic manufacture for cheaper products, in many cases, as the composition may decrease in quality or integrity, for having a wild chemical component thrown in to the mix. 

Given that, the topic of botany, in being the basis of what constitutes the perfume-making industry, is a rich science that imbues the student of plant life with the knowledge of the therapeutic components that make up the fragrance ingredients that are available to individuals. Some of these components are found in relatively micro-amounts, in unprocessed plant material, whereas the extractions involved, in obtaining essential oils and absolutes, are sufficient to produce true therapeutic effect in the user, with the added benefit of potentially smelling good, as well, if the composition is made properly, and in good balance.

We live in an era in which perfumery ingredients can sometimes be had for a bargain, relatively, and with global competition for our consumer dollars at stake, for ingredients suppliers. I'll follow up, at some point, in regards to specific online suppliers and buyers' deals that companies offer, for the retail buyer of fragrance ingredients. In the meantime, please feel free to message me, or leave a comment, detailing your questions or issues pertaining to establishing a collection of ingredients of your own.  

Here are a few articles I pulled up via Google Scholar that go in to the scientific detail, basis, and study of specific natural perfume and aroma ingredients, along the lines of their innate healing and therapeutic potential.

Bibliography and reference:

Essential Oils and Bioactive Components against Arthritis: A Novel Perspective on Their Therapeutic Potential
Mariangela Marrelli, Valentina Amodeo, Maria Rosaria Perri, Filomena Conforti, Giancarlo Statti
Plants 9 (10), 1252, 2020

Phytochemical and Pharmacological activity of Genus Plumeria: An updated review

Manjusha Choudhary, V Kumar, S Singh
International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research 5 (6), 266-271, 2014

Indole as a core anti-inflammatory agent-a mini review

K Hemalatha, G Madhumitha, Selvaraj Mohana Roopan
Chem. Sci. Rev. Lett 2 (1), 287-292, 2013

Tuesday, February 9

How to: Heal an Achilles Heel Injury

 Achilles Heel injuries are sometimes caused by disparities in the blood's circulation; on top of our digestive organs not being properly full, on a chronic basis. A good meal of French onion soup will appropriately electrically charge the blood stream and restore suitable quick digestive functioning. Sleep on it, and see how you feel upon waking up. On the occasion I experienced this healing, I drank copious amounts of milk, as well.

Friday, January 29

What's the Most Effective Cure for a Sore Neck? Whole Foods Market Liquid Iodine (With Kelp). [Product Review].

It's a quite simple solution. Being a chronic sufferer of neck pain, I became aware of the condition as it's known and described, in other terms: put simply, it is inflammation; in scientific terms, it is acute radiation damage. From the secret-agent spy and subsequent radioactive poisoning news article inclusions in to the popular news media, every now and then, I casually became aware of potassium iodide as the consumer-level solution to the problem. Consumer-level, yet best-practices and best available solution, despite curious inquiries (of a secret agent sort of intelligence dig) that we might be inclined to pursue. Just buy it, from Whole Foods Market. It's $8.49, in January 2021, and a slight squeeze of the dropper, in the mouth, as well as a slight squeeze of the dropper, applied topically, will have dramatic curative and restorative healing effected in the neck, and within minutes later, particularly after moving around and working up the heart rate, and a quick sweat, the healing will spread to other parts of the body that had been pained with inflammation. 

Saturday, January 16

Product Review: Benzyl Benzoate - Consolidated Chemical Supply (CCS, Ltd.)

 Ah, the world of chemistry, and materials sciences. 

As common laypersons that we mostly are, by and large, we have to take heed to the fact that this is an area of knowledge and understanding that "exists," yet it passes through our lives rather transparently, as much of our lives which pertain to chemistry-based contexts are obscured from the significant potentiality of the chemicals that affect us, given brand and label marketing, as well as that many chemicals are typically the precedence and claim-stake of the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

Consolidated Chemical Supplies is a materials-science and research purposes e-commerce producer of high quality and completely pure (unless noted, in the labeling) chemical products, with a modest and appreciable product line of simple to intermediary (semi-pro, or prosumer) chemicals. I'm at a loss for eloquence, on the subject; for that matter, it's a natural and physical sciences topic. I majored in humanities, and I'm quite slow at comprehending and attaining on the strict math and sciences subjects. 

That being said, the U.S. government, and federally recognized associations, institutes, and organizations are dedicated to the dissemination of information on nearly any conceivable chemical composition, of interest and of industry, and they chart and list out all of the colloquialisms associated with chemicals that are sold in the manufacturing industry. In my case, I substituted Benzyl Alcohol for Benzyl Benzoate, in an aspiration project of mine, to produce a finery boutique natural products hair pomade, as fine as Murray's Pomade, which is by far superior to standard gel and soppy pomades that typically cost a lot more.

I simply figured, "it's a Benzyl-something," and I fancied that a benzoate is similarly solvent (as alcohol), of some capacity about it, and from there, I was sold on the first compelling Benzyl product that I could discover, for online retail sale, from a chemical resource materials supplier, which happened to be CCS, on Walmart.com.

I've only nibbled at the rich discovery endeavor that producing a suitably similar product, at small scale, yet with extravagant means in precluding the budgetary considerations of my product that I intend to manufacture: my primogeniture cosmetic product; even medi-aesthetics boutique couturier, for hair.

Friday, October 23

Product Review: Choetech mini portable fan with mister.

 Anyone who works with tech in small spaces knows how hot it gets, sometimes. Even the smallest of fans provides some decent relief from overheating, and circulated air is better for us, in our working spaces. I recently went on a vast spending spree, online, and discovered this little gem of the internet. 

The Choetech mini portable fan, with a built-in 2,000 mAh USB-powered battery, with water vapor mister is a neat little device that packs enough air circulatory power to cool off a small personal workspace environment, and, of course, the option to add aromatherapy scents and oils is always available. As an added bonus, the device has a color-changing LED light at the bottom, to spark up some nighttime work shift ambiance. 

The fan itself is reasonably quiet, and I was big on having a 300 mL water tank for the fan’s mister, so that I could customize an ionic mineral spray and fragrance combination. 

The fan is $9.99 plus tax, and there’s a quick October discount on shipping for orders over $15 on Google Shopping. In addition to making fans, Choetech manufactures small tech accessories and devices such as power banks

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