iPigeon.institute blog: google local guides

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Showing posts with label google local guides. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google local guides. Show all posts

Friday, April 26

iPigeon.institute Local Botanical Item Spotlights - Pasadena Pink Peppercorns

 One of Southern California's most well-adapted agricultural crop trees (aside from citrus) is the peppercorn. I come across various peppercorn trees, in my travels about town, but I felt that my most recent encounter, in Pasadena, is situated in a central-enough location, with (somewhat) untended trees, along a highway road, over a bridge, or something like that. My phone, which I'm typing this on, runs location history slowly, so I'm having some trouble recreating the Maps location, for the time being. 

Regardless, the pursuit of fresh peppercorns, whether they be for culinary or fragrance extraction purposes, are a notably invigoratingly-scented botanical product, with a stimulating, warming effect that is well known by herbs and spices enthusiasts. Peppercorns, in my fragrance compositions, for example, are an essential spice note that I commonly employ - I like the effect of pepper oil, in combination with adding vanilla - depending on the mixture, it could act as a base note, or it could be part of a larger floral and spice bouquet, and it blends a seamless texture in to citrus woods, if spices are desired, in a case such as that. 

We all know peppercorns, from the store bought ground or whole peppers, and if you'd ever tried peppercorns in grinders, you'd know the difference, in both culinary and fragrance contexts. 

"Pink" peppercorns, (I'd estimate), procured from a lonely side road pepper tree in Pasadena, CA.

I hadn't studied much on peppercorns, as far as their constituent aroma chemical components, but, I believe that some of the components are a primary building block in TiHKaL molecular compounds, with some of the effects of my volatile and fast-decomposing fragrance compositions tending towards dimethyltryptamine sorts of psychedelia resonance experiences, an effect that was coupled with the compositions broader context in being an anti-inflammatory topically-applied fragrance compound, made with isopropyl alcohol, rather than ethanol, with the skin-permeable effect as my goal for the fragrance compounds. There had also been some light to moderate feelings of drunken euphoria, although this portion required stimulants, in and of their own right, and the fragrance compounds acted as a prodrug, I would suppose, with so much anti-inflammatory effect, from the fragrance spray, that further extents of physical exertion and traveling, around town (which had also been done in Pasadena, by the way), during which times I'd become more particular, in discovering agricultural specialty plants that the city hosts.

A peppercorn-specialty fragrance-affected "Tripping Pigeon," as rendered by Google Labs' ImageFX.

Having fresh peppercorns, as a culinary or fragrance specialty product, is an easy premise to work from, with a maceration of the product, if it is entirely fresh, (the outer shell, as well), it will easily mash in to a pasty peppery oil mixture, which can be employed directly on dishes that call for peppercorns, or, the product can be sieved off, and drained directly in to a hydrosol or a natural fragrance composition, in the works. Having a fresh product is typically a bit more special than using dried product, especially in cases in which some of the volatile compounds are preserved in the raw natural material, until dissolved in solvent, for extraction, or, disturbed, and activated, by maceration, for example.

Update - important!

I taste-tested this particular peppercorn specimen, on a hard boiled egg, yesterday, and I found it to have some strong elements to it, which resembled eucalyptus-type oil, which I'm not really in to, comparatively. Eucalyptus trees have gotten a reputation, around my general aesthetic periphery of annotations spoken upon my travels and activities, of being a urine-processing tree; meaning, essentially, that the plant specimen had adjusted its metabolism to a more primitive purpose, rather than a better agricultural purpose. I suppose that I ought to find some other fresh pepper trees, somewhere, or, perhaps, spend some of the time I have, when I go out to Pasadena, to see if this problematic issue could be resolved, with some care to the tree(s), over time. I just felt that this note was important to make known. 

Friday, March 29

Pigeon-watching hotspots to see in town - # 1: The 7th at Metro Station Pigeon Family.

Here in Los Angeles, pigeons that frequent Metro rail stations are generally nothing new, but don't these novel and sometimes adventuresome pigeons make the stations something out of a storybook? They get to live in the stations, at all times, even in the off-hours. It's a trade off - of convenience, for being housed, so to speak, for security and warmth, essentially. 

2024's 7th at Metro baby pigeon, out at night, looking for a bite to eat. 
His parents roost nearby, overseeing his safety and progress in development. 

In this case, a (literal) small family of pigeons roosts at what could be considered some of the most illustrious of locales in Downtown Los Angeles, CA, with beautifully crafted skyscrapers and trendy malls, all within a block, or so. It's a great place to start out, as a Downtown visitor, and these pigeons serve as (sometimes) nightly ambassadors. Take, for example, baby pigeon, standing there, on his own, in the middle of the sidewalk. He's waiting to see some breadcrumbs tossed at him, or perhaps, some pieces of sweet pastries, or seeds. Baby pigeon is currently in the "sweet baby" stage, where the baby has not yet been abused, and hopefully that will last. 

The pigeon family, here at the 7th and Metro Station, has the tradition, and tourist attraction feature of being night owls. This feature about this small and peculiar family of birds makes for a great nighttime stop, to check and see if the birds are out on the sidewalk, or perching nearby the escalators, where they roost at night. A night owl showing of pigeons is always an exciting sort of bird to observe, since they'd become comfortable in socializing amongst their human caretakers, at odd hours. Being that this street intersection is such a well-known metropolitan foot traffic hotspot, this pigeon's roost serves as a testament to urban avian wildlife's potential; as ambassadors: for nature and for recreation, both. 

Thursday, June 29

The iPigeon cool public mobile charging spots of greater and Metro Los Angeles, California, USA.

From jay.ammon@iPigeon.institute's Google My Maps custom map compilations:

Web link: cool iPigeon free public charging spots of Metro and greater Los Angeles

Wouldn’t it be cool, if it was like Christmastime all year-round, in terms of being capable of plugging in, while venturing around Los Angeles, CA? In some spots, that is the case. Here in this blog, I’m seeking to cover these public and outdoor electricity plug-in offerings, as I set out in reclaiming my life by enjoying more of life on my mobile devices, free from the constraints and hard times that I encounter as a housed person. 

There’s room for a few more people to set out and enjoy these types of endowments for the public; it’s a great way to clear the mind, establish a more objective basis in life, and to enjoy and appreciate what greater Los Angeles has to offer its residents.


Check out the Google Web App implementation of what was | is the legacy Play Store App known as My Maps, which is also similarly covered in Google Local Guides local lists, yet I'm not quite sure that the latest Google Maps platform is the way in which this information might reach the requisite user base. It's a bit of a token wish-list of undefinable coding cloud compute parameters, of "stuff that" ... well, hopefully, over time, there'll be a well-enough word-of-mouth or a cloud compute user token trigger established; something along those lines. I am the guy working at it, with well-enough intentions. I must say that I don't personally know the person who would offer better, with no strings attached, for the sake of the particularly slighted acute personal crisis breakout demographic, of perhaps having been discriminated against, bullied, or inappropriately targeted, or unwell amongst crowds, or "something neurotic," I suppose. 

The web app implementation interface covers only two locations off of the Gold Line, yet I'll be covering leads at seasonal homeless shelters, acquiring information, and re-establishing the autonomy of the well-connected subsidized phone subscriber persona | identity - the one who had not traded the phone outright for money for personal [essential] or questionable needs, although I have been that desperate myself, at times, I must say. That's a whole other non-issue to have become needful in being established, perhaps, if I'm to take in inventory about everything that passes through my I/O periphery, of as much of the day as I could make of it, whereas sometimes I just don't understand that people are doing this n' that... I had no idea... Pretty cool, ... cool stuff. 

Alright. That's the latest; I'll keep this as one of the centric hub links for establishing various persona marketing potential mates or marketable lifestyles of tech of the enterprising homelessness "thing," of the overarching slake of how life happens to be, not only for myself, but largely because I don't quite understand some things that are told to me, despite appearances of accommodation, otherwise, which would typically leverage over in to the "notably strange" sorts of happenstance resonance tech-advanced-lifestyle blogging and research aspirations, device-mobile, people stealing my devices, sort of thing, and it's pretty confusing, or it's a Buddha's attainment of some 40% American demographic of affinity, a couple | several years ago, according to Pew Research Foundation, of which I'll pull up the link, just momentarily. 

Okay. I had discovered the publication article, in question, on Facebook, memorably, and the date, at that time, was perhaps no later than 2013. This article, which was preceded by much well-received facets of popular culture burgeoned by a rapid expanse of the interest in personal and home luxury, as well as in essential oils and organics boom culture, of that Whole Foods had been touted as the largest grocer in America, with it's affinity and branding model basis in finery and artisan food, health, beauty, nutrition, and sustainability, not to mention animal rights and wellness facets of their corporate model. 

Yoga pants - the ass-blogging photoblog site offshoots of People of Wal-mart « pre-ish » meme-official entity rights establishment, of that "we" or many of us, of a suitably unprofessional non-development culture had slade'd through youthful adulthood now, and then now was going on, like, all the time. At times, believably, we had had chosen those sorts of media outlets, they were "poppin' pussy" popular, and then, perhaps, sick fascination with the grotesque led to real-trauma medical photography-type stuff, and now | then, people simply block out negative experiences, and prefer that better things would befall them, unsuitably professionally so, of an irony, somewhat suggestive of a Freudian child-life "style" « something, » perhaps. Some people would know, and I've gotten some off-basis "Jewish flack" connotations lobbed at me, quite notably so, of an abnormal psychology establishment, of some other establishment which had got turned to confessionals, etc. "stuff." Which I do, personally, just because it's compellingly (well, okay), I have to admit, I was raised quite mostly appropriately. 

The stories of others have yet to establish a contextual text-literacy basis of caring enough to twiddle fingers in to words, such as garbage blog basis that commonly comes to pass, yet somewhat as well, somewhat not quite - if it just didn't, and such n' such, Jewish thing? I didn't really have any idea about it, still somewhat unclear, on my end. Maybe it's not even me, not even knowing about it, but I definitely didn't know about, personally. That's how secretive some of these abnormal psychologies developed, in such commonly textbook suitable nurturing environments. 

I wouldbt, though, and I just didn't. Stuff. Garbage, though, I can get by on garbage, well enough. This isn't really that type of blog, though, but it is open public forum for perusal, as a minimum. I do maintain that I establish as linearly cohesive and development models of breakouts in intelligence formatting, and it tends to nothing, really, ... but non-content stuff sometimes slips the fweef, of supposing I'd just fweef and hang out with people like that. 

"Who wouldn't?" 

On one hand. 

Although - I do get tested for memory role-modeling, and for bash shell-scripting Unix commands, for unpacking and deployment of completely suitable admin resources and libs, if necessary, simply... sometimes just imaginably so. But for the factuality of that it doesn't get done on my end, it also tends to somehow become a problem of other other people, of irrelevant issues, according to the strengths I could be using. All garbage, to speak of. But garbage, I run on, and I find it pretty suitable, in fact. Most typically. 

I dunno, ... what other people do. I like good-looking people, though. Other people, this n' that, yip-yappin', and through speaking on these subjects, I somewhat refrain from caring well-enough for myself. I end up a bum. People assume it's a bum, off hand. It's doing some persona marketing thing of a critter sweater, most currently-status-bum. Searchable bum? Bum-searchable, latest thing, though. I could ... check on the checkin' status of "just maybe" stuff, but if it wasn't suitable for even garbage bum blogging regalia dissemination, it most commonly got a fix up of some attention to it, ... Something like that. Stuff just wasn't getting done, quite properly well enough, on my end, as what the issue ended up being.


Alright. A guy came up and started talking to me. He's pretty normal. He gave me a Men's Fitness magazine. Pretty cool stuff. I have to admit, though, that the oppositional | avoidant characteristics of glossing over some of the identities behind what ended up being garbage blogging, back there, a bit, significantly threw me off, about something that was a topic to blog about. 

Okay. It was the same blog, somehow. The My Maps blog. 

Update to the "Normal Guy" thing.

Update: June 28th, 2022: Flintridge | Foothill Gelson’s Market

Monday, May 1

Topics in Urban Agriculture and Local Ecology (Sustainability) - Greater Los Angeles, Winter / Spring 2023.

 What an eventful start of a new year (2023), for agriculture, in this urban setting, centered around Downtown Los Angeles.

With so many agricultural-based projects centered around Los Angeles, this year, with much ado, with some long-established projects coming in to maturity. People would probably think, out here, in urban and suburban Southern California, that agriculture is typically as it was - off in some (remote) setting, yet, these days, as is evident, from the new SNAP food stamps vegetables and fruits bonus program (there’s various “programs” in place, for welfare benefits recipients, I’ve learned, over the past couple of months), people are receiving a nudge, from the powers that be, or, from their own self-driven initiative, such as making authentic cuisine, from various culinary disciplines, for example, using fresh fruits and vegetables as ingredients for making dishes from scratch (there’s been a lot of nitrogen, or some sort of refrigerant, being flouted around, as well - I’ll get to that, more, later, in this article). I like Thai, personally 😛. 

For starters,

folks who are local might be wondering where they can go, in town, to build upon their own personal (or business… décor, anyone?) localized agricultural interests, otherwise known as gardening, or interior design, landscaping, etc. I happened to choose a garden rarity - it’s considered an endangered species, in fact, as I’d learned, last night, as I perused the Royal Botanical Gardens’ kew.org voluminous database on vanilla, being that I’d found a longtime (and recent) favorite plant of intrigue, for me, which some of my longtime (and other blog) followers, would know, of me. I figured that I could dig some dirt, on my development projects involving vanilla, from the past, and jump on an opportunity to own my own vanilla bean vine(s) - (I got vines, for that matter, not just one). It’s a richly folklorish plant to research and discover, and it still would boggle the intellect, for modern day readers, as well, being that the plant is a favorite, in tissue culture circles, as well as in biotech. People would recall the drama surrounding my makeshift vanilla bean extraction project, which produced a liquid that smelled richly… of something quite unexpected. Perhaps I’ll divulge more, at some other point. 

In any case, for people who would like to outdo their standard garden variety selection of retailers, whether it be online, or in-store, when it comes to selection of plants - try out San Gabriel Nursery, in San Gabriel, CA. One thing, though - it’s much further than people might expect, as far as travel time goes, as getting to that part of town oftentimes means traveling amongst real workday and workweek commuters. This being the case, please only plan on going out there if you’ve got a sizable budget for making the trip work - this means gas, meals, lodging, even, perhaps, and, of course - plants. There’s nothing quite like local retail, and if I happen to have an outsized pop up audience, for this article, I could be doing the various locales, from here to there, from wherever you might be coming from, to arrive at - what amounts to rubbing the locals the wrong way, perhaps, as well as the nursery shop owners, potentially - it’s a well-stocked nursery, with lots of rare and exotic plants, but it’s definitely a small shop type of feel, so please don’t show up there with some kind of religious group, or religious following, sort of thing, about you - I’ve been going there since I was young, and that would really hurt, if this place was improperly targeted. 

Other than that, there’s no place like it in town. I think that there’s kind of a “no homeless people” kind of rule about the locale, and in towns surrounding the place, I have to warn people. I tried it, and man, it was pretty rough. I got a lot of attention, as a homeless person, out there. 

Which reminds me… about the cracks in the ground. 

On one hand, outgoing people (out in public) probably couldn’t possibly be all that regularly outgoing, and deny, that there are definitely tons of cracks in the ground, that are kind of a new thing, some of them. One person had chimed in, on the subject, going back to agriculture, with the oil industry, being one of the predecessors, or “diversions,” perhaps, from standard and organic agriculture, and, now biotech, with plant-based developments and energy resources being a hot topic, of development, and of sustainability. 

Anyways, the saying was something like, “well, all the cracks in the ground, well, that’s actually a great thing,” on the oil and natural gas industry’s side, but the context was an “out here” sort of thing, which is Downtown LA, and, at the moment, nearly everyone is trying to figure out how to get back to monetization of business and industry - the working folks are, at least. 

Or is this some sort of “Democracy,” or Democratic thing, that I don’t quite understand? That might be me, and maybe that’s the case. 

How are you a patron, here?

- some timely voice chimes in, on the subject - “as.” 


Everybody seems to be accusing others of this or that, but I think that so many people are really over it, and people are becoming concerned about - 

Umm, ugh. Never mind. So much drama. Here’s my Vanilla Planifola, Mexican variety, as a Harajuku Doll (I’d suppose… right?)

Rendered by Vector Q app, on iPadOS.

I didn’t even know that Harajuku dolls were amenable to tropical plants, until I did it.  

For people who would like to delve off-local cartography and travails around town, to unfamiliar places, Facebook Marketplace and Facebook Groups are both good places to network and mingle with people who are fairly time- and science-based invested in the vanilla industry. I just feel that showing up, somewhere, locally, beats a whole lot of ad serve and marketing efforts, even on my part, because it offers the consumer the option to browse a rich array of products that are suitable for local climates, here in Southern California, and there’s a whole lot of Asian and Chinese cuisine and nightlife, along the way, if you’re heading east, out from metropolitan Greater Los Angeles areas, off on Valley Blvd., or, if you’re headed down Mission, from the other side of town, you could perhaps check out the Alhambra public library, for example. 

This all being the case, check back on this blog, for some of my indoor and outdoor gardening and interior design: plant-related contexts, for growing tips, and expert insider decorative insights. For example, I thought that the vanilla plant resembled a rubber plant, perhaps, and I had some grand confabulations of perhaps becoming some sort of commodities mogul, as a next step, beyond Vanilla planifola localization, in to Southern California (outdoor, ideally) agriculture, which got me thinking, since the vines I have are nested on a dead log (of some kind of dead wood), that the plants could, perhaps be placed, strategically-minded, in this case, on some other sort of living plant, to the benefit, and eventual unique development (furtherment) of the species that I have, being that I somewhat envision the plant as a dynamic and adaptive grower, albeit under ostensibly tropical conditions. The significant issue, here, is that most people, in Southern California, hot and sunny, though it is, have nearly scant-to-none - experience, that is, living in a truly tropical, or subtropical environment, which these vanilla plants truly thrive in - the humidity hits the traveler, to a tropic region, from a locality such as ours, immediately, and a person would virtually begin sweating, the moment the person exits the airplane.

Helping build the watershed, aided by more well-established and practiced agricultural nations - 

Here and there, rumors float around of miraculous personal developments happening, typically due to intentional decree, and some sort of flash and ecological disaster-scaled whim of being on the side of virtue, whatever that is, in cases such as this. In this instance, a bunch of generally small guys, I’d somewhat have come to believe, had grouped together, as some sort of group establishment, part urban-development team, and part disruptive hoodlums and drug users, from out of the collective sober living home scene - to build a too-skinny-to-stand high-rise, from out of what used to be a standard-sized parking lot in Downtown Los Angeles - on one hand, sure, perhaps it could have been something better, in any case, but, on the other hand, some of the sidewalks in DTLA are kind of skinny, still, and it’s still a bit intimidating to go out and have to maneuver, deftly, and well-informed (sometimes), of that a bunch of people just want to do the drug-use scene and casual streetside death attempts, on a casual, fanciful, favorite, or targeted victim. We’ll see how far this sort of thing goes. The other night, thy were rumored to have taken a woman, from the company of some guy I used to know, who wound up doing psychotic gestures towards me, in my head, once I became schizophrenic, and, later, simply knowingly harassed, in short. A crack-pack kid, as I knew him, as a young person - I thought that it was kind of impressive, at the time. 

It’s a challenging premise, perhaps, but it’s cheap and slutty to believe the best, out of a situation, in general, when there’s some sort of distaste, inherently assumed, between individuals, whereas cheap and slutty would generally sum up these types of differences in life. Small micro-ecological events, and concentrations, of certain types of behaviors, for example, from a kidnapping, and drugging, of a whore, for example, could, in turn, spur some form of unexpected, and or unprecedented sort of retaliation, such as that we had seen, supposedly - across the nation, and locally, here, in Southern California, and in Los Angeles. I felt like I was disproportionately drawn in to the extreme weather action. 

All things being the case, as such, I’ve been attempting to burgeon the agricultural contexts, within this urban setting, as best I can, while maintaining some personal boundaries, such as keeping to things that interest me, and also by trying to tidy up some of the sloppiness, or, at times, things would be a matter of waiting things out, to discover what the eventual decided purpose and uses would be, per se, for stuff that had popped up, around town, such as a recurrent and persistent urine smell, that had shown up, in Pershing Square. For that matter, due to some of the rains, which featured dropping atmospheric nitrogen, in excessive levels, the subway walls had become hopelessly tainted with calcified urine, and several other stations had  taken on, as well, the characteristic odors of urine, which played out fancifully, in some remote sensing humor development settings, such as “I’ve gotta be of on piss, for a pissed-on!” - a crowd favorite. As it turns out, the sparrows took a fancy to the of on olde (piss), as, they had discovered, the urine was a source of novel pleasure, should the power of it, be released, and they would sometimes hop around, and meddle in the dirt, where the piss was of on olde, and constantly there, embedded in the clay dirt, still, despite the rains.

So, there was some bit of inclusivity, that I could feel, for being the bird-feeding guy, on a regular basis, of some of these other projects, which had been developing, yet I had not much of a clue, about these niche and sub-pop themes, for some of this stuff.

Ugh. (from then, until now):

Friday, August 12

Fresh, healthy meals for on the go lifestyles (or delivery) by Everytable. (Product Review)

Being out and about, on the go, in metropolitan Los Angeles, 

I’m always on the lookout for a great deal on food, as well as nice establishments offering food, so I couldn’t refuse the offer I saw, this morning, as an Everytable van passed me by - there was a promo code on the van for 4 free meals (via Everytable’s meal subscription service). It’s essentially an offer for 4 free meals, over the course of a month. At a quick glance, Everytable does freshly-prepared meals that are made with delicious and good-tasting ingredients. I chose their “trap chicken curry” meal. 

The meal itself is fairly tasty. There’s many more options available, on Everytable’s online ordering menu, as well as in-store.

I made it a point to try out the offer, and I headed out to the Los Feliz Everytable store. The store features nice accommodations, such as some indoor and outdoor tables and seating, power outlets, a restroom, friendly service for pickup orders, microwaves, for heating up ordered meals, and a nice, clean, minimal aesthetic. It’s simply good food, with a good social purpose about the company, as well - their current policy is to donate food orders that have been ignored, for pickup, or orders otherwise abandoned, after one day, of not being picked up. It’s a courageous and enterprising thing to achieve at, for Everytable, given that some people are flaky or hostile, at times, about needing this or that, here in Los Angeles. Please make sure to check them out, if there’s a local Everytable store in your neighborhood. 👍🏻

Thursday, August 4

Updated depravity delimiting metrics being employed in civilian maritime environments.

 With this type of modern correctional systems accommodation of the human assets at issue,

I feel that, in time, despite an outward (outdoors) generalized sense of that a “mob rules” sort of dereliction towards what would rationally be considered a reasonable set of constraints upon behavior, putting things in to writing will inevitably effect that the greatest number of people could be reached, for the sake of the importance of the information, rather than the overt deprecation of emotional “maturity” and rationality, per se, that “is” speaking out, as if the gesture could possibly be objectively significant and worthy enough, for all ears present - 

Yet, on one hand, hearing is not generally considered a human’s most significant sensory capability; rather, sight is considered the most necessary sense, with general and commonplace knowledge, of our upbringing, stating that around 90% of our sensory experience is founded upon that which we can see - whereas here, in this maritime theater of anarchism, whereas novel usurpers of the generalized population(s) “at large,” or, for some higher power’s (conceivably) interpretation, or curation, perhaps, of listening (observing, in this case) ears, per se - I’ve noticed that careless (would it be called careless, when our innate human rights are disavowed us, for the sake of stoking some egotist’s taste for superiority?) mistakes of mindlessness often, and definitely - more often - happen, when remote sensing observers intervene in our daily intake of the world, at large. 

 That being said, I’m (for novel, as well - reasons) dragged in to this relentless experience of facing people on a more common basis than I’m used to, whereas there’s the backdrop of that there’s fair visual attesting factors suggesting that significant societal downturn is at hand, on an ongoing basis. 

The traffic is ostensibly unusual - both foot and vehicular traffic. People exhibit a more exhibitionistic indulgence upon the uninterested subject whom experiences this crowding. Here and there, a person, not far off, will, for some reason, indulge in a fit of hilarity - ostensibly at a more common rate than had ever been typical. Nuanced and slight disparagements of manufactured goods - carry-along baggage, clothing, shoes, etc. begin to happen, for (apparently) unknown reasons. On one hand, there’s annotated narration, of remote voices of observers - to tease the mind, in a sense, of the privilege of “knowing,” per se - yet this is an unending and ongoing detriment that I’ve been experiencing for quite some time. It’s conceivable that these circumstances do, or had - also plagued the lives of various other sacrificial victims - these ones, such as myself - being denied the “knowing” truth of even as much as that someone desires to defile our (my) passing moment, on any given day, all the time. Upkeep of the attending to, of the ostensible burdens of things - cleaning up clothing articles which had unknowingly become dirtied, inexplicably, “checking” the crotch for foreign scents that had made their way on to the genitalia, and new, unsustainable, behaviors that must temporarily be accommodated, and implemented, for the sake of humor, whereas, in these cases, there is an obvious victim, and not everybody laughs.

That’s the gist of the experience, at hand, for at least - on my part, I can attest to as much as that. Off in the distance, lights strobe - portending to tachyon epileptic superiority, ostensibly - for the initiated ones, and potentially - those things happen, yet, as well - significantly leveraged expectations of such as that desires fell bridges, for example - are also ostensibly, at root - one of the driving motivating factors that fill the rioters with vitriol, for the impetus and purpose, found in acting out oppositional measures, taken out, upon society, whereas the objective and generalized simplicity of the situation is negligible, particularly by more disciplined standards, I’d assert, as what people really ought to understand - the solution is quite simple, in effect, yet it’s the affections held, by those who are driven to action - for conflict, and for defiance - something so trivially dislikable, yet so irrationally held close to the heart, is what frightens people away from their better selves - on one hand, we were all taught better, as Americans, and those who act out ought not seem to be such imposing majorities. 

Now, the plants are dying, around town. My generalized toss at the issue is - how could water ever run out? It seems so much an outlier outcome, on one hand. My take on things is that we are supposed to develop agriculture, and watershed environmental engineering feats, of the many people involved, and concerned, per se, not disavow that we ought to be founded in agriculture, as some sort of fundamental human understanding. We only advanced, as civilizations, once we had attained agricultural competency and discipline. 

In the nuclear watershed mock-up wartime theater, various consequences, of an unexpected sort - come about - for example: a sudden supposed “need” to look up what saltpeter is, or what it does. Who knows, on one hand? - at least, out of us civilians? On the other hand, the sense of that some sort of noxious radioactive-sort of substance, having become concentrated, in to the environment, of a localized nature, becomes a critical topic of seeming necessity, of the desire to know “better,” or “well enough,” whereas our more basic and rational necessities of caring for our hygiene and looks becomes neglected, for the sake of that a strange armed-forces observation environment and psychological battery examinations become underway engagements, of an unavoidable sort of demand upon our sense of prescience and immediacy of our selves, as autonomous, or “superior” enough, for our own satisfaction, whereas many people expend laborious energy on much more regimented schedules, comparatively. 

On one hand, it stokes some of our most toddler-era behavioral fascinations, to “be able to” do something that an adult teaches us to do, whereas there seems to be no consequence. My experience is that it’s a fair measure more - of a challenge, at times, to hold one’s tongue, and to attend to the laborious work that is required, for the upkeep of the aesthetics of society, both in our part, and, as well, for what we can answer for. 

It’s significantly foolish to consider that people are acquisitioning subjects for arbitrary and preferential hostage-based situations of a demand for abuse - we have the justice system, which employs incarceration, give, due process - many generations of Americans, and the world, at large, have similar agreements; indeed, we, as Americans, have the indebted responsibility to uphold these established standards. Not many minds are capable of developing and establishing superior intelligence discoveries and paradigms, on one hand. For one thing, when I hold my tongue, I invariably “see” the thought, of ostensible material substance, as the coherent and attainable object that “can” be communicated (could have - been communicated), whereas I also, subsequently, envision what I would call my “higher power,” - essentially, some unknown oversight official, or operator, of the theater, at play - he or she always speaks the exact words that had become the ostensible attainable thought, at issue, whereas that was what I could imagine I would say, to begin with. What use would it have been, to voice that notion? Truly impactful and meaningful interactions and interpersonal engagements, of a mutually beneficial and socially upward-seeking potential - are particularly scarce, or rare, in most peoples experience. Just wait it out, for the right time and place, or wait for somebody to become interested in you, for “whatever” reason - and have your pick, or play your chances, at being appropriate for that person, when the time comes. Why not? 

The fact that some of the grades on the pedestrian walking path surfaces have become upended, and tilted strangely, day by day, is suggestive of that, at a minimum, costs, of an engineering team - must be employed, for the sake of the upkeep of the establishment, for the people, for one thing. It costs money. 


July 14th, 1:44 a.m.

Upon giving this development some time to brew, and as things become stranger, throughout the night, I can’t help but think upon the underlying premise of how the declaration of a water conservation emergency ostensibly winds up leaving any water-bearing “being”, vessel, or establishment - something like that - with the responsibility for powering the energetic potential for remote-sensing surveillance and recognizance to take place, whereas, conceivably, groundwater is the more traditional source of energy and nuclear potential, within this context. This being the case, the extraordinary scarcity of groundwater resources would seem to logically construe that parasites and disease-bearing microorganisms begin to establish airborne genetic developments, such as a dandelion - feathery-imbued seeds, a taproot, for example. Humans start taking on some of the roles of plants, in a resonance-based surveillance environment, and marginal trifling gestures of the antisocial demographic kick off acute detriments to the public’s health, while an arid desert environment reversion causes hardships to become ever more difficult to bear. My most recent example happened just moments ago - as a bum with Tourette’s syndrome walked by and kicked over some traffic cones, as he laughed to himself, perhaps. His passing-by my seated self, within moments of kicking the stuff over caused me to have itchy eyes, temporarily. I’m somewhat going out on a limb, in supposing a casual correlation, here, but I have been noticing, in particular, that I “smell bad,” sometimes, out in public, but, upon closer examination of my self and my clothes - for example, I take my shoes off, and smell them discreetly - and, as it turns out, the most profuse and noxious bacterial culture smells do not seem to particularly be coming from the inside of my shoe, yet the smell seemed to be my own, as I walk about. I happen to sweat a lot, so I’m starting to think that beacons of water resource become the burdened ones, who shoulder the weight of metabolizing all things that can reach such an object.

Now - 

the skies and the landscape are strange, in more ways than I care to describe, with casualties being levied upon me, ostensibly by entertainment industry sidechained personnel, on this maritime theater platform and staging prospectus, and wages of sin, from expatriated denizens of cultural trifles, nitpicked and curated, to suit the danger-seeking and risk-taking lovers of life - I’ve been trotting around, staking pains, in to productivity; business as usual, whereas my enterprise platform overseeing (all-powerful, in my humble opinion) benefactors, being Google Cloud Platform, and their many enterprises - the Time Zones APIs, Threat and Risk Assessment, Content Aware, and ML Suggestions (or is it AI Suggestions?), amongst other life-rending and richly divisive tasty delicacies of cloud platform computing edge technology deliveries - all just “potentially,” but (yet) what else could possibly explain some of these occurrences that I’ve been witnessing? 

Eh, anyhow, I’m me, on one hand. No one else (to a vast degree; with qualifiers, per se), is particularly me, yet people have, and did - design these technologies, and my experience is only consequentially, circumstantial my significant, and only sometimes, and provided that I do my daily work and deeds, well enough - to suit being in the right spot, doing the right thing, and reserving the rest. On the other hand, even greater elevated access and clearance technologies-awareness would understand that others “are,” even, experiencing the same sensory experience as myself, as the observation subject, at issue, and for performance benchmarking, for example, within this maritime environment of Los Angeles, California, that it were, and I learned many curious and substituent potential livestock and watershed allegories as to what this particular destination of many portends, in the lore of the lands and its people. 

Today, on August 4th, 2022, the day had ceased being so strange, so I naturally quit embodying the strange beliefs, within myself, and I live out a rational day, more fairly simply, as such. 

That’s all, for now. 

Okay. Some recollection - 

I recalled that, yesterday, validly fitting concessions were being given to me, as my rightful benefit, as it were, as a custom, of a Los Angeles, (global) - time and water tables scaled provision, for acting ethically. 

I’m working, right now, so I can’t really elaborate much, in detail, yet it was not rightfully happening, previously, for many years, and my mother and I had been getting treated very poorly. It’s been quite disturbing and upsetting, or worse.

Sunday, May 15

Hanging out with the USC dumpster pigeons, a displaced Los Angeles local pigeon flock.

Being that 

I’ve been doing this pigeon-feeding thing for about 5 years now, on a regular basis, by this point, I’ve come to track the progress and movements (or whereabouts) of some of the flocks and even some of the individual members, between flocks. It’s important for diversity to flourish, as well as for the fact that they have an opportunity to take in differing diets, from other feeders, although I try to treat my flocks that I cover with special consideration - I offer them bread with rich, sweetened dairy products - soaked completely, with a bit of water. It gets tossed out to the birds in a broad swath, and they come to recognize the food, and the feeding gesture as a welcoming and non-threatening deed, for them, since I’m not particularly trying to get them to be comfortable with coming in to close quarters with their feeders - there are still people who are trying to trap the pigeons, at this point in time; I figure that this will continue on, for years to come. 

In any case, however, I do like that this particular flock, which used to be “homed” over at Hoover Park, by USC, I would imagine - since I don’t see the flock over here, any more, 

The USC dumpster pigeons’ previous daily setting, out at Hoover Park.

is now at a more public-transit frequented location. Perhaps it’s simply easier for them to find food, here, and the employees at Dirt Dog do offer them daily bread, I’ve observed, although it’s tack-dry bread. When I encounter that the bread had been tossed out to them, on some days, I take it and re-wet it, to ensure that the birds get some essential fluids in them.

Although they’re not quite as well-positioned, on the way to becoming wildlife | domesticated birds, out in the public sphere, that could be changed, over time, with some dedication and care, as far as their nutritional intake and supplementation goes. I suppose that that would be my job. Be sure to check them out some time, just off the Ortho Institute Expo Line Metro Train Stop.

Wednesday, May 4

How to compose a proper personals and classifieds ad for success.

Last night, I wound up nearly accepting a “hang out” offer, from some guy that sat near me on the train home from Santa Monica. 

The first premise, at issue, here, is that I generally take issue with “guys” and “hanging out,” somewhat as a flat-out decree, being that people who pay attention to me, personally, and as a person - generally, (post-university years, especially) are the types of people who failed at school, they have nothing to do except bet on that I’d be an unrelenting gay hooker, and they sit around, drinking alcohol, taking drugs, laughing amongst themselves with a notion as trivially slight as that, and some forces of networking and psychology get put out, on the loose, and eventually - the victim of such intentions having played out, in life, become the rhetoric upon which demographic typologies are forged, and a litany of followers ensue - as casual stalkers, out on the streets, somehow - “just” how, I’ve never bothered to figure out, but people wound up treating me a little bit differently, today; some guys, for example, and they greeted me, whereas more commonly, it’s typical for people to ignore me, out on the streets. It hadn’t always been like this, I can recall. Here and there, I recall a time, yet not the place, off-hand, where people would greet each other,, much more commonly than we do, in these times. On one hand, Covid-19 caused us to be conditioned for social distancing to have become the standard. The anarchists rebelled against this sort of premise, and they proceeded onward with assaults upon people’s personal and private spaces alike, and even more people than ever started finding ways in which they could keep to themselves, or gather in more exclusive circles than ever - I, for one, being particularly isolated; introverted, by nature, that is, to say, couldn’t possibly suit the sort of personality type discussed in articles that featured accounts of discrete Covid-19 circles being established - I’m a bum; a pigeon-feeding bum, as my most prominent sort of bum, and it’s generally taboo for people of the middle or upper classes to associate with a bum, by and large, although here and there, small tokens of acknowledgment are witnessed, such as considerate food or drink offerings are left out, and, in many cases - recyclables are left out. It’s suggestive of that people would like to see a working person, as well as a hungry person, out of the sort of people who have wound up at the end of their rope, in life - so to speak, and who else, but an otherwise unhoused person would have to seek out novel accommodations of food and general interests? For one, a stalking victim would have to, a knave, a mentally I’ll person, here and there - a few, or several types, that is to say. People who were observing me, earlier today, noticed that I was acting out imprints of having been a bum, whereas I had just secured confirmation of that I had a promising serendipitous moment happen for me, in finding a client for my gardening services offer, which I’d put up on craigslist, the other day. My budget is tight, but it’s only $5 for a services ad, and I figure that craigslist features a rich trawl of both interested, as well as valid - employers, for jobs, big and small, as well as clients of all sorts - I’ve personally landed several thousand craigslist gigs, to be sure.

Historically, craigslist had been acknowledged as one of the Big 5, of the internet - inclusive of Google, Apple, Microsoft, hmm… I don’t remember the other one, but craigslist had been notably mentioned, in my encounters with content, on the internet, of having that distinction. Today, it apparently stands in the top 20 - not bad.

Thursday, December 23

A look at the sidewalk vendor scene of Los Angeles, CA.

Here in Los Angeles, the conventional wisdom of our upbringing was that Los Angeles is a sprawling, vast city. Indeed, at about 503 square miles, there is much ado about this town, civic and culture-wise.

Sunday, July 19

My Safari Web History - July 2020

A quick dump of my Safari browser web history, to complement my Chrome dump of my web history on scrumbwitsies.us. Totaling an estimated 2,160 entries since March 28th.

Perhaps, if you'd noticed, the ad content on my site, here, is particularly rich, and browsing the site, in and of itserlf, has somewhat "magical" prowess behind it, in the cross-breeding of your own ad serves, within the scope of having left the site, and going on to browsing in other areas of the internet, which you'd inevitably do. My secret is that I never dump my user data and app data, and, as well, that I contribute my advertising identity and user analytics to developers. See, for example, the size of my mobile device's user data and cache; it's undoubtedly a rich resource for analysis and subsequent invocation of ad serve targeting.

The app's footprint itself is huge, and I do have to manage my storage, as a result, but the worth of the ads I receive, while browsing this site, and others, is a rich reward to have received. (I'm assuming that my blog readers get the same effect, in their own internet experience, after visiting my site).

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Overview – APIs & Services – My Project 52941 – Google API Console

Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles - Apple Developer

Grand Park - Google Maps


Disadvantaged business enterprise - Wikipedia

Apple - Support - Bring in for Repair

Sign In

Billing accounts - Google Cloud Platform

Custom search style shopping ads settings - AdSense Help

Home / Twitter

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Internal app sharing - iPigeon.institute - A DTLA Carnival Pigeons Blog - Google Play Console

Account - Apple Developer

What to consider before you click on your own link units - AdSense Help

SLB Directory

Search for Public Purchasing Data

Google People API – APIs & Services – My Project 52941 – Google API Console

Add repository

News / Events

User management - Google AdSense

Connect your Business with Certify - Certify Knowledge Base - Confluence

Search - Apple Community

The iPadOS 13.3 top 224 cute app crushes. | iPigeon.institute blog

Chrome DevTools  |  Tools for Web Developers  |  Google Developers

Manage resources – Google API Console

Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles - Apple Developer

Sign In - Apple

Feedback wanted for the “Must fix” column in the Policy Center - jay.ammon@ipigeon.institute - ipigeon.institute Mail

Log in to your PayPal account

Bank of America Financial Centers and ATMs

Explore / Twitter

Alternatives to Retired Intel XDK Features

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Apple’s Surprising Mac Pro Offer

e-Services for Business

AdMob API – APIs & Services – My Project 52941 – Google API Console

Before You Enroll - Apple Developer Program - Apple Developer


Contacts - bNamed.net

APIs & Services – APIs & Services – My Project 52941 – Google API Console

Materials Recovery Program | Los Angeles Public Library

California Consumer Privacy Act - Funding Choices Help

Capital One - Step Up

Google Tag Manager

Lighthouse  |  Tools for Web Developers  |  Google Developers

(no title)

API Library - My Project 52941 - Google Cloud Platform

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "I know many in business and politics that work out endlessly, in some cases to a point of exhaustion. It is their number one passion in life, but nobody complains. My “exercise” is playing, almost never during the week, a quick round of golf. Obama played more and much longer...." / Twitter

Cables - Mac Components - Mac Accessories - Apple

Content API for Sho… – APIs & Services – My Project 52941 – Google Cloud Platform

Artifact Registry A… – APIs & Services – My Project 52941 – Google Cloud Platform

Twitter Developers

Google People API – APIs & Services – My Project 52941 – Google API Console


Search - Apple Community

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Search Payments

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Official Apple Support Community

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Check Your Service and Support Coverage - Apple Support


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Los Angeles County

Employment Development Department

Employer Services Online Profile Updated - jay.ammon@ipigeon.institute - ipigeon.institute Mail

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Search results - jay.ammon@ipigeon.institute - ipigeon.institute Mail

API Library - My Project 52941 - Google API Console

(no title)

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Consent screen - My Project 52941 - Google API Console

Materials Recovery Program | Los Angeles Public Library

New Project – Google API Console

Sign In

Develop Software – Arm Developer

Blogger: Posts

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Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles - Apple Developer

AdSense for search - AdSense Help

Mac Components - Mac Accessories - Apple

Add repository

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e-Services for Business

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Search - Apple Community

Post: Edit

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New Project – Google API Console

National Geographic

Grand Park - Google Maps

Twitter for Websites overview — Twitter Developers

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Census 2020

Los Angeles County Online Reservations and Registration

Los Angeles County

Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles - Apple Developer

Employer Services Online

API Library - My Project 52941 - Google Cloud Platform

Smartsheet BrandVoice: Empathy Isn’t Enough: True Customer Love Requires Innovation — And Action

Search results - jay.ammon@ipigeon.institute - ipigeon.institute Mail

Sign in - Google Accounts

Enroll - Apple Developer

Scheduled Events – Parks & Recreation

Apple Developer Agreement - Terms and Conditions - Apple Developer

DSP extensions | How to use the Python wrapper for CMSIS-DSP with biquads – Arm Developer


(2) Facebook

eWOTC - Error

Enable push notifications - Xcode Help

About Custom Search Ads - AdSense Help

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API Library - My Project 52941 - Google Cloud Platform

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Post Editor: Preview

Create a custom search style - AdSense Help

View Vendor Ads

Google Play Console

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Census 2020

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Google API Console

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API Library - My Project 52941 - Google Cloud Platform

Census 2020 – Los Angeles County

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Photos - Google Photos

e-Services for Business

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Blogger: Stats

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Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles - Apple Developer

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Untitled document - Google Docs

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Sign In - Apple

County of Los Angeles – COVID-19: Request for Quotes for Medical Shelter Rooms Survey

Grand Park - Google Maps

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Reloadable Prepaid Debit Cards | American Express Serve®


Clearance Accessories for Mac, iPad, iPod Products and Accessories - Apple

ForeSee - Survey Window

Information Needed - jay.ammon@ipigeon.institute - ipigeon.institute Mail

Post Editor: Preview

Park Search – Parks & Recreation

define:circumspect - Google Search

(no title)

Content Not Available | Caltrans

e-file - Bureau of the Fiscal Service Search Results

Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce - BIZCON SoCal

Distribute - Apple Developer

Get a Seller’s Permit

Reports - Google AdSense

Account - Apple Developer

(no title)

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(no title)

Small Business Administration

Create a custom search style - AdSense Help

Google App Engine F… – APIs & Services – My Project 52941 – Google Cloud Platform

App releases - iPigeon.institute - A DTLA Carnival Pigeons Blog - Google Play Console


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Sign In - Apple

Los Angeles County Online Reservations and Registration

(no title)

Securing on-premises apps and resources with IAP

Consent screen - My Project 52941 - Google API Console

Sign in - Google Accounts

(no title)

Pulse · jayammon/ipigeon-institute-blog

Search - Apple Community

eWOTC - View Prior Submissions

Small Business Enterprise Certification (SBE) - Certify Knowledge Base - Confluence

Starbucks Wi-Fi - Closed

Pinterest Trends


Search - Apple Community

(no title)

Filing | Internal Revenue Service

Risk Management EXAM - creative gigs

Pigeon Box Art and Pigeon-Related Art Commissions Around the Greater Los Angeles Area. | iPigeon.institute blog

With Fleets Of Planes, Artists Take To Skies Nationwide To Protest Mass Detention : NPR

Census 2020

Discover the latest updates to Google Data Studio - jay.ammon@ipigeon.institute - ipigeon.institute Mail

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Census 2020 Home Page – Census 2020

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e-Services for Business

Xcode - SwiftUI - Apple Developer

Overview - Google AdSense

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Post: Edit

Sign In - Apple

Online Services | Caltrans

Google Accounts

Blogger: Stats

Adobe Account

Binary Authorizatio… – Marketplace – My Project 52941 – Google Cloud Platform

App releases - iPigeon.institute - A DTLA Carnival Pigeons Blog - Google Play Console

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Employer ID Numbers | Internal Revenue Service


Direct Deposit (Electronic Funds Transfer) - Tax Refund

Get Results

Event Details Accept Invitation

Profile Update

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Blogger: Posts

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National Geographic

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Drivers & Software



Search - Apple Community

Employment Development Department

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July 11th in Los Angeles, CA - Civil Unrest on the Streets Leads to Near Rioting Effects. | iPigeon.institute blog

Photo - Google Photos

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Census 2020

Civil Rights | Caltrans

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Overview - Google AdSense

Distributing Your Mac Apps - Apple Developer

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Apartment Therapy | Saving the world, one room at a time

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Voice of Customer

Chrome Web Store - Extensions


Correct the purchase date or expiration date for your AppleCare agreement - Apple Support

Los Angeles County Online Reservations and Registration

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Funding Choices - Empower your visitors, monetize your content

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National Geographic

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July 11th in Los Angeles, CA - Civil Unrest on the Streets Leads to Near Rioting Effects. | iPigeon.institute blog

Google News - Technology - Latest


Twitter Publish

Live Board Meetings – COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES

Post: Edit

Projects by billing account - Google Cloud Platform

Internal app sharing - iPigeon.institute - A DTLA Carnival Pigeons Blog - Google Play Console

e-Services for Business

Photos - Google Photos

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iTunes Connect

API Library - My Project 52941 - Google API Console

Overview - Google AdSense

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(no title)

Census 2020

Keyboard Service Program for MacBook, MacBook Air, and MacBook Pro - Apple Support

Overview - Google AdSense

Build your reputation and get rewarded in the community - Apple Support

Storage browser – Storage – My Project 52941 – Google Cloud Platform

API Library - My Project 52941 - Google Cloud Platform

[L.A. County - Parks & Rec] CCP Instructor Application - Completed - jay.ammon@ipigeon.institute - ipigeon.institute Mail

GitHub Apps

My Support

Clouds on \Tilt: the mysteries of « beneath the jetstream » [photoblog] | iPigeon.institute blog


LA County Solicitations

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Matthias Endler

Game details - Pigeon Trivia - Google Play Console

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Downloads for Graphics



API Library - My Project 52941 - Google Cloud Platform

Search - Apple Community

Manage your library - Google Photos

Get a $300 USD credit at sign up | Start advertising on TikTok

Photo - Google Photos

Twitter Publish

Live Board Meetings – COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES

Apply for California Multiple Award Schedules

Restricted Access | US EPA

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Los Angeles County Online Reservations and Registration

Ali Billy Bob sent a message to the conversation "Ali · SK hynix 8GB (2x4 GB) PC4-2400T 2666MHz RAM... - jay.ammon@gmail.com - Gmail

Apple Developer Documentation

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Home - Google AdSense

Adobe ID

Apple Developer Program - Apple Developer

Archive - Google Photos

(2) Jay Ammon

Census 2020

Exchange + Repair Extension Programs - Apple Support

Overview - Google AdSense

Home - Google AdSense

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Hard Drive Usage - Apple Community

Storage browser – Storage – My Project 52941 – Google Cloud Platform

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Get the code for your custom search style - AdSense Help

Custom search engines - Google AdSense

All sites - Google AdSense

Los Angeles County Online Reservations and Registration

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Sharing - Google Photos

You’ve been redirected to this page from Funding Choices - Funding Choices Help

‎App Store Connect on the App Store

Choose your country or region - Official Apple Support

Fees, Payment Information, and Refund Policy

Center for the Study of Tobacco Products - Virginia Commonwealth University

A Scot's Dialect Dictionary - William Grant, Alexander Warrack - Google Books

National Geographic

Core Audio Kit | Apple Developer Documentation

Locate a device ID - Xcode Help


Search - Apple Community

Google News - Science - Environment

Puppeteer  |  Tools for Web Developers  |  Google Developers

Los Angeles County

Energy and the Environment | US EPA

Billing accounts - Google Cloud Platform

Bangkok Post: Life channel - Social and Lifestyle

CalJOBS - Forgotten User Name and/or Password

e-Services for Business

App Store Connect

Blogger API v3 – APIs & Services – My Project 52941 – Google API Console

Census 2020

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MacBook Pro 13-inch - Technical Specifications - Apple

New File

Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles - Apple Developer

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New Macbook Air 2020 isn't eligible f… - Apple Community

Transfer Appliance - My Project 52941 - Google Cloud Platform

API Library - My Project 52941 - Google Cloud Platform

iTunes Paid Applications Agreement - jay.ammon@gmail.com - Gmail

System Error

Personal Access Tokens

Grand Park - Google Maps

(2) Messenger

Caltrap Patch

Debugging Node.js with Chrome DevTools - Paul Irish - Medium

A Scot's Dialect Dictionary - William Grant, Alexander Warrack - Google Books

news - Google Search

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App Store Connect

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For my craigslist post readers and prospectives for the closed-track internal testing gig - some blog article on the subject, and some visuals as to what I'm doing. | iPigeon.institute blog

Xcode on MacBook Air 2020 - Apple Community

Google Domains | Register Your Domain Name – Google Domains

MacBook Air - Technical Specifications - Apple

Photo - Google Photos

Sign in - Google Accounts

(no title)



Billing accounts - Google Cloud Platform

Need Help With Sound Synch - computer gigs


App Store Connect


Census 2020

Open Government | US EPA

A methodology of choice in movement patterns within the context of collecting recyclables. | iPigeon.institute blog

Census 2020

Target : Expect More. Pay Less.

Pinterest Trends

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MacBook Air - Apple Community

Google Optimize - Chrome Web Store

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Sign in - Google Accounts

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Installing, upgrading, and uninstalling Config Connector

Small Business Administration

Overview – APIs & Services – My Project 52941 – Google API Console

Marketplace · Tools to improve your workflow

National Geographic

AudioToolbox | Apple Developer Documentation

Register multiple devices - Developer Account Help

App Store Connect

OAuth consent screen – APIs & Services – My Project 52941 – Google API Console

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Pinterest Trends

Enable two-factor authentication

Jay Ammon

Search - Apple Community

Frequently Asked Questions | California Secretary of State

Los Angeles County Vendor Registration

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People at NPR : NPR


Andy Warhol Inspired Photoshop Artist - computer gigs

Billing accounts - Google Cloud Platform

10 Best Hemingway Books, Ranked | The Manual

e-Services for Business

Shopping ads now available for AdSense for search - AdSense Help

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Certification | Bureau of Contract Administration

Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles - Apple Developer

Google Accounts

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MacBook Air - Apple Community

Google Cloud Platform

API Library - My Project 52941 - Google Cloud Platform

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Nationally touring Beatles tribute band seeks "Paul" - creative gigs

Check if your site is eligible for Matched content - AdSense Help

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Sign in - Google Accounts

California State Contracts Register

Businesses | Internal Revenue Service

AdSense Management … – APIs & Services – My Project 52941 – Google API Console

Grand Park - Google Maps

Get started - My Project 52941 - Google Cloud Platform

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For you - Google Photos

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National Geographic

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Google Custom Search

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CBEST Preparation Materials


Apple security updates - Apple Support

Web Authentication

Adobe Account

iPigeon.institute blog

Control Panel  |  Custom Search  |  Google Developers

MacBook Air - Apple Community

Donation History

Home / Twitter

Context-Aware Access – Security – My Project 52941 – Google Cloud Platform

(no title)

Pinterest Analytics

Webmaster Central

Amazon.com : ipad mini 5

3d Marine Division


Small Business Concierge – COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Requirements | EPA Grants | US EPA

(no title)

Adobe ID

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Sign In - Apple

Overview – APIs & Services – My Project 52941 – Google Cloud Platform

Mac - Apple

ipigeoninstituteblog.repository - Source

e-Services for Business

Photo - Google Photos

USB-C to SD Card Reader - Apple


Public Assistance – COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES

Google Cloud Platform


e-Services for Business

IT PERSON - computer gigs

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Refurbished Mac - Apple

Lighthouse Report Viewer

Migrate to Android Studio  |  Android Developers

Post: Edit

Settings – Cloud Build – My Project 52941 – Google Cloud Platform

Google Keep

Failed to open page

(no title)

Event Interest Notification - jay.ammon@scrumbwitsies.us - pidginHub Mail

News from California, the nation and world - Los Angeles Times

Using Google-managed SSL certificates


Overview – APIs & Services – My Project 52941 – Google API Console

Credentials – APIs & Services – My Project 52941 – Google API Console

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Commit Activity · jayammon/ipigeon-institute-blog

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Securing Compute Engine apps and resources with IAP

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Game services - Google Play Console

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Login on Twitter / Twitter

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Inbox (2,519) - jay.ammon@ipigeon.institute - ipigeon.institute Mail

Explore / Twitter


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Enabling IAP for on-premises apps  |  Identity-Aware Proxy

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How to Create a Link to Jump to a Specific Part of a Page [Quick Tip]

AdSense Management … – APIs & Services – My Project 52941 – Google API Console

About the security content of macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Supplemental Update, Security Update 2020-003 High Sierra - Apple Support

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Filter explicit results using SafeSearch - Computer - Google Search Help


Refurbished Mac - MacBook Air - Apple

Topical CSE  |  Custom Search  |  Google Developers

App releases - iPigeon.institute - A DTLA Carnival Pigeons Blog - Google Play Console

Adobe Illustrator Learn & Support

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RE: Potential Phone Interview with the 2020 Census - jay.ammon@ipigeon.institute - ipigeon.institute Mail

Parks Needs Assessment – County of Los Angeles

Mobile Data Usage & Savings Calculator | Spectrum Mobile


Security alert - jay.ammon@scrumbwitsies.us - pidginHub Mail

DCBA Small Business (@LACoSmallBiz) / Twitter

Using Google-managed SSL certificates  |  Load Balancing  |  Google Cloud

Home / Twitter

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Welcome to MacBook Air Essentials - Apple Support

Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles - Apple Developer


iPigeon.institute blog

Account - Apple Developer

macOS - Apple Developer

ipigeon.institute Mail

Drive storage

Prime and subcontracting

Content rating - iPigeon.institute - A DTLA Carnival Pigeons Blog - Google Play Console


Google News - Science - Wildlife

pidginHub Mail

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Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) | Caltrans

Perform at LAPL | Los Angeles Public Library

California eProcurement Portal

Roberto Solorio Jr. (@robsol75) / Twitter


Artifact library - iPigeon.institute - A DTLA Carnival Pigeons Blog - Google Play Console

Adobe Illustrator Learn & Support

Grand Park - Google Maps

Post: Edit


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Download music, movies, games, software! The Pirate Bay - The galaxy's most resilient BitTorrent site

Get started - My Project 52941 - Google Cloud Platform

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App Store Connect

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Bookmarks / Twitter

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Workbox  |  Google Developers

Sign In

Config Connector overview  |  Config Connector Documentation

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Topic / Twitter

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Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles - Apple Developer

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Twitter Publish

Dashboard - iPigeon.institute - A DTLA Carnival Pigeons Blog - Google Play Console

Search Results

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DBE Certification Information | Caltrans

Event Details Accept Invitation

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Using Google-managed SSL certificates



Forks · jayammon/ipigeon-institute-blog

Account - Apple Developer

Buy iPad Pro - Apple

(no title)

API Library - My Project 52941 - Google Cloud Platform

App releases - iPigeon.institute - A DTLA Carnival Pigeons Blog - Google Play Console

Sign In

Post Editor: Preview

High-definition likelihood inference of genetic correlations across human complex traits

API Library - My Project 52941 - Google API Console


Search Gallery  |  Search  |  Google Developers

Your digital subscription is now ready to use - jay.ammon@ipigeon.institute - ipigeon.institute Mail

Los Angeles County Online Reservations and Registration

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Account Quality

Send push notifications from your web server - Developer Account Help

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Purchase orders

Jay Ammon, Founding Director at iPigeon.institute on Twitter: "This morning, I discovered #UniversalApps on the @AppStore for #macOSBigSur. They're apps that I had purchased on my iPads, or iPhones, previously (which I had all lost, at this point in time) - so I'm excited to see converted apps native on my MacBook Air https://t.co/nVvIDTqKhs" / Twitter

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Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles - Apple Developer

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Non-profit seeking social media volunteer - volunteers

Arts and Culture | ladowntownnews.com

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Lighthouse Report Viewer

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Traffic · jayammon/ipigeon-institute-blog

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Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles - Apple Developer

App Store Connect

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Domain names - bNamed.net

La Belle Mixtape | Summer Memories | Henri PFR - YouTube

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Los Angeles County Vendor Registration

Apartment Therapy | Saving the world, one room at a time

OAuth application settings

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Lighthouse Report Viewer

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Firebase console

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API Library - My Project 52941 - Google API Console

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Google Keep

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Publish and curate – Twitter Developers

Services & APIs - iPigeon.institute - A DTLA Carnival Pigeons Blog - Google Play Console

(no title)

MyLA311: Pending - Homeless Encampment - 1800 S GRAND AVE, 90015 - jay.ammon@scrumbwitsies.us - pidginHub Mail


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Adswerve - dataLayer Inspector+ - Chrome Web Store

Made By Design : Backpacks : Target

Securing on-premises apps and resources with IAP

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Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles - Apple Developer

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Software Downloads - Apple Developer

Certified Refurbished Products - Apple

Post: Edit

Photo - Google Photos

Blackmagic eGPU - Apple


API Library - My Project 52941 - Google Cloud Platform

Homeless Services – COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES

iPigeon institute blog – iPigeon institute blog – Firebase console

Private Information

Online Services

People in quarantine may be experiencing 'skin hunger' due to genetics, study suggests | Fox News

Support - Apple Developer

Target : Expect More. Pay Less.

Post: Edit


Active Contracts – Parks & Recreation

Consumer Affairs Advisory Commission – Consumer & Business

Macbook air processor - Apple Community

Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles - Apple Developer

Sign in - Google Accounts

Jay Ammon, Founding Director at iPigeon.institute (@jay_ammon) / Twitter

All applications - Google Play Console

App signing - iPigeon.institute - A DTLA Carnival Pigeons Blog - Google Play Console

e-Services for Business

Create a new billin… – Billing – Cloud Source Repositories

Event Details Accept Invitation

State Information Data Exchange System

Prepare for Life Post-Quarantine - Marine Corps Community

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App Store Connect

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Compose new Tweet / Twitter

Create a California opt-out message - Funding Choices Help

Beta Software - Download - Apple Developer

iPad - Apple

Photo - Google Photos

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macOS Big Sur Preview - Apple


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View Test History



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Google Keep

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Census 2020

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Events - Dashbot

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Jay Ammon, Founding Director at iPigeon.institute (@jay_ammon) / Twitter

Leaderboards - Pigeon Trivia - Google Play Console

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" / Twitter

Blogger: iPigeon.institute blog - Edit post

iPigeon institute blog – Firebase console

Google Docs

EDD Labor Market Information Division - Home Page

Check if your site is eligible for Matched content - AdSense Help

Eligibility Requirements


Personalization – User preferences – No organization – Cloud Source Repositories

Sign in - Google Accounts

(no title)

About Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification | Internal Revenue Service

Try App Engine now - My Project 52941 - Google Cloud Platform


iPigeon institute blog – Firebase console


Homepage - Material Design

Inbox (5,192) - jay.ammon@gmail.com - Gmail

Enable two-factor authentication

More Software Downloads - Apple Developer

Photo - Google Photos

Prepare and Submit Your 8(a) Initial Application - Certify Knowledge Base - Confluence

Maps APIs and Servi… – Google Maps – My Project 52941 – Google Cloud Platform

Grand Park - Google Maps

Frontier FiOS Internet & TV | Frontier.com


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API Library - My Project 52941 - Google API Console

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California State Board of Equalization

Insert and manage anchor links on your blog posts, pages, and knowledge base articles

Documentation | Dashbot

Concierge – Consumer & Business

Search - Apple Community

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Sign in - Google Accounts

Inbox (2,561) - jay.ammon@ipigeon.institute - ipigeon.institute Mail

Language & region – User preferences – No organization – Cloud Source Repositories

Event Details Accept Invitation

Skid Row Community Volunteer to create act of peace this Sunday -...

Google Cloud Platform

Salad Guts - Marine Corps Community

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Self-Employed Individuals Tax Center | Internal Revenue Service

Components - Material Design

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App releases - iPigeon.institute - A DTLA Carnival Pigeons Blog - Google Play Console

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Enable two-factor authentication

Jay Ammon, Founding Director at iPigeon.institute (@jay_ammon) / Twitter

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Photos - Google Photos

Linked apps - Pigeon Trivia - Google Play Console

Event Interest Notification - jay.ammon@scrumbwitsies.us - pidginHub Mail

Pandemic Unemployment Assistance


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California Tax Service Center

National Geographic

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Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles - Apple Developer

Explore / Twitter

Twitter Documentation - Dashbot

Jay Ammon, Founding Director at iPigeon.institute (@jay_ammon) / Twitter

iPigeon.institute blog

About link ads - AdSense Help

Google Docs

Webinar Registration - Zoom

Announcements - AdSense Help

Communication – User preferences – No organization – Cloud Source Repositories

(no title)

Google Keep

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Cover Letter Best Practices - Marine Corps Community

California Training Benefits

Chrome DevTools Protocol

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Webmaster Central

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Blackmagic eGPU Pro - Apple

Maps APIs and Servi… – Google Maps – My Project 52941 – Google Cloud Platform

Explore / Twitter

All sites - Google AdSense

Franchise Tax Board Homepage | FTB.ca.gov

Jay <> Product Manager at Google - jay.ammon@gmail.com - Gmail

Voice of Customer - Thank you Page

Sewage could be early warning system for COVID-19 | Science|Business

New, Ground-Breaking Apple iPad Pro Coming, Reports Say

Home - PayPal


Tom Bradley (American politician) - Wikipedia

EPA Grants | US EPA

Census 2020

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Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles - Apple Developer

Official Apple Support

Twitter Intents - Dashbot

Eric Naiburg (@enaiburg) / Twitter


Billing – Cloud Source Repositories

Google Docs

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Search Console

Post Editor: Preview

Projects by billing account - Google Cloud Platform

Sign in - Google Accounts

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iPigeon institute blog – Firebase console

Google Analytics integration - Google AdSense

AUAudioUnitFactory - AudioToolbox | Apple Developer Documentation

Product icons - Material Design

API Library - My Project 52941 - Google Cloud Platform

InnoViola (@InnoViola) / Twitter

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eCRATER News, updates, what's new

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

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Sign in - Google Accounts

Maps APIs and Servi… – Google Maps – My Project 52941 – Google Cloud Platform

Event Interest Notification - jay.ammon@scrumbwitsies.us - pidginHub Mail

Blogger: Posts

Jay <> Product Manager at Spotify - jay.ammon@ipigeon.institute - ipigeon.institute Mail

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People with Disabilities – COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES

Google News - Science - Wildlife

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Custom search engines - Google AdSense

Employment Development Department

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Tom Bradley (American politician) - Wikipedia


Form W-9 (Rev. October 2018)

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Mesh Wi-Fi Networking - All Accessories - Apple

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Auto ads settings - AdSense Help

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California eProcurement Portal - Login

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Google Analytics integration - Google AdSense

Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)

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People following Jay Ammon, Founding Director at iPigeon.institute (@jay_ammon) / Twitter

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Video Editor for Small Business Startup - computer gigs

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Sign in - Google Accounts

Post: Edit

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Post: Edit


Jay Ammon, Founding Director at iPigeon.institute (@jay_ammon) / Twitter

Create a new billin… – Billing – Cloud Source Repositories

View your existing ad units - AdSense Help

Sign in - Google Accounts

Tech Support Needed - computer gigs

Billing accounts - Google Cloud Platform

GitHub.com Help Documentation - GitHub Help

(no title)

Adobe Account

404 Error Page

SSL certificates overview  |  Load Balancing  |  Google Cloud

Start Your Job Search While Staying Inside - Marine Corps Community

iPigeon institute blog – Authentication – Firebase console

(no title)

Product icons - Material Design

Entertainment Tonight (@etnow) / Twitter

Technology News - CNET News - CNET

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Enable two-factor authentication

Failed to open page

Maps APIs and Servi… – Google Maps – My Project 52941 – Google Cloud Platform

Post: Edit

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Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles - Apple Developer

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Jay Ammon, Founding Director at iPigeon.institute (@jay_ammon) / Twitter

View your existing ad units - AdSense Help

Sign in - Google Accounts

Add a web app manifest

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Billing accounts - Google Cloud Platform

[reblog] From Twitter: social distancing in sparrows. | iPigeon.institute blog

Requesting Alternative Testing Arrangements

Post: Edit

Employer Services Online


Vendor Registration - jay.ammon@ipigeon.institute - ipigeon.institute Mail

Blogger: Pages

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Tools and Utilities

App Store Connect

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API Library - My Project 52941 - Google Cloud Platform

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Adobe ID

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Overview – APIs & Services – My Project 52941 – Google Cloud Platform

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Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles - Apple Developer

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SB/DVBE Certification

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California eProcurement Portal

Sign In

Overview - Google AdSense

Google Cloud Platform

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iPigeon institute blog – Authentication – Firebase console

Search & explore - Google Photos


Take a tour of MacBook Air - Apple Support

Webmaster Central

Compose Mail - jay.ammon@gmail.com - Gmail

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California eProcurement Portal

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API Library - My Project 52941 - Google Cloud Platform

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Small Business Enterprise Certification (SBE) - Certify Knowledge Base - Confluence

jayammon (Jay Ammon, Founding Director, iPigeon.institute; PidginHub.app)

Adobe ID


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Overview – APIs & Services – My Project 52941 – Google Cloud Platform

Event Interest Notification - jay.ammon@ipigeon.institute - ipigeon.institute Mail

Create Your Own Class at LA County Parks – Parks & Recreation

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Post: Edit

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Jay Ammon, Founding Director at iPigeon.institute (@jay_ammon) / Twitter

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Google AdMob

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SafeLink Wireless


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Jay Ammon, Founding Director at iPigeon.institute on Twitter: "@LAPD77thSt; I'm... hmm.. colloquially and inferentially supposing that somebody I know, or who's « close » in proximity, i.e. nearby me, at this home, that I stay at - is jackin' juice, off the grid, or direct line, or maybe it's some battery acid thing. I do happen to live" / Twitter

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Google Drive

Connect external repository

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Web app manifests | MDN

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To Rescue or Not, That is the Question With Distressed Animals

SafeLink Wireless

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AdSense Management … – APIs & Services – My Project 52941 – Google API Console

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Overview - Google AdSense

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Census 2020

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Jay Ammon, Founding Director at iPigeon.institute on Twitter: "@LAPD77thSt; I'm... hmm.. colloquially and inferentially supposing that somebody I know, or who's « close » in proximity, i.e. nearby me, at this home, that I stay at - is jackin' juice, off the grid, or direct line, or maybe it's some battery acid thing. I do happen to live" / Twitter

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Vendor Registration - jay.ammon@ipigeon.institute - ipigeon.institute Mail

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AdSense Community

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Los Angeles County Vendor Registration

Audio - Apple Developer

STAPLES Center - Google Maps

Los Angeles County Vendor Registration

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Explore / Twitter

Census 2020

Developer page - Google Play Console

Census 2020

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Ask a Question - AdSense Community

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Facebook Marketplace | Facebook

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Post: Edit


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AMP - a web component framework to easily create user-first web experiences - amp.dev

Census 2020

Grand Park - Google Maps

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Google News - Health - Latest

Google Maps

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Information Needed - jay.ammon@ipigeon.institute - ipigeon.institute Mail

Sign in - Google Accounts

News | ladowntownnews.com

Add repository


Log-in help - bNamed.net

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Small Business Administration

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Crawler access - Google AdSense

Reports - Google AdSense

Adobe ID

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STAPLES Center - Google Maps

Individual to Organization Membership Update - Apple Developer

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Tools for Web Developers  |  Google Developers

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Opinion | ladowntownnews.com

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Central Library (@laplcentral) / Twitter

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