Here, in the Greater Los Angeles region,
people are generally commonly concerned with the quality and sustainable "health" of our environmental ecology. That being said, I've not gotten enough time in, in researching official documents and developments that had been put out (ostensibly): in essence, we hear, and see, in our news feeds, televised news reports, etc., that climate changes are coming, or are happening. I feel that, perhaps contextually, in the sense of a "spring cleaning," we can take an assessment of where we are, for the year's outset, and outlook, for that matter, being that spring would somewhat be the time for the emergence of conservational efforts that had been put forth, during the winter; things to consider, such as: had winter landscapes, with forward-looking "signs of spring" to look forward to - had these landscapes been planted? Are civic landscapes being maintained with care? "Does the population care, at all?" would come to mind, perhaps, in some cases, being that concerns and aesthetics such as this sort of civic upkeep markers of things to consider, had largely been disregarded, this year, with many landscaping jobs that could have been done, instead: seem to be simply "leftovers" of last year's trimming of the bushes, here and there, at times, I observed, out in the Civic Center of Downtown Los Angeles, for example, where many of the maintenance jobs, in town, also end up being disregarded, it would seem.
Heading out to the Century City area, to check on the pigeon flock, out here, which I'd given much care for, I have the opportunity to hang out, and peruse a more upscale aesthetic, especially with the landscaping aspect in mind: planters had been planted, the planters are not "ruined" by the public, in general. I had some planting aspirations in mind, for better sustainability and management of my ongoing role, as a homeless person, out at all hours, as it were, as I move about, and around, in town, within the nitrogen cycle.
I hadn't read "the book" on the nitrogen cycle, which happens to be available at the local Los Angeles Public Library Central Branch - although I did take a quick look at it (I know that it's there, at least, 😏 perhaps as a reference book [only for in-library reading, not for check out]). What I come to observe about nitrogen, at this point in time, is largely colloquial and common knowledge sorts of stuff. In my generation, we recollect the blockbuster movie hit, The Terminator, which featured one of our (both) beloved or reviled: [depending on individual tastes, I suppose] California governors - Arnold Schwarzenegger: a futuristic worldscape of a war-torn technological establishment, sworn to duty, thus bent on exterminating humanity (was it one of the sequels? I forget).
In any case, many of us would recall, and reference - the hijacked tanker of liquid nitrogen that overturns, during a battle, and spills out its contents: a hopeless flood of sub-zero material that freezes the formidable shape-shifting, self-healing robot opponent - yet, only temporarily.
With this in mind, the correlation I draw, as one of the few DTLA civic center homeless people, on an ongoing basis, I feel... hmm <_<... I guess that I'm regularly feeling like I'm also being inundated with this liquid nitrogen substance, with how the slight nuances of windy drafts feel like they seem to have an "unnatural" slant, now, these recent years, in consideration. On one hand, I remember how cold I used to be, and it's definitely not like the cold of these recent years. These days, even the cold water is colder. It's not that I'd changed, all that much - I feel that some people, who indulge in bullying me, at moments like these nights, in which I stay outside, unwillingly, as it were, might be holding something with regards to "accepting change," (as folks familiar with the 12 Steps self help program could draw up, as the popular culture point of reference), against me, and, as I sleep at night, battles are waged against me, with this "futuristic" liquid nitrogen substance being one of the token tools of war.
On one hand, it feels compelling, I suppose, (for some), to dominate someone, aside from themselves - wielding forces of nature (atmospherics, physics, materials, etc.), with liquid nitrogen at hand.
The economics of playing around with liquid nitrogen are potentially easy fare, for the festively: for cold war games to play out - on others, "feelin' like" people. For whatever reason, at some point, during these recent years that I'd been through, where I'd have had to "consider" (experience) that some sort of locally-applied environmental coolant agent is the effect au jour, as it were, that I have to go through, for whatever reason.
Maybe it's literally for my own better protection, as I do my best, customarily, when I'm out and about, doing the homeless person thing, once again, (in life), to prepare myself for outlier occurence weather events, as well as the more generalized regional weather, but, gosh - it's become so obvious - I'm going through micro-localized weather outcomes being laid out on me: the clouds - some of them, between the sun and myself, for example, hang low, and they're grey, meaning that they're dense, and doubled over, up top, by additional atmospheric clouds, which are white, memorably - as we'd recall, to a large degree, truly grey and cloudy days, here, in Southern California, and, more specifically, perhaps, in Los Angeles, ... 🤔 yet, here, in this context, I'd had become aware of the fact of that practically any and much of the outlying areas, surrounding Downtown LA, for example, are, (at these times), concurrently blue skies; without any cloud cover - in essence, suggestive of that some form of civil engineering be at hand. Who knows, perhaps some folks need to be chased, or hurried, at a minimum, out of town? The essence, of this micro-locales issue, in the consideration of vast and unnatural (man-made) disparities of temperatures, is a brutal thing to weather, so to speak. Some people end up ragged and disheveled; kicked to the curb, so to speak. Take, for example, that radiation damage to an individual's belongings takes place in a different segment of temperature spectrum - not roasting hot, as in, hot to the touch, but rather, the cold, the dryness, consequentially, being that water "disappears;" evaporates, or something like that (remember The Terminator movie thing), and "standard" violable metrics of discerning insult, or injury, or even of establishing measurements, in accessible means, by and large, becomes an unobtainable scenario to achieve. It's just people playing games, as a person in power, to some limited extent.
Just how accessible, on the other hand, is it, to obtain liquid nitrogen - for f*cktard'd reasons, like "cooling down," smoking illicit drugs, terrorizing people? Apparently, it's conceivably within reach:
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Google Shopping options and availability, in this instance of my search query, for "liquid nitrogen price," (without quotes, as entered in the search form). |
Apparently, this sort of strange habit becomes a type of service industry to fulfill. In a more traditional sense, nitrogen is much more familiar as an agricultural primary nutrient, yet, easily - it's commonly known that an over-application of a fertilizer product containing nitrogen will quickly wilt the leaves of a plant, and, consequentially, have the potential to kill the plant. In an untouched (by humans) natural environment, nitrogen exists as both atmospheric gas, with atomic number 7, as well as in soil, where nitrogen undergoes variable nitrogen cycle processes, along with available soil nutrients and resources such as oxygen.
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A Google "card" widget snippet, discussing the variable desirability (thermodynamically-speaking) of the various forms of nitrogen cycle which are undergone, once nitrogen enters the soil. |
Anyways, I had some aspirations to plant some peas, locally, around town, and I encounter constant opposition to that notion, in my internalized mind (or whatever kind of "mind" I happen to be experiencing, at the time). Sometimes it's some person standing in the way of me doing this simple work; for example, the management at the place where I stay, now, forbids me to bring my stuff in to the home - food, even, ... even though I'm not retarded. There's a bunch of problems there, in that regard.
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A subdomain blog post I composed, on my birthday, last month, concerning my pea-growing aspirations. |
So, what to do about nitrogen in the environment, in it's various forms? On one hand, it's used to manufacture explosives (I guess), with the traditional common knowledge tidbit, that we're taught, as children, in school.
Some follow-up topics to consider:
- bottling up urine and flushing it, when caught in an accidental need situation to pee, outside. In instances where I am capable of it, I take on this challenge, for others who had fallen short of reaching the restroom, who had made sure to take me up on my suggestion to bottle up their urine, which I'd put forth in more private disclosures, previously.
- fragrances (natural fragrances) as carbon capture and wind energy resources, to dispel poisoning incidents, where unfavorable (anaerobic, or "lesser oxygenized") forms of nitrogen-cycle compounds have proliferated. The fragrance molecules are best put to use as aerolyzed, hydrolyzed sprays, in diffusion (be careful, in combustible materials situations [I suppose]).
Remember, that here, in Los Angeles, and, in California, consider ourselves a largely agriculturally-based state, and, innovatve, for that matter, and, foreseeably, we could stand a chance of avoiding more costly, or improbable, measures seen through, or not, of engineering efforts put towards avoiding our land ending up sinking below sea level, to the detriment of established work that had already been done, well enough.