iPigeon.institute blog: distros

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Showing posts with label distros. Show all posts
Showing posts with label distros. Show all posts

Thursday, October 21

Lately, my Facebook News Feed is a Glorious Cash Cow, of Menial Effort Required.

 The thought of it is obviously compelling - easy cash, for doing “most-simplistic” sorts of tasks, completing surveys, questionnaires, mystery shopping, etc. 

But how does one discover, or happen upon, this sort of chance deal and offer, in one’s own news feed, etc.? 

As I’d noted, in prior blogs, or on my social media newsfeed outputs, themselves, (for me, that would be mostly on my Facebook or one of my various Twitter (okay, mostly - I have 2 Twitter accounts): the point is, is that sometimes, I try to list out, and reiterate - some sort of moralistic aptitude, of life’s fated time-in-passing’s “lore,” as it were, …

Actually, as I hear people whackin’ and smackin’ shit, out over in the background. 

Brian Laundrie just got fwopped bwopp out somewhere, over on the news… “Hey? Huh…?” 

Then, there’s the “try: to remember;” thing - what was it. What is it? The response? 

For how do-doo I did people, out here, out in this implode-cell of lavish indulgence and ego? I did people do-doo. 

Friday, December 20

For frustrated developers-would-be(s), the definitive Linux and UNIX (macOS) package management and installation toolset for source code files.

This is super important. 

For many people entering in to the development foray on mobile devices (largely); these are imaginably novices (admittedly) in developing their interests and skills in running and managing a Linux distro on meager resources (although time-scaled duplicity and miniaturization [nano] has produced a leaner showing of some breadwinners of iPigeons tech food diet intake, and two of these operating system and integrated development environment platforms stand at the forefront of popularity and adopt-ed-ness amongst those developing within the aforementioned constraints. 

The first is Alpine Linux,  which (incidentally) also effluently capitulates and encapsulates the second,  which is Debian.  

In essence,  (however), the truth of the matter is that even our own devices (excluding older Microsoft Windows releases, and mobile cellular device manufacturers' mock-up operating systems) had been running a UNIX filesystem fs  all along,  with our folder structures and symbolic relativity folders, users,  and systems structures being based on the fundamentals of the UNIX operating system formats. Even websites see structured on UNIX fs. Many structures of common websites,  at least.  

The licensing files of our devices' settings menus would reveal a vast gamut of historic development libraries indebted to open-source Linux and UNIX programmers and computer science engineers.  

But what about actually that really work?

i.e. apt-get, apk-install, homebrew this, pod file that... 

Let's be real.  For many readers of this article, it could be their first encounter of how of on timeliness the mentioning of the slage of on weather conditions in southern California; whereas many of us on welfare, here in Los Angeles,  CA,  have been running our cellular device localizations (via our service providers) strangely in Texas, or from the Illinois area. Ostensibly, it's broadcast wavelength bandwidth and real estate for servers to be placed in,  and contracted out - for whatever reason, probably on account of ineptitude and mismanagement, of waste, and sustainability being furloughed off into the slage,  but the slage lately deserves some mention,  just as an incidental to the development work that goes on,  on these devices. 

Alright,  diversion done,  now back to business.  I'll keep it quick and simple; it's all that desperate and foundling struggling developer minds struggle on, like its slage of on] Old-English 800, truly malt liquor, strugglin' for that bwapp - of UNIX source code package management downloads get it get it make the installation happen kind of thing.  

But it just doesn't. Ostensibly,  it's a cruelty game of virtualization environments that download the significant features of a platform compiler release, but the functionality fwopps one in to the toilet, of a much unexpectedly needful trip to the toilet of on slage.

It doesn't build the packages. Any of them. They slage powder puff marketing slage bwapp upon users (end-users); ostensibly picking on the most vulnerable and most millennial of on jaunted post-Olde English 800 days; "maybe some day," I figure,  but for now,  the bwamm. 

Such is the internal conflict at the heart of many young minds of this generation, trying to develop on mobile.  

The thing is, is that you need Gnome autotools,  and this iconic life-saving post-slage device-brightness, of how of on jaunt, the slage? I would have denied that the smells are actually coming from me, but strangely (too strange to tell everyone,  all the time) that it's just the slage dendrites ionic bwamm - of a fresh one,  just out of the porta-potty, ready to feed some pigeons.  

Okay.  The pigeons thing is just my thing,  to a large degree. 

But autotools Gnome package manager tools and code language compiler, independent of choice? - still works,  but once you get the stuff of how it works,  it'll slage a way of on bwaff of "nahh, I wouldn't doubt that such and such,  yeah I wear my clothes for weeks on end,  and slage,  but it's totally different for other people." 

Sort of thing. 

Ostensibly,  some homeless encampments down off of Beverly or up Temple, or something - got a dump of clothing charity of more than ostensibly necessary or needed, right now,  but oh? 

For someone out there,  (I took a shower softer I took a sweater from the stuff last night), there's clothes out on the street right now, over there.  

True,  the pleasure of running a Graphical User Interface application that was a la carte built from source is a manifold pleasurable thing,  and skill,  but now you're high-flying, running your Gnome autotools ./configure | make | sudo make install | aclocal.m4 

and stuff...  

It all makes sense,  right on a most-simplistic and easy-reading article post - right here

A look at perfection,  of development work composition for learners. 

Thanks for reading. 

The sh*tsicles of the bwippn'in would be that this is the article that you needed to discover,  and all the other stuff that's discoverable is largely garbage,  of on fwopp. 

Thursday, November 21

Using iPadOS 13 for Java app development and source file context evaluations.

Outside of jailbreaking your iOS device that you would otherwise intend to use for Apple’s Developer Program development, there aren’t many easily discoverable (and free) bash shell command line interfaces à la Mac OS X like many of us, in this generation, had grown up with and are fond of, when it comes time to sudo root out a fixie solution for developing on our native operating system and devices. By the way, jailbreaking your iOS device under the Apple Developer Program’s Terms of Service and License Agreements is not allowed, for various reasons which apparently void the AppleCare on a device. 

However, for the die-hard searchers who are done trying to jailbreak their device, play by the rules, and seek out legitimate and ordained solutions in their quest to maintain legacy habits of command-line interface device and UNIX-based OS development, I (just today) discovered a great app solution that fits this problem just right, through Apple’s TestFlight, a beta app distribution interface, feedback and user ticketing service on osxdaily.com, where they feature a Linux shell app that runs Alpine Linux through the host device’s RAM (to begin with), and allows the user to use the ‘apk’ command to search for and install packages from repositories to make a quick ad hoc Linux distro on an iOS | iPadOS device. Thanks, osxdaily!

I’ve just started to delve in to the bash shell command line interface basis of development again, so I’m a bit rusty, although I had just configured a nice Debian Linux base, core, and unstable packages installation on one of my Google Android OS (TCL) smartphones using Termux from the Google Play Store. As it turns out, many of the repositories used for developing both iOS and Android apps and programs are the same, essentially, when taking in to consideration the source code foundations of the development libraries, binaries, and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). The difficulty I’d been having on the iPadOS format is due to some of the intrinsic values that Apple implements in their App Store and Developer Program offerings of terms of service with development standards such as Java, which is one of the formative pillars of the MAC OS X operating system - they don’t want package archives and resources to execute script and codes outside of having been approved for and distributed under signed certificates that the Apple Developer Program system has as part of the app Production process.

By the way, here’s the link to the TestFlight beta for iSH - the iOS and iPadOS Linux Terminal solution.

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