iPigeon.institute blog: ad hoc

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Showing posts with label ad hoc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ad hoc. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 17

Nourishment, in the time of Radio-Nuclear Evolutionary Establishment.

 According to some reports I’ve heard, of the day, 

Hmm… maybe never mind. But somebody said that we don’t need to eat any more, and that simply… well. I dunno. 

Okay. The premise was that I cooked a meal from stuff I had stored in the freezer, the other day. That was days ago. Now, tonight, (earlier), I heard somebody say that they were fed from the cooking of the food, in and of itself, and that a town nearby here (nearby Los Angeles, that is), got nuked, and everyone is blind, in the area, currently. Now, I’m just about feeding the pigeons, mostly; let’s not forget. I’m a bit fairly traumatized and nerve-wracked about these people seeking some sort of imminent victory of aggression and dominance over others, as if life exists for nothing, but, say: dominance, narcissism, grandiosity, delusions, impetuousness, recalcitrance, and caprice, as some of the primary features. 

Now, I won’t say that somebody else’s home is a different place; by all means. I’m tacitly befuddled by many of the things that get passed off as viable “things” that I hear, and, to be certain, people scarcely speak to me in person, and I doubt that people would take the trouble to encounter me, in person, to tell me such wild fables and vivid lore, in a world where a person is their total and replete self; not some farcical and imaginative play-world that our 2021-version of remote sensing encounters and accountability is, where things of an unsociable nature typically get passed off as pro-adversarial abuses, of oppositional figures, being exhibited to their witting and intentional victims, and whereas these sorts of encounters seem to elicit no long-standing or consequential outcomes, in life, for no matter the magnitudes of depravity and social authority in our civilian culture. 

Is this a game of condescending authority upon us, by our higher power, who manages these remote sensing encounters? I’m so largely wrought up of remote sensing topics and hearsay; I’m quite obviously made strange, so to speak. A person of my age and aptitude, and good-willing Christian nature, ought not be made to be so trivial and trifling a subject. I find that the prominent issue at task, here, which is being disavowed, of primary value and worth - is that higher talents and some of the facets of the various intelligences, of our minds, are being ignored, or overlooked, and certain individuals, myself, as for my personal cares, as for the moment, could do better, much more so, and profitably, if our higher capabilities and talents were being extolled, or at least, not burdened by the belittling of our personage and intrinsic worth, through such defilements and debasement. 

By no means - society has not shifted in to a new defining evolutionary paradigm, and change happens slowly. This is a nation of many, many individuals, and lands, frontiers, and of various geographies and climate subtypes. I feel that some people are forgetting the elementary teachings, of our youth, in public school environments, that we had, of the understanding of, and teachings, thereof, about the diversity, as well as the unity, and defining, formative traits that we uphold, in America, where we celebrate freedom: these entrapping aggressive captors, of the free individual, stand boldly against the grain, in our America, and these people must be held accountable, somehow. I am not the man to conquer all needs, as being fulfilled, or virtuous, for that matter, by any means, and I can only do so much. People would typically understand me as that I commonly feed the pigeons, in the civic center area of town, for example. It is a task that takes much longer, perhaps, than expected, and it does come out of my own personal budget, which is currently quite a menial take, in terms of benefits I receive, from the welfare establishment of the state and local government, as well as funneled down from the federal government, in the larger picture. 

I won’t validate all things that I hear, to hold forth, in the minds, and across the eyes of my literate readership; some things, … well, my take is, is that something of curious notoriety, happenstance, which occurs, that we may come across, if it be a viable social more to have come to comprehend, as an enduring trait, in life, ought be considered, tucked away, and wait for a similar defining occurrence that would happen again, and again, in life, until it could be commonly observed, discerned, and relatable, amongst peers of intelligence and experience. My perspectives upon life are significantly in detriment, for that I am so commonly lied to, going on, so many years, with so much of my experience in remote sensing. 

Saturday, February 29

Some predating corroboration that others had found their iDevice, given pigeons, comparatively a fond marriage of affections. (a reblog from Digiday)



Given that I happened upon (was well-paired, of personal traits, in affinities, thereof [of]), the branding establishment of “iPigeon” that was effected, of my personal happenstance, in seeking a blog publishing domain, for the sake of various developments to be worked out, and worked at, over the formative underlying basis of that the ideas would have website domain statistics and analytics to be measured, of viable popular themes of imaginative endeavor, or of intellectual foundations of new research, through public offering of these ideas and aspirations in article form, I was confronted, upon enthusiasm for happening upon custom domains under the oversight entity of Google’s stability in reputable product delivery of their commonly used applications and services - with coming to terms of that there was a first-off, prior establishment of such similarly organic originality in conceptual branding that had been established of the .com of the iPigeon brand company title; yet the variant flexibility in marketable branding persona was still rich, for the sake of many dozens of viable enterprise pursuits of a disparity contrast of respectable space, such that these contexts would not conceivably violate common ground, and enterprise, given expectations of soundness in decency and competitive ethics. 

Given that, I stalked my branding identity, the other night, and I happened upon another predating occurrence of the origin sightings of the digital iPigeon creature having sprung into existence, on some other Apple mobile device aficionado’s contingently particular quirk of that the individual was obviously fond of birds, on a personal level, as well.

Saturday, October 6

An unexpected turn of events in green pine cone burgeoning sapling ad hoc research: an ad hoc burgeoning of instantaneous sproutling and mineral growth upon Del Mar Park puddle un-mud-covering wash-off of the green pine cone.

I didn't have batteries to video tape it, and it would have been particularly sight beyond belief, as I spun the pine cone around in the early morning gutter puddles of Del Mar Park, in Pasadena. The green pine cone, being covered in mud, as I had it, to preserve the progress I'd made of last time: using it as an incense resin development tool; here, the life energy of the pine cone was brought forth as an experiment of the localization I found myself in, being squaftph'ed of my strength in csrryinv recyclables further, through the park: one day, and I ended up babbling to a supposed oppositional force, being the drinking alcohol sort, which happens to be a common (delusional) belief that I have of the nearby watering hole, by the train station.

As I spent the night out there, perhaps later I'll expand upon it; I spotted, just prior to watering time for the lawn: some notions of ionically empowered creatures of parasitical sort, along with what appeared to just as well be their empirical needs fodder for survival, appearing completely ad hoc upon my blanket: dark creatures of diseases past, of civilization, and material mineral salts, all ad hoc, surprisingly; if anything imaginably ad hoc could be envisioned. Seemingly comically out of nowhere, as it may have been otherwise; a blanket search (silly) of ad hoc crystal meth, out of nowhere; yet I'd notably long-been over that habit, bar none. If was silly that it was happening to me, yet I found myself taken by it, as perhaps by tribulation upon my hours upon end of ranting to an invisible someone, or something.

That being said, and having had happened, I curiously searched around the nearby gutters, as would be iPigeon sort commonplace of me, in downtown LA. Yet, this being Pasadena, and the strange nature of things that had established themselves; I figured that strange inquiries of the gutter might just as well suffice, particularly since I had been ousted by the morning sprinklers, and I felt that, from the common passers-by of late night and early morning, it wouldn't be particularly unseemly if I pigeon'ed around as a gutter-curious one.

     style="display:block; text-align:center;"

That being said, many wonders of gutter ad hoc life-burgeoning activ-ization of reality and development "ad hoc;" for how much ionic mineral worth and cigar ritualization investment had been given to my pine cone, covered in mud, I truly got to witness a wonder of nature, with my green pine cone, covered in mud: as anything it might end up as, for growth is considered - it definitely created ad hoc rocks, moving sightly sprouts, of gutter tall tree root growth extent, and some roots seemed to grow out of the pine cone itself, yet it was covered in mud; I've just now removed the mud to investigate, and the cone seems a volatile object of needing (at such escalated ionic mineral and human-intervened growth potential) constant care in order to see this thing through to sprouting a sapling.

Another development query at hand, is if it was the pine cone itself, which burgeoned instantaneous growth in the gutter root puddles of cement and root mixture, or if it was the ionic minerals themselves? Obviously, the pine cone had much in the way of ionic mineral resource, yet I wonder if by dipping the pine cone into the gutter puddles, if it also took some of the life of the pine cone away from it; and if this method might also see forth an agricultural process homesteading in using rich resource of large seeds of trees as ad hoc burgeoning of sprout growth in root structures or other young (or old) plant life. A topic for investigation.

Thursday, July 19

Homesteading pigeon guano as fertilizer for an upcoming cigar tobacco planting and curing cottage industry enterprise for the .institute

I picked up some reading material at the Los Angeles Public Library Central Library Branch; (Google Maps)

Regarding tobacco:

Most of the books there on tobacco cultivation and curing (few in number, yet undoubtedly rich in information), are labeled "R" in the call number, for "Reference," [meaning that they are somewhat valuable and rare titles meant for study and 'reference' explicitly at the library branch where the book is found].

That being said, I had limited spree in diving into my latest iPigeon research and homesteading project: growing a baby pigeon'ed vintage tobacco crop and curing au petít vintägé: a fine cigar tobacco, perhaps years in the making.

There are some lots nearby with empty land, and one of them is definitely a community garden lot. There's a spot on my side of the street that's as of yet gone to weeds and dry hay in between a large home and a church that seems a reasonable aspiration if I talk up the neighbors about it and see what they think. I have a shovel that's been left outside my place here, perhaps it's a serendipitous sign.

I've got to work on homesteading my seller's positioning to pitch the idea to the relevant parties, and I've just yesterday finally fixed my General Relief social welfare benefit money of $221 per month that I receive. I'm planning on making a trip out to a
<<[somewhere]; (a place around greater Los Angeles that retails a fine strain of cigar-leaf tobacco)>> 

  1. gardening shop so I can purchase seeds. 
  2. Whole Foods [undecided, as to "about which one... (?)]. Does the implicit worth of the general periphery and locality of the source of stocked retail ionic minerals play into the as-purchased consumer's worth and value commodity's gain in ionic mineral content?
I've got some celebrant commodity and some dilemma in my homesteading and self-initiative civic care of the local pigeon flock: I've located the roosting de facto (Google Maps) of the local sitting herd pride of pigeons: localized to my couple-of-blocks-proximity. 
  •  I've spotted several dead pigeons recently around the local area. I tried to take some in to preserve them; I found that doing so invites a bevy of unheralded concerns and heaps of responsibility: properly caring for the deceased, and preserving a specimen for taxidermic interest. It's a novel and interest-aside pursuit of where-energies-investigative-research and development claims-investments ought currently be attributable, best practices of a .institute homesteading ad hoc development arc in mind. Perhaps some other time. ([Future link to:] expand on the subject).
  • I hopped the fence onto state property (mea culpa [attr.]) and gathered 4 plastic grocery bags of pigeon guano and shallow underlying dirt. Subsequently, I underwent an acute onslaught of parasitic interest in me, perhaps of significance in delimiting the bounds and extents for within [maintaining par relevance: bounds-pigeons-pertains]: perhaps an insight into how and why so many pigeons are turning up dead locally, so commonly, recently. 
  • I surmised that the pigeon guano (droppings) were a multi-foray crisis to the birds, and to the local area, in general (in human toll). It turns out that pigeon guano has some special considerations, as might any raw material resource / fertilizer-from-scratch. Hordes of mosquitos hounded me for days, and the pestilence definitely put me under as goes for an as-if-anything: so au jour and about town take on conquering the day for several days this past week. Luckily I had my cache of pharma-curative products and luxe accoutrements of toiletries, etc. from the post-year-end USC student apartment dumpster dive foray of a week or two ago (link). The crux of the situation is that the droppings were plentiful, they're rich in mineral raw materials-resource, and it's a science-bounds-it-is <<it-all>> such that the material merits realized and implemented safe handling and storage procedures. ([Link: recipe - home project try-out of an {aromatics: electrolytics-sugars: oxalic acid: plant-and-animal fats: balsamic (wine alcohol, grape must) vinegar: pigeon guano: and salts} slight au jour quant aux données à prendre d'hommes parisienne bonnes des oeuvríer sur les faut cuisinaire provençale:
From Google Translate:
- as to the data to be taken from Parisian men good to work on the needs of Provençal cooking

I'll work on fleshing out the unpublished article-blog content shortly.

  • More on the uses and cautions involved in working with pigeon guano, at homesteadingtoday.com forums. 

Wednesday, June 20

Abverbserial Status-Bearing claimstaking qualitativeness pretext: linguistic ad marketing « tech and lifestyle » (dieting) blog - by meta and headers article basis contextual writing sample for hypothetical coffee-talk mockup craigslist LTR section date night basis, socio-anthropological - for humanities majors-basis convo topic persona splotch whiteboard DIY project: for Frappuccino and App Store mobile client basis of lean client profiling title abstract blog article basis-attainment, to th praise of Apple Accessibility Development efforts; A scrum diagnostics accessibility stub.

Basis of Blogtastic Nomadic Nordic

Guamanian, Virgin Islamds, Puerto Rico - U.S.-occupied territories.

Intro basis - Apple’s text-to-speech and symbiotic discretionary development attainments in devices A7 Processor legacy onwards, we see significant semiotically semantically virtuous heraldry that would make the pioneers of Apple’s Steve Jobs heraldry homesteading era proud.

  1. - Microsoft Soundscape.

- Verbs of Being.
- Stats common usage of words.
- State hypothetical basis of startup valuation Top Level Domain branding significance


  1. At scale
  2. Organically
  3. Sustainable
  4. Intra-extra-sclusovity is only somewhat relatable context as basis.
  5. Qualitative valuation enterprise model of a TLd valuation statistical valence risk profile model viability - violabikity - valid pre-contextual Development relevance par-idioohile regionally non-kink-stink about topic convo socioeconomic thereof - the whitepaper breakdown; this is why they do emojis and socioeconomic development as the « antithical they » for as towards economics.
  6. An abstract Google Wikipedia valid client basis search - how bout Bing?
  7. I am trying to brand-marketing homesteading-efforts grammatically arrête properly adverb and noun, two birds in one stone, post-veganism « tryna » node-based relationally June is as towards apparently; I would say - divergent it semiotician’s semantic scrum basis contiguous progression from the Julian calendar; Pigeons, de facto, pertain towards Francis if Assisi ad hoc S.F. « San Francisco »: one further (geographically speaking « somewhat ») Big Tech’s Google and Cupertino; « San Jose » - I believe Adobe has headquarters up there, as well, in the same town - and Intelligence boundaries in layperson’s client basis mockup of coffee talk banter for date-night - offhand, establish a basis of valid drug-abstinent stability in adulting-basis: a reality show pitch to perhaps an as-unto drug-abstinent - stimulant-basis recursion one-off, demographic Freudian Slip alternate niche as for as-of-yet unspoken homosexual folklore homesteading - they do emojis for this - as for stats, the X86 era was a distinctly first off, prior to high school, some kids did music. 86 is scrum nomenclature of deconstruction semiotics of uncharted blog homesteading as of yet - bold - vast new engineering in one-off mockup date night craigslist dating, folklore to the disreputable quandary demographic of as-stated, not-straight demographic.
  8. Spout off common layperson Pew stats - look up homosexuality - socioeconomic relevance (80%:20%, off-hand). « Lookup required »
  9. Discourse virtues of tricyclic antidepressant action in actionable discourse stub title abstract reality show bold marketing war chest relatable context - the big trucks « Toyota Tundra, the GMC Yukon Denali,  - for App Store par relevánce French-Anglo-ophiles, Big Tech’s #2 global-context new frontiersmen are the Russian Federation peers of today - for the regression thematically arrête beyond « funny stuff » reality show basis, I do whitepaper mockups, okay. That was, in some circles, yet ... leta -exit état a homesteading par cute rie écoutre mes exigencies - okay, first of all, some things are left better unspoken, some people think they ought blog without persona Francophile-actuel-itizemént, as for International Phonetics ... (I dunno, off-hand, but as per App Store offhand, oh: okay: Association, yet significantly International phonetics to a 2:3 spread 66.6% - 33.3% world class status basis is on par relevánce anthropologically-linguistically-probably « ... »
GTD: This is a blog. I Conditionally Google AdSense relevant blog brand marketing-context-basis content of search headers-as-stated one-off « tech and lifestyle » blog, according to an established belief.
- I am an organic methods, yet crystal meth "okay" yet admittedly faulty non-indiscriminate one-off basis-status aficionado.
- Speakably, you get it as a collection on iPigeon.institute, and as it stands, it is a Google blogger informational arrete qualitative stance, dialectically subjectively speaking; i did show up to court yesterday, as my Twitter @ would suffice, if i didn't think that over time, I ought to show up to court; I am a considerate auteur, and I do mockup pigeons of waffles-fed husbandry like Belgian France does Eggos - ... (perhaps even, as yet, France likewise does English).

  1. but a validly Rosetta Stone scrum dialectical? For that Google Babel Translate, Apple Accessibility, and modern marvels of engineering are an aspiration ally contextual 7 short-mid term goal as for mediating this stub article. (on a parenthetical-not pro-gay stance; validly heterogenic compositionally arrete, yet contituently considerate dynamics of Scientology-speaking, there is, perhaps, a scientific method basis to validly-acceptable discourse - for the discerning constitutionally arrete considerations, considerable blogtastic crowd demographic in mt whimsical mind, I fancy them quotable "French." They did 1066, there's a millennial binary-squyare anthropomorphic all sorts of considerable tech development that's gone on since then; Patricia kirk is overlooking this past referentially significant persona mockup development stub valid basis; since i only include valid supports of my cause via whimsical notions conjectural basis - on an intelligence scalable tech and lifestyle blog context; I do blogging in 2018. i was cleared for Google's AdSense program yesterday! ... It's good enough to develop blogs still, rather than a bold oppositional take on stating imperatives GTD stuff; I do blog content well-enough for as per-domains, notwithstanding TLD valuation development, I'm not the first or only one and I got a .institute. The .pharmacy was evaluated as a startup discourse (perhaps white paper) at $1695, or very close to that number. It's a startup valuation of as for me, I paid $20 for my .institute TLD. It's supposed to be an austerity homesteading self-take-it upon-as-towards modern frontiers of what's supposedly, yet probably, as an arrete, constitutionally valid inclusive one-off like it's dawn and for some, it's white paper mockup iscourse; for some - for the search engine robots (okay); first of all, I use a valid process composition one-off as-if ... ? ADHD diversion
  2. no. (I would say). it's a variable scrum-up as-per-valuation, and versus pharmacy, I paid a squares of quarternary and quincintinille - percentage basis of, in data-scrubbing stats-people arrete, perhaps contingently-consiquentlt boring stats to scrub over, as far as numerological deconstruction Derrida as perhaps i'd better aught not speak on the topic of Derrida, because I didn't ever validly read his discourse, as grad-school material assigned to me. but it was assigned to me, and the professor did get paid. Anything beyond that, and I don't do logical fallacies as a basis. i'm operant on an as per AA conditionally arrete; and as-used, in this instance, second-of-all basis more consecrated in being residual compositionally 

a nods-of the hat compositional process that vets the valid prowess of a gentle giant of Apple Developer Team at Corporate: the Accessibility iOS, lately.

- For a musician, sometimes I simply take down dictation, sometimes at accessible scale.
- For a stub - 2 out of 7 disabled - accessible tech highlights will do, and perhaps 20 to 70 would be a vast depravity.

Friday, June 8

Nuclear evolutionary establishments abound in pigeons underneath the jet stream

Can these sidewalk pigeons smell better now? It seems like they sniff around like dogs. The dark German Shepherd-like dog was out prolifically last night; he checked on me so constituently faithfully as the narrative in my head told thereof. It was so exciting, somewhat frightening; to be at the center of some happening in establishment; and the consequences were inexplicable in scale, for a pigeon lover. On some hand, finding a huge box and bag full of bright ladies' stylistic-aesthetics-clothing stuff was amazing, but wearing it out while risking my balls on blast way beyond valid scope that I'd accustomed to; as towards balls on blast discussion, it was getting old. I'm off hand a bit serious whereas most people seem to take it as a joke. It was, in a real sense; a frightfully toyed-about concept. It baffles my mind, absolutely.

I'm trying to maintain my straight vision and sensible-bounds-keep-self aptitude about me, as a complete amateur in what exactly I was doing; I wasn't sure about it much at all, to begin with, to be honest. Turns out that I had inadvertently established some sort of ionic mineral water content that is valuable in nuclear jet stream physics. As the narrative developed, I nervously followed orders and it was kinda sorta whoa, okay, that's a lot of uhh, uncommon stress and purported responsibility to pull it off properly. As a concomitant comprehensive hindsight exercise, it was, in effect, some yellowish, urine-like, yet tasteless fluid. "They" told me that it was kerosene developing, and then there was a drama involving some guys I had been hanging out with previously, and I had to arrange a bag to assist in someone's escape route. I added Tide Fresh and Clean. Popped up on a Hispanic TV Novelas / Vanidades magazine cover as a doppelganger, they said I was using cocaine. I was trying to do better, I would explain; all the time. I'm not an unfeeling person. The silliness of the drama is affecting my performance, and I'm generally one of the top minds in discussion, as far as people I've known. I'm not really trying to help out; I'm trying to get my place clean already, it's been 5 complete months, and there's dirt all over the floor. My spiritual mentor as a physical being-representative person-in life; I dunno. I don't even really talk to him, in a sense; there's a chance I might get some strange takes on stuff I consider standard, for me.

I hope I did alright; I'm a bit scared as towards fitting in and doing things alright. I am dressed like a girl, and that in and of itself could be a seriously knee-jerk basis to take on popping up unexpectedly on late night way new stuff going on, like they caught me acting childish. In general, though, no. I've been pretty hop-to-it with the trying-to-get serious, and then my iPad got taken, and then I found out I'm dragged in to part of this drama of other nations-as-well sorts of stuff.

They tell me I'm aught to take off on a plane; perhaps it'll be so. I've got to pack. Maybe just as a perhaps, though. I might be getting "punked" like they expected better of the iPigeon.institute standard. There was some talk up of Taco Bell having had some strange basis in my life; such that I am CEO of the company - quotables. I did find a Taco Bell Women's shirt, but that was with the rest of the clothes. I'm not considering that end, on any reasonable basis I can talk up some viable sustainable support mechanism as towards.

Phew. Time's up at the Mark Twain Library in South LA for this session.

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