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Showing posts with label Los Angeles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Los Angeles. Show all posts

Saturday, April 13

Reducing Climate and Carbon Impact, Individually: Some Observations.

Here, in the Greater Los Angeles region,

people are generally commonly concerned with the quality and sustainable "health" of our environmental ecology. That being said, I've not gotten enough time in, in researching official documents and developments that had been put out (ostensibly): in essence, we hear, and see, in our news feeds, televised news reports, etc., that climate changes are coming, or are happening. I feel that, perhaps contextually, in the sense of a "spring cleaning," we can take an assessment of where we are, for the year's outset, and outlook, for that matter, being that spring would somewhat be the time for the emergence of conservational efforts that had been put forth, during the winter; things to consider, such as: had winter landscapes, with forward-looking "signs of spring" to look forward to - had these landscapes been planted? Are civic landscapes being maintained with care? "Does the population care, at all?" would come to mind, perhaps, in some cases, being that concerns and aesthetics such as this sort of civic upkeep markers of things to consider, had largely been disregarded, this year, with many landscaping jobs that could have been done, instead: seem to be simply "leftovers" of last year's trimming of the bushes, here and there, at times, I observed, out in the Civic Center of Downtown Los Angeles, for example, where many of the maintenance jobs, in town, also end up being disregarded, it would seem. 

Heading out to the Century City area, to check on the pigeon flock, out here, which I'd given much care for, I have the opportunity to hang out, and peruse a more upscale aesthetic, especially with the landscaping aspect in mind: planters had been planted, the planters are not "ruined" by the public, in general. I had some planting aspirations in mind, for better sustainability and management of my ongoing role, as a homeless person, out at all hours, as it were, as I move about, and around, in town, within the nitrogen cycle

I hadn't read "the book" on the nitrogen cycle, which happens to be available at the local Los Angeles Public Library Central Branch - although I did take a quick look at it (I know that it's there, at least, 😏 perhaps as a reference book [only for in-library reading, not for check out]). What I come to observe about nitrogen, at this point in time, is largely colloquial and common knowledge sorts of stuff. In my generation, we recollect the blockbuster movie hit, The Terminator, which featured one of our (both) beloved or reviled: [depending on individual tastes, I suppose] California governors - Arnold Schwarzenegger: a futuristic worldscape of a war-torn technological establishment, sworn to duty, thus bent on exterminating humanity (was it one of the sequels? I forget). 

In any case, many of us would recall, and reference - the hijacked tanker of liquid nitrogen that overturns, during a battle, and spills out its contents: a hopeless flood of sub-zero material that freezes the formidable shape-shifting, self-healing robot opponent - yet, only temporarily. 
With this in mind, the correlation I draw, as one of the few DTLA civic center homeless people, on  an ongoing basis, I feel... hmm <_<... I guess that I'm regularly feeling like I'm also being inundated with this liquid nitrogen substance, with how the slight nuances of windy drafts feel like they seem to have an "unnatural" slant, now, these recent years, in consideration. On one hand, I remember how cold I used to be, and it's definitely not like the cold of these recent years. These days, even the cold water is colder. It's not that I'd changed, all that much - I feel that some people, who indulge in bullying me, at moments like these nights, in which I stay outside, unwillingly, as it were, might be holding something with regards to "accepting change," (as folks familiar with the 12 Steps self help program could draw up, as the popular culture point of reference), against me, and, as I sleep at night, battles are waged against me, with this "futuristic" liquid nitrogen substance being one of the token tools of war. 

On one hand, it feels compelling, I suppose, (for some), to dominate someone, aside from themselves - wielding forces of nature (atmospherics, physics, materials, etc.), with liquid nitrogen at hand. 
The economics of playing around with liquid nitrogen are potentially easy fare, for the festively: for cold war games to play out - on others, "feelin' like" people. For whatever reason, at some point, during these recent years that I'd been through, where I'd have had to "consider" (experience) that some sort of locally-applied environmental coolant agent is the effect au jour, as it were, that I have to go through, for whatever reason. 

Maybe it's literally for my own better protection, as I do my best, customarily, when I'm out and about, doing the homeless person thing, once again, (in life), to prepare myself for outlier occurence weather events, as well as the more generalized regional weather, but, gosh - it's become so obvious - I'm going through micro-localized weather outcomes being laid out on me: the clouds - some of them, between the sun and myself, for example, hang low, and they're grey, meaning that they're dense, and doubled over, up top, by additional atmospheric clouds, which are white, memorably - as we'd recall, to a large degree, truly grey and cloudy days, here, in Southern California, and, more specifically, perhaps, in Los Angeles, ... 🤔 yet, here, in this context, I'd had become aware of the fact of that practically any and much of the outlying areas, surrounding Downtown LA, for example, are, (at these times), concurrently blue skies; without any cloud cover - in essence, suggestive of that some form of civil engineering be at hand. Who knows, perhaps some folks need to be chased, or hurried, at a minimum, out of town? The essence, of this micro-locales issue, in the consideration of vast and unnatural (man-made) disparities of temperatures, is a brutal thing to weather, so to speak. Some people end up ragged and disheveled; kicked to the curb, so to speak. Take, for example, that radiation damage to an individual's belongings takes place in a different segment of temperature spectrum - not roasting hot, as in, hot to the touch, but rather, the cold, the dryness, consequentially, being that water "disappears;" evaporates, or something like that (remember The Terminator movie thing), and "standard" violable metrics of discerning insult, or injury, or even of establishing measurements, in accessible means, by and large, becomes an unobtainable scenario to achieve. It's just people playing games, as a person in power, to some limited extent. 

Just how accessible, on the other hand, is it, to obtain liquid nitrogen - for f*cktard'd reasons, like "cooling down," smoking illicit drugs, terrorizing people? Apparently, it's conceivably within reach: 

Google Shopping options and availability, in this instance of my search query, for "liquid nitrogen price," (without quotes, as entered in the search form).

Apparently, this sort of strange habit becomes a type of service industry to fulfill. In a more traditional sense, nitrogen is much more familiar as an agricultural primary nutrient, yet, easily - it's commonly known that an over-application of a fertilizer product containing nitrogen will quickly wilt the leaves of a plant, and, consequentially, have the potential to kill the plant. In an untouched (by humans) natural environment, nitrogen exists as both atmospheric gas, with atomic number 7, as well as in soil, where nitrogen undergoes variable nitrogen cycle processes, along with available soil nutrients and resources such as oxygen.

A Google "card" widget snippet, discussing the variable desirability (thermodynamically-speaking) of the various forms of nitrogen cycle which are undergone, once nitrogen enters the soil.

Anyways, I had some aspirations to plant some peas, locally, around town, and I encounter constant opposition to that notion, in my internalized mind (or whatever kind of "mind" I happen to be experiencing, at the time). Sometimes it's some person standing in the way of me doing this simple work; for example, the management at the place where I stay, now, forbids me to bring my stuff in to the home - food, even, ... even though I'm not retarded. There's a bunch of problems there, in that regard.

A subdomain blog post I composed, on my birthday, last month, concerning my pea-growing aspirations.

So, what to do about nitrogen in the environment, in it's various forms? On one hand, it's used to manufacture explosives (I guess), with the traditional common knowledge tidbit, that we're taught, as children, in school.

Some follow-up topics to consider:

- bottling up urine and flushing it, when caught in an accidental need situation to pee, outside. In instances where I am capable of it, I take on this challenge, for others who had fallen short of reaching the restroom, who had made sure to take me up on my suggestion to bottle up their urine, which I'd put forth in more private disclosures, previously.
- fragrances (natural fragrances) as carbon capture and wind energy resources, to dispel poisoning incidents, where unfavorable (anaerobic, or "lesser oxygenized") forms of nitrogen-cycle compounds have proliferated. The fragrance molecules are best put to use as aerolyzed, hydrolyzed sprays, in diffusion (be careful, in combustible materials situations [I suppose]).

Remember, that here, in Los Angeles, and, in California, consider ourselves a largely agriculturally-based state, and, innovatve, for that matter, and, foreseeably, we could stand a chance of avoiding more costly, or improbable, measures seen through, or not, of engineering efforts put towards avoiding our land ending up sinking below sea level, to the detriment of established work that had already been done, well enough.

Monday, May 1

Topics in Urban Agriculture and Local Ecology (Sustainability) - Greater Los Angeles, Winter / Spring 2023.

 What an eventful start of a new year (2023), for agriculture, in this urban setting, centered around Downtown Los Angeles.

With so many agricultural-based projects centered around Los Angeles, this year, with much ado, with some long-established projects coming in to maturity. People would probably think, out here, in urban and suburban Southern California, that agriculture is typically as it was - off in some (remote) setting, yet, these days, as is evident, from the new SNAP food stamps vegetables and fruits bonus program (there’s various “programs” in place, for welfare benefits recipients, I’ve learned, over the past couple of months), people are receiving a nudge, from the powers that be, or, from their own self-driven initiative, such as making authentic cuisine, from various culinary disciplines, for example, using fresh fruits and vegetables as ingredients for making dishes from scratch (there’s been a lot of nitrogen, or some sort of refrigerant, being flouted around, as well - I’ll get to that, more, later, in this article). I like Thai, personally 😛. 

For starters,

folks who are local might be wondering where they can go, in town, to build upon their own personal (or business… décor, anyone?) localized agricultural interests, otherwise known as gardening, or interior design, landscaping, etc. I happened to choose a garden rarity - it’s considered an endangered species, in fact, as I’d learned, last night, as I perused the Royal Botanical Gardens’ voluminous database on vanilla, being that I’d found a longtime (and recent) favorite plant of intrigue, for me, which some of my longtime (and other blog) followers, would know, of me. I figured that I could dig some dirt, on my development projects involving vanilla, from the past, and jump on an opportunity to own my own vanilla bean vine(s) - (I got vines, for that matter, not just one). It’s a richly folklorish plant to research and discover, and it still would boggle the intellect, for modern day readers, as well, being that the plant is a favorite, in tissue culture circles, as well as in biotech. People would recall the drama surrounding my makeshift vanilla bean extraction project, which produced a liquid that smelled richly… of something quite unexpected. Perhaps I’ll divulge more, at some other point. 

In any case, for people who would like to outdo their standard garden variety selection of retailers, whether it be online, or in-store, when it comes to selection of plants - try out San Gabriel Nursery, in San Gabriel, CA. One thing, though - it’s much further than people might expect, as far as travel time goes, as getting to that part of town oftentimes means traveling amongst real workday and workweek commuters. This being the case, please only plan on going out there if you’ve got a sizable budget for making the trip work - this means gas, meals, lodging, even, perhaps, and, of course - plants. There’s nothing quite like local retail, and if I happen to have an outsized pop up audience, for this article, I could be doing the various locales, from here to there, from wherever you might be coming from, to arrive at - what amounts to rubbing the locals the wrong way, perhaps, as well as the nursery shop owners, potentially - it’s a well-stocked nursery, with lots of rare and exotic plants, but it’s definitely a small shop type of feel, so please don’t show up there with some kind of religious group, or religious following, sort of thing, about you - I’ve been going there since I was young, and that would really hurt, if this place was improperly targeted. 

Other than that, there’s no place like it in town. I think that there’s kind of a “no homeless people” kind of rule about the locale, and in towns surrounding the place, I have to warn people. I tried it, and man, it was pretty rough. I got a lot of attention, as a homeless person, out there. 

Which reminds me… about the cracks in the ground. 

On one hand, outgoing people (out in public) probably couldn’t possibly be all that regularly outgoing, and deny, that there are definitely tons of cracks in the ground, that are kind of a new thing, some of them. One person had chimed in, on the subject, going back to agriculture, with the oil industry, being one of the predecessors, or “diversions,” perhaps, from standard and organic agriculture, and, now biotech, with plant-based developments and energy resources being a hot topic, of development, and of sustainability. 

Anyways, the saying was something like, “well, all the cracks in the ground, well, that’s actually a great thing,” on the oil and natural gas industry’s side, but the context was an “out here” sort of thing, which is Downtown LA, and, at the moment, nearly everyone is trying to figure out how to get back to monetization of business and industry - the working folks are, at least. 

Or is this some sort of “Democracy,” or Democratic thing, that I don’t quite understand? That might be me, and maybe that’s the case. 

How are you a patron, here?

- some timely voice chimes in, on the subject - “as.” 


Everybody seems to be accusing others of this or that, but I think that so many people are really over it, and people are becoming concerned about - 

Umm, ugh. Never mind. So much drama. Here’s my Vanilla Planifola, Mexican variety, as a Harajuku Doll (I’d suppose… right?)

Rendered by Vector Q app, on iPadOS.

I didn’t even know that Harajuku dolls were amenable to tropical plants, until I did it.  

For people who would like to delve off-local cartography and travails around town, to unfamiliar places, Facebook Marketplace and Facebook Groups are both good places to network and mingle with people who are fairly time- and science-based invested in the vanilla industry. I just feel that showing up, somewhere, locally, beats a whole lot of ad serve and marketing efforts, even on my part, because it offers the consumer the option to browse a rich array of products that are suitable for local climates, here in Southern California, and there’s a whole lot of Asian and Chinese cuisine and nightlife, along the way, if you’re heading east, out from metropolitan Greater Los Angeles areas, off on Valley Blvd., or, if you’re headed down Mission, from the other side of town, you could perhaps check out the Alhambra public library, for example. 

This all being the case, check back on this blog, for some of my indoor and outdoor gardening and interior design: plant-related contexts, for growing tips, and expert insider decorative insights. For example, I thought that the vanilla plant resembled a rubber plant, perhaps, and I had some grand confabulations of perhaps becoming some sort of commodities mogul, as a next step, beyond Vanilla planifola localization, in to Southern California (outdoor, ideally) agriculture, which got me thinking, since the vines I have are nested on a dead log (of some kind of dead wood), that the plants could, perhaps be placed, strategically-minded, in this case, on some other sort of living plant, to the benefit, and eventual unique development (furtherment) of the species that I have, being that I somewhat envision the plant as a dynamic and adaptive grower, albeit under ostensibly tropical conditions. The significant issue, here, is that most people, in Southern California, hot and sunny, though it is, have nearly scant-to-none - experience, that is, living in a truly tropical, or subtropical environment, which these vanilla plants truly thrive in - the humidity hits the traveler, to a tropic region, from a locality such as ours, immediately, and a person would virtually begin sweating, the moment the person exits the airplane.

Helping build the watershed, aided by more well-established and practiced agricultural nations - 

Here and there, rumors float around of miraculous personal developments happening, typically due to intentional decree, and some sort of flash and ecological disaster-scaled whim of being on the side of virtue, whatever that is, in cases such as this. In this instance, a bunch of generally small guys, I’d somewhat have come to believe, had grouped together, as some sort of group establishment, part urban-development team, and part disruptive hoodlums and drug users, from out of the collective sober living home scene - to build a too-skinny-to-stand high-rise, from out of what used to be a standard-sized parking lot in Downtown Los Angeles - on one hand, sure, perhaps it could have been something better, in any case, but, on the other hand, some of the sidewalks in DTLA are kind of skinny, still, and it’s still a bit intimidating to go out and have to maneuver, deftly, and well-informed (sometimes), of that a bunch of people just want to do the drug-use scene and casual streetside death attempts, on a casual, fanciful, favorite, or targeted victim. We’ll see how far this sort of thing goes. The other night, thy were rumored to have taken a woman, from the company of some guy I used to know, who wound up doing psychotic gestures towards me, in my head, once I became schizophrenic, and, later, simply knowingly harassed, in short. A crack-pack kid, as I knew him, as a young person - I thought that it was kind of impressive, at the time. 

It’s a challenging premise, perhaps, but it’s cheap and slutty to believe the best, out of a situation, in general, when there’s some sort of distaste, inherently assumed, between individuals, whereas cheap and slutty would generally sum up these types of differences in life. Small micro-ecological events, and concentrations, of certain types of behaviors, for example, from a kidnapping, and drugging, of a whore, for example, could, in turn, spur some form of unexpected, and or unprecedented sort of retaliation, such as that we had seen, supposedly - across the nation, and locally, here, in Southern California, and in Los Angeles. I felt like I was disproportionately drawn in to the extreme weather action. 

All things being the case, as such, I’ve been attempting to burgeon the agricultural contexts, within this urban setting, as best I can, while maintaining some personal boundaries, such as keeping to things that interest me, and also by trying to tidy up some of the sloppiness, or, at times, things would be a matter of waiting things out, to discover what the eventual decided purpose and uses would be, per se, for stuff that had popped up, around town, such as a recurrent and persistent urine smell, that had shown up, in Pershing Square. For that matter, due to some of the rains, which featured dropping atmospheric nitrogen, in excessive levels, the subway walls had become hopelessly tainted with calcified urine, and several other stations had  taken on, as well, the characteristic odors of urine, which played out fancifully, in some remote sensing humor development settings, such as “I’ve gotta be of on piss, for a pissed-on!” - a crowd favorite. As it turns out, the sparrows took a fancy to the of on olde (piss), as, they had discovered, the urine was a source of novel pleasure, should the power of it, be released, and they would sometimes hop around, and meddle in the dirt, where the piss was of on olde, and constantly there, embedded in the clay dirt, still, despite the rains.

So, there was some bit of inclusivity, that I could feel, for being the bird-feeding guy, on a regular basis, of some of these other projects, which had been developing, yet I had not much of a clue, about these niche and sub-pop themes, for some of this stuff.

Ugh. (from then, until now):

Wednesday, August 3

Justifiable inflation, and the boutique-ifying of 7-11. (Product Review[s]) updating.

Sure, … (whatever, we all get flown all over, all expenses paid, and shit, types of stuff),

but who ever thought that Snak Club would come back, in luxe form, as the flagship product line, in the iconic staple of convenience stores, in a bold new Los Angeles, where inflation is king: 2 liters are $3.99 (but they’re cold), kombucha is, like, $5.00, because Pressed Juice has to be $6.99, and people would love to excuse themselves from working, in person, forever, any more, for any organization, corporation, entity, or even just a simple person-employer, only to remake themselves and deny that it ever happened - just wait, though, and check out the local 7-11, before, even, if - just do it, because these chili-infused gummy rings aren’t nearly quite-overdone. Those were gummies of our upbringing, and for how gummy and nice and chewy these ones are - just… awrr 🐕.  

Wow, Snak Club came back like that? For $3.99 a bag? I could have done worse, but I couldn’t have much done better, on one hand. 

What, you don’t eat, or something, still? 

Thursday, December 23

A look at the sidewalk vendor scene of Los Angeles, CA.

Here in Los Angeles, the conventional wisdom of our upbringing was that Los Angeles is a sprawling, vast city. Indeed, at about 503 square miles, there is much ado about this town, civic and culture-wise.

Thursday, February 11

The winter 2021 state of the Full Service Partnership program, headed by Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health

 Few people experience schizophrenia and bipolar symptoms such as I do, personally, at this point in time. It’s February of 2021, and it’s been a fairly consistent predicament and a detriment to my better self and well-being since the onset happened, back in 2012. I covered much of that early-onset era of schizophrenia on Twitter, for a few years, or so (what don’t I cover on Twitter?)

The essentials of what I’d come to understand about schizophrenia are these things - that there are three distinct and currently recognized typical onset time spectrums within susceptible individuals’ lives: early onset (teenage years, most commonly), young adulthood (age 30 and beyond), and mid-life crisis (seniority years, and retirement). The debilitating traits of schizophrenia are obvious - in a clinical sense, (the book is in the Patton State Hospital Library, and I read it - it was a doctorate thesis on Narcissism, which posed paranoid schizophrenia as the final stage in the spectrum of narcissism, beginning with (well, I forget the first stage), but it continues forth, noting grandiosity, a trait of bipolar spectrum disorder, as the second stage, borderline personality traits of disruptive and dysfunctional relationship management skills and symptoms as the mid-point marker of the narcissistic personality, with narcissism being the trait carried through, further in the spectrum, and once full isolation and intrigue had become trait and characteristic alike, of the study and inquiry upon such an individual, it would be known as paranoid schizophrenia. 

To disavow the reality of that schizophrenia is a manifestation of what is quite commonly conceivably known, and attainable, as knowledge merit, in delineating the former (or, uninitiated) lacking knowledge and foresight that would appropriately equip the potential sufferer’s repertoire in some sort of skill set or foundational knowledge of how to cope, give, the seemingly inevitable circumstances - it is technology’s doing and carrying through of the task of “delivering” untimely messages of lesser psychologies, of that there are several handfuls, perhaps, in that they had been forewarned, or that they become mystified, by the powers invoked within the context of hyper-spectral remote sensing and surveillance apparatus, such that we are invariably living out our nation’s religious dictum of a higher power, with religious establishment such as Scientology managing these newer ethical and social deeds, with greater relevance upon some of the higher forms of understanding and knowledge basis that we stand to be held accountable for, in this modern day and age. 

In essence, it’s a vastly “knowable” state of existence, of which rational thought and logic could be applied to the implementation, development, and control of the mind-state invoked within hyper spectral remote sensing dramas. Denying such would be as trite a claim as dismissing that which had simply “just happened,” during the course of an argument, in which an empowered individual chooses dominance, over prescience, and continuity, in the context of problem resolution, which is a common and necessary family and social skills behavioral apparatus. It’s largely expected of people of that they are not seeking to cause problems, yet all too often, such claims as these, simple as they are, and at that, dismissing the oblique portrayals of persona that become unmistakable perpetrators of witting persecution and human trafficking, with intelligence and talent largely cast aside, for the sake of enlivening notions of the inquisition, played out in its various mannerisms in which it might, for those involved, and on behalf of those seeking to relieve themselves from their own internal struggles. 

It’s a challenge, yet I’m put at task to empathize much with the spirit of opposition; I’ve been cornered and singled out, so commonly and chronically so, such that my own opinion and disposition about the subject is somewhat obscure and fringe territory of people’s common usage conversational basis, and it’s a weighty task at that. Even I would admit, at times, that I’m taken by suggestion, and I’m somewhat not quite even myself, at certain points in proceedings. Yet, for that matter, I feel that some of the caseworkers are burdening a client of the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, such as myself, with the consequences of affirmative action hiring; I’m only somewhat recently “okay,” with my various imaginative persona and web | app development enterprises and content publishing pursuits as having placed me well enough within the demographic of that I could receive unemployment and pandemic disaster award money, alongside my unemployment insurance claim, with my business ventures being the basis for self-employment. Thankfully, that much had been rigorously covered, in the past year, or so, assisting the gig job and self-employed economy.

That being said, I don’t feel like I need to say much more, yet perhaps I’ll update this, with some allegorical additions to the contexts laid out here, if things happen to believably develop along those lines tonight, or to continue further. 

Sunday, July 12

July 11th in Los Angeles, CA - Civil Unrest on the Streets Leads to Near Rioting Effects.

Now, granted - I don't particularly know or believe [completely] what truthfully transpires in a location outside of my sensory perception; stark and vigilant that I may be, at times. 

I trust the news organizations and subsequent articles that get fed to me, through articles and media outlets, 

at least as much as they fulfill my inherent fearful primordial mind.

That being said, I couldn't deny the truths: of the significance of the dailies of an actual "about town" trot through the locales, as various as I might, for as fortuitous as my strength and aptitude compels me to: typically, for the duty of feeding the birds, gathering their food supplies from the grocery store, collecting recyclables, and the breadth of how weary and road-worn I've become, leading up to the day that I face. I try to take it one day at a time; for all that it construes and that might be inferred from that saying. I've been trying to form my scheduling around the Grand Central and API 23 Intel crosswalk accessibility standards, be it that I am, commonly, colloquially construed of a multi-threaded and novel suite of minds, about me, as I manage my self as my vehicle - keeping the risk liability factors of scrumming up a misfortunate encounter that would lead to my arrest, for a warrant, for example. Trying to keep up the look of the upright recycling bum; as a minimum.

I couldn't deny that police officers and law enforcement have it rough in Los Angeles, in general rhetorical imaginations of what they face, in opposition; and so much of it mobilized and willingly militant, of the various terrorist cells that they are, in and of: essentially, that they fare brutality and innocent casualties as their modus d'operandi, however generally lacking in intellectual merit and statutory form of reasoning, that it stands to be, given a talking to, nowadays (even still), and for what they sacrifice in public relations for taking such short-sighted approach to their public relations vehicles.

Now, on that note, I sometimes find myself talked in to a vigilant cautious modality of transporting my self, and my carriage, of which, in my most-latest refactoring of consideration (of what I might be, and appear as such, to the public's eye, for scrutiny - this is DTLA and greater Los Angeles, California; that being said. There are sensitive tastes and finicky appetites at stake, on the much-as-for-the-(largely)-unsupposed side of the schtick, for many of us, young ones - particularly as that we had grown up in imperfect settings, and had been subjected to nurturing environmental sleights and abuses, rendering many a sort, out there, predisposed to a mutiny, so to speak, on this ship that is the vehicle of our lives - rhetorically speaking: we live in America. We've known it, from our upbringing, or from hearsay, or propaganda - be it as depravity's siren call, that it might, in becoming - on deeper considerations - some people do take advantage, of a slight and subjective bias foundation, ignoring the bigger picture, of consequences - sometimes: I'd say that sometimes, people simply choose to injure the lesser formidable primitivistic victims, of an opportunistic | misfortunate circumspect in dynamic relation to each other.

  1. wary and unwilling to take risks.
    "the officials were very circumspect in their statements"
    on one's guard
That being said, it was the word that had transpired, of the moment that it was. That each one, as the dictaphone transcription had turned out, takes the circumspect outcome, put under duress, and the news media reports on it. 

That's about the degree of viable credibility that could be construed, out of organics in form and foundation, given a spread of days, given months, that the COVID-19 situations and underpinnings have been going on, largely underneath the watchful eye of « someone », I'll acknowledge at minimum that much: I do have to live up to a reputable aspiration seen through to fulfilling [at minimum] admirable deeds and sober words and affect that transpire, of me; improprieties that they might be, of various constraints, given ethics: I do try for at least API 23 accessibility and crosswalk Grand Central in time-threading. Sometimes, the timing is done for me. 

This past outing, however, I jaunted my carriage through and up out of Santa Monica, by night. The drops in barometer seemed like trivial concerns, compared to conceit, that I might typically have of myself (I get abused, commonly, in my internalized mind. Autonomy; none, that I expect, of my mind and my framework, most typical, that it turns out, in being). Novelty-ridden bum, as the latest contention of what might and had been construed of me, being the topic consideration, of some, that it had come to pass, to have been laid down, upon me, as the significant delimiting factor in judgment that was being tossed about, in some remote-[unprofessional]-working environment: much of to woes, given tides of the days, as they'd come, recently. This COVID-19 stuff has been going on for months, now. Out in DTLA, things are at a serious pitch, at a whim. 


(as it turns out)

Although, yesterday, in truthful actuality 

I had just stayed up all night. Now it's the morning. I'm blogging the report, for the insider prospectus replete and formidable news drop sequester - the final word, on the street, somewhat, as far as the scrum of last night.
That being said, the night went on late, and people had been particularly « nearly » at a rioting whimsical, of my pigeons-carnival [other] as dynamics, in the situation. I tried to, and - 

on some level, okay.

I did do the actually, of an actual day and night in passing.

Typically, I'd have fared worse. But I did take my medication, and I did fall asleep. 

Friday, May 15

A super-cute look at the famíly behavior of sparrows at feeding time. (Updated)

I'm still out at the Spring Street end of the Grand Park lawn, although earlier, I had gone out for groceries and cigarettes, both for myself, as well as that I had considered others, of the micro-locale of the tent-city thing|s| going on, around the corner, and on blocks nearby, down by the 101 freeway overpass. 

A male sparrow hopped up, out at me, from the edge of my bags, beside me, and he chirped, assertively. It was super cute how he greeted me. It turned out that I had a half-burrito from outside of Atelier.

Friday, December 27

... and Now - a fading-back in to the sky [perspective], of a macro formative sort. A photoblog.

I discovered this curiosity of constellation via my visited locations on Google Maps, just today. I found it to be highly reminiscent of my top hat pigeon "about town." I'm offering some slight markup to prove the point.

Here, from a distance, I can plainly see the formative bust of a pigeon wearing a top hat.
With some messy mouse-in-hand markup, I've made out the shape of the constellation I see.

My original psychological imprint of the phenomenon.

What do you think? Did I do this to myself? or are smarter forces than I doing it to me?

Monday, October 21 Custom Search Engine - made with Google - an inquiry into recent tracking.

My custom search engine happens to get great hits on latest-published articles, from a variety of news and industry resources. 

Here are some of my findings on the tracking that's been going on, in addition to, and as correlated with (perhaps) the wildfires that have been going on in Los Angeles and in the San Fernando Valley.

Here, from

Los Angeles fire officials have determined the destructive Saddle Ridge Fire began beneath a high-voltage transmission tower owned by Southern California Edison. (Associated Press)

California’s war against climate change in a new way: by producing lithium, a key ingredient in batteries that power electric cars and store solar power for use after dark.

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Officials were trying to determine Wednesday if a 4.5 magnitude earthquake triggered an explosion at a fuel storage facility in the San Francisco Bay Area that started a fire and kept thousands of people in their homes for hours because of potentially unhealthy air.

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I found my own personal pigeon friend.

  Yesterday, when I was out feeding the pigeons, I noticed that one of the pigeons stayed behind, while the other birds left, after their me...’s most popular recent blog articles and posts