iPigeon.institute blog: Java

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Showing posts with label Java. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Java. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 11

Some slakeAF iPigeon « Propper » Scrum jotUps for a SprightlySparrowSupposin.jar Pop-in Hibernate: Java-based Android OS Kustom Widget of KLDT Development to Come.

Here are some original Inktober Tumblr-down-to-custom-blog site regaliae ink brush illustration works from October-ish of 2018.

These works accompany an hours-upon-hours post-trawl regaliaeux XV VVLXMMIIIpwnBwammmooooo speech of what had been jaunted as a most 

Satirically lès-ont-fourre-caricaturríesse med. poínt ink brush gestural re-jaunteded iconic pigeons-poses for mobile app and website / native operating system hibernate Java-based .jar syscall and UX egress of Analytics-remarketing-sais-non-plus-monetizable slakeAF user garbage, of objectionable concrete sidewalk-slab-flam, as it would ostensibly turn out to be, 

to pay back ostensible legions of debt, for so much bwa-bwammAF jaunted couchnights of seemly sees-it-does-it corner rug scraping bitsies-fweeking - un-rehabilitated by a Sprightly Supposin' Sparrow slakeAF of bwammo pigeons and sparrows - to get in the way of your jaunt aux-haute-bachi genetically bwa-bwammAF xoichleosure of choisçty-munchies fwam out on a couch, like that.

A development goal wishlist grab pack pigeonKit for my SprightlySparrowSupposin.jar development aims.

To develop a Java-based Android OS code module / widget

- commonly known to Linux and Mac OS X users as a .jar file,

  • Otherwise (supposedly) .jar stands for Java App(location) Resource; or [... * application resource], according to <A href="www.acronymfinder.com/Java-Archive-(JAR).html>Acronym Finder</a>

A .jar is somewhat heralded back to earlier days of a notion of an applet,  
  •  which could ostensibly be confusing, of a history of coming from an Apple Computer development-learning literature, that it had been, 
Yet a .jar is what the system call miniature process and the resources contained therein entail.

To that end, I'm set about in learning various operating system call scripting algorithms; 

The one that seems to pertain most ostensibly to this development aim is called Hibernate, for Java.

I've also downloaded an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Java on Android, as well as: (importantly, I would presume) a study app for Core Java Skills; here, Android OS development is at Core Java 8

<A href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eternal.soft.corejava8>

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Baby pigeon’s first day out with the flock. (LAPL Central Branch).

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