iPigeon.institute blog: European history

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Showing posts with label European history. Show all posts
Showing posts with label European history. Show all posts

Sunday, December 5

A Sunday morning’s pwn’ing of a pigeon-feeding bum - a 12-Steps program confessional episode.

As the literature of the 12 Steps addiction recovery program proscribes, we are to admit that we are powerless over our addiction, and that our lives had become unmanageable. 

The practice of confession, in civil society, dates back hundreds of years, perhaps over a millennia and more (I’m not quite sure, off hand), although events such as the Inquisition, which happened in Europe starting around the 12th century, continuing forth for hundreds of years, would perhaps be the most notable historical time period and setting which we would correlate with the preeminence of the Catholic Church. Obviously, confessing is a difficult and humbling thing, to say the least. I’ve not raised a child, personally, but my own imprinting, from my nurturing environment, was a slightly heavy-handed period of discipline upon myself; my father not having been much of an intelligent man, of some sort of faculty of insight and breakthrough, as far as having attained a more perseverant and empathetic affect for us. 

That being said, I spent much of my childhood years, through my young adult life, fraught with dishonest slips of disclosure, characterized by a subconscious fear of being reprimanded cruelly by others, coupled with the inclusion of willingly intended acts of deception, which would correlate with the trait of caring to please others, and appear to be well and upright, in disciplinary terms. Having been an abuse victim, in my younger years, less-efficient and less-productive traits saw their way through in to my developmental maturity paradigm, in other words, and looking back, I would have sought better methodologies of progress and self-representation, whereas the mysteries as to whether or not a person is depraved, as a dishonest person, in this day and age - prior to the brain-computer interfacing adjunct intellectual evolutionary era of development and understanding - in many various social and technological sciences being affected and dependent upon ever-more challenging and demanding standards of understanding and of communication, we face an imminent existential crisis, each unto ourselves, yet, in the age of the mind, to come, a well-minded person would most commonly seek to persist, and to thrive, whereas in keeping with inclusions of “what’s necessary” for survival, being the primary driving impetus in establishing our prescience in … 

Eh. Maybe that’s all. I crashed my definition check basis in implementing prescience, just to be sure of things, and I’m generally sure that it ought to fit appropriately, according to logic, but I was just saying… just remarking on the confessions and admissions that had been going on, for me (in my mind), and it’s obviously a complex set of contexts and issues which could have words put to them, although people are supposed to be afforded their anonymity, in the 12 Steps program. I stopped where I determined that I had been challenged by my own ambitions to have my place stated, appropriately, and accessibly, for including prescience - even though I feel that it was a good enough logical adjunct as for communicating what would have come, from out of that. I figure that if I’d crashed the definition engine, it’s possibly not affording accessibility to the common person. 

Oh, okay. Update: apparently I’m … 

Well, never mind. It was just a connection glitch on my iPad Pro. I’ll stop, in any case, but here’s the definition of prescience, just for fun. It turns out, it’s actually somewhat just been characterized in the above paragraph.

Monday, February 4

As I sit down for a quick abstract on a more efficacious tobacco smoking method, a received broadcast of that my mother is screaming about her body burning in pain.

Peter Ehrlich, David Yang, and « homies » « bro » « dog » « fool ("foo") »

« [these police officers] » were offhandedly implicated; (contextually, not seemingly so much in deed of fault,

It's supposed as that my parents are being held up as hostage victims within their home. My parents had brought me up in the age of the internet as a believer in the inherent overarching goodness of people in society. 

Resonant harmonic frequency tobacco smoking, which was a sympathetic context to my aims in life, in that I aspire to produce the au jour pigeons carnival of some historic and cultural reputed austerity in life;

It's imaginably a purpose that's been fulfilled in other cultures throughout history, such as that had been achieved in the pipe-organ cathedrals of Europe. 
Given that pipe organs have a cousin in the Calliope, who, referentially, is the muse of Greek mythological lore, a traveling and compact version of the great pipe organs, which were produced most notably (according to my learning, at this point in time) - in the early-mid through late-mid centuries of the second millennium of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Resonant harmonies, which, in a simpler sense, are easily portrayed as though steel drums might be thought of, as that they are metal cylindrical devices shaped in to various resonant shape-areas of the hammered top surface.

Likewise, various and curious notable pleasurable tobacco smoking experiences might; conceivably, due to the radioactive nature of the tar, smoke, and chemical components of smoke passing through an aluminum can (here, I used a Red Bull 8.4 fluid ounce can) - produce novel and slightly variant smoking experiences (here, I had been graced with discovering a pouch of Backwoods tobacco, which is a well dried and cured cigarillo tobacco with a bright and rich character about it) -

Through aesthetically and mathematically organic, natural forms, representationally; be fashioned on to the aluminum can in some consideration of harmonic resonances which can be produced through poking holes in the can with a regular large (1-1/2 inch, or so);
Perhaps in tetrachordal or isomorphic imaginative form. Various poking-centers in logistically, complementaritively, or through ingenuity - will create various suction-based slight high-frequency harmonics to suit the purpose of creating conceivably-resource for technical analysis or for aesthetic enjoyment. 

Sunday, August 5

quatrærtholgmo»omot‹alg«or»g.9řc≥tet language: a notebook first impression of the visual font CharSet [Unicode, Not]: byte loading machine language parsing aesthetics as par-standard source material breakout-arrays.

The concept is simple enough.

I have slow I/O data connections on my device, and I Can read and functionally take in signifiant contributions of non-volatile web-standards sites,

but then, 

if only 

the site would also jaunt 

side-loading parallèle iPigeon jaunt leisure aside pop-ups,

Par en vous être sont ils símiliaęræsthèsiment

even slightly jauntededAF'ed... 

a bit more bíftęk bonne âmes flame broiled tri-tip shitsicles triste incursion of à late-heraldry dept. 

Of public affairs-socioalètrivsisselesmonts,

which happened to be a trying 25 days or so, much of which was better off in that it was a trash dumpster years-end move outs-academiesiaetiques of the recyclables-bum coverage area,

which I've been looking and feeling alright to jaunt-triste alley-trash dumpster diving-bum, 

yet it doesn't get weird, from my volatility profile fluff. 

Other bums walk on the same streets, why not a garbage recycler clothing enthusiast tech life style blogger standard fluffboy academic dégrée and à load-bearing bum profile kit? Pretty standard to dig through the trash, yet a non-domesticated variety bum.

There were tons of Asian .pharma ad hoc OTCs and some prescribables; tricyclical anti-depressants, 

and I'm not for fluffing pharma nitro butyri smokin' "meth," ... 

Smoking is tobacco and cigars. 

An un-justified jaunt-inclusive Nabisco diet triste would be ... «okay»; they're


biscuitées compagnie nationelle in a card box; supposedly:
« !...whatever ... » 

I call the ingress monolithiques-historic Nabisco-socialite-bifték 

bonne déjeuner for a sçhweaky peut-être commentaire on the bleeding of gums, méat bits in the teeth, some fleas-smellin' piss, leanAF diet on tech rotary codices in a filthy outdoors environment, 

and then the window-to-street ratio is 

so not Guy who did it himself 

kind of 
fluff-triste animal cruelty thing, and it smells like it, as Well, outside. 

I'm going to follow up GTD on my 

tobacco curing crop Summer gardening project, 

and purchase ionic minerals, gallon of milk, then perhaps [or before], 

workup some mockup linguistics soundex homologies of charset standards of validly jaunt-loading 


à rawr râ rawrr.. 

then I have to encode the resonant-spinners-toy district jaunt to do a makeshift pigeon ciconne-pipe-machine organ, made of spinners, instead, 
I have some more un-published blog notebook article to upload, after this one.  

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