iPigeon.institute blog: Concentrace

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Showing posts with label Concentrace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Concentrace. Show all posts

Thursday, September 27

iPigeon.institute tenets in action: identifying Lyme Disease outbreak sites around localized areas of a metropolitan area and detoxifying them at the root of the issue with ConcenTrace ® from Trace Minerals Research and with Aura Cacia Texas Cedarwood essential oil

With my arm looking like this:

after picking up a sweater off of the ground and becoming itchy over the course of several days, I knew beyond most common doubts that I was hosting a parasitic tick. Thankfully, I had the aforementioned natural cures of liquid ionic minerals by ConcenTrace and Aura Cacia's Texas Cedarwood essential oil, both purchased from Whole Foods Market in El Segundo, California.

That being said, I investigated my sweater sleeve, as the bites and rashes were solely on one arm, and lo and behold, I found a single adult tick inside of the cold or the cut of the sweater sleeve, a common place for ticks to hide.

Many of us had grown up and lived lives as dog owners, as Southern Californians, as far as being familiar with parasitic infestations as far as common fleas are concerned. 

But how common are tick infestations?

According to a recent news article publication slew of topic output from major news outlets:

it's potentially an uptick in relevant threat delineation via news article publication as of this May to take note of. More commonly, though, is any former sufferer of a slight to severe onset of tick infestations in their own lives being constantly sensitive to a notion that the debilitating disease of parasitic infestation; with ticks and Lyme Disease seeming to be a multiply-debiliating disease bearer in Lyme Disease in that thete seems to be a concomitant threat of along-side itching: a common neurological deficit in seeming to be capably set about a reasonable task: (the one hosting the parasite), in that ticks and Lyme Disease seem to strike where poverty and hard drug abuse live, as delimiting factors, at least from my own experience, and from casual encounters with other sufferers of an onset of Lyme Disease.

That being said,

My task of the day for one of my .institute tenets of formalism in finery assertiveness is that I constantly go out on a trek, out on foot, and identity, first-hand, where some of the common threats concomitant alongside poverty and drug abuse: the lesser-seeming threat of onset Lyme Disease and parasitic infestation of an unwitting host: might be found and hereby detoxify: 😉 [my job: the site of toxicity upon predicate dumping, upon several to many times over] a walk-over location of notable carrying-away acute disease onset of a rash; 

presumedly, the acute rash characteristic of some disease bearing site:bearing disease [somewhat:notion]

The disease could become worse, I'd not treated well, within a reasonable onset of time with such natural cures as I've got in my possession under retail purchase: it's all legit and paid for, no unfinery, unbecoming of a .institute domain website purchase and Blogger publication basis, which serves my media outlet publication resource aspirations unto my own willingness and capability well: (I do get top search engine hit stats of my latest publications: pretty impressive, for my own sake 😘).

I'll follow up later on today with more.


A typical day upon arriving in to Skid Row in Downtown Los Angeles, California.

A soiled flooded gutter; easily a place where mosquitoes could thrive, yet with ionic liquid mineral treatment; I can personally attest to the fact that if parasites burgeon forth from this pool of liquid, they will be patently less offensive than standard mosquitoes.

A common urination and feces spot, and a simple detoxification treatment.

Here's the significant problem spot I identified one recent early morning when traveling through the area: a couple of gutters that don't see quite so often full-on cleaning; a particular problem in that a lady was attempting to sweep up the trash in the gutter, which was flooded as well, at the time. I became itchy on one spot on my leg after encountering this incident, thus inspiring my goal to detoxify this area in several spots with ionic liquid minerals and essential oils.

Thanks, Chinatown, DTLA Starbucks for helping me haul up the last two of these videos. 

Monday, September 24

Back at the empty apartment, looking forward to new projects with ionic liquid minerals in agricultural experiments, and a classic iOS User Access debacle from an iPod Touch I purchased [ostensibly I could be less jauntedAF]. {Such way weird AF chanting and trifle about stuff I discoursed about on Twitter@jay_ammonlast night.

Having gotten back home, I've emptied out my bags of collectables and small projects to work on. My main inquiry is how a pine tree sapling would come about to sprout from a pine cone. I found several, yet one green one is of interest; I would guess, above any other notion, that some Concentrace ® from Whole Foods Market
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A small set of photos 

I feel like I've got not much other purpose beyond blogtastastic girly bum persona trifles around DTLA: done. I did it all beyond most achievers in trekking from 90th to Pasadena, and then I got home and there was some debacle about proper boundaries and attributions going on since it was local newspaper stuff, and there was an event about it. 

I suppose I ought to just check out a different store source of the liquid ionic minerals on a basis of hearing broadcasts about depravities gone down in some rebuke about me developing on agricultural aspirations in miniature in-home composting efforts with liquid ionic minerals and coconut shells. I'll check out a different Whole Foods to see how the quality of their ConcenTrace is, comparatively, and for reports on blog or social media.

Ostensibly, I ought to follow up on this article on some research about what it actually takes to sprout a pine tree from a pine cone.


After doing some research on Bing search:

I discovered various suggestions that suppose that a pine tree might be capably grown from dried-out pine cones, which are common; yet most interestingly, and to my inspiration for the sake of hopes of this particular green pine cone being something special beyond an old and dry common pine cone, I found this public domain photo of a larch pine cone on Wikipedia.org which shows that a branch had grown from a similar one cone of said species:

Given that, I've made some efforts to see if I might be able to somehow sprout this pine cone by keeping it in some mud that I found; hopefully with some sunlight, it'll see a sprout come out of it and I'll have achieved sprouting a pine tree from out of it.

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