iPigeon.institute blog: Android

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Showing posts with label Android. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android. Show all posts

Thursday, April 15

« New April 2021 » The Best Apps to Mine Bitcoin and Ethereum on Android

Mining Bitcoin and other top-name cryptocurrencies is an emerging, yet well-established aspiration to fulfill on mobile devices. Although Apple does not allow for mining cryptocurrency on it's mobile devices, Android provides a wide selection of possibilities to mine Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin Cash on the Google Play Store, using apps on your mobile device. 

Mining on mobile is simple: on these featured apps, which I'll review shortly, the app serves as an interface to run remote cloud mining on host computers, which the app provider has established for users. These apps do, truthfully, provide cryptocurrency mining for BTC, ETH, and BCH, which can be converted to USD. 

What are the limitations? one might question, of the platform. For one, there is a withdrawal threshold of 50,000 satoshi for Bitcoin, and 5,000,000 satoshi, for ETH. I haven't checked the threshold for Bitcoin Cash, and I'm less familiar with that cryptocurrency, off hand, so I won't get in to details about that one just now. The upside to this information, which I'm providing, here, in this article, is that I've familiarized myself with the cryptocurrency mining app ecosphere, over the past couple of months, or so, and I've found the current best contenders for your usage and implementation on to your mobile device daily regimen of things you might do, in addition to checking the news, going on social media, checking the traffic and transit times, etc. 

I've located other apps, such as CryptoTab Browser, which I'd reviewed on here, previously, and these new apps that I've found, by far, are much more compelling and competitive than CryptoTab, in terms of default, or standard and basic, user settings for running the cloud mining machine. For example, CryptoTab, on a Google Pixel 4a 5G does mining at about 1,500 H/s, whereas these new apps that I've procured and curated, which I'll list, shortly, provide basic and free cloud crypto mining at 10 GH/s, which is 10,000,000,000 H/s, which is obviously a vastly superior rate - 10 billion Hashes per second. 

Each of the apps provide paid upgrade options to your cloud mining aspirations (you'll have to check on the program in order to keep mining, every so often; it's not an endless and one-shot process to establishing that the mining rig makes money for you, quite so easily). It is a simple process, though. All that's required is to check on the mining process, which runs in the Android drop-down notifications and widgets menu, from the top of the screen:

As you can see here, I'm mining both ETH and BTC. The apps that I'm using are Multimine and Bitfunds. Although they are nearly equivalent in user interface (they essentially look the same and offer nearly the same upgrade options), I'll have to distinguish that Bitfunds, my latest find, in crypto cloud mining on mobile, is measurably much faster in earning satoshi than Multimine, although either one of them is a significant improvement over CryptoTab Browser, and both of them, at that, with the free and basic user settings, straight from downloading the apps from the Google Play Store. 

Download the apps today on your Android device, and start earning money in crypto, which can be directly transferred to a crypto wallet, Coinbase, or other cryptocurrency trading and exchange app platform.

Bitfunds user interface, mining for ETH.

Update: my Bitfunds mining had a time limit stop and it sacrificed all of my earnings in ETH. Ouch! I'll give it another go and see how things turn out. 

Sunday, January 10

Mic'ing for Personal and Enterprise Preeminence - Public Relations from the Mobile Device Tech and Lifestyle Perspective.

I don't care how you ended up becoming a bleeding-edge topic celebrity, of a grandiose ego and an eloquent charm, befitting of some "other place," where we're not, in general. Although if you're from somewhere else, that's kind of exotic, I suppose. Maybe I'm a fan, off-hand. 

But, on the other hand, I don't want to be insulting if you're corn-fed, standard. I could make you in to something better, I'd imagine. But this is text. It's got to cut to the grit of on: for real squirrels. 


Here, (January 10th, 2021) Google hadn't quite gotten through their latest big search algorithm endeavor of "Passage Indexing,"

Sunday, November 1

How to get more SafeLink data tethering usage when developing on iPadOS.

If you’re like me, and you happen to have invested in, let’s say, for example, an iPad base model from Target’s 🎯 holiday sales

Because, let’s face it. $80 - $100 off a brand new iPad is a great deal. Target has been hosting these deals since back to school days this year, and I’m sure that with the upcoming Christmas shopping season coming around, that they’ll repeat the same deal, as far as Apple iPads go. 

and, in addition, you’re on a General Relief | SNAP Food Stamps | subsidized housing | homeless | mental health | emergency funding basis, 

and, as well, that you happen to have become a recipient of SafeLink phone service LifeLine “free” government phone service, 

Yet, you’ve found yourself trying out their recent Net10 marketing MMS outreach notifications offering paid data plans that are definitely reasonable, such as a $5.78 4 GigaByte data plan, ~ $15.00 for 14 GigaBytes, and $25.00 for 40 GigaBytes of high speed 4G LTE cellular for a month. The SafeLink TracFone-based service and product offerings (even though they started out free), are definitely worth making the switch, if you’re eligible, as a California welfare beneficiary. I typically find the representatives outside of the Downtown Los Angeles, CA Department of Public and Social Services office. 
 For those who are <_< not interested,

Or for those who have not yet been initiated, this call to action heralds at minimum, this much: that the paid data plans, or, for that matter, the free and no charge data plan allotment, in and of itself, (which is unlimited, [true], yet at times, when lots of data has been consumed, the service allotment throttling speed goes down to 15 KiloBytes per second, which is okay, if you’re patient like I am. I get through those tough times of data unlimited, long-gone and forlorn, with a perseverant attitude-positive about it; other phone benefits providers promise less data per month, and when the data is used up, its definitively dead data link [gone 🙄]). In this framework of consideration of General Relief | welfare beneficiary phone service plans - and beyond, considering major service provider’s phone plans for the general public - this is truly unlimited data tethering for your base model iPadOS device (ostensibly from Target’s holiday sales (or otherwise). I simply imagine that somebody else could conceivably latch on to the same productivity-on-mobile model that I’ve gotten, with a SafeLink Wireless free subsidized phone service plan, with $5.78 - $25.00 data plans that can tether an iPad, iPhone, or Android mobile device with unlimited service throughout the extent of the data plan. 

Typical phone service providers charge an arm and a leg for service recharges, and from what I most commonly have seen, the most data tethering any major carrier has offered, up to this point in time (2019), is 10 GigaBytes per month, which, for data-intensive device users, could be used up in a matter of several days, on an iPad, or other tablet device. 

I suppose that the SafeLink Wireless data tethering plan could be allotted to a desktop or laptop, as well, although in truth, I’d have to say that the iPad is truly where it’s at, as far as investing your time and money in to a long-standing device á la mobility tech and lifestyle development “thing,” a tablet is much more fruitfully enjoyed than a small-screen device, and an iPad is the most fulfilling device implementation for taking in to consideration the most common and popular mobile device usage personas that I imagine most users take on, inasmuch, to consider that there’s all sorts of mobile device users.

Hopefully, if words on a device couldn’t sell you on heading over to the Department of Public and Social Services in your local neighborhood, the simple imperative I’m preaching of that being that SafeLink Wireless is free phone service, as well as true unlimited tethering, for up to the amount of data allotted to the phone service per month. I believe it used to be 5 GigaBytes, perhaps now 3 GigaBytes.


It turns out that the free wireless data tethering workaround option, detailed below, will apparently work with any Android device, which is very useful with prepaid plans such as Kroger Wireless, whom I’m currently with. They offer a 25 GB data plan for $45 a month. They’re currently also offering the Google Pixel 4a phone for $349. Not a bad deal. 


now - for the über-data-intensive users who had been tethering data from their Android government subsidized phone service beneficiary “LifeLine” plan (such as SafeLink service), who now find themselves “locked out of being able to tether any more data to their iPad device, after using up a HUGE 40 GigaByte data plan, over several days, for example, here’s the fix. Pay attention, because it’s going to come quickly and it’s only a few steps.
1. Download NetBridge - No root tethering on your Android source tethering device from the Google Play Store (or likewise, other SafeLink service-provided phone - they offer iPhones, also). 

NetBridge - No Root Tethering


Actually, nix that, if you have an iPhone as your SafeLink device. The App Store doesn’t have a NetBridge ported app, yet. 

2. Once NetBridge downloads, open it up and turn on the tethering mode. It couldn’t be simpler, as an app interface - but, in addition, turn on Wi-Fi on both your source [check 1] Android device, and your [check 2] iPad. There’s no need, just yet, to configure the Wi-Fi parameters.

This one’s important! This is what your iPad’s Wi-Fi proxy and DNS server settings should look like when you configure the connection (last step).

3. Drag down from the top of your Android device, and swipe left. If you haven’t toyed around with this drop-down window previously, you’ll see the Hotspot activation icon. Press and hold it. When the tethering window comes up, turn on Bluetooth tethering only.

4. Now, for the Wi-Fi settings. On your source Android phone, no need to do anything with Wi-Fi, except have it turned on and scanning.

?????? [okay for Wi-Fi here, in this case, on your Android device]. The NetBridge connection requires that you have Wi-Fi scanning, but not connected through your Native Android interface.

On your iPad device, go in to your Wi-Fi settings, and configure from scratch (if needed), the Wi-Fi connection. (Add Wi-Fi connection). 

If you see the NetBridge tether Wi-Fi link in your available Wi-Fi networks, on your iPad Wi-Fi settings, (it (settings Wi-Fi available) acts as if you had turned on Wi-Fi tethering already), go ahead and connect to the NetBridge Wi-Fi connection. The NetBridge Wi-Fi connection will be named something similar to your Android device’s “Cast | mirror screen” setting to mirror an Android device’s screen to another host device. You can also change the name of this Direct Wi-Fi network in the Cast Screen Settings tab on your Android Device. 

5. 😅 I told you it’s simple stuff, right? But still, just a bit complicated, if you have no internet service on your mobile tech and lifestyle kit duo setup of an Android and iPadOS device internet service mainstays.


The only thing left to do now, is configure the iPad’s direct Wi-Fi tethering settings to suit the settings offered in the Android device’s app’s instructions for you. I believe that the settings would be unique, compared from mine to yours, and I’m not really so fond of giving out my IP address information to an open public forum, for security reasons. 

But, to offer a nudge in the right direction, you’ll have to change the settings on the bottom two form fields of the iPad’s Wi-Fi connection settings (where you’re connected to the Android’s Wi-Fi advertised service). 

6. Done. That’s all.

Tuesday, September 17

A Pigeon-peep post-WWDC 2019 and public betas provided: a look into the maturing and prolific iOS trawls upon mobile tech and lifestyle tablet 2018-current (for me) iPadOS 13.1 configuration early beta and development seeders.

By now, anyone who’s been trawling around DTLA as much as I have, amongst wondering “if it’s me who smells like that?” - or was it just some inductive nuclear släbe bwipped AF jaunt-most who’s perhaps not aware of how shitness it sladed bwaff, during the padless flange on ass - of multiple faux pas of tech and lifestyle garbage deployment of the real garbage-slanted efforts of trying to keep the validly garbage alley dump smell off of the main streets, while people feed the shit-talkin’ stories floating over and around various sorts of people such that I can’t even really tell if it’s live and in real-time action on the shit’n’in’ sit-in, of some släde, but it sure was for-serious; the hot summer heat inductive heat-and-leak persona and passive radiation of the architecture just got to some people. I’d been there, before, but this time around, I got on Target and Affirm’s online branding-digital-dealing of the back-to-school perspective on doing e-commerce into all reaches of society, welfare recipient and upwards, as far as credit lending would go. 

I’d been freaking out, as an aside - that I only had a handful of days from earlier on in my “current” wakeful cycle, which was largely not my own, being that I was being targeted for an inane (fasting) blood draw drama with my medical and psychiatric services providership °[<^•~•^>]…,*.? - suitably unprofessional young’uns, who don’t sweat the slade of outdoorsmanship bum-stuff, except from an office-gigs’ stewardship of sitting around, mostly; I imagine. Turns out that I have my iCloud account coming back to me, as well - one precious day sooner than the previous iForgot; amongst various other dating debacles of maintaining my schedule, as best that I could. Meanwhile, the words matter, and so does the inductive reasoning; which would obviously ruin the blog if I started going off on such broad personal topic(s) like that.

fighting back the potato bugs and cockroaches, in addition... 


I’ll photoblog the social media regalia separately, later on. 

The significant buyer | user demographic that would benefit from this late summer’s back-to-school savings are undoubtedly the students and the dailies app-obsessive audiences of sticking to the sales pitch of Apple, that they do, of offering student and educational institutional pricing, amongst other plans, although this current wave of competitive retail giants’ flash sales came and went as a much-coveted ad marketing machine; the latest features and releases of the Apple WWDC 2019 being coolly managed elsewhere, from my locality (Downtown urban and south Los Angeles, California, USA 🇺🇸).

By the way, 

... the President himself is slated to enter and review this very locality I live in and frequent, quotably concerned about the extent of the homelessness problem of the area. 
lol. I recall that I made an off-color comment about that he could walk down the same streets I do and be received very well, if he ventured to hoof it, out and about, on Twitter.

My latest obsession of the iPadOS version 13.1 public beta (which I downloaded last night autonomously), at FigAt7th (mostly), thanks to Safelink’s SMS ad marketing campaign of a 4GB data addition - mid-plan, for only $5.78, plus sales tax (10.25%, I believe). I determined, after some duress, that I could manage the Affirm.com credit-loan payment apparatus, whether or not Kroger | Ralph’s prepaid recharge card program’s Patriot Act Identity Verification requests upon my purchased financial instruments would align to suit my payment deadline for the month. Luckily, Affirm.com has a lenient take on their crediting plan; as it seems that it’s taking the perspective of a non-aggressive stance, as that they’re creditors, and it’s commonly thought otherwise. 💭 

It’s been a long bwamm trek on my iPad, as I’ve been up and active [pretty much], since, like, the 10th. 
Egg, inc. is a super fun game for people who had been missing out on some sort of Sim-City type of gaming simulation of a civic growth project; here: a chicken egg farm into modern-day tech and sciences, with humorous ad-headlines of 🥚 egg, chicken, and Elon Musk allusory in the game’s sequence and features.

iPadOS 13.1 makes use of the A10X Fusion processor(s) of the 2018 model iPad, the iPad Air 2 being similar, I believe; and as well, featuring a higher-end WiFi throughput bit-rate of up to 880 Mbps capability of the adapter hardware. (I believe I got 4G speeds of up to several hundred  Mbps, [or was it Gbps?]); anyhow, I managed the 2.8+ GB iPadOS 13.1 public beta for developer account Apple ID registrants and Beta Program AppleSeed content delivery network consumers and developers. I’m sure that the newer model 2019 devices will be significant upgrades and entrants into the iPad user markets, as far as performance specs and benchmarking go, seeing as how the pricing margins of store-bought new devices has slimmed down in to the $249-$329 price range for base model iPads with WiFi only. I figure that, since Safelink offers unlimited data, WiFi and Bluetooth tethering unlimited, at that; ostensibly for no cost,, at all; if need be, ostensibly, that a WiFi model is a suitable companion to an Android OS A7 quad core-processor smart phone on Oreo (keeping up with Google App Developer legacy abandonment concerns), which I have running on a TCL LX device, only $29..99 at Target.

One of the major

UI dailies UX device implementations that I noticed of the iPadOS 13.1 integration with Cloud and App development and delivery is that they’ve brought in a “leaner” cursor and text selection apparatus, which I’ve become comfortably used to, on Android, as my current most-latest writing-prolific default (since I just recently re-purchased an iPad), which I find is a bit quicker and more efficient typing mechanism for textually-critical and dictational-centric take-down of the GTD via linear-visual-spatial, or of the post-composition Text-to-Speech relay read back of the work that’s been done.

For people who aren’t succinctly “up” on the free government phone LifeLink California program, enough to be sold on the lifestyle - it’s fairly simple. For Food Stamps (SNAP) and General Relief recipients, various organizational enterprises, (essentially startups, in various stages; and ad-hoc arms-branches of major Telecom) offer this free government device and service offering, with variants on the amount of data service that’s provided, per month, along with that provided free smart phone device(s). [One per individual’s household and beneficiaries’ case], except where the user is deaf; in which case two devices are allowed.

That being said, a new model iPad really goes through the paces of connectivity data demands well during recharge period, and once it’s done, that lifestyle’s typically forgotten. It’s unfortunate to lose access to streaming services and secure io protocol sockets of web browsing when it happens. 

To tie it all together, the Google GSuite offering of programs is my favorite pick for a suitable medium for early-on developers and startups of data | cloud | access and file management. Learning Google’s GSuite Enterprise Drive device and file-management practices is simple - ostensibly, there’s little of typical desktop-sort archiving and unarchiving of files that typically happens easily on a  Tablet-OS | desktop-independent file-system sort of user interface management. The shining star of iPadOS 13.1 and of Android, as well: are the App Store, and Google Play Store. The interfacing offerings interweave and align together between the two platforms smoothly; as Apple’s iOS is structured on some of the same open source libraries as Google’s Android is, as one can see in the Licensing, Acknowledgments, and Terms, etc. 

That’s all for tonight; I’ve got to clean my place up. 

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