iPigeon.institute blog: About

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Loving pigeons is a tough sell, for some people (at least, that's the story that many of us had grown up with, hailing from greater Los Angeles, California, USA). On one hand, I can only assume that many people, even at this point in time, in society, out here, on the west coast, have yet to hold and embrace a willing, hand-tame bird. At the outset of this blog, I envisioned some grand outcomes that could have potentially played out. During the years, since then, as I've contributed hundreds of articles to iPigeon.institute blog, I've encountered numerous various sorts of challenges to the spirit of feeding the pigeons - much of my purpose remains unspoken, I'd suppose, since I've yet to meet and acquaint myself with others, on the subject of a mutual love for the birds - our "outdoors pets," or, "the pets for the homeless." 

Despite these several hurdles that I've encountered, I retain a far-off perspective on the subject, being that my own personal relationship with birds dates back decades, in to my teenage years, when I started raising birds, back at home. Back then, I raised lovebirds, which are small parrots, and I also raised bantam chickens, as well as full-size chickens, ducks, and numerous other types of small animals. Animals had always been in my life, personally speaking, from my family's sense, in consideration. It's a natural feeling, for me, to suppose that, "lacking" the purpose and responsibility profile of being someone; an individual, or, in a family setting - being someone who does not take care of animals, might be considered to have certain fundamental nurturing environment experience, for themselves, in as much of a practical setting that caring for animals (warm-blooded animals, I'm mostly referring to) is, for the individuals who care for them, on a personal level. 

Love, for other living creatures, is a gift that can constantly be wrought, from our loved ones; in the case of birds, it's the extra-special feeling of holding such a small creature, with such affinity to submitting to the caretaker (us, as humans), that is, I feel, the core of the fascination that there could be, for the sake of loving a bird. 

I suppose that, given this consideration, I aspire to bring that same feeling to the public, for new experiences to be had, of a pigeon friend, in as best a capacity as could be had - whether it's testing out a brave pigeon, for eating from a person's hand offering, or, perhaps, for the notion of having a pigeon allow an admirer to hold it, for a short period of time. From there, the outlook could soar off, in to the sky, to some far-off vistas - places in life (experiences) that might seem quite farfetched to suppose, at this point in time (May 2024, that I write this introduction to iPigeon.institute blog, with the blog currently being in its seventh year). 

Thanks for visiting, and, (hopefully), for reading the blog, or at least, for enjoying the pictures and art work, of which there's plenty. I plan to offer much more, in terms of features and products, even, over some time, to come. Your readership helps make working on this blog, as well as the numerous subject areas that are inspired by the central concept of feeding the birds, or, which happen to characterize my life(style): the hobbies and interests of a pigeon-loving person, who aspires to share this rich potential source of affection with others - a patient task that's cultivated, over time, through the continuing and regular feeding of the birds. 

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