iPigeon.institute blog: July 15th iPigeon.institute blog entry [late entry]

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Friday, August 24

July 15th iPigeon.institute blog entry [late entry]

Becoming the street traffic controller - a Republican Trump-era stand-in position for post-bum constituency; Section 8 housing (now). The hoc-Itzhak compisitionally-fine arts arrête order of discovering, civic nuisance defence mechanism to drive planned obsolescence. A DARPA ad-hoc serendipity time-place man-making [or female].

#intelligence #civic engagement # socialist activism #federal government #marijuana legalization #autonomous state #sovereignty # legal system #justice department #sustainability #environkentao activism #mental health #noise pollution #community-police collaborations #surveillance state

Needing to catch up on my prior entry in regards to my new Dash latest Bible encounter (once more) to reaffirm my oft-disavowed rightful place as a free man, a dignity worth my meritocracy claims [be they as such], and: God help me, I've seen my misgiving personality faults of [what's obv. (to me)] past life regression therapy or current anti-social array [of willing combatants].


My truthfully sick, spreading goodness morale Outlook and D2D disposition, non emotional driven: systems arrête. If I fail on any account based on proper procedure of 5 Cs and etiquette, given that;

I just don't (5 Cs constituent)

In that I know when I'm wrong (likely) or «being»

5 Cs replete.

... (Fog and mist fly-through) ...

Last week had been [special] all sorts of stand-off -him waiting and washed up adjourned: false pretense showing-uo purpose inconstituent ego, meanwhile various off-camera lurkers send me [as kiosk] mind-control story boys (basis); sake strange inconstituent Disavowal of my standard D2D self-ststed serious, meanwhile, the socio-ecobo-depravitt micro-environment [lack -of what better aught said: be done]: just lacking in linear continuity [link:production:jobs on set; script continuity (Wikipedia)].

Meanwhile, I'm 3rd, 4th, 5th deviation curve margin on iPigeon brand (www.ipigeon.com) Pigeon-TasTasTic: my champion stud (or female breeder): name:

I had decided on Mr. Pépé and Aurélíe.

  • my alter-identity aspirational role model 'me' through  reality-based blog:"tech and lifestyle" array distribution:free, ad-based, organic, and relevance - interest-based novelty push of post-reputable (boundaries) [public face]
face it:

Guys can't be hookers [of journalism]

.  .  .

Coming to terms:

With a licensed professional work force identity; state, local, national standards as fare, living up to the part, paying off carbon-neutrality ethics-assessment of

every man - standard man - corporate identity

Institutionalized - socialist - equal-identity scales 
of justice: for all
outperform achievers of aspirational gains

9 Measures of Various Intelligences; developing stats.
  :determining enemy combatant militias vs. un-vetted
      :giving a valid face-to-face newbie a chance.
          :participant for mock-up judgment of latest face
             :determine that I'd been studying law obsessively (bits) and that's inconstituent
                 I'm stated: valid Christian. No outlying circumstances or consequences I ought consider.
                    Someone is attacking me.

The Signs:
  • The F2F Street-Kiosk walk-up identity trifle of man:Anything; could be : no - "he needs non-constituent disparagement demography walk-up false pretense,"
    • yet I demand I don't prejudice people in F2F meet-up firsts.
    • valid au jour friendly stance; then, if need be, kick in forensics - pro [side-glancing] ...
Turns out:

[that's the limited scope of the emotional-ego slash fear-driven identity;

      what's aught to be obv. is not forthwith considerable to be stated without disclaimer and [turn of events]

            :Machina ex deus (Shortcoming) [Wikipedia article]

"Let's [un-Christian sentiment] ... (anything) ..."

      this guy.

          and check out his innocent casualty bystander risks...
                 to one-off "tryna" molestia dimestic

                         - semiotics-semantics-dif-Freudian
                                  - militia domestique
                                     - "supposing a fine thought"

Some guys go for it : Stockholm Syndrome. They do "homies" in jail just to get meth in jail, inconsiderate of the fact that meth is illegal. Meth is typically a standard exigent reason for incarceration.

  • Truths come out in Scientology arrete
    • francoise et cie finery states of Colonialism
- and into the globalist era

Multiple intelligences, #meritocracy #standards of deviation high-percentile performers:wheat from the chaff. D2D database cross-referencing what constitutes [fluff vs. srsly]

                                for some,

but I was mostly the standard spell it all out appropriate proper business compositionally proper, and even still, to this day, I'm ad-geo-proximity-standoff attire for the LA-tastastic iconic reality FML now, what? then: Broadcast - 

     ... to be continued further... 

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