iPigeon.institute blog: Event tackled, to dos short-term

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Monday, May 14

Event tackled, to dos short-term

Gathered one wall of ink brush illustrations from the home living room exhibition.
3 more display wall partitions to capture in digital form.
To do: 
- make iC Brush template brushes for use in iColorama
- investigate the apps on iPigeon for illustrative remakes of my original illustrations from scratch, in various capacities, through various means of detail vector work
- translate the digital vector illustration remakes into coded Scalable Vector Graphics - .svg format (or other vector format)
- create a browsable Adobe .PDF high-quality downloadable image and text document about the exhibit and the background years leading up to the design and written works efforts. Also iBook format.

- publish blog as written as note for this project task, in this database entry.

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